MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 47

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Chen Shiming noticed Chen Jianhong's expression, "I will continue to let people investigate this matter."

"No matter what the result is, tell me immediately if there is a problem." Chen Jianhong closed the document and handed it to Chen Shiming again, "Take the things away, don't leave them here."

Chen Shiming's eyes lighted slightly, "Okay."

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Yuze came in to deliver the documents, glanced at Chen Jianhong's desktop, the deep meaning in his eyes subsided, and then said: "Mr. Chen, the proposal has come out."

Chen Jianhong closed his eyes, and his tone was a little tired: "You arrange the itinerary, and the video from City G will be pushed first, and it will be changed to tomorrow."

"Okay, are there any other arrangements?" Jiang Yuze asked.

Chen Jianhong asked: "Who is in charge of the investigation about Yicheng?"

Jiang Yuze paused for a while, and then said: "It was Yu Jie who was in charge. It happened to be the end of last year. After he left, the job has not been handed over to the new person. Now it has been handed over to Xiaojiang."

"That's fine." Chen Jianhong waved his hand after hearing this, "Lao Lin and Yicheng have been in a quarrel lately. If there is anything he needs help, please pay attention to me."

Jiang Yuze was slightly stunned when he heard the words, so he was concerned about Lin's side.

He immediately said: "Okay, I will let Xiaojiang pay attention."

Jiang Yuze put the file on the desktop, turned around and left. And when he left the office, Chen Jianhong opened his eyes, his eyes stayed on the door of the office, and he was thoughtful.

Chen Jianhong knew that the eldest son did not give up the investigation of Yicheng, but Chen Shiming had a lot of affairs, and the main focus was actually on the various problems exposed within the Chen Group a few years ago. There is less time and energy on Yicheng, but even so, Chen Shiming's people still found out the line of Fangjie...

The incident between Yicheng and Lin is more complicated. The disputes exposed in the industry are basically the previous disputes. There is no evidence for such a rumor. He has been in the business for so many years, and he has also suffered from rumors. No matter how many rumors, his preconceived idea is to believe in old friends.

Yicheng had a conflict with Lin or Chen, and it was a matter of accumulating grievances and making sense.

But if the matter of Fangjie is exposed, it will be different.

Besides that, one more thing.

He has always asked Jiang Yuze and other assistants to check Yicheng, which is a special account. I have indeed received a lot of relevant news before, but Fang Jie, Jiang Yuze and others who can be found out by Chen Shiming's assistant team are more capable.

This is fake news…

Or is there something wrong with the people under him?

Jiang Yuze called Xiaojiang to the office after leaving the door and explained some things again, "Yicheng will give it to you to check, and then hand it over to me after checking."

Xiao Jiang nodded.

Jiang Yuze's eyes sank slightly, and suddenly he thought of a big incident recently. Fang Jie really has to deal with it. The news that should be given to Chen Jianhong cannot be leaked, but the news is not impossible to deal with... He Thinking of other plans, I suddenly thought of something: "Let you go to Chen Shiming's place to stare, what happened to him and Chen Qizhao?"

"Chen Shiming and Chen Qizhao seemed to have a quarrel in the office. When I went, the special assistant Xu beside Chen Shiming stood at the door and did not dare to go in." Xiaojiang said: "I did hear some noise. .And when I just came, I got the news... Chen Qizhao has skipped work."

Jiang Yuze smiled incomprehensibly: "Away from work...?"


Chen Qizhao, who was skipping work, received the news and went downstairs at 2:00 in the afternoon. When he first got downstairs, he saw Shen Yuhuai who was waiting for him in the reception area at a glance. Shen Yuhuai was wearing a dark trench coat today, standing in front of the exhibition column, and the surroundings seemed to be quiet.

Chen Qizhao didn't move or call him, even though the reception area of ​​Chen's building was completely different from his previous company's decoration layout, but he looked at Shen Yuhuai now, as if he was downstairs from his previous life A certain figure waiting for him to get off work overlapped.

Shen Yuhuai read the notice on the history of the Chen family on the exhibition column of the fair, and slightly glanced at Chen Qizhao who was standing not far away, and said, "Come on? My car is parked outside, let's go."

"Oh good." Chen Qizhao came back to his senses and walked up and walked side by side with him.

The two seemed to return to their previous life, as did Shen Yuhuai, they went out to eat after get off work.

Chen Qizhao couldn't tell the feeling, it was as if he had walked for most of his life.

The only person waiting for him behind him was Shen Yuhuai.

After getting in the car, Chen Qizhao fastened his seat belt and said, "Let's go to Huang's restaurant..."

At this time, Shen Yuhuai also spoke to him at the same time: "There is a good restaurant nearby."

The two spoke at the same time, but stopped at the same time.

Shen Yuhuai laughed: "What a coincidence? I was just about to say take you to Huang's. I ate a few times when I came to the city to work on errands, and I feel that the dishes there are pretty good."

"Well, I've eaten it a few times too."

Chen Qizhao turned his eyes slightly, the man driving the car did not look sideways, his attention was all on the road.

Actually, Shen Yuhuai took him there no matter how many times they ate. The two of them didn't pay much attention to it. Whenever they couldn't think of what to eat, they would always go to Huang's restaurant in tacit understanding.

When they got there, Chen Qizhao took the initiative to sit down somewhere in the corner, and Shen Yuhuai went to order food.

The position where he sat just saw the order counter of the restaurant.

Perhaps seeing Shen Yuhuai downstairs will bring back some memories. He is looking at Shen Yuhuai now and is always comparing him to his previous life.

The youth of the face, the difference in height, and the voice seem to be a little clearer than before... He thought about it, and suddenly saw a young figure on Shen Yuhuai, and an incomplete memory appeared in his mind inexplicably .

The background is his home, with a small desk on a blanket.

There are arithmetic problems on the horizontally open homework, Shen Yuhuai seems to be sitting next to him, patiently teaching him to do his homework.

"What are you thinking about?" Shen Yuhuai just came back: "Looks like he is distracted."

"No." Chen Qizhao came back to his senses, maybe it was a preconceived impression, and he had seen the photos of Shen Yuhuai when he was a child at home, and what just came to his mind seemed to be his imagination. If he played with Shen Yuhuai when he was a child, it would probably be what he thought.

There were not many people in the restaurant, and the dishes were served quickly.

"I haven't asked yet, Brother Huai, do you have anything to do with me?" Chen Qizhao asked.

"I heard from my family that Chen has a project cooperation, and you are in charge." Shen Yuhuai stirred the soup, "My sister knows that I have a good relationship with you, so let me find time to take you to technology Take a look at the department, identify people in advance, and it is convenient for you to bring people from Feihong to investigate."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the time, "It's too late to finish eating after a while, do you want to go?"

"Okay." Chen Qizhao knew that this was worth it. If Feihong could develop, it would be a great help for Chen.

Especially in cooperation with the Shen family, the Shen family occupied more markets later, and quickly grew into a leading technology group in China, and even began to independently research chips. In the future, when Shenjia's smart products are all over the market, if Feihong Electric can reach a cooperation with them, it will be a win-win in a sense.

Shen Yuhuai's eyes stayed on Chen Qizhao, noticing the slight change in the other party's expression.

Chen Qizhao didn't wear a hat today, and when he sat face to face, he could see each other's face more clearly, "Are you busy in the next year?"

"Well." Chen Qizhao asked, "Where is Brother Huai, will you study all other things in the next year?"

"There will be a period of defense after the year, followed by the thesis." Shen Yuhuai explained: "The friends in the same group need to prepare the thesis, and they will be busy after March."

Chen Qizhao thought casually, that is not busy.

It's easy to ask Shen Yuhuai out for dinner later. He was thinking about the arrangement after the new year, Feihong Electric's project to follow, Shengming's business has to keep an eye on Chen Jianhong and Chen Shiming, don't mess around... Just as he was thinking, the phone suddenly vibrated, and Yan Kailin sent him a message.

[-Yan Kailin: Brother, are you going out for a drink at night! My brother is probably not going home from overtime today! ]

[- Zhao: No, I have something to do tonight. ]

[-Yan Kailin: No, I haven't seen you for several days, aren't you bored at home? ]

[- Zhao: It’s okay. ]

[-Yan Kailin: Then let me go to play with you, are you at home? ]

Chen Qizhao raised his head slightly when he saw the news, and was about to take a picture of the desktop with his mobile phone, but suddenly noticed Shen Yuhuai's hand in the camera. His movements stopped for a moment, then moved up slightly, Shen Yuhuai appeared in his camera.

The man lowered his eyes slightly, and the spoon in his hand just scooped up the thick soup.

