MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 106

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The sudden darkness rendered the atmosphere in the room a different kind of ambiguity. The sudden changes in the environment made some details become obvious, and the heart that was jumping in the chest was also accelerating step by step. Chen Qizhao's hand was still on the switch, he was standing against the wall, and behind his neck were Shen Yuhuai's gradually hot fingers, as if it took his body temperature a little bit.

Silence seems to be a default permission, in the knock on the door, the two are very close, breathing staggered.

Shen Yuhuai pressed his forehead against him, the tip of their noses rubbed against each other, the warm feeling sprinkled on the skin of their faces, and the distance was drawn closer, the tight muscles under the finger pulp seemed to follow His breathing moved slowly, and the touch went from warm to hot. Chen Qizhao didn't stop, he lifted Shen Yuhuai's clothes up.

He was sweating.

Outside the door, Xu Tezhu looked at the housekeeper after knocking on the door twice, not sure about the current situation.

Seeing the situation, the housekeeper was not sure whether Chen Qizhao really came to the second floor, and asked: "Did the second young master come to the second floor?"

"It should be here." Xu Te helped see someone entering the villa. After coming here, he ran to the lounge to find someone, but he didn't find anyone. After asking the servant, he found out that the person was on the second floor.

The second floor of the villa is not open to traffic, guests are on the first floor or in the garden.

"I don't know if it's there or not." Assistant Xu received the order of his boss, and the task of determining the location of the second young master is the most important task, "The door should not be locked, right?"

Just as he finished speaking, there was a loud lock sound from the door.

Special Assistant Xu: "?"

Butler: "Maybe there."

Special Assistant Xu: “…”

He is not deaf.

The sound of the lock was like a loud signal, telling them that not only was there someone inside, but the person heard them and locked the door directly. Xu Tezhu's hand near the doorknob trembled a little. With this familiar behavior, he didn't have to guess who was locking the door. He looked at the housekeeper for help.

The housekeeper took two steps back and coughed a little.

Xu Te assistant asked nervously: "Second Master, are you inside?"


The voice seemed to come from far away, muffled and low, like Chen Qizhao's usual violent temper.

Special Assistant Xu: “…”

Go to bed so early! And it's a birthday party!

The positions of the two were no longer limited to the narrow wall. Chen Qizhao raised his head slightly and kissed Shen Yuhuai, followed the shape of each other's lips, and finally opened his lips and teeth to enter. The two walked in while kissing. In the dark environment, they couldn't help stumbling and stumbling. The wheelchair was bumped, and finally slammed into the table, and the two fell on the bed.

The loud noise caught the attention of the two at the door.

Xu Tezhu, who was about to turn around and leave, stopped and shouted again: "Second Master!?"

In the gap between the kisses, Chen Qizhao let out a short breath: "It's okay."

Xu Tesuke looked at the housekeeper hesitantly, but the voice just now didn't seem to be okay!

His eyes stayed on the door handle for a while, and finally looked at the housekeeper.

Butler: "If you need it, you can apply for it with your eldest son. There is a spare key downstairs."

It means that you can go in if you want.

Xu Tesuke trembled for a while, the young master just asked him to confirm the position of the second young master, as long as it was safe to stay in the villa... Besides, he did not have the courage to disturb the living king of **** to sleep.

Soon, he restrained his expression and nodded solemnly towards the housekeeper, "Excuse me, I'll go back and report to the young master."

The sound outside the door is gone, and the knocking is gone.

Chen Qizhao lay on his back on the bed, feeling more and more hot and humid. He raised his head to kiss Shen Yu Huai, and touched the muscles of his waist and abdomen with his fingers.

Some originally controllable factors eventually lead to uncontrollable endings.

Pull up the clothes, the loose light gray T-shirt was taken off by the man, the clothes fell to the ground, what Chen Qizhao felt was the tight and wide back.

Shen Yuhuai's skeleton is too large. This perception was originally based on the opponent's slightly longer fingers and slightly larger palms, but when the person presses on the body, it seems to be completely enveloped His muscles were all over his skeleton, and the tension caused by his breathing seemed to be uncontrollable at any time.

Like a fire, and now the fire is getting hotter.

Chen Qizhao's breathing became faster and faster.

In the mess, the phone in the jacket pocket fell on the soft quilt, and the vibrating sound accompanied an anonymous call on the phone screen.

The buzzing vibrating sound, the constantly bright phone screen, was the only bright and eye-catching place in the room.

The two were slightly distracted, their attention was attracted by the vibrating mobile phone, and they could not help but look over.

Chen Qizhao glanced at the phone screen out of the corner of his eye, and when he regained his senses, he saw Shen Yuhuai's deep eyes under the light of the phone screen. His fingers were originally hooked to the edge of the phone, but soon Shen Yuhuai's hand covered it, passed through his fingertips, and pressed his fingers on the bed.

The mobile phone was knocked a few steps away by this action, and the vibration sound also followed.

"Scam call?" Shen Yuhuai asked softly.

Chen Qizhao blushed, and touched Shen Yuhuai's waistband when his fingers went down.

In a studio in S city, Liangtang’s studio has changed from the previous gloom, and the working meal has also been replaced from instant noodles to a three-meat and one-vegetable food box set. The environment of the studio is updated and iterative. At this time, the employee brother who was in the process of fanning looked at the news from the computer screen, and hurriedly swallowed and said, "Boss, there is movement, and another one ran away."

The studio is full of keyboards or phone calls, noisy and orderly.

Flowered shirt sat in front of the mountain of information, and the phone list was cut out for the third time. After dialing the call for the third time, a cold female voice reminded him that the phone was temporarily unavailable. After eating, "Why doesn't the boss answer my phone?"

"There are so many things to do at night, the boss should be busy." The younger brother sighed and slipped in front of the flower shirt in a sliding chair, and said inarticulately: "Anyway, there is no big deal right now. "Didn't Gu Shen tell the boss long ago?"

"You don't understand this. Always show your presence in front of the boss and express yourself, so that the boss can fully feel the hard work of our work. Haven't you seen that the commission has been higher recently? ?" Hua Xie glanced at him and kicked his chair away with one foot, "Stay away from me, next time you eat snail noodles, squat at the door to eat."

"You didn't tell me when I ate Mala Tang before!" said the little brother.

The flower shirt pinched her nose, "Is Malatang and snail powder the same flavor?"

On the computer screen is all the recent movements of Gu Zhengsong, some things they can't find out, but the boss's information seems to be very thorough, every time they can step on the points they overlooked and correct the direction of the investigation in time .

trajectories of action.

The boss is speculating on Gu Zhengsong's thoughts, and deduces the possible actions the other party may take based on his thoughts. From the moment they received the boss's request, or from the moment they distributed the first message at the boss's advice, they were weaving a big net, leading Gu Zhengsong into their trap step by step. Dog bites dog is a good strategy, but it takes a lot of thought to get an old fox like Gu Zhengsong into such a trap.

So from the very beginning, they didn't distribute much information, they were just some unnoticed intelligence lines released, causing Gu Zhengsong to have doubts and hesitations, and finally stepping on the key of the timeline Point, little by little, deepen the authenticity of these clues. Among them, the biggest thrust is Chen Shiming's counter-ambush at the door of the Chen Group, and the approaching step by step of Gu Zhengxun, the son of Gu's father.

Gu Zhengsong's cognition of the reliability of news was actually deepened by such a 'coincidence'.

Flower shirts have been doing intelligence for so many years, from the boss's few words on the phone, it can basically be judged that besides them, their boss should have other sources of information.

These are not all intelligence lines from flower shirts, but mainly from the boss's ideas and layout. He doesn't know how the boss asked Gu Zhengxun to push Gu Zhengsong so tightly, and he didn't know the original Chen Group What is the situation behind the police ambush outside, but these coincidences are probably all the boss's handwriting.

Including this evening he received the news that there was a doctor coming in and out of the prison, so he knew that Gu Zhengsong could not help but do something to Gu Shen.

