MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 679 after school

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  Chapter 679 After school

When he got home, Jian Heng took on his mother's new task, washing the sauerkraut and chopping it to squeeze out the water. After finishing these tasks, he had to reconcile the noodles. As for the high-level work of making cakes, it must be done by Sun Xiuying. to do.

   Now Sun Xiuying's main task is to take good care of her two daughters-in-law, and other things are not worth mentioning to her old man.

Jian Heng finished cutting the sauerkraut, and squeezed out the water in the sauerkraut with his hands. This task fully made Jian Heng's strong arms useful. With Jian Heng's hands, all the water that could be squeezed out of the sauerkraut was gone. Squeezed out by Jian Heng, lumps of sauerkraut dumpling filled with water were soon placed on the console.

  Jian Heng was busy with his work when he suddenly saw Mai Mai walking beside him. After standing still, he looked eagerly at the sauerkraut dumpling on the console.

   reached out and scratched Mai Mai's nose: "Why, little greedy cat, do you want to eat now?"

  Mai took a step back, avoiding Jian Heng's hand that smelled of sauerkraut, and opened his mouth and said, "Mom made me and Damai a little nervous."

   "Why?" Jian Heng asked puzzled.

Mai said: "Look at what we both have become now. Every day when we got home, my mother would ask me what fruit I want to eat, and I'll peel it off for you. I'll make it for you at noon. I feel a little bit sorry, I always feel a kind of pressure in my heart! Mom is so old, is it a bit bad to do this or that for us?"

"Then you have to get used to it. In fact, don't have any pressure. This is the standard treatment for a pregnant daughter-in-law in China. It is different from the customs in the United States. If you don't let your mother do this, she may still think in her heart: What did I do wrong, the two daughter-in-laws don't like me very much?" Jian Heng explained a bit.

   This is the difference between Chinese and American habits. Generally speaking, the daughter-in-law is pregnant and the mother-in-law must be busy. Why? This is an addition to the old X family. Although New China has been established for so many years, many old ideas are still hidden in the hearts of ordinary people.

But Laomei is different here. If the daughter-in-law is pregnant, the mother-in-law must be happy when she is happy, but generally speaking, she will never work as a nanny at the son's house. For them, the life of the son-in-law is the life of the son-in-law The thing to consider is that your own life is your own, so the average American mother-in-law would rather travel than do the things of a Chinese mother-in-law.

   "Really?" Xiaomai was a little skeptical.

  Jian Heng nodded affirmatively: "Really, but I also took the time to talk to my mother. She is a bit over the top. This is not serving the daughter-in-law to have a child, it is like serving two pandas."

   "Is the panda bad?"

   "Good!" Jian Heng laughed.

Sun Xiuying became a little anxious when she couldn't see Mai Mai for a while, she stood at the door of the kitchen and waved to Mai Mai and said, "Miao Mai, come out quickly, the kitchen is full of oily fumes, bad air will affect the children, come to the living room quickly ".


   Maimai responded, then kissed Jian Heng on the cheek, turned around and left like a cheerful deer.

   Seeing Mai Mai's appearance, Sun Xiuying was a little worried about her grandson: "Oh, little ancestor, slow down, you are still so frizzy at a grown man."

  Seeing that his mother was about to leave, Jian Heng immediately called to his mother: "Mom, come here, I have something to say to you."

  Sun Xiuying walked towards her son and asked, "What's the matter, are you acting sneaky?"

"Mom, don't make a fuss about it. It's no problem for you to take care of your two daughter-in-laws here in China, but your two daughter-in-laws are Americans. Generally, American daughter-in-laws don't care about having children..." Jian Heng Said.

  Sun Xiuying was upset when she heard this, and she blurted out the words that Damaimai couldn't say and her son: "Why do you despise me?"

