MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 100

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After an inquiry was made, the ward fell into silence for a few seconds. The boy's head was covered with a bath towel, his messy hair was intertwined, and his eyes were a little surprised and surprised. He stopped wiping his head and scratched his fingers on the bath towel inadvertently.

All the subtle movements that accompany his stillness, including his eyes, his body, are revealingly sexy.

Shen Yuhuai's line of sight seems to have turned into substance. Although it is several meters away, Chen Qizhao clearly knows that the other party is looking at him, and looks at him without restraint. For a time, he felt that the sight was extremely hot. In the past, he never thought it was wrong to walk out of the bathroom with his upper body exposed, but once the person he faced was his boyfriend, this very common behavior seemed to have a different meaning. Following the other party's line of sight, his skin couldn't help feeling a different kind of trembling.

The eyes crossed for only a few seconds, Shen Yuhuai looked at him naturally and seriously.

Chen Qizhao's brain was temporarily shut down, when he looked up, he saw Chen Shiming's vague figure through the closed door, his thoughts quickly gathered, and Shen Yuhuai had already walked over.

"The clothes are wet, I want to find another one."

The suitcase is at Chen Qizhao's feet, and as long as you turn it over, several tops are placed there, but when he said this, Chen Qizhao didn't hesitate, he looked at Shen Yuhuai.

Shen Yuhuai walked to Chen Qizhao's side and rummaged through the messy suitcase.

Chen Qizhao stood and looked at him, watching his hand pass the bag where he put his underwear, and finally picked a shirt from the side.

"Is this ok?" Shen Yuhuai looked up at him slightly.

The boy's head was covered with a bath towel, and in the dark side formed by the light, his face seemed to be a little red, "…as desired".

Before the next word came out, he changed his words: "Yes."

Shen Yuhuai didn't move, squatted beside the suitcase with his legs bent, holding clothes in his hand, but didn't give it to him.

"Come here." Shen Yuhuai.

Chen Qizhao stopped, bent over and was about to take the clothes in Shen Yuhuai's hand, only to say that when he just lowered his waist, Shen Yuhuai's other hand suddenly moved. His fingers crossed the back of Chen Qizhao's neck, he hugged the person and leaned in his direction, using the cover of his figure, he raised his head and kissed him.

Feeling that Shen Yuhuai was touching his bones, he was touching his neck bones, and he seemed to have touched his spine. The fine and broken feeling was particularly irritating. Chen Qizhao couldn't help but respond to his kiss. When their lips and teeth were separated, He couldn't wait to pick it up again and bit Shen Yuhuai's lips directly.

"What are you doing?"

Shen Yuhuai's hand let go, Chen Qizhao directly took the shirt from his hand, and when he stood up, he saw Chen Shiming standing not far away.

Chen Shiming came in after the phone call and saw two people on the other side of the bed squatting as if they were doing something, but before he went to look, he saw Chen Qizhao standing up with a shirtless upper body and his hands He was still pulling a piece of clothing, and his face was a little red under the towel.

Chen Qizhao: "The clothes fell on the ground and got wet. I called you for a long time and didn't respond."

Chen Shiming noticed that he was pulling a shirt, "I was on the phone just now."

Shen Yuhuai closed the suitcase, and the sound caught Chen Shiming's attention. Chen Shiming glanced over there with care, and always felt that something was weird, but he thought of the phone call he had just connected, and quickly put the matter behind him, but looked at Shen Yuhuai and said, "Why so late? come back?"

"I happened to pass by this side, so come in and have a look." Shen Yuhuai replied, and out of the corner of his eye glanced at Chen Qizhao who was already wearing clothes.

Chen Shiming happened to have something to say to Shen Yuhuai. Seeing Chen Qizhao by his side, he didn't leave, and told him about the recent family affairs. The two were sitting on the sofa talking, and Chen Qizhao sat cross-legged on the hospital bed, listening and playing with his mobile phone.

The Shen family and the Chen family have been busy with the Gu family recently, so the news from Gu Zhengsong is naturally not a secret. When referring to Gu Zhengsong, Shen Yuhuai's gaze turned slightly to Chen Qizhao, who lowered his head, holding the phone in one hand, and brushing his hair with the other.