The younger brother came over to look at the clue: "I ran one today, Gu Zhengsong's actions are really anxious."

"He can't be in a hurry. If Gu Shenzhen speaks out, he will really be finished." Hua Xie looked at the record on the computer screen, Gu Zhengsong's actions naturally couldn't be just to send When people go to prison to attack Gu Shen, he is fully prepared, not only to put Gu Shen to death, but also to erode the remaining forces of Gu Shen.

Some time ago, Gu Zhengsong also sent people to encourage Gu Shen's people to do something to the Chen and Shen families. During this period of time, he disappeared and did nothing because Gu Zhengsong planned to make Gu Shen's people his own. Those that can be used should be kept first, and those that cannot be used will be dealt with directly. There were still a few people on Gu Shen's line in S City, but now these people either sneak back to the capital, or they have no such person in the local area.

They also followed this line to successfully understand Gu Zhengsong's recent actions. From the time when Gu Zhengsong planned to attack Gu Shen, Gu Zhengsong wanted to make sure that all traces of Gu Shen were cleaned up... No It will let a little factor that threatens you put on the surface.

But Gu Shen won't die, and the news that Gu Zhengsong wanted to kill him and eat away his power soon reached Gu Shen's ears.

"Shall we continue to follow?" The younger brother finished his fans.

Nightlife, what time is it?"

In the prison, Gu Shen rarely asked to see someone. The police remained vigilant, but they allowed Gu Shen's request. In order to pry something out of Gu Shen's mouth, they have done too many things during this time. Even if Gu Zhengsong blamed Gu Shen to tell the truth, Gu Shen remained unmoved and kept silent, even in order to avoid exposure Too much information, he simply did not see anyone outside.

It was not until this evening that Gu Shen almost died under the siege of two prisoners that he made such a request.

Gu Shen sat in the cold compartment with his hands tightly bound on the chair, staring at the glass wall in front of him.

The dark eyes are full of calculations, and the slightly longer nails are buckled on the table, making short thorns and pulling sounds.

"No one can be reached." The police officer in charge of contact walked in, "Do you have anyone else to see? The phone number you mentioned is an empty number."

Gu Shen was stunned for a while when he heard the news, and soon he said with a cold face: "Impossible."

"What did I lie to you for? The number you provided is an empty number. We just verified that this number has been cancelled, and it is impossible to contact the person." The police officer knew Gu Shen's Suspicious, with the permission of his superiors, he dialed the number in front of Gu Shen, and the ruthless female voice played on the speakerphone receiver, "I told you that I didn't lie to you, and is there anyone else I want to meet. "

Outside the glass wall, the captain of the police force who was always paying attention to Gu Shen's state asked, "Have you checked the numbers and people he read?"

"The numbers are all bought on the black market, and the ID cards behind some mobile phones have nothing to do with this. But there are a few numbers that are under our surveillance range, and they were left by Gu Shen when they were outside. People, two people were arrested for ambush Chen Shiming some time ago." The police officer continued: "And it's very strange, these people have rarely emerged recently, some went straight back to the capital, and some went to cities in the south that are completely unconnected. "

It's like giving up on Gu Shen completely.

The captain looked inside the glass wall, watching the criminal's face from the first calm, gradually became a little hesitant.

Since Gu Zhengsong pushed the crime, this person may only realize now that he is helpless now.

Gu Shen didn't answer right away, he paused cautiously and hesitantly for several minutes, and when the policeman thought he was about to give up, he said two more numbers. It's just that when these numbers are dialed, either the other party refuses to answer them, or they are empty numbers, and in the end, none of the people Gu Shen wants to see can be seen.

The police officer called two more empty numbers and said, "Do you still have a phone number to call? We have limited time here, and we can't always arrange opportunities for you to meet people."

An unbelievable sense of absurdity was gradually spreading, Gu Shen stared at the mobile phone, it was impossible... These contact numbers are all his secret lines, and he can be contacted by his people. Knowing the situation outside, if it weren't for a special situation, he wouldn't think about making these calls...

