MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 9 capricious

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  Chapter 9 Willfulness

The rabbit has become honest, and has a new subject, Jian Heng's life has returned to a normal habit, except for meeting with Luo Min and Zhang Jialiang a few times to appease their hearts, Jian Heng began to focus on Think about what to do next.

It should be said that Jim is the one he has seen the most during this period of time. Jian Heng doesn’t know that Jim is determined to make his own reputation full, so he thinks that Jim is quite enthusiastic. After drinking a few drinks, he feels that this People are worth making friends with, unlike some Americans who are so hypocritical, gradually there is a little friendship between the two of them.

What made Jian Heng most satisfied was his own experimental product. Each time he gave one-fifth of the rabbit's dosage, mixed with half a cup of water, after half a month, referring to the ratio found by the British guy, Jian Heng The results here are beginning to show up gradually.

It should be mentioned here that the proportion of fat people among the rich in the United States is not large, but the proportion of fat people among the poor is extremely large, because in the United States, rich people always have time to exercise and pay more attention to their appearance. Loving sports is a very good thing in the United States. A habit of love sports, plus money and time, so most rich people in the United States have always maintained a good body shape.

  If you don’t look at anything else, just look at the annual triathlons. Many CEOs and presidents of some large American companies are good at it. You can understand that these Americans pay more attention to exercise.

In short, before Jian Heng's experiment, the troublesome couples were in good shape. From a certain point of view, it can be said that the handsome man and the beautiful woman are beautiful. If they walked on the street at the age of 20, they would have The super high return rate is just after Jian Heng's experiment. Now the man can hardly see the flesh, and the standard bamboo body is almost like a living skeleton, while the woman is so fat that the neck can hardly be seen. The super fat lady trend.

   "It seems that the troublesome couple didn't come these days? Could it be that they came during the day?"

   It was already the third day that the troublesome couple didn't show up in his class. Jian Heng couldn't help it a little bit, and the locker room directly asked a colleague who just came home from daytime work.

"You don't know yet? The troublesome couple spend almost all day in the gym every day, how can they have time to come and enjoy the food!" The waiter looked at Jian Heng and then took his bag and left to change. dressing room.

   "Damn!" Jian Heng heard that this was the case, since the troubled couple didn't come, then there was no point in staying here by himself.

   While Jian Heng was silent, a colleague from the same class walked in.

"Jane, what are you doing in a daze? Idiot Face has been looking for you. A group of Chinese guests have come and called you a few times. Now the whole person is burning with anger." The colleague saw Jian Heng unexpectedly In a daze, he immediately said to Jian Heng.

  Hearing what his colleague said, Jian Heng smiled and walked directly to the door of the changing room.

   "Jane, you forgot to change your clothes!" A colleague immediately reminded Jian Heng.

Turning around, Jian Heng smiled at his colleagues and decided to leave here. There is no need to see a person with a smiling face every day, whether it is a person or a ghost, he can't be offended. Suddenly, Jian Heng's heart felt a sense of relief for no reason. .

"Need not!"

   After speaking, Jian Heng walked directly into the hall.

   This colleague immediately guessed that there was a show to watch, and stepped forward to follow.

   "Why haven't you changed your clothes yet? Do you know what time it is?" Seeing that Jian Heng was still in normal clothes, his dead face immediately became colder by three points.

  Jian Heng smiled slightly: "I'm here to inform you"

   After he finished speaking, he paused for a moment, then shouted with all his strength: "Bicky (female cousin)! I quit!"

   After saying this, Jian Heng felt an inexplicable excitement in every pore of his body, he jumped up involuntarily, and swung his fist in the air.

Jian Heng's voice was very loud, not only the manager, but also all the guests in the hall heard it. Now is the peak time of dining, and the restaurant is almost full. Everyone was stunned by Jian Heng's words, and it was completely quiet All of a sudden, the restaurant became even more popular.

  The world is never short of good people who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal. After two or three seconds, some guests came back to their senses.


   A crisp whistle sounded, followed by applause.

  In a short time, the suits in the restaurant stood up halfway from their seats. They whistled one after another and clapped non-stop. All of a sudden, the high-end restaurant seemed to have the atmosphere of a vulgar small dance hall.

  The old face of the female manager is almost frozen!

   Jian Heng was not interested in looking at her at all. He clasped his fists at the crowd applauding him, turned around and left the restaurant in a chic way, with a bit of chicness and naturalness of waving his hands without taking away a cloud!

  Out of the restaurant, Jian Heng looked back at the place where he had been working for more than two years with a shy face, and said after a while: "Life without money is so self-willed!"

Putting on the helmet and riding on the bike, Jian Heng went home and rode for more than a hundred meters. Jian Heng stepped on the ground with one foot and said to himself: "I'm not in a hurry, it's necessary to ride like this soon?"

   Subconsciously stepping on it until now, Jian Heng remembered that he no longer had to be as busy as before, so he immediately started riding slowly, admiring the surrounding scenery while riding.

  After four or five years in New York, Jian Heng observed the city from this perspective for the first time.

To be honest, since the first day when he set foot on American land, Jian Heng felt a pair of invisible hands pushing him, making him run wildly forward, from a happy boy in a small domestic town to an American An Asian spinning top that almost never stops spinning.

Jian Heng knows that he can rely on no one except himself here, and can't talk about family relationship with anyone. He has no education, no knowledge, and only his hands can rely on him. If he wants to live a good life, the only thing he can do is What I want to do is to keep running forward, to run faster than others, and to run earlier than others. How can Jian Heng like this have the heart to enjoy the scenery along the way? If he is a little careless, he may not even be able to eat From now on, leisure is the greatest luxury for Jian Heng.

It was the first time to see New York with such a state of mind. Only then did Jian Heng realize the beauty of New York. New York in the night revealed a kind of seductive prosperity and also a kind of golden blur. This is the smell of dollars. This kind of taste makes countless people in the world scramble to throw themselves into this secular melting pot, either to become famous or to be smashed to pieces. When this city staged countless legends, more people lost time or were crushed to pieces.

Countless times I inadvertently raised the speed in my habit, and then slowed down countless times. Jian Heng just stopped and went, riding and watching like a curious baby. Of course, what is the black area, where South Americans gather? If you don’t go, no matter how powerful the space is, you have to guard against flying bullets. Seeking death is not Jian Heng’s style, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall!

After slipping away for more than four hours, Jian Heng turned his head and returned to his small nest. When he was seven or eight blocks away from his residence, a notice on the small advertisement wall on the roadside wall attracted Jian Heng's attention. look.

  The notice reads: More than a dozen storage rooms of Zhou RB Company are ready for auction!

   There is a signature below, as well as a phone number for renting, and of course an address.

There are many such storage rooms in the United States, with different sizes. Generally speaking, they are rebuilt from abandoned factories. Of course, there are also specially built ones. They are divided into small rooms for rent, and the price ranges from tens to hundreds of dollars a month. , If you have money, you can rent a room and put some things that are not commonly used at home.

If someone rents, someone will stop paying the rent for various reasons, so after three months, those storage rooms that have not paid the rent and still have things in them will be auctioned. Of course, this auction is not Too formal, that is, the rental company finds someone, usually the administrator shouts a price on the spot, and the moment the person who takes the photo pays the bill, everything in the storage room no longer belongs to the original owner, and the surface belongs to the person who took the photo bit.

  Seeing this news, Jian Heng's eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't help thinking of a way to legalize the source of his own space car. This way is the best way for now!

  Thinking of this, Jian Heng stepped on two steps, went home directly, dropped the car and replaced it with an old Ford that he didn't know how many times he owned, and drove towards the place written on the address.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion