MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 38

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The conference room was silent, and everyone looked at Chen Shiming.

"I'm responsible." Chen Shiming's eyes stopped for a moment, but his voice was still steady: "It's just that a spokesperson terminated the contract because of dissatisfaction with the contract conditions, and neither party has a breach of contract conditions, I dare to ask everyone present, Are there still few regrets about signing a contract when dealing with project problems?"

The middle-aged man looked gloomy.

Indeed, Fu Yanyu's behavior was carried out under the condition that neither party breached the contract.

"Furthermore, the non-Hongrongguang project is my responsibility, and it should be decided by my team whether the plan is disordered or not." Chen Shiming changed the conversation, "May I ask you Which project did Feihong cooperate with? Where did you learn that my plan was in chaos, and how did you decide that this project was doomed to loss?"

The middle-aged man looked stiff: "Of course I heard it from Feihong."

"You are so sure, but in the current situation, can you guarantee that this project will not lose money?"

"Enough." Chen Jianhong interrupted the debate between the two, he looked at Chen Shiming: "Shiming, what do you say?"

"I do not accept any accusations that are not substantiated, nor do I accept groundless claims."

Chen Shiming said seriously: "Whether I can handle every project under my subordinates, I believe it is based on the results, I will handle non-macro matters with full authority, and will not let the group's investment be put into practice. running water."

People in the conference room looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Some people want to stand in line, but there is nothing wrong with Chen Shiming's words, everything depends on the result.

The middle-aged man looked at the other directors and found that the other party was completely out of the way, as if he no longer wanted to get involved in this matter.

He had to sit down with a dark face and put a sentence: "You better do it."

Chen Jianhong's eyes patrolled the other people in the conference room, and wrote down the person who had just been with the middle-aged man.

He asked a few more times, and there was no other agenda, "Then let's go and discuss it next week."


After the meeting, Chen Shiming returned to the office with a grim expression, and he asked the female assistant next to him, "Have you written down all the people who just stood in line with him?"

The female assistant nodded seriously: "Tell it all down, and there are people from President Xu."

"Arrange other people to pay attention to their recent actions, and the intermediate-level cadres related to them are thoroughly investigated, and the actions are small, so that they don't find out." Chen Shiming explained, and then asked: "Little Is there any news from Xu? What happened to the Feihong Rongguang project?"

The female assistant paused for a while, and then said, "Fu Yanyu is indeed transferring to his family, and the contract object is Yicheng Medical, which we have had conflicts with before."

It is because Yicheng has found out a lot of problems in the group, and the boss is particularly interested in the information from Yicheng, this time Yicheng Medical suddenly came out to sign Fu Yanyu, everything seems to be Doubtful. Without the information they found out before, they might have felt the same way as most of them, believing that it was Yi Cheng who came to provoke Chen, and then took other measures.

Yi Cheng…

Chen Shiming frowned slightly: "Yicheng, Y City, this matter is not right, check all relevant personnel."

Female Assistant: "Yes!"

Chen Shiming asked again: "What is Chen Qizhao doing, and how is he going to handle this?"

"Second Young Master wants to sign another spokesperson, actor Nie Chenxiao, all the schedules are in line with the publicity schedule of our original plan." The female assistant was already prepared and handed the relevant documents to Chen Shiming, she euphemistically said : "It's just... not very popular."


Time goes back to 2 hours ago, in the office of the Non-Macro Propaganda Department.

Everyone looked at Chen Qizhao.

The document on the table is part of the information of "The Eye of the Heart". At a glance, there is a lot of actor information in it.

The Eye of the Heart? ? ?

When the person in charge heard this, he was stunned for a moment. It is not a secret in the industry that there are dramas to be broadcast at the end of the year. Look at the crew's publicity plan and capital behind the play. Judging from the current capital and popularity, even if "Xiao Yao" is not popular, it can rely on traffic and hype to dominate the list for a long time, so that even the exposure of the actors can last for 2-3 months.

If it happens to be a big fire, maybe it will be better.

If "Xiaoyao" is a popular project in the reserve force, "Xinyan" can only be regarded as second-rate. Although there is publicity, the TV series is a short drama, and the theme selected is modern urban suspense. It's good to go to satellite TV, the follow-up is not good, once it is thrown, it is really like a dead water. They can even consider ancient puppet dramas or urban sweet dramas from other online platforms in the same period, which have stronger battery life than suspense dramas.

...too niche."

Chen Qizhao listened to them and did not refute.

The suspense drama market is really small at this stage in China, but in the next few years, suspense and detective dramas will basically become a major mainstream of online dramas, whether it is ancient costume detectives or modern criminal investigations, both There is a large fixed audience.

The first hit drama that opened up this market was "Mind Eyes".

