MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 671 hide

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  Chapter 671 hidden

  Send off the enthusiastic headmaster, and when it was time for lunch, Jian Heng brought up this issue at the dinner table for everyone to discuss.

   After talking about his thoughts, Jian Heng asked everyone, "What do you think of my thoughts?"


  The little girl Ning Ning was the first to jump out, raising her little hands high, as if she was afraid that others would see her.

  Jian Heng took a look at her, and directly turned his eyes away from the little man.

  Ningning immediately became even more unhappy. She stood up directly from the chair, leaned her body onto the table, stretched her little hand almost to the center line of the table, and said loudly while stretching out: "I don't agree, I don't agree!"

   "I see, you disagree!" Jian Heng replied.

"I won't go, it's hard to have a winter vacation, and you still let me go to school, I want to break up with you, I don't want you to be my brother!" The little girl was angry, standing on the stool with her hips crossed, angrily The belly is straight and straight.

"You still have the nerve to say that you are on winter vacation. Tell me which day you are at home is not a winter vacation? Xiaoan didn't even say anything, but you said it first. You will pay more than 1,000 a month to let you go to kindergarten. You can figure it out yourself. How many days have you been there? Playing in the stud farm every day." Jian Heng directly tore off the little girl's pseudo-student mask.

   Being blocked by her brother, Ning Ning was a little at a loss for words. After thinking for a while, she said: "I just don't go to school, do you have the ability to tie me up?"

   After speaking aggressively, he folded his arms and sat back on the chair, turning his head as if I didn't care about you.

  Jian Anan said at this time: "Isn't this still in discussion, and I haven't decided whether to go or not!"

  Ning Ning felt a little better when he heard that no formal decision had been made, but he still emphasized: "I won't go anyway, and I won't come to your place again! I won't come if you kill me!"

  The last sentence was naturally addressed to Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng said: "See if you can do it!"

  Sun Xiuying thought for a while and said: "I think it's better to go and have a look. You don't have to stay there all day, but it is also a good experience to know how American children learn."

  Jian Heng said at this time: "There are no classes in the lower grades here in the United States. The class is just to play casually, and then come back from school at three or four o'clock, just like going to herd sheep!"

   "I won't go to herd the sheep either!" The little girl was still angry.

  Seeing her appearance, Jian Heng sighed and said: "It seems that our family is going to have an illiterate child. There has never been an illiterate child in more than ten generations, and now a female illiterate is finally born."

   "You are illiterate, you graduated from junior high school," Ning Ning immediately retorted.

   "Have you graduated from junior high school? Just like you, you can't graduate from school, and you don't study hard." How could Jian Heng care about the little girl's little thorn, which is really not even a thorn.

Damai said: "Okay, you two stop arguing, Ningning, I think what your brother said is right, now at your age you don't learn anything in school, you just play, why don't you play two God, if you really don't like it, you won't go there after three days, okay?"

  As soon as Ningning heard this, he immediately said to Damai: "Sister Damai, you can't lie to me, I have always liked you."

  Jian Heng broke out in a