MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 102

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Some things don't seem to be so difficult to confess, Chen Qizhao lowered his eyes slightly, looking at the two or three spots of sauce splashing on the side of the rice plate, after a brief silence, his heart was rarely calm. It doesn't seem like a bad thing to tell Shen Yuhuai about these things.

In other words, he has never expressed his preferences so straightforwardly. Shen Yuhuai's worst appearance has been seen by Shen Yuhuai, and he doesn't have many good qualities. The embarrassed appearance is too bad, the absurd appearance makes people far away, time is too easy to kill everything, and friendship may become unrecognizable because of various interests.

Recalling the past, it seems very heavy, but now, it seems not worth mentioning. In this life, he will no longer be cornered by the flashlights of reporters and media, nor will he hide in the cramped utility room downstairs of the company again, nor will he be so embarrassed that he will smell like rotten eggs when he meets Shen Yuhuai again... He will be taken to Shen Yuhuai's apartment, and he will have an embarrassing new acquaintance with him.

"It's getting cold." Shen Yuhuai.

"Yeah." Chen Qizhao picked up the chicken wings. The half-cold chicken wings felt a little sticky, but they didn't taste bad. It was better than the cola chicken wings he usually ordered with Yan Kailin. too much.

It's quieter when eating, neither of them are talkative.

When she was about to finish eating, Shen Yuhuai went to the front desk to check out, and came back to bring a glass of warm water.

"There is just warm water in the store." Shen Yuhuai put the water glass next to his table, "Take the medicine first."

The rice plate was more than half empty, and Chen Qizhao ate a lot today.

In the medicine bag, Zhang Yazhi carefully prepared two medicines. Chen Qizhao took one of them and swallowed the medicine with warm water.

After he finished his medicine, a mint was placed on his right hand.

Chen Qizhao was stunned for a moment, "Where did it come from?"

"The front desk." Shen Yuhuai.

Chen Qizhao looked at the front row and saw that there seemed to be colorful candies on the rattan plate on the counter.

He took off the candy wrapper, and the mint was between his lips and teeth, and the cold feeling quickly dissipated.

The taste is not as good as in a glass bottle, but it is barely sweet.

The two didn't spend much time in the restaurant. After they came out, Shen Yuhuai wanted to go back to the research institute to get something, and Chen Qizhao went with him. To enter the research institute, a temporary pass is required, and the guard at the entrance has registered the information. Chen Qizhao cannot follow the experiment, so he can only wait in the rest area of ​​the research institute hall.

"It may take half an hour." Shen Yuhuai said.

Chen Qizhao said: "You are busy first, I will play a game here."

The hall of the research institute is not air-conditioned, but the place backed by it is relatively shady. The glass door that comes in is not closed, and a cool wind blows in.

The sound of footsteps in the quiet hall was very clear. Shen Yuhuai swiped the access card from the back of the glass door. Chen Qizhao listened to the footsteps of the other party. Sit nearby.

After Shen Yuhuai's career improved, he often had closed experiments or business trips. The closest he was to the Ninth Research Institute, and the farther he was, he might not be famous.

This feeling is a bit strange, Chen Qizhao couldn't help thinking that when the two of them got along, most of the time it was Shen Yuhuai who picked him up from get off work. I just greeted the security guard, and I rarely come in here.

The last time I came in was He Shuhang.

Chen Qizhao sat, not playing with his mobile phone, but looking at the various information cards hanging on the wall in the hall.

The Ninth Research Institute is a well-known research institute in S City, one of the best in China. This type of research institute has joint cooperation with many domestic enterprises, including the research and development and use of some new materials. The cooperation is displayed in the hall by way of listing. Relying on S city, most of the cooperation with the local, there are some well-known manufacturers that Chen Qizhao has heard of.

Chen Qizhao's attention stayed on it for a while, until the phone rang, and he came back to his senses.

Anonymous emails were displayed for a while and then retracted. Chen Qizhao retracted his gaze and opened the email message.