"Xiaoyao", which was favored by investors, was not popular, but "Xinyan", which was released at the same time, exploded, and the battery life lasted for two years. At that time, the two male protagonists who starred in "Xinyan" He immediately became popular and became a well-known actor later.

Nie Chenxiao is one of them.

Chen Qizhao thought about it hard, and then Nie Chenxiao seemed to have won the Best Actor when he was 40 years old.

"But "Mind Eyes" is cheap." Chen Qizhao sat with his cheeks on his back, "I originally booked to pay Yanyu's astronomical endorsement fee, so I might as well sign a little star, and then give them an announcement, In this way, we also save a lot of money, it is better to sign a potential stock than to sign a marketing coffee, what do you think?"

But marketing coffee is hot, and potential stocks are easy to die before they surface!

The person in charge thought expressionlessly, but did not dare to refute.

"Actually, I also pay attention to it. The script of this play is an adaptation of a well-known suspense novel. Although the screenwriter is a newcomer, there is help from the original author. The director is the famous director Li in the past." The girl came out to speak, "The production team is very attentive, you can see it by watching the promotional video... Some old actors also played some roles in friendship because of Director Li's invitation... The only problem is that the appearance of this drama is not very high. "

After all, a small part of them are old actors, and the average age is too old, even the main actors are in their thirties.

The person in charge was still a little hesitant, "Show me the information, who is the main actor? New actor?"

That's what they said, but people from the Propaganda Department honestly searched for news related to "Mind Eyes".

Compared to "Xiaoyao", which started to hype after the release, "Xinyan" can be said to have no splash at all...but the production team is not bad.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to sign..." The person in charge asked tentatively.

"Nie Chenxiao." Chen Qizhao opened the document at will, and pushed Nie Chenxiao's page to him: "That's it."

Indeed, Nie Chenxiao is the male protagonist, which is more exposed than the roles of two males and two females.

And the most important thing is that the drama "Xinyan" and "Xiaoyao" were released almost at the same time. Their publicity plan and channels can be completely used by Nie Chenxiao with a little change. The most important thing is Nie Chenxiao is not that popular, and can fully cooperate with their promotion.

Nie Chenxiao is an artist who perfectly fits their promotion except for her popularity.

But if the drama "Mind Eyes" can be popular, the effect will be completely different. The real potential stocks in the sense are recommended by their boss.

At this time, there was a person in the office who was paying attention to Chen Qizhao. Thinking of Assistant Yu's instructions, he fanned the flames and said, "Mr. Chen, Nie Chenxiao's enthusiasm doesn't seem to be very good."

He tried his best to draw Chen Qizhao's attention to Yicheng, "And it was Yicheng who signed the contract with Fu Yanyu, we may..."

Although Feihong's glory series is a niche brand, its reputation has always been high, and they are not without money, if it is not because of the schedule and the original plan, they can even sign better artists... Nie Chen Xiao's Weibo followers are in the millions, which is completely incomparable to Fu Yanyu, who has tens of millions of followers.

Yicheng will definitely give their spokespersons a good publicity channel, they may not be able to fight.

Just as everyone was thinking, there was a sudden laugh in the office.

Chen Qizhao sneered, threw the document in hand in the middle, looked at the person who just spoke with disdain, "Did you make a mistake? Sincerely?"

The man who spoke was a little tight, "Mr. Chen, that's not what I meant."

"Fu Yanyu signed Yicheng and asked him to sign it. He wanted to touch our brand, and he didn't see how much of his popularity was from marketing." Chen Qizhao looked at the man with a smile. Fei smiled and said, "What's wrong with Yicheng robbing me? I need you to be clear. Now it's our Feihong who don't want to be a marketing guy like Fu Yanyu. Besides, who said that Fu Yanyu's drama can be popular?"

"Then I want to sign Nie Chenxiao." Chen Qizhao looked at him, and continued in his usual 'arrogant' tone: "I want to see, Fu Yanyu, who has a sky-high price tag, and me. Who is more powerful than people?"

The man was startled when he heard the words, as if he did not expect Chen Qizhao to be so arrogant and arrogant.

He originally wanted to make Feihong's preparations go to waste before inciting Chen Qizhao to confront Yicheng, but he didn't expect that Chen Qizhao would sign a contract with Nie Chenxiao and Yicheng to confront each other. , shouldn't you sign Liu Tianhou at this time?

This result is a bit different from the original, but it can be seen that Chen Qizhao is still very hostile to Yicheng, and he is so naive that he wants to use a third-tier artist to compare with Fu Yanyu. There is such a thought, is this person mentally ill?

Oh no, I heard from the assistant that Chen Qizhao is indeed a little wrong.

He didn't speak anymore, but the people in the office were stunned! ?

The person in charge glared at the man who opened his mouth and wanted to change the situation, but Chen Qizhao insisted.

The Rongguang project is a big project he is in charge of. He has also received a lot of investment in the past few years. If he really messes up here, he will probably be able to pack up and leave once the superior asks.

