MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 58

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Shen Yuhuai's coat was placed on Chen Qizhao's body, and the mint scent from the pavement made Chen Qizhao's brain freeze for a moment, he slowed down for a while, and then he understood what Shen Yuhuai's words meant.

Chen Qizhao touched his forehead, did he have a fever? How can I have a fever?

The word sickness is a bit unfamiliar to Chen Qizhao. After being alone in his last life, apart from drinking stomach hemorrhage and going to the hospital, the number of times he got sick is very limited, because the consequence of being sick is that he will be left behind for a few days or even a few days. Zhou's work can't handle it, and his life has too little tolerance for mistakes, so he can't get sick.

He has a certain understanding of his own body, and after rebirth, he retained some habits to continue exercising, so in the face of this menacing fever, his brain suddenly did not react.

When the lights were turned on, Chen Shiming also noticed Chen Qizhao's strangeness. He left the office and asked Xu Te to help the car, and he went to the company's rest room to find a temporary thermometer. When he returned to the room, he saw that Shen Yuhuai was wrapping Chen Qizhao with his coat, and was holding warm water to ask him to drink more water.

"Thermometer." Chen Shiming handed the thing over.

Shen Yuhuai put the warm water cup on the table, slightly unbuttoned Chen Qizhao's coat, and said in a gentle voice, "Raise your hand, we will measure the temperature."

Chen Shiming stood beside him and watched, Chen Qizhao lowered his head and quietly followed Shen Yuhuai's movements to clamp the thermometer under his armpit. Burned for a while. Chen Shiming lowered his eyes slightly, and full of remorse welled up. He had been discussing aromatherapy with Chen Qizhao just now. All he thought about was the role of Lin Shi and Lin Shizhong in these matters. He didn't notice that Chen Qizhao was in a wrong state. .

As long as he stopped the discussion and turned on the light, he would have noticed the signs of Chen Qizhao's fever, or he should have found out earlier, at that time he thought that Chen Qizhao was just like in the past, always like to speak with a few words The yin and yang are strange, but now, when I recall the content of the conversation just now, I will find that Chen Qizhao's words are a little bit illogical, and maybe his body is already uncomfortable at that time.

Shen Yuhuai's coat is so large that it almost encloses Chen Qizhao.

The more Chen Shiming looked, the more he found that his younger brother seemed a little thin. He closed his eyes slightly, and quickly skipped the various changes of Chen Qizhao during this period of time in his mind, trying to find any clues about his changes under the cover of this person, but no, it seems that he doesn't know when it started, Chen Qizhao suddenly grew up to where he is now. Vice pattern.

"39 degrees 2, I have to go to the hospital." Shen Yuhuai took out the thermometer with a serious face.

"I told Xiao Xu to have the car ready, and now I can contact the doctor in the nearby hospital." Chen Shiming simply unbuttoned one of the buttons of his suit jacket, bent down and squatted in front of Shen Yuhuai, saying : "I carry him, go now."

Chen Qizhao's reaction was half a beat, and when he knew that his fever reached 39 degrees, he was already lying on Chen Shiming's back.

When his head was placed on Chen Shiming's neck, he smelled the men's perfume that Chen Shiming often used. He was not very stable when walking. He was covered in Shen Yuhuai's jacket, so he couldn't see the wind. The tip of his ears heard the vibration of Chen Shiming's body when he spoke, and he heard voices that were getting farther and farther away.

He suddenly remembered that Chen Shiming had not backed him for a long time.

It seems like a long time ago, when he played with other people and broke his knee Go to the housekeeper to bandage the wound.

When they arrived in the corridor of the hospital, Chen Qizhao was sitting in the emergency hall for an infusion, and Chen Shiming was still talking with the doctor about the follow-up of the fever.

Chen Qizhao blinked, the sense of unease caused by the high fever became more and more serious. He didn't think about other things like before. The dizziness and chills became heavier and heavier. At this time, a hand was stretched out to protect him steadily.

"If you are sleepy, sleep on your back." Shen Yuhuai explained: "Your condition is fine, go home and rest after the infusion."

From his point of view, only Chen Qizhao's profile can be seen, the other's eyelids are shrugged, it seems that he is always half-open due to discomfort, the whole person is like a small animal in urgent need of warmth, Gradually shrink in his direction.

Shen Yuhuai was worried that his movements would hit the infusion hand, so he had to adjust the position of the coat on his body a little, tied a few buttons, and used warm palms to warm Chen Qizhao due to the infusion cool arm. But that little bit of cold is not cold, because this person has a high fever, and his whole body is emitting hot air, and even the hot air he breathes out is shocking.

At this time, Shen Yuhuai suddenly noticed that Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped on the back of his hand.

Chen Qizhao felt the breathlessness caused by the high fever, and after the chills, he felt the heat rushing around, and the high temperature brought about by the fever made him a little uncomfortable. In the clothes, I want to find other sources of coldness. It didn't take long for his attention to stay on Shen Yuhuai's hand. The other party's temperature was lower than his body temperature, especially the back of his hand, which seemed to be very cold.

He didn't think about the offense, and grabbed the back of the other's hand with his uninfused hand.

The hot feeling came from the place where the two met. For a moment, Shen Yuhuai couldn't tell whether it was Chen Qizhao's body temperature or his illusion. , he held his breath for a while and asked softly, "Qi Zhao?"

The warm palm was clasped on the opponent's arm, and the cold feeling seemed to come from the palm, which made Chen Qizhao feel a little comfortable.

But he was soon dissatisfied with this small piece of coldness, he grabbed Shen Yuhuai's hand, and finally put the cold hand on his hot cheek, he rubbed it, liked This cold touch seems to feel a little more comfortable with the hot breath.

But soon, the coldness on the back of the hand seemed to become less and less obvious, and Chen Qizhao was completely burned out.

At this time, another hand stretched out from the side.

The man's voice rang in his ear.

"It's just cold." Shen Yu Huai said.

Chen Qizhao was stunned, as if he was still judging the other party's words and did not act.

Shen Yuhuai raised his hand slightly, imitating Chen Qizhao's action just now, and put his back on his face.

Chen Qizhao leaned on Shen Yuhuai's shoulder and felt the cold touch, but he was soon dissatisfied, and always felt that the cold touch could only stay on one side, hot breathing getting heavier.

"You touch me."

Shen Yuhuai's hand paused for a while, "What?"

"Touch me." Chen Qizhao was confused, wishing that the other party's hand could be divided into two halves, he used the other side of his face to rub Shen Yuhuai's hand, "Hot."

Shen Yuhuai's eyes deepened a little, worried that the other party would move the infusion tube.

He complied with the request of the other party, "Okay."

When Chen Shiming and Xu Te came back from taking the medicine, they saw Chen Qizhao sitting in the emergency room completely asleep. He leaned on Shen Yuhuai, half of his face was buried in the clothes, and when he was breathing Heavy and light, a face is flushed.

"It's hard work." Chen Shiming sat down next to him and tried Chen Qizhao's body temperature with his hands, but the other party's temperature didn't seem to drop, "I contacted the family doctor and waited for the infusion here to finish. After that, they will go home and live directly, where they will prepare the drugs for infusion, and it is also convenient for nursing at home."

It was the first time Assistant Xu saw that the second young master had become so obedient. The boss is obviously very anxious, and has been urging the driver to hurry up on the road. He sighed secretly in his heart, the two brothers quarreled and quarreled, but when they got sick, they started to work in a hurry.

He was thinking about whether he had anything else to deal with first, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of Mr. Shen's slightly red ears sitting next to the second young master.

Xu Tezhu asked, "Is Mr. Shen hot?"

"It's okay." Shen Yuhuai was only wearing a sweater.

Xu Tezhu nodded and looked at the closed glass door on the other side of the emergency hall.

Also, this place is not very ventilated, it may be stuffy.


The infusion lasted for a total of three hours, and it was past nine o'clock since he got off work. Special assistant Xu took the initiative to go to a nearby restaurant to buy food, but after the things were delivered, the two people who stayed beside Er Shao There seems to be no appetite. After the infusion, he drove people home. Chen Shiming didn't notify the family in advance. When he got home, the parents of the Chen family knew that Chen Qizhao had a fever.