The bottom of S City has turned over. The information on the mobile phone was the news that he had sent for additional investigation. Regarding the gangster who just got out of the game a while ago, this person often does some housebreaking and robbery activities.

Chen Qizhao habitually read through all the materials, and stopped when he saw the last information.

The place where this gangster is often active is near Changyang Street.

Changyang Street.

Chen Qizhao is no stranger. Changyang Street crosses two commercial avenues to the north. There is a branch of Chen's. The main point... His later home was also near Changyang Street. There is a high-end community at the back of Changyang Street, where he and Chen Shiming lived.

Chen Qizhao lowered his eyes, when some things become traceable, it seems that floating things become controllable.

His finger rested on a certain phone, and the phone page first popped up a call request.

After connecting, the call for reporting popped up.

Flowered shirt: "Boss, Gu Zhengsong has made a move. The person I was staring at two days ago has moved."

Chen Qizhao listened to the succinct recitation of the flower shirt on the other side of the phone, his eyes stopped at the marble background in the center of the hall, and his fingers tapped on the armrest of the seat in an orderly manner. The sound reverberated slightly in the empty environment.

Inside the research institute, Shen Yuhuai finished talking to the administrator and handed over the key to the laboratory.

"Are you running here on purpose at this time?"

The administrator is too familiar with Shen Yuhuai. There are only a few experimental groups on this floor. Shen Yuhuai's appearance is the highest in the group, and his ability is outstanding. Leaders often come to see He also complimented him several times. People from other experimental groups also asked him about Shen Yuhuai's situation, and they were all very curious about this outstanding and low-key student.

Greetings a lot, and the administrator has a very good impression of him. Among the several experimental groups, Shen Yuhuai's group was the most active, and he was busy all day and night when he was busy some time ago. There was an important experiment in June before, and their experimental team was authorized. Shen Yuhuai was often the first to arrive at the laboratory, or the last to leave.

Several times, the administrator ran to the laboratory to chase people out, and Shen Yuhuai left.

"Okay, the information is registered here." The administrator was registering Shen Yuhuai's access information and usage time, and casually said: "I heard that some time ago you were on your own and asked for leave. It's not that busy when you're busy, so I came here to get information... You don't have to be so busy in the new stage of your group, right?"

"There is something going on next week, so I won't be here on Wednesday night." Shen Yuhuai.

The administrator was used to it. After registering, he returned the card to Shen Yuhuai, "Ask for leave again?"

"Well, it's my boyfriend's birthday." Shen Yuhuai took the card, "Let's go first."

"It's a birthday, no wonder."

The administrator opened the half-played TV series, and he was suddenly dumbfounded when the background sound sounded.

Wait? Shen Yuhuai is in love! ? Boy friend! ? He hurriedly looked out, Shen Yuhuai's figure had disappeared at the end of the corridor, and he entered the elevator.

On the way, Shen Yuhuai replied to Shen Xuelan's message, left the laboratory building and entered the exit hall.

Just before he swiped his card to open the door, he saw from a distance a long row of empty seats in the hall, where the boy sat quietly and seemed to be looking at his phone. Shen Yuhuai stopped and didn't swipe his card. He stood in front of the glass door and watched the other party's movements. He was not playing a game, but looking at something.

Shen Yuhuai watched for a while before swiping the card.

The opening sound of the glass door caught the boy's attention. He turned off the screen of the mobile phone and followed the sound. Shen Yuhuai saw the opponent's actions in his eyes, approached and said, "Did you wait for a long time?"

"It didn't take long." Chen Qizhao stood up and saw the folder in Shen Yuhuai's hand, "Have you taken everything?"

"If you take it, just print a few documents." Shen Yuhuai looked sideways, his eyes stopped on his hand, "Didn't you play games?"

Chen Qizhao stopped for a while, and was just about to find a reason to fool her when she saw Shen Yuhuai walking towards the vending machine in the hall.

After a while, the other party came over with two bottles of water, a bottle of coffee and a bottle of Coke.

Shen Yuhuai handed him the Coke, "The vending machine here is not so cool, and the Coke is not so cold."

Chen Qizhao took the coke, "I didn't play games."

Shen Yuhuai unscrewed the lid of the iced coffee and looked at him.

The cola can opened with a slam, Chen Qizhao took a sip, and said simply: "I read an email, made a phone call, and nothing else."

The tone was flat, like saying one thing very simply, and briefly summarizing what he did in the twenty minutes he left.

Shen Yuhuai suddenly laughed.

Chen Qizhao raised his eyes slightly to look at him, and noticed the smile hidden under his glasses, "What are you smiling at?"

"No." Shen Yuhuai said, "You don't have to tell me so carefully."

"I want to say." Chen Qizhao drank two more cokes, "I won't lie to you."

There was no one else in the hall, the cool wind brought a little heat and itchy fingers.

Chen Qizhao drank a few sips of Coke and felt that the cooling effect of this vending machine was really not good. He glanced at Yu Huai and asked, "Can I kiss you?"

The taste of cola and coffee intertwined with an indescribable bitterness.

In city B, when Gu Zhengsong came out of Gu's headquarters, he seemed to hear the cynicism of some people in the conference room just now. The most important business in the group was dealt with by Gu Zhengxun. The people inside the Gu family have begun to stand in line again, and the people who originally stood on Gu Zhengsong's side have also changed their attitudes one after another.

Restricted by the external environment, doing anything seems to get in the way. Just like the Pengkang Building mentioned at today's meeting, the proud Gu Zhengxun is showing his might towards him.

"Boss, where is the old lady..." the elite man asked.

Gu Zhengsong knew that the current situation was not as good as before, and Gu Zhengxun even took advantage of the wind to trouble him everywhere, "Have you arranged all the things that you have arranged before?"

"Yesterday, I sent a message to Gu Shen's people." The elite man looked at the time, "It should have been done."

The open-air parking lot, the commercial building is backed by the lively commercial area, and the parking lot is always crowded with people. At this time, when it was time to go to work in the afternoon, people after the lunch break entered the commercial building one after another. The Chen Group is located in the middle of the business district, and the black vehicles passing the license plate in front of the underground parking lot drove into the parking lot one after another.

Chen Shiming got off the bus after finishing the entertainment, and Xu Tezhu next to him used the fragmented time to confirm the progress of the itinerary with his boss: "There is a meeting on the 17th floor in the afternoon, and at 4 o'clock, I have to confirm C- 14 The progress of the project…”

Chen Shiming, who was the first to react, grabbed the assistant Xu beside him, and the two took two steps back in the direction of the car, using the car's obstruction to avoid each other's knife edge.

The people who came to attack saw Chen Shixuan's reaction so fast, they received orders to kidnap Chen Shiming. From yesterday's squatting to now, I got the news that Chen Shiming might be ordered to socialize at noon, so he waited in his fixed parking space early in order to ambush and catch people in advance.

"They're going to the elevator, let other people stop them, don't let them leave the garage."

The parking lot is vast. They watched Chen Shiming retreat to the exit of the parking lot. Just as they were about to take out the gun from their pockets, several people immediately poured out from behind a parking door in the parking lot. Armed with bulletproof equipment, the leader directly rushed over to suppress them.

Chen Shiming hid in a safe place under the cover of the police. When he saw the policeman subduing the person, he politely said thank you, "Just two people?"

"There are three more on the elevator side, they are all caught, don't worry." The police officer said.

Seeing his boss communicate with other policemen calmly, Xu Te assistant broke into a cold sweat for himself. They have been staring at Gu Shen, so when a few people gather When they were together, they immediately realized something was wrong.

The boss disclosed information to the police in advance, and then jointly prepared this temporary plan. The purpose is to wipe out the remaining people. There are no exposed dark piles in S City.

"Are you from the Shen family?" Chen Shiming asked again.