And now none of these calls can get through unless his layout outside is all broken.

"You said before that Gu Zhengsong put all the blame on me?" Gu Shen's fingernails were digging on the table, and his eyes stared straight through the glass wall, "How did he push the blame? ?"

The policeman did not speak, and the voice from the other side of the glass wall sounded in the room.

"We told you about this once before." The captain repeated, "He pushed all the charges to you, and the ownership and industry chain we found were all registered behind you. Gu Zhengsong has no direct charges."

This kind of rhetoric is a joke. Gu Shen has heard it several times. The first time he heard the joke of an ignorant person, but now this joke seems to fall on himself. Gu Zhengsong didn't want to catch him. In order to protect himself, Gu Zhengsong not only pushed the crime, but also took action against his forces, and finally wanted to kill him.

It's like eliminating everything, Gu Zhengsong doesn't want anything and abandons all the industry.

Gu Shen did not speak, and nearly fifteen minutes passed.

The wound on the hand opened again, the blood stained the table, and the handcuffs at the wrist rubbed blood. Gu Shen's calm face was filled with a metaphorical madness, "He was really thoughtful. If I die, everything can be hidden from the sky."

"Gu Shen?" the policeman asked.

Gu Shen looked up at him, his icy tone was a little indifferent: "City B is near the port of the business district, there is a container warehouse..."

The birthday banquet is coming to an end. While celebrating, Zhang Yazhi arranged for the rest of the guests. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a few serious people in the distance. Put away the gifts that come.

Chen Shiming received news from the police and was communicating with them: "Okay, I will take time to visit tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, he and others said: "The prisoner did not disclose any information, but someone visited the prison two days before the accident, and their family's account has recently received a large amount of money. "

As Chen Qizhao said, Gu Zhengsong wanted to kill Gu Shen.

It fits a certain guess perfectly, and it also makes things go in a weird direction.

"Gu Shen seems to have let go. The police didn't reveal much. I will visit tomorrow." Are there any other issues with security?"

The housekeeper immediately said: "No, don't worry."

Gu Zhengsong obviously put his attention on Gu Shen's side, and he didn't take any chances against them recently, which is good news.

Chen Jianhong looked at Father Shen next to him: "It seems that he is worried about Gu Shen saying something he shouldn't say."

"But being forced by him like this, Gu Shen knew that he could not protect himself, but I was surprised that Gu Shen was not afraid of death, but when Gu Zhengsong sent someone to do this, he let go." Shen Xuelan commented Said: "There is no relationship between the father and son. One is more ruthless than the other, and they all want to kill people."

Gu Shen is not afraid of death, but a proud person like him will not allow anything to exceed his calculations.

Thinking of this, Chen Shiming looked at Special Assistant Xu next to him, "Free up tomorrow morning's itinerary... Also, where is the second young master, let you find him, where is the person?"

As soon as Xu Tezhu came back, he was instructed by his boss to do other things. He forgot to report the incident and said, "Second Young Master is resting in the room."

After he finished speaking, he thought of the last action of locking, and said, "Maybe we don't want to disturb us."

Chen Shiming looked away and happened to see Shen Xuelan on the phone.

The other party dialed for a while, and then put the phone down, it seems that there is no connection.

"What's wrong?" Chen Shiming asked.

Shen Xuelan lowered her eyes and operated the mobile phone with a relaxed tone: "Call my brother, it doesn't work, don't worry about him, I just saw that Yan Kaiqi is still there, maybe he left with Yan Kaiqi first ."

Zhang Yazhi will come over and hear Shen Xuelan say, "Yu Huai didn't go with Kai Qi. Kai Qi drove the car just now and took Kai Lin to go with a few friends, Yu Huai Not with him."

"I contacted the security guard, they said they didn't see Mr. Shen leaving, they should be still here." The housekeeper ended the call, and the guests tonight were watched when they came and went, Shen Yuhuai If you leave, the housekeeper will also receive a message.

The guests are almost gone, if people are here, it is impossible not to see.

Shen Xuelan paused for a while, then called again, but no one answered.

Afterwards, she called the driver again, and the other party said that Shen Yuhuai was not there.

Special assistant Xu added: "Mr. Shen should go to rest..."

He stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking, thinking of what the servant said not long ago, and swallowed the words that were on his lips.

"Where to go to rest?" Chen Shiming tilted his head to look at him, now it is no different than before, the situation is special, if there is one less person in the Chen family or the Shen family, it will be a big deal.

Assistant Xu thought he had made a mistake, and added: "I heard from the servant that Mr. Shen's clothes were stained, so he should have gone to the lounge to change his clothes, but I didn't look at it when I went upstairs. When he arrived at Mr. Shen, the second young master said that he was resting..."

Just as he was about to say that maybe Shen Yuhuai was not there, he should have gone downstairs, when he saw all the gazes all around him.

…Huh? Something seemed amiss, he didn't see Mr. Shen going downstairs!

Shen Xuelan moved her beautiful eyes, and lightly pressed her finger to turn off the phone screen, "So? Is Chen Qizhao the only one in the room?"

In the dim room, the lamp at the head of the bed was turned on, Chen Qizhao bent his toes slightly, and his body was already very refreshed.

I didn't feel anything just now, but after passing by, the numbness that spread from his bones made him sleepy.

The two did not make it to the end, the incident happened suddenly, and the room was not prepared for what it should have.

And the timing was not right. It was the first time that Chen Qizhao felt this kind of stimulation. After the end, his teeth were unbearably itchy.

But there is no cigarette around, and he didn't dare to smoke in front of Shen Yuhuai.

Shen Yuhuai picked up the clothes on the ground with his bare back, some clothes were really unsuitable, the tightened back was wide, revealing an unknown good figure. Chen Qizhao's eyes followed him, watching his movements, and then watching him enter the bathroom.

After a while, there was the sound of water splashing from the bathroom. Chen Qizhao opened his fingers and felt a soreness in his wrist. The swaying jade ornament hit his collarbone. This is the jade that Shen Yuhuai had just put on him, and it was his birthday present.

The water of jade is very good. When you rub your fingertips, you can feel the carved lines. It seems to be some kind of animal shape, and the rope is red.

There were a lot of missed calls and chat messages accumulated on the phone. Chen Qizhao glanced and threw the phone aside. The voice outside became quieter. It should be the end of the birthday party and the guests.

The feeling of dissatisfaction that had to end early was getting heavier and heavier, Chen Qizhao lowered his eyes and thought about things, thinking about whether the nearest convenience store was open outside, and thinking about how long Let's go out with Shen Yuhuai. He walked to the bathroom door barefoot, loosely wearing the pajama pants that Shen Yuhuai had put on him. The pants he was looking for seemed to be the ones he bought before, dragging the ground while walking.

On the way, he picked up the phone that fell on the ground and sank into Yu Huai.

The screen lit up and saw several missed calls, as well as the names of missed calls.

"Your sister seems to have called you several times." Chen Qizhao said.

In the bathroom, Shen Yuhuai responded briefly.

Chen Qizhao turned on the light in the room, the dim room became brighter, and he saw the mess on the ground. He glanced and opened the door of the room, just about to see what was going on outside.

It's just that his door just opened a crack, and suddenly he saw half of his suit and black trousers appearing in the crack of the door.

Chen Qizhao stopped, looked up and saw Chen Shiming standing at the door with his hand slightly raised, a gesture ready to knock on the door.

Inside and outside the room, Chen Shiming's eyes stopped on Chen Qizhao's upper body, and saw the emerald jade around his neck, the hand pressing on the door panel on the same horizontal line, and the mobile phone with the transparent case in his hand.

When their eyes met, the silence spread instantly.

Chen Shiming's eyes moved, and he saw the traces of the collarbone along the jade.

Those marks are especially noticeable on fair skin.

Finally he heard a distinct door opening in the room.

At the door of the bathroom, someone seemed to come out.

The next second, the door in front of you slammed shut.

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