There are too many things happening in the group today, and Jiang Yuze's affairs are also very troublesome. Chen Jianhong looked tired, and when he heard that Chen Qizhao had a fever, he was a little dizzy, and hurriedly asked the housekeeper to get some antihypertensive drugs.

Zhang Yazhi's eyes flushed anxiously, and asked the housekeeper to prepare things, and then watched Shen Yuhuai carry Chen Qizhao into the room and put the warm quilt on the other side.

"Why do you suddenly have a fever?" Zhang Yazhi asked.

"I asked Xiao Zhou, he slept in the office all day and didn't put on a few more clothes." Chen Shiming looked a little tired, "It may be that he caught a cold at that time, and it was my fault. I noticed his problem..." He didn't go on talking halfway through, sleeping in the office for a day might be an external cause, but Chen Qizhao's changes in his body during this period were not fake. On examination, the doctor said he was not in good health either.

The family never treated Chen Qizhao badly for food and drink. He didn't know how Chen Qizhao boiled his body into this state.

"Let the child rest well." Chen Jianhong said: "Let's go out first, old Zhang, have you asked the doctor to come?"

Chen Shiming said: "I told you to infuse fluids in the hospital to see if the fever will subside tonight."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Jianhong who was standing beside him, hesitantly said, "Dad, come out, I have something to tell you."

Zhang Yazhi is full of mind and body on the child, and she always goes to the room to take a look from time to time.

Shen Yuhuai stayed at Chen's house for a while. Seeing that Chen Qizhao was already asleep, he got up and said goodbye.

"Yu Huai, thank you so much this time." Zhang Yazhi said, "I'll come to my house for dinner another day, I can't refuse, let's agree."

Shen Yuhuai nodded and nodded, Zhang Yazhi asked the driver at home to see him.

At that time, I was anxious to go to the hospital, and Shen Yuhuai's car is still parked in the underground garage of Chen's headquarters building.

After seeing them off, Zhang Yazhi went back to the room to take a look, and when she came out, she asked the housekeeper, "Jianhong and the others haven't come out yet?"

"Yes, sir, they said that others are not allowed to disturb." The housekeeper said.

"Oh, what's the matter." Zhang Yazhi sighed, her child was sick, her husband and son's company had problems, "Who would have thought that Xiao Jiang would be that kind of person...why is this? Woolen cloth."

In the study of the Chen family, Chen Jianhong listened to Chen Shiming's report with a calm face, he closed his eyes slightly, and his heart seemed very heavy, "Really... The aromatherapy thing hasn't been found out yet?"

"I have asked people to investigate in private. The aromatherapy involves a wide range of subjects. I didn't tell my mother about it." There is such a big problem with his aromatherapy, and with his mother's character, it is estimated that he will be very self-blame.

The number of people who can come into contact with aromatherapy is actually very large, one is the aromatherapy shop responsible for making the aromatherapy, the other is the driver and servant who can enter and leave the garage at home, and the third is the regular garage maintenance Depot worker. It will take a while to examine this line carefully, but the problem that can be known is that the other party really wants the lives of his family, and this person is most likely Lin Shizhong, his father's long-time friend.

Chen Jianhong closed his eyes slightly, as if thinking about all the things Chen Shiming just said, and asked, "Xiao Zhao has always known about this, right?"

He thought that when Jiang Yuze came to the house several times, Chen Qizhao clearly expressed his dislike. At that time, he thought that the children were stubborn and judged people by their appearance, or at that time Chen Qizhao was already testing their attitude.

Chen Shiming had already mentioned Chen Qizhao some time ago. At that time, he said that Chen Qizhao might not be as simple as it seems, so he discussed with Shiming to let the child come to the headquarters for training. If he is a smart child, he can let him That kid got rid of his impetuous personality sooner... But now if we look at what Chen Shiming said, then this car accident, aromatherapy... and Jiang Yuze's affairs are most likely Chen Qizhao's handwriting.

He didn't know how much the child did, but once the shell of the truth was peeled off, he knew that some things were shocking.

, but now that things have reached this level, I don't know what purpose Lin Shizhong has, but our relationship with the Lin family will not go back to the way it used to be."

Car accident, aromatherapy, this is murder.