Police officer: "The ones I've been staring at have been resolved, don't worry."

Xu Tezhu has been waiting by the side, even if he is wearing a bulletproof vest under his suit, the feeling of lingering fear still makes him a little scared.

"Oh, by the way, is it your people who called the police?" The police officer watched as his colleagues took those people into the car, and suddenly remembered something, "Just over an hour ago, someone I called the police station and said that I found a few sneaky people in the business district here in the underground parking lot."

Chen Shiming stopped for a while, then turned to look at Special Assistant Xu.

Xu Te assistant immediately said: "No one on our side calls the police."

Besides, they couldn't call the police, and none of them said anything about it. Only a few people close to Chen Shiming knew about it, and they didn't shake any clues. Knowing the other party's lurking situation, they also got in touch with the criminal police team and communicated. At this time, someone will call the police?

"Could it be a mistake?" Chen Shiming frowned slightly.

"We also suspected it before. When we received the information, we contacted the police as soon as possible. The police are still sitting in the police station." The police officer looked at the distance and was arrested The clothes of several people are indeed very similar to those described by the police. "It seems that the suspicious objects described in the police report should be these people."

Someone caught, Chen Shiming followed to the police station and saw the policeman.

The policeman looked like an ordinary college student with a hat and a camera beside him. The police officer who communicated with him was taking notes, but Chen Shiming's attention remained on his camera.

"Hey, I'm serious, isn't there a female star doing activities in the business district over there? It's normal for us to wear a camera to take pictures." The 'college student' continued: " I just saw those people sneaking into the parking lot, covering the things in their hands with cloth bags, I showed you all the photos, I didn't lie to you."

The 'college student' who called the police is a professional paparazzi. After finding the problem, she called the police immediately. There are also photos in the camera, and it seems that there is no problem at all.

Chen Shiming lowered his eyes slightly when he saw this, and then said, "Thank you for your hard work. If you have any questions, you can contact me."

Coming out of the police station, Assistant Xu knew that his boss would be busy with the company next.

The cooperation with Gu Zhengxun is on the right track. Some time ago, the public opinion crisis caused by Lin's has a new turn after the press conference and public relations. Chen's problems are still too big, and some loopholes are not a few It can be adjusted in half a year. The cooperation of Pengkang Building can be said to solve the urgent need, so that Chen can get a more stable turnaround in such a situation.

In addition to dealing with Gu Shen's affairs, what Chen Shiming has done the most during this time is to make Chen's return to the original right track step by step.

Xu Tezhu explained what happened to the police, and then said: "The criminal police team said that they may send people to protect us in the near future. What happened today, and Gu Zhengsong's attitude after coming out is too Quiet, they still maintain a high degree of suspicion of Gu Zhengsong, let us pay attention to safety during this time, and try not to be single."

Chen Shiming didn't go far, but stood and called home.

After getting in touch with Zhang Yazhi, he knew that Chen Qizhao went to school with Shen Yuhuai.

"Okay, I understand." Chen Shiming hung up the phone and asked again, "What's the matter with Second Young Master recently?"

"I also gave the information to Xiao Zhou as usual, and there was nothing unusual when I saw the second young master." Xu Special assistant knew that since the previous Lin's medical affairs, the boss was very concerned about the second young master's affairs. The handling attitude seems to be very worried that Er Shao will make some risky moves.

In fact, Chen Qizhao has been very good at talking recently. Even Xu Special Assistant is a little uncomfortable. He has no extra work. Now, seeing that the other party has lost his arrogant and arrogant skin, if he hadn't seen that Xiao Zhou was still busy, he almost thought that Chen Qizhao had changed his personality.

"What happened at school recently?" Chen Shiming asked.

Assistant Xu looked at the boss cautiously: "Second Young Master should be dealing with leave, the faculty and staff of S University are going to work on the last day today."

Chen Shiming frowned slightly, it's good to deal with this matter and let people pass, why go there in person?

And when I left the house in the morning, it was finished at this time, why didn't I go home?