In the past, they could discuss with the boss about other candidates, but now they can only choose Nie Chenxiao.

Chen Qizhao moved his fingers, listened to the whispers in the office, and leaned lazily on the back of his chair.

The calm eyes are a bit colder, Yu Jie really doesn't know how to choose people, so he chose a pig teammate? He was also thinking about how to act impulsive enough in front of these people, which is good, it also saves his effort.

As Assistant Yu came out of the conference room, he received a call from Feihong.

When the man in charge of the trouble told him the results of the meeting, his brows furrowed, "Nie Chenxiao!? How did you choose this person."

In order to ensure the loss of Feihong, the popular spokespersons at the same stage were basically arranged by them. Feihong could only admit that he was unlucky to choose Liu Tianhou, but now the situation has suddenly become like this, if With Nie Chenxiao selected, the funds that Feihong had originally invested could continue to be used, and there would be no major losses due to the schedule.

"But isn't our purpose to make Chen Qizhao and Yicheng make trouble? Now it has started, Chen Qizhao, that idiot, is clamoring to use Nie Chenxiao to teach Fu Yanyu and Yicheng a lesson... Isn't it okay?" The other party continued: "I also watched the crew of Xinyan, and it can't be compared with Xiaoyao, Chen Qizhao is just angry."

Forget it, if the publicity effect is poor, Feihongrongguang is basically cool.

Assistant Yu mused: "When the broadcast starts, find someone to give Xinyan a negative review."

After hanging up the phone, the man returned to the door of the office and saw two lawyers in the office, redrawing the contract under the attention of Chen Qizhao. He stood for a while, and suddenly heard the sound of slightly anxious footsteps at the corner of the corridor. The man in the suit's meticulous hair was messed up a little, and he was walking and running with the documents in his hand, and his expression was a little anxious.

Special assistant Xu stopped in time and saw Chen Qizhao inside the glass door, "Hello, please let me go."

After saying that, she passed the man and entered the office.

Men: "…"

"Oh, you came just in time?" Chen Qizhao glanced at Special Assistant Xu and beckoned: "You contact Nie Chenxiao and let him come to Feihong to sign the contract these two days."

Special Assistant Xu: "...?" What's the situation?

He rushed from the headquarters and almost fainted after learning about the situation. Is this Fu Yanyu brainless? To do this at the risk of offending Chen Shi, or is it because Yi Cheng gave him so much confidence behind his back that he really wanted to confront Chen Shi face to face?

Then why did you choose Nie Chenxiao?

Chen Qizhao looked at him suspiciously: "Why are you here? Today is a regular meeting of the group? Is Chen Shiming so busy?"

Xu Tezhu smiled bitterly: "Something happened at the meeting."

He briefly explained what happened at the meeting, and also expressed his intention.

Chen Qizhao's smiling face sank after Xu Te assistant finished speaking.

His eyes became dark and his voice became a little colder: "Really?"

Xu Tezhu didn't notice Chen Qizhao's change and sighed: "If something goes wrong on Feihong's side, the boss's side will also be implicated. This spokesperson must be well chosen..." It is estimated that some people will take this opportunity to come out and decentralize.

"The spokesperson can only be Nie Chenxiao. Without changing the original plan, Nie Chenxiao's fit is the highest."

Chen Qizhao handed a document to Special Assistant Xu, and he calmly analyzed with Special Assistant Xu: "All the time plans and available candidates are above, you have time to investigate them one by one How many of these people are scammers, or how many were arranged in advance? Is the embarrassment in the conference room really a coincidence?"

Xu Tezhu stopped, yes, all this was obviously prepared.

In such a short time, they don't have time to check them all.

"Yes, you can't, neither can Chen Shiming." Chen Qizhao closed the document and opened another document, "Although Liu Tianhou is a good candidate, she can be used to make up the current schedule, she It can only be said to be quite satisfactory. In the end, this project is very likely to be mediocre under the impact of other traffic. Sometimes mediocre is equivalent to a loss. You can only explode."

Chen Qizhao's voice was not loud, and in the noisy surroundings, only the two of them could hear the conversation.

Assistant Xu's eyes fell on Chen Qizhao, he didn't quite believe that such a sentence was said from Chen Ershao's mouth, he seemed to feel that the person he was talking to was his own for a moment Boss, be calm and self-controlled.

Just as he was about to speak, the boy in front of him suddenly smiled.

"Have you and my brother been gambling for so long?" Chen Qizhao suddenly changed his face, he closed the document casually, his calmness was swept away, and the words he said Naturally and casually: "Liu Tianhou is a known result, but Nie Chenxiao is different."

His finger stopped on the ID photo of Nie Chenxiao on the personal file next to him, "How can you be sure that he can't explode?"