Chen Jianhong was in a complicated mood. From the time he accepted the betrayal of his assistant Jiang Yuze, he suddenly realized that he had placed too much trust in his friends and subordinates who worked hard together in the past. He couldn't help but don't believe it, he made up his mind: "Check, find out everything."

Chen Qizhao had a fever and burned for three days. During the three days, he was confused, and he was awake far less than falling asleep. Zhang Yazhi was very anxious. Every time she saw Chen Qizhao cooling down and heating up, she was so anxious to put the family doctor next to Chen Qizhao and stare at the child all the time. Fortunately, on the third day, Chen Qizhao's body temperature finally stabilized, from high fever to low fever, and the person gradually woke up.

Sleep for too long, Chen Qizhao felt that his body was about to fall apart, and he could feel the soreness of his muscles with a little movement.

Eat everything tasteless, and I still have a headache when I sit up. I haven't had such a serious illness for a long time. Until the fourth day, Chen Qizhao's reaction was still a bit slow. He was lying on the bed listening to Zhang Yazhi's nagging, the first time he didn't have the strength to argue with the other party, and when he heard the other party's nagging, he always had a feeling of nostalgia.

Chen Qizhao told himself that he should cherish it, at least he can hear Zhang Yazhi's nagging when he is sick in this life.

"Yu Huai came to see you two days ago, but you kept falling asleep, the child left after a long time." Zhang Yazhi said: "He also told me some ingredients and communicated with the housekeeper. After a while, I said that you need to make up for it after you get better, but you didn't even notice how much you lost during this time."

She couldn't help but said, "Mom is very worried these days."

Chen Qizhao bowed his head slightly: "Sorry."

"Apologize." Zhang Yazhi patted his hand in dissatisfaction. After the patting, she couldn't bear it anymore. The back of your hand is blue after being stabbed by an illness, do you dare to do it next time? Can't you pay more attention to your body? How anxious your family must be when you are sick."

Chen Qizhao did not speak, and listened quietly to Zhang Yazhi's nagging.

"You will be well in two days, our family will go for a physical examination." Zhang Yazhi said: "This time your brother and your father insisted that you want to go together, you see that your illness scared them I jumped, I didn't have a health checkup this year, so I must take a good look this time."

Chen Qizhao listened in silence, the burden on his heart was inexplicably relieved.

The car accident was settled, and the aromatherapy thing was found out, and the only thing left was the **** Lin Shizhong. He was thinking about the next thing, Jiang Yuze exposed, Lin Shizhong must be eager to cover up all Jiang Yuze's information, an old fox like him can't have only Jiang Yuze one move, this time his vitality was greatly damaged, the other party should wait for the opportunity to take action to rectify.

That's a good time to take advantage of Lin Shizhong's chaotic time and follow Jiang Yuze's line to dig out all of Lin Shizhong's deeds. Chen Qizhao did such a thing once in his last life. How could he let Lin Shizhong be disgraced and imprisoned in his last life? In this life, he can do it again, and let Lin Shizhong go in with Jiang Yuze "splendidly".

What's more, now, Lin Shizhong is not as difficult to deal with as ten years later, and Chen's family has a great business and a large capital.

If you want to kill Lin Shizhong, it is even easier.

Chen Qizhao was thinking, when suddenly an external force shook his forehead.

Zhang Yazhi flicked a finger between her son's forehead, "What are you thinking about, child?"

"No." Chen Qizhao said casually, "I want to invite Brother Huai to dinner in two days."

When it came to Shen Yuhuai, he suddenly found a fragment of memory in his mind, thinking of holding the other person's hand when he was confused... He was burning with no lower limit, and Shen Yuhuai was still Indulge him and touch him with both hands.

Looking back now, that cold touch seems to be close at hand.

Chen Qizhao's heart beat a little faster for no reason.

"Why are you blushing?" Zhang Yazhi said.

Chen Qizhao glanced at the closed window from the corner of his eye, and said, "It may be that the air is not ventilated, and it is a little stuffy."

"I've been worried about your health these few days, and the cold wind will blow you in again." Zhang Yazhi walked over to Xiaoxiao and opened the door, "You can only open a slit and lie down, Mom. Go down and see if the soup is ready."