Since Chen Shiming said this in front of Chen Qizhao, it should be that the Chen family has already told the other party some things.

Shen Yuhuai's eyes deepened, and he continued to listen.

Chen Qizhao didn't blow his hair, it was no longer dripping, he simply leaned on the head of the bed and flipped through the vx circle of friends. In fact, he doesn't like to browse Moments very much. When he was young, he was fine. He was very diligent in Moments. When he got older, he lost interest in many things.

He clicked into Shen Yuhuai's circle of friends and didn't see any new content. After exiting, he used to enter Liu Sui's circle of friends.

Learn about Shen Yuhuai's news and look at the other party's Moments. It's better to go directly to Liu Sui's Moments. Shen Yuhuai's Moments may only be updated once a month, and Liu Sui's Moments can have three or four a day. They won't say anything about the secrets of the experiment, but occasionally they can see recent developments from Liu Sui's circle of friends.

[Liu Sui: The loneliness of life is probably that no one accompanies you to eat after overtime, and finally you can only eat instant noodles in the bedroom [picture]]

Chen Qizhao flipped forward a few Moments, and they seemed to be busy with experiments recently, and Liu Sui basically didn't go out much.


Swipe the phone screen, Liu Sui's circle of friends refreshed.

Chen Qizhao lowered his eyes slightly and left a message under Liu Sui's circle of friends.

[Zhao: Eat instant noodles? Didn't you go out with Brother Huai? ]

In the evening, the hospital has a prescribed rest time, and the **** information is also registered in advance. As the rest time approached, Chen Shiming ended the conversation with Shen Yuhuai, but said: "I will send the rest of the information to Xue Xue. Lan, in the near future, pay attention to the dynamics of Gu Shen's side."

Shen Yuhuai nodded, he looked down at the time, then raised his eyes to Chen Qizhao's direction.

The latter hadn't slept yet, and the faint color blocks on the phone looked a little familiar, as if playing Tetris.

"Then I won't disturb you." Shen Yuhuai got up.

Zhang Yazhi, who was beside her, heard the words: "I'm going back now? Be careful driving on the road."

Not long after Shen Yuhuai went out, Chen Qizhao, who was sitting on the hospital bed, jumped out of bed and wore slippers at will.

Zhang Yazhi heard the sound and looked over, "Xiao Zhao?"

"Where are you going? Why is your hair still drying?" When Chen Shiming finished sending Shen Yuhuai in, he saw that Chen Qizhao was going out.

"The hair dryer is broken." Chen Qizhao held a bag in his hand, "Go out."

I will send it to you, and the rest will be dealt with, if Gu Zhengsong has any action, it should affect Gu Shen's people."

Gu's father and son are both extreme in character. This time they joined forces to make Gu Zhengsong suffer such a big loss. Gu Zhengsong will definitely not let them go easily when they come out from the inside, and the other party will not take extreme measures in a short time. move, but only on his side.

All the incriminating evidence is pushed to Gu Shen even if the evidence may be 'arranged' in advance, but the police will not listen to one side of the story. Gu Zhengsong is stared at by many people. What he wants to do most now is to shift the target to others. The outbreak of personal injury may not be a bad thing for him.

Therefore, Gu Shen's related personnel will be Gu Zhengsong's manipulation objects, a suitable way to divert other people's attention to him.

"Let us handle this matter. There are not many people in Gu Shen who stay in City S. Recently, a person who was not found before was found." Shen Xuelan's tone was a bit serious, "Gu Shen The person next to Shen had a lot of contact with some local gangsters in S City. That person was a private detective and had a lot of connections. This time, the newly found person was a person with a criminal record. He was caught for burglary and the first two Tian just released it, and Gu Shen once asked him to do something."

Shen Yuhuai listened to her, "Is there enough manpower?"

"Enough, Gu Shen hid behind his back, but the Chen family didn't find him."

Shen Xuelan said: "Are you walking? Where are you going at this time?"

"In the hospital, I'm planning to go back to the apartment." Shen Yuhuai.