In an office of the group headquarters, no one dared to speak, looking at the man sitting on the leather chair with a dark expression.

In the situation where the wolves are surrounded by wolves, they can only conduct a secondary investigation of each project after the meeting to avoid the recurrence of the 456 project, but in addition to this matter, there is one more thing that needs to be solved urgently matter.

Everyone in the assistant group looked at the boss who was on the phone, and watched the changes of the other party.

"He said that?" Chen Shiming asked.

Assistant Xu confirmed: "Yes, this is the second young master's original words, he is trying his best to recommend the candidate Nie Chenxiao."

In the past few days, he has run for Chen Qizhao many times, and he has also dealt with Nie Chenxiao a lot, and he has some understanding of "Xinyan". To be honest, from an outsider's point of view, the production team of "The Eye of the Heart" is good, and the script is very novel, but the audience is really difficult to say, and no one can give a definite answer to the future, so in Chen Qizhao When I asked him whether to gamble or not, he honestly didn't have the courage to gamble.

But after he finished speaking, the boss was silent for a long time.

When Xu Te assistant thought that the other party would hang up the phone, Chen Shiming said again: "Collate all the information of "Xinyan" and Nie Chenxiao and send it to the professional team for evaluation."

Xu Tezhu was stunned, "I have all the information here."

Chen Qizhao asked him to sort them out before. In fact, among all the selections, Nie Chenxiao has the most abundant information.

Even this person has just taken a huge liquidated damages, and then he will terminate the contract with the original company, he is completely free.

Chen Shiming was a little surprised, "Well, give me a result after the evaluation."

He added: "He knows about Yicheng, right? Pay more attention to him, there is no need to oppose Yicheng before things become clear."

Assistant Xu smiled bitterly: "Boss, this may be a little difficult."

Chen Shiming frowned slightly, "What?"

Xu Tezhu told Chen Shiming what he heard from other people in the propaganda department, "Second Young Master seems to be very angry, so Yicheng took away the spokesperson this time, he said he would take it if he wanted to. Nie Chenxiao hit them in the face."

Chen Shiming recalled the original words recited by Xu Tezhu just now and his "unachievable" brother, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "Really?"

Other people in the office looked carefully at the boss, Chen Shiming rarely smiled, let alone smiling under such circumstances.

After a while, he and Xu Tesuke hung up, and the office suddenly became quiet.

This time the silence only lasted for a minute or two, Chen Shiming suddenly said to everyone: "All other public relations departments other than non-key projects are vacated, from now on, pay attention to "Xinyan" and all Nie Chenxiao Negative news, especially pay attention to the actions of other people, as soon as there are people who disturb the water, stop them immediately."


The people from the Propaganda Department of Feihong have drawn up a new contract, but they are still waiting for the notification from the headquarters, but they did not expect that the special assistant Xu from the headquarters also agreed with Chen Ershao's reckless decision after half a day. It means to let Chen Qizhao take full responsibility, and also agree to sign Nie Chenxiao as the spokesperson for the non-Hongrongguang series at this stage.

This is something that even the Crown Prince Chen Shiming agrees to. It seems that the group really wants to hand over the glory project to the second young master, regardless of the consequences of this incident.

A little assistant asked: "Boss, what should we arrange here? Is it still called Liu Tianhou?"

President Chen reports, and then sign it."

I said so, but when I really contacted Nie Chenxiaofang, the other party agreed very readily, and was even willing to cooperate with Feihong's side of a series of publicity.

The person in charge can't tell how he feels. If he is happy, he will meet a responsible spokesperson, but it is uncomfortable. This spokesperson has to rely on destiny.

Feihong acted quickly. After finalizing the matter, he kept calling Nie Chenxiao to Feihong to sign the contract, as if he was worried that the follow-up promotion schedule would not catch up.

Nie Chenxiao just signed a contract with Chen Qizhao not long ago. He was still at home and waiting for a job. Who knew that a big cake would fall just after signing. Before arriving at Feihong's headquarters, he and his manager were still in a state of confusion, wondering if Chen Qizhao really didn't want to take care of him. This way of drawing a pie is really exciting.

Sitting in the conference room, the agent turned to the sad-faced person in charge of Feihong, "The details of the contract are here. Do you have any other questions?"

Nie Chenxiao looked at it, the contract is an ordinary contract in the industry, and the endorsement fee is also in line with his previous remuneration.

It's just that he didn't expect such a good endorsement contract, why did he find him?

The agent repeatedly confirmed that there is no problem, and then said: "Just sign it, maybe this is the publicity channel that President Chen said to you?"

Nie Chenxiao had no choice but to sign, but he thought that he would have the opportunity to repay this kindness in the future. Chen Qizhao really gave him too many opportunities.

After signing, he asked, "Mr. Chen didn't come to the company today?"

The person in charge smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Chen went to military training today."

Nie Chenxiao: "?"

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