Chen Qizhao retracted his gaze and stopped at Zhang Yazhi's healthy face.

As soon as Zhang Yazhi opened the door, she suddenly turned around, "Xiao Zhao."

Chen Qizhao was stunned.

Zhang Yazhi said, "If you have anything on your mind, remember to tell your mother, don't hide it in your heart."

She said: "It's not good to hold back. If you have anything, just tell your family. It's okay to say bad things about your brother. If he bullies you in the company, you also tell your mother."

Chen Qizhao's eyes were slightly startled, and he said hello.

When Zhang Yazhi left, the room returned to silence. Chen Qizhao sat up with his body propped up, his eyes stayed on the door for several minutes, and then he slowly took out his mobile phone to check the news that had been missed in the past few days. Many people in vx came to ask questions, and Yan Kailin heard about him. The fever even sent a few days of messages asking him if he was okay. Chen Qizhao simply replied to the message and scrolled to the top of the chat list. Shen Yuhuai's name was followed by a red dot with the number 17.

The previous message was to ask him how his physical condition was, and in the latter part, all the consultation links for health care were sent.

Chen Qizhao didn't know what to say to him, so he stayed on the chat interface for a long time, and finally quit and collected one from Yan Kailin's emoji pack, and sent a cute 'thank you' to the other party.

After cleaning up his daily messages, he went to check private emails.

When he discovered the aromatherapy problem, he had already entrusted others to check it. He received a message from the other party the day before yesterday. Because he did not reply, the other party also sent it again. Chen Qizhao replied to the email first, and then carefully checked the survey results. He focused on the source of aromatherapy. From the survey data of the other party, this aromatherapy shop serves a large number of customer groups, and many people in S City are looking for the other party to get it. It's not like a shop that deliberately creates poisonous aromatherapy.

When Chen Qizhao read the email, it was already dark outside.

He turned on the light at the head of the bed, and when he got out of bed, his legs were still a little weak, and there was a pain from a few needle sticks on his forehead. He put on a coat casually, and when he walked to the window, he happened to see Chen Shiming and Chen Jianhong's cars entering the villa one after another. His eyes stayed on the two cars for a while, and finally watched them enter the garage... and briefly appeared in his field of vision. The driver, Lao Lin.

The sound of the car is gone and the lights outside are dimmed.

Chen Qizhao returned to the bed, and soon heard footsteps outside the door.

The footsteps were hurried and slow, and stopped suddenly when they came to the entrance of his room.

As soon as Chen Qizhao covered the quilt, Chen Shiming pushed open the door and walked in, holding a document in his hand.

"Awake?" He saw Chen Qizhao sitting on the bed, and turned on the light in the room.

Chen Qizhao looked at him and saw the document he put on the bedside table, "Aromatherapy?"

"Well, it's not very easy to investigate, there are a lot of people involved." Chen Shiming stretched out his hand slightly, and when he was about to touch Chen Qizhao, he saw the other side shrink back.

"What are you hiding?" Chen Shiming touched his head forcefully, noting the gentle temperature in his palms.

Chen Qizhao glanced at him, "Have you tested the temperature like this?"

Chen Shiming: "...What's wrong with me testing your temperature?"

Chen Qizhao was inexplicable: "You can ask me first."

Chen Shiming didn't want to quarrel with the patient, glanced at the document, and said: "I don't know what progress is on your side, I took a copy of the information that Aromatherapy can find now, you See what's missing."

Chen Qizhao picked up the document and flipped through it. He knew the speed of Chen Shiming's investigation. When he saw the information in the document, he knew that the other party had checked it very carefully.

Chen Shiming paid attention to Chen Qizhao's expression, he saw that Chen Qizhao had seen the page of the suspect, so he said: "There are many people involved, it is not so simple to check one by one. People are mixed, if you want to list suspects, you can only say more than 10."

In simple terms, if these 10 suspects are found one by one, it will take too much time, and it is very likely to startle the snake.

Chen Shiming was a little hesitant after he finished speaking, but he still asked: "Do you have any important suspects among these people?"

"Yes." Chen Qizhao directly turned to one of the pages, and a certain ID photo was very familiar.

He pointed to humanity: "The driver at home, Uncle Lin."

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