Shen Xuelan: "Go to see Chen Qizhao?"

Shen Yuhuai didn't deny it, "Yeah."

Shen Xuelan looked at the information on the computer. During this period of time, she and the Chen family conducted a lot of joint investigations. Gu Zhengsong's methods were ruthless, but he did not expect that the Gu family and son would be such desperados. After Gu Shen went in, they saw a more complete truth when they handed in the evidence, and also saw that now Gu Zhengsong sacrificed his son to protect himself. This father and son have no bottom line before the law, and they are both extreme egoists.

If it really followed their way, it would be even more dangerous when the Gu family and their sons were still on the dark side. The two conspired, and she naturally knew whose plan the Chen family had originally planned to arrest Gu Shen. There was a problem with Chen Qizhao's state. Chen Qizhao contacted the police to arrange a round-up when public opinion angered Gu Shen, and finally arrested Gu Shen, who was armed with a gun.

All kinds of things, so they now have the initiative when facing Gu Zhengsong, and they will not be disadvantaged in the game.

Shen Xuelan went to the hospital to see Chen Qizhao, but when she went there, Chen Qizhao was very calm.

The calm was terrifying.

"How is Chen Qizhao recently...?" Shen Xuelan asked, she heard Chen Shiming said that Chen Qizhao was going to be discharged from the hospital.

The outside of the hospital is quieter, and it is quiet outside the hospital building.

When I came, I didn't enter the underground garage, and the two cars next to the open-air temporary parking space in the distance were empty.

"Recently..." Shen Yuhuai was halfway through speaking when he suddenly saw a boy walking out of the inpatient department in the distance.

After the boy came out, he looked around, and his last eyes turned to his direction. He was still wearing the white T-shirt that Shen Yuhuai had pulled out of the suitcase with his own hands. His untidy hair was a bit messy, and his legs were white and straight under his knee-length shorts.

"Yu Huai?" Shen Xuelan shouted.

Shen Yuhuai responded.

Shen Xuelan frowned: "Why didn't you speak, I just asked you..."

Shen Yuhuai: "I have something to do, hang up first."

As soon as the call was hung up, Chen Qizhao had already run over from there. He was wearing indoor slippers and seemed to be running a little hastily. When he got here, his chest was slightly heaving. He walked and talked until he stopped in front of Shen Yuhuai: "I didn't see you when the elevator got off the garage, thinking that you might be in the parking lot outside the inpatient department."

Shen Yuhuai looked at him and said nothing.

Chen Qizhao handed him the bag in his hand, "Liu Sui said you left without eating after get off work."

The mouth of the bag is not sealed tightly, and you can see the bread inside when you open it.

Shen Yuhuai asked, "Will you come down and give me this?"

"Yan Kailin brought a lot during the day and didn't finish it."

His back felt up, and finally he supported the back of his neck.

In the ward of the hospital, after Chen Shiming washed his hands, he saw a clean hairdryer placed next to the washstand.

After plugging in the power and turning it on, the whistling wind rushed out of the nozzle. He frowned slightly, wondering where the hair dryer was broken.

"Is Qi Zhao not back yet?" Chen Shiming came out of the bathroom and saw Zhang Yazhi standing by the window looking down, "Mom?"

Zhang Yazhi regained her senses and quickly closed the curtains.

Chen Shiming looked over incomprehensibly, "What's wrong?"

In the dormitory building of the Ninth Research Institute, Liu Suigang had just finished eating instant noodles, and he brushed into the circle of friends of his good roommate.

[Shen Yuhuai: [Picture] Dinner]

From a bakery! ? Isn't it difficult to grab several signs of that store! Where did Shen Yuhuai buy it! ?

Chen Qizhao was discharged from the hospital at noon, and the Chen family left work to pick up someone.

The luggage has been almost packed in the past two days. When I am discharged from the hospital, there is not much to bring. The family went home for a meal.

Zhang Yazhi instructed the servants to clean the room. The room was clean and tidy.

The other ornaments in the room didn't move much, and they still kept the appearance when Chen Qizhao left. He sat in the chair and turned on the computer. Except for the things he checked with his mobile phone in the hospital, all other untouched emails appeared when he opened the background.