"It's nothing, nothing at all, it's just that this American, a bitch, is used to being independent for a while and can't enjoy your treatment for a while, not to let you go, but to restrain yourself a little, for example, this fruit is cut up for you Just put it there, don't put it in the hands of Damaimai... Otherwise, these two silly girls will mutter in their hearts: Oh, my mother is so good to me, what if there is something wrong with this child?" Jian Heng imitated it cheaply The voice of barley and wheat said.

Sun Xiuying was covered in goosebumps by her son, she stretched out her hand and stroked her arm and said, "Oh, don't imitate it, if Big Wheat and Little Wheat sounded like yours, I would have bang my head against the wall a long time ago, I'm going to be sick to death !"

   Jian Heng said: "I'm talking about this matter, your attention should be on the key point, the key point!"

"Hey, that can't be like this. The two children are living a comfortable life now, and the child in this belly is growing up!" Sun Xiuying was very concerned about her daughter-in-law's handsome appearance when she heard it. The health of the grandchildren is a big deal.

   "That's right!" Jian Heng agreed.

  Sun Xiuying gave Jian Heng an OK gesture: "I see".

   After finishing speaking, he turned around to leave, took two steps and then turned back: "I said when will these two children go to class? This belly is getting bigger and bigger. Isn't it good to rest at home?"

   "It's an American habit for mothers to go up until the moment of delivery, and then get up after lying on the bed for two days," Jian Heng said.

   "Hey, how can this body survive?" Sun Xiuying was immediately surprised.

  Jian Heng didn't want to explain to his old lady any more: "Mom, don't you know their bodies?"

   "No matter how good your health is, you can't make such a fuss? No, I'll go and tell them, the illness that this woman fell in during her confinement is a lifetime thing."

  Jian Heng grabbed his mother's arm: "Look. You are putting pressure on the two of them. They are Americans, so they come here according to American habits. If they are like this, you should not be surprised."

"This..." Sun Xiuying is still a little worried about her daughter-in-law's health after giving birth, because Sun Xiuying still wants to have more grandchildren in her heart. In her heart, it is a pity that her son's family is so big that there are not many children. She is also proud that her son's generation has flourished.

   "Okay, don't worry about it!"

  Before Jian Heng finished speaking, Jian Anan's voice came from the living room: "Mom, are the drinks ready? The two children will be back soon. Get some juice!"

  Sun Xiuying was a little unhappy when she heard Jian Anan's voice: "This thing is like a ghost all day long!"

  He said so, but his hands were not idle. He still prepared fruits for the little girl and grandson who were about to come home and began to peel them, preparing to fry them into warm juice.

   This is the difference between a daughter and a daughter-in-law. For Jian Anan, the most fluent words are: Mom! something. It is almost a common problem among children, but American children generally quit it when they grow up, but Chinese children still carry it.

  Sun Xiuying just finished peeling the fruit, when she heard the voices of Xiao An and Ning Ning, especially Ning Ning's voice was like a little fried egg.

  Pooh's hearing is very good, and when he sensed Ningning's return, he immediately rolled over from the floor and ran to the door happily, unscrewed the door, and greeted Ningning.

  For Pooh, life lacks Ning Ning, who is like a monkey, and the fun is greatly reduced.

"Wow! Pooh, Pooh, miss me!" The little girl saw that Pooh had picked her up, and immediately went up to her with joy, hugging each other like this, as if she hadn't seen her in ten years .

  Jian Heng could hear the little girl's shouts from the kitchen.

  Sun Xiuying is busy squeezing juice here, while Jian Heng washed his hands here and wanted to ask the two little guys how they feel about school.

  When the two little guys returned to the house and dropped their schoolbags, Sun Xiuying handed over hot fresh fruit juice, while Jian Heng and a group of adults were already ready to ask about today's academic situation.

  Jian Anan opened her mouth first: "Ningning, Xiaoan, how are you doing at school today?"

  Xiao An said very boringly: "General!"

  Ning Ning said excitedly: "School is so fun, the teacher even praised me, let Xiaoan learn from me well!...".

  While showing off, she pouted her belly, Ning Ning couldn't hide the complacency on that small face.

  (end of this chapter)