"Boss, the driver is here." Xu Te assistant looked at the boss.

Chen Shiming answered and dialed Chen Qizhao's number, but a cold female voice popped out of the receiver, and the other party was on the phone.

"Boss?" Assistant Xu.

Chen Shiming pressed the phone, and out of the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of the 'college student' walking out.

A man in a floral shirt draped over the shoulders of a college student and seemed to be on the phone as he walked.

Noticing Chen Shiming's gaze, the flower shirt nodded familiarly when he looked over, and then quickened his pace.

"Who is that person?" Chen Shiming asked.

Assistant Xu saw the man in the lobby just now, and said, "Boss of the paparazzi, I heard that the employee was detained, so he came to pick him up."

Prepare, I saw Chen Shiming, the little Chen Chen, was there."

"Don't worry, boss, being a positive, enthusiastic citizen and reporting to the police are two different things. My little brother is still very good at doing things." Hua Shishi informed the boss immediately after receiving the news, thinking that If the boss wants them to do something, whoever knows the boss will let them call the police immediately. It is really troublesome for them to have private intelligence and contact with the police, but this kind of reporting is another matter.

"How much will the boss pay for the police?"

Flowered shirt hung up the phone, "The police still ask for money, are you open to seeing the money?"

"That's not it." The younger brother said: "I drank two pots of tea in it and ran to the toilet three times."

The flowered shirt stabbed him in the elbow, "It's okay, just drink it once, no one else has this experience yet."

Little brother: "The tea is a bit bitter and not good."

The flower shirt looked thoughtfully in the direction of Chen Shiming, "Don't worry, please have a good lunch at noon."

The shopping mall not far from the S building was crowded with people, and Chen Qizhao hung up the phone.

He looked down at the messages in the phone slightly, and deleted some messages directly. Gu Zhengsong's meeting should be done by using Gu Shen's line, and all Gu Shen's lines are under the attention of the Chen family and the Shen family. He knows that Chen Shiming may have some arrangements, but he is still worried if he doesn't do something.

I'm used to everything being arranged, but it seems a little different now.

Not long after hanging up, the phone immediately received another call.

When he saw Chen Shiming's name, Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped for a while, and he quickly pressed the connection: "Hello?"

"Where are you?" Chen Shiming straight to the point.

"Shopping mall." Chen Qizhao's tone was as usual, his eyes following the past.

Several people watched him and whispered.

Shen Yuhuai didn't care about the eyes of the people around him, he calmly ordered the order, and the counter waiter walked to the front of the popcorn machine.

Chen Qizhao added: "Watching a movie."

Chen Shiming: "What movie?"

Chen Qizhao stopped, "Why are you asking so much?"

Chen Shiming did not speak, as if waiting for his reply.

Chen Qizhao glanced at the movie ticket in his hand, found the name of the movie, and said casually: "Sealine Dawn."

Under the scorching sun, two men in suits stood at the door of the police station, one was on the phone and the other was watching.

Te Assistant Xu stood beside him, watching his boss pick up the phone with a serious face, his face changed from serious to a little strange.

He looked at his boss nervously, and repeatedly recalled whether there was something wrong in what he said before, was there really something strange about the Second Young Master that he didn't notice?

As long as this phone call lasts, Xu Tezhu has been nervous for a long time.

Until the boss hung up the phone, he asked coldly, "What is Sealine Dawn?"

Xu Tesuke's excellent knowledge reserve was stuck for a while, and he quickly searched it online and read it in a serious tone on his mobile phone: "The new movie that just came out this month, directed by Director Tang You, The main actors are Zhang Qi and Jiang Youyou, telling the story of a young man and woman trapped on an island..."

"Love movie?" Chen Shiming frowned.

Xu Tezhu nodded: "A love movie."

Chen Shiming: "It looks good?"

"Rated 6.0."

Assistant Xu euphemistically replied: "According to the normal film and television rating, this rating is called by netizens... a bad film."

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