There was a knock on the door, and Chen Qizhao shouted to come in.

Zhang Yazhi came in with a glass of water and saw that a new hit drama was playing on Chen Qizhao's computer screen, she said, "Xiao Zhao, how are you going to spend your birthday next week?"

Chen Qizhao's birthday was in July. Last year's birthday party was not very pleasant. Considering that Chen Jianhong was on a business trip, the birthday banquet was held in advance as an adult banquet, and there were a lot of guests. At that time, the Gregorian calendar time was chosen, and the adult banquet was held shortly after Chen Qizhao's college entrance examination. The originally happy thing turned out to be very unpleasant because of the college entrance examination volunteer, and he was angry with Chen Shiming for several days.

Chen Qizhao has just been hospitalized at this year's Gregorian calendar meeting, and her birthday has been postponed again and again, just in July to celebrate her lunar birthday.

Chen Qizhao said: "Don't make a big deal, just have a birthday."

Zhang Yazhi asked: "It's not a big deal, just invite a few close friends, and you also call Kailin and the others."

Chen Qizhao had no opinion, Zhang Yazhi told him about the next birthday party.

In the end, I plan to do it in the Chen family's villa, so I will invite some close friends. The birthday party is a happy event. Recently, the Chen family has had problems one after another. Zhang Yazhi also hopes to use the joy of the birthday party to dilute those lingering troubles. After confirming with Chen Qizhao, she did not disturb the children.

Only when she was leaving, Zhang Yazhi asked again: "You said last time you wanted to cut your hair, will your mother call a stylist to come to your house tomorrow to help you cut it?"

"Another day." Chen Qizhao said: "Go back to school tomorrow to get something."

Zhang Yazhi's eyes stopped for a while, "Are you driving? How about I let Lao Wu drive you."

"No, Brother Huai will have a rest tomorrow, he will come to pick me up." After Chen Qizhao noticed Zhang Yazhi's gaze, he added: "He just happened to be going back to the research institute to pick up something, so I picked him up on the way. I went over, what happened?"

"It's alright, just ask, don't worry if you drive out."

Zhang Yazhi walked in the direction of the stairs after speaking, but she was a little distracted when she was walking. She happened to meet Chen Jianhong coming out of the study with a few documents in his hand. She asked, "I want to Did you go to the company?"

"En." Chen Jianhong glanced at the other side of the corridor, "Has Xiao Zhao medicine been taken?"

"Eat." Zhang Yazhi looked at her husband and couldn't help but say: "I'm watching a drama in my room. If you're worried about the children, just go and watch."

After Zhang Yazhi left, Chen Qizhao closed the door of the room, glanced in the direction of the bathroom, and quickly moved away.

Since Zhang Yazhi came in, Chen Qizhao noticed her small movements. He is a more cautious person, and there are some important things in the bedroom, so after returning to the bedroom, he checked the room, The manual razors and scissors were taken away from the bathroom, leaving only the electric ones. Some concern turned into essence is a mother's cautiousness. Chen Qizhao felt that Zhang Yazhi did not need to do this level, because he would not go to that extreme.

The medicine taken after meals seemed to be working little by little. Chen Qizhao tilted his head and saw two things brought back from the hospital on the table.

The succulents in the potted plant seemed to be the same as when they first arrived. Chen Qizhao didn't know if he had damaged this thing, so he picked up the potted plant, opened the curtains by the window, and found a A suitable location is placed on the windowsill.

When I looked down, I saw Chen Shiming and Chen Jianhong's car leaving the villa, they should be going back to work.

He watched for a while, and then returned to the computer when the vehicle was far away.

Chen Qizhao narrowed the hit drama to the taskbar, clicked on the email to browse the important information one by one, when a certain anxiety surfaced, he opened the drawer and took the cigarette under the document , but just picked it up for a while, but the movement stopped.

Never mind.

Chen Qizhao closed the drawer, took a mint from the glass bottle next to him, removed the candy wrapper and threw it into his mouth.

Not long after, he sent an email and shut down the computer.