When the other party raised his eyes, Chen Qizhao pressed the camera button, and the sudden click made Shen Yuhuai's eyes stop on Chen Qizhao.

Chen Qizhao calmly took another picture at the table, and calmly explained: "Yan Kailin asked me what I was doing."

He sent the second random shot to Yan Kailin, pressed the screen off and put the phone on the table.

Shen Yuhuai smiled and reminded: "The soup is going to be cold."

Chen Qizhao lowered his head, "Drink here."


Shen's technical center is not far from the restaurant where they ate. After dinner, Shen Yuhuai drove, and the two quickly arrived at the place.

The construction has just started in the next year, and the technical center is quite busy.

Among the technicians who came and went, the person in charge of the technology center happened to be in the R&D center. Hearing the news that Shen Yuhuai was coming, he hurriedly arranged for someone: "Let Xiaoli be a guide, it should be a preliminary look, If you have any questions, come back and let me know."

The person who received the news ran away quickly, and the person in charge continued to communicate with the technicians of the R&D center: "The report on this piece must be submitted at the end of the month at the latest, and the log side also remember to add, the superior may come down inspection."

After he finished speaking, he noticed that someone in the crowd did not speak, so he said: "Director Feng?"

Director Feng came back to his senses and asked, "You said that Shen Yuhuai was here? How could he suddenly be interested in our research and development?"

The other technicians also looked at each other in dismay, the current Chairman Shen has one daughter and one son, and the eldest daughter Shen Xuelan needless to say, the whole group admires the ability of this young strong woman, especially in her Under the leadership of Shen's annual profit has been rising. While they knew Shen Xuelan, they also knew that the chairman also had an excellent son, but the other party didn't care about the company's business. twice.

The person in charge knew what they were thinking, "Hey, don't worry, Shen Yuhuai didn't come to our technical department by air. Besides, a chemical engineer can't match us, so you don't have to have too much burden. I also take this opportunity to tell you that after the year, we may have to cooperate with Feihong Electric Technology. Of course, the news has not yet come out. Let Shen Yuhuai bring the person in charge of the Chen family over to visit us."

The technicians breathed a sigh of relief. They thought something major happened, but it turned out to be just project cooperation.

Director Feng frowned slightly after hearing the explanation from the person in charge, "Why cooperate with Chen?"

"Don't you know?" The person in charge looked at Director Feng, "Yes, you have only been here for a few years, and you haven't heard of it. President Shen and Xiao Chen are always classmates. The relationship between Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Chen is also good. We have provided technical support to Mr. Chen several times before. In the past, Mr. Chen came here, but this time the person in charge was replaced by Mr. Chen Ershao, which is a bit difficult."

Other technicians asked: "What's wrong with Chen Ershao?"

The person in charge shook his head: "I heard that people are not very good."

Director Feng did not speak.

On the other side, Chen Qizhao entered the technical center under the leadership of Shen Yuhuai, and there were technicians from the technical center next to him for guidance. Shen's business also has a lot of business, and the technical center is divided into several parts. The place they went to is also the R&D department of this cooperation. Once there, the technician explained to Chen Qizhao the technical reserves that can be achieved at present.

Chen Qizhao stood and listened for a while, and found that the other party's main point of information was still optimizing electrical functions.

He frowned slightly, "Maybe there is something wrong."

Shen Yuhuai looked at him.

"I have a little research on this..." Chen Qizhao explained a few words, and then said: "I heard my dad say this at home."

The technician beside Shen Yuhuai said: "Is your manager in charge of this project here?"

Technician Xiaoli said: "Yes, I'll call him."

Soon, the manager came over.

Chen Qizhao didn't want to say it directly, after all, there was another Shen Yuhuai beside him, he rearranged his words and said: "We need to reconfirm there are several technical problems in the cooperation. To be done, but the basis of smart home is not only to optimize electrical appliances, we want to create an integrated smart home. For example, to improve the intelligence of home products through smart media such as mobile phones and computers, and to achieve through voice control or intelligent control... You Have you seen the practical results of this type of project abroad beforehand?"

The manager stopped when he heard the words, and heard the details of the other party's words, "We know about intelligence, but our department used to make small products, and this is the first time I have come into contact with electrical appliances."

He recalled the pre-prepared information from the computer, "These are all adjustable, the plan given to us before is relatively vague, and our President Shen also said that we will customize the cooperation details after you have confirmed your ideas. ."

Chen Qizhao has a planned plan, which has a lot to do with Chen himself. In the next few years, the real estate industry is destined to be impacted by the market. Business expansion and seeking transformation have always been a development strategy for Chen. In addition to Lin Shizhong's ticking time bomb, he also tried to make Chen avoid future market risks in advance.

In the last life, he saw Chen's related plans in Chen Shixuan, and knew that his current approach was consistent with Chen's ideas... It's just that he knew a better and more convenient way, and now the time is just right , Feihong Electric must be engaged, not only to do it, he also wants to use Feihong Electric as the starting point to connect other types of companies under the Chen Group... The building materials, decoration, sales and other businesses are connected, so that Chen will not be affected by the real estate impact. Negative earnings or financial crisis.

Chen Qizhao chatted with the manager, and glanced at Shen Yuhuai next to him from time to time, seeing that the other party had no other actions.

He understands the situation of the plan, and considers in his mind what needs to be readjusted by the person who wrote the plan. After returning, he may go to Feihong.

Shen Yuhuai listened beside him, his eyes stopped on Chen Qizhao.

Can't tell the feeling, he always felt that Chen Qizhao was a little different. .

The manager took the adjusted plan and said: "We have to submit these to the above for confirmation. After you confirm other details, ask the technician to come and confirm with us."

"Okay, please." Chen Qizhao said.

As soon as the person left, Chen Qizhao thought about other things, and when he turned around, he noticed Shen Yuhuai looking at him.

He paused for a while, and was about to say something when he suddenly heard the other person speak.

Shen Yuhuai said, "It seems a little late, do you want to have dinner together?"

Chen Qizhao checked the time, it was past five o'clock.

He responded and said suddenly, "I used to like artificial intelligence very much."

"You said before that you are a little interested in computers." Shen Yuhuai glanced at the phone, and finally handed it to Chen Qizhao: "I don't come here very often, you can see what you like. food."

Chen Qizhao took the other party's phone off guard, Shen Yuhuai had already walked out ahead of time, and explained to the manager a few words to look back at him.

"Are you going?" Shen Yuhuai asked.

Chen Qizhao quickly followed, and after being side by side with the other party, he continued to look at his mobile phone, looking for dinner targets on the somewhat confusing gourmet software.

Shen Yuhuai glanced at him out of the corner of the eye, gently pulled his elbow, and brought him to his side, "Be careful."

Chen Qizhao reacted and saw the glass wall in front of him, "I didn't see it just now."

When the two of them walked away, Xiaoli from the technical department just went out when she suddenly saw a person standing at the door.

She said unexpectedly, "Director Feng, why are you here?"

"Come and have a look." Director Feng glanced at the room, "Chen's people are gone?"

Xiao Li said: "Yes, just left."

She suddenly remembered something, so she said: "Is there something wrong with the director looking for Chen's people? They have just left, I can call them."

"No need..." Director Feng's eyes sank slightly, and he looked at the end of the corridor, and said casually: "I don't have a good impression, forget it."

After he finished speaking, he left, leaving behind an inexplicable Xiao Li.

At this time, someone came out of the office, the manager came out and saw the person, and said to Xiaoli: "Hey, don't mention Chen's matter to Director Feng, you know why this project did not reach Director Feng. Then go, will you come to our side instead?"

"Director Feng used to work in Chen's for a few years, but that year Chen's had a big trouble. Director Feng's department had an accident. At that time, his teacher was in the game, and now he is still in trouble. I didn't come out." The manager said: "I don't know what happened. Director Feng was also a junior technician at the time. Because of the dismissal of the department, Director Feng came to us. But because of his teacher, he was very interested in Chen. The impression has not been very good.”

The two finally decided to eat western food. After Chen Qizhao got in the car, he continued to look at his mobile phone, only to find that there was a lot of news accumulated on his mobile phone.

There is also the manager of the parking lot. It seems that Xu Tezhu told this person that after Chen Qizhao joined the person, the other party sent a list of people who can teach Chen Qizhao to learn how to drive. list.

Chen Qizhao originally planned to learn about the situation of the car park. The car park was established for about ten years. It was originally a racing team invested and built by Chen Jianhong. One of the teams is in charge of the racers who go out to race, and the others are basically responsible for maintaining the day-to-day operations of the yard.

Through the manager, he probably learned something. The vehicle maintenance in their home is basically done by the masters in the garage, so they can directly target these people. He asked the garage The problem of cooperation objects, because of the racing team, the cooperation objects in the parking lot are all the top players in the industry. All parts are screened from the moment they enter the parking lot, and there are basically no problems such as second-hand parts.

The scope was narrowed down at once. From the current point of view, there will be no problem in the yard itself, the problem will only be on the person who repairs the vehicle.

He screened the list sent by the manager, and finally screened out a few suspicious objects, and sent an anonymous email together with the Shengming incident.

After a while, he received a reply message.

The other party sent a brief [ok] and took over the job.

Chen Qizhao glanced and turned off the phone.

When I looked out the window, I suddenly saw a familiar community, and my eyes suddenly froze.

After the Chen family went bankrupt in the last life, the villa was also auctioned off by a judicial auction, so he and Chen Shixuan moved to this community.

…In the middle of the living room, there are the wedding photos of my parents, and the photo frames taken together when I was a child are placed in the living room, as if the family still lives in the same space.

Until later, Chen Shiming died.

He was the only one left in the house.

The car travels very fast, and the community quickly leaves the field of vision.

Chen Qizhao's gaze moved further and further away from that place, and finally retracted.

The inside of the car was quiet, and Chen Qizhao didn't look at the phone anymore, but quietly looked at the scenery outside the window.

Shen Yuhuai looked sideways slightly, and his eyes stayed on Chen Qizhao's face for a while.

He looked back, saw the road sign at the intersection, changed lanes and drove in the other direction.

After about fifteen minutes, Chen Qizhao keenly noticed the change in the scenery outside the window, and tilted his head to look at him: "Wrong drive?"

"No." Shen Yuhuai said: "Let's change place."

The car did not drive to the city, but to the outside of the city.

The scenery along the way changed from high-rise buildings to trees, until a wide scene appeared in Chen Qizhao's field of vision, he saw the sea under the sunset.

Shen Yuhuai drove the car to the parking area, "Why don't you come down and take a look?"

Chen Qizhao got out of the car, the sea breeze blowing, and the liveliness in the distance seemed to come with the wind.

A lot of people gathered on the beach in the distance, and he saw the seaside resort in the distance.

Shen Yuhuai took him to divert from the dam to the beach, the cool breeze hit, the coastline in the distance seemed to overlap with the sunset, Chen Qizhao suddenly forgot to speak, he stepped on the beach , step by step towards the sea.

"I like to come here for a walk when I'm in a bad mood."

Shen Yuhuai looked into the distance and said, "Especially at sunset, it always makes people feel happy here."

Chen Qizhao subconsciously said, "I'm not in a bad mood."

Shen Yuhuai glanced at him slightly, "It's because I'm in a bad mood, I want to come to the beach to relax."

Chen Qizhao wanted to ask Shen Yuhuai why he was in a bad mood when he suddenly saw the waves coming from the high tide in the distance.

He involuntarily took a few steps back, watching the sea water rush in and then gradually recede.

Chen Qizhao can't remember when he hasn't traveled. For him, the company and home are two o'clock and one line, and the short rest time is probably in the car with his eyes closed and a light sleep, watching it in his memory Crossing such a vast sea was still a student.

He looked down and saw the footprints on the beach, and walked a few steps forward, his exhaustion seemed to be carried away by the wind.

My mind is blank, as if I don’t need to think about anything, and it’s not stressful to move forward.

Shen Yuhuai silently stood behind Chen Qizhao, watching the boy go further and further in the sunset.

The night fell in the distance, and the sunset gradually dissipated. Shen Yuhuai took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Chen Qizhao's back.

The boy in the photo can't see his face. From the sunset to the sunset, he melts in the wind and the sunset, which makes people feel happy.

He smiled silently, saved the photo, and followed.

Chen Qizhao stepped on the beach and walked forward when he heard a thud and raised his head suddenly.

The gorgeous fireworks meet the night, leaving a brilliance in the night.

Chen Qizhao took a few steps involuntarily, was startled by the incoming wave, hurried back, and bumped into Shen Yuhuai's chest.

Low laughter came from behind, Shen Yuhuai helped him stabilize, "There will be seaside fireworks at the resort at night, and today happens to be the last day."

Chen Qizhao turned around and met the man.

"I can't see clearly on my phone, now what?"

Shen Yuhuai's eyes stopped in the distance, and his voice loomed in the wind: "Is it beautiful? Fireworks."

Chen Qizhao seemed to hear his heartbeat.

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