When she saw Shen Yuhuai coming, Zhang Yazhi paused for a while, and quickly put on a smile: "Come to find Xiao Zhao?"

"Aunt Zhang." Shen Yuhuai said hello, and then said, "Is he not up yet?"

Zhang Yazhi looked up at the second floor of the villa, "Go back to your room after dinner, go upstairs to find him."

After talking to Zhang Yazhi, Shen Yuhuai followed the footsteps of the servants to the villa, but noticed that there were eyes behind him all the time, and disappeared until he entered the villa. Shen Yuhuai had been to Chen Qizhao's room several times, and he knew which direction to go after going upstairs. He politely thanked the servant, and finally walked along the corridor on the second floor to the door of Chen Qizhao's room, but no one responded when he knocked on the door.

Shen Yuhuai knocked twice, but no one answered the door.

He stared at the doorknob, and the door opened after a while.

Chen Qizhao still had some water droplets on his face and his eyelashes were wet. He was stunned when he saw Shen Yuhuai, "Why didn't you call me?"

Shen Yuhuai nodded: "I sent you a vx, but I didn't reply."

Through the gap between the door, he saw Chen Qizhao still wearing pajamas, "Will you not let me in?"

Chen Qizhao's hand on the door suddenly loosened, "Come in, I'll change clothes."

After Shen Yuhuai walked in, he saw Chen Qizhao took some clothes into the bathroom, and the door closed in front of him.

The room was not messy before, and there was no smoke in the air. The computer in the distance was still on, and it seemed that the owner of this room was still operating it not long ago. Shen Yuhuai went to observe habitually, so when he saw potted plants bathed in sunlight in the distance, he walked over.

Every time I come to Chen Qizhao's room, I seem to feel the breath of life in the room.

The color of the room at home will be brighter, more like the room of young people, with more furnishings and rich colors. In contrast, Chen Qizhao's dormitory in the school is much more monotonous, compared to Yan Kailin's behavior of young people who put up wallpapers and posters.

Single dormitory has a higher degree of freedom. When Shen Yuhuai lived on campus, the dormitory of classmates who lived in single dormitory was like a small apartment outside.

However, the dormitory of Chen Qizhao's school is very monotonous. The sheets and quilts are of the same color. The desk is a folder except for professional books. The small table for take-out is taken from Yan Kailin's dormitory. Shen Yuhuai closed his eyes and could recall the whole picture of the other party's bedroom, so monotonous that he didn't need too much memory, while the room at Chen Qizhao's house was vaguely youthful.

with reference books. It can be seen that the other party often uses books on the left side, and things of interest are put aside.

It was like starting at a special time, and the owner of the room suddenly lost interest in games and other hobbies.

Shen Yuhuai lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes stopped in the glass bottle next to the bright computer screen, the glass bottle was filled with more than half of the mints left, and the blue packaging in the transparent bottle was particularly beautiful , right within the reach of the owner of the room.

"I'm fine." Chen Qizhao pushed open the door and came out, noticing that Shen Yuhuai was standing in front of his computer, holding the glass bottle with mints in his hand.

Shen Yuhuai asked: "Isn't it delicious?"

Chen Qizhao walked over quickly and wanted to bring the mints, "No, I will eat two occasionally."

Shen Yuhuai pulled his hand back slightly, Chen Qizhao didn't get the glass bottle, but approached Shen Yuhuai.

The two were close, and their breaths were intertwined.

Chen Qizhao just finished washing, and the cool smell seems to be more obvious.

Shen Yuhuai stretched out his hand to wrap the person in his arms and placed it next to the computer desk. He placed the glass bottle far away, "Chen Qizhao, do you think we are in a lukewarm period when we fall in love?"

After being mentioned by Shen Yuhuai, Chen Qizhao's mind instantly returned to the day when he used the tablet to search for entries. Search engines also have a feature called History Search.

Chen Qizhao just wanted to change the topic, but the hand on the back supported his waist, through the clothes he could feel the other's hand pressing on his spine, the strength of the touch It was just right, obviously he didn't use much force, but he walked in the direction of the other party.

Shen Yuhuai didn't care about his answer, the warm breath carried the addictive mint fragrance.

"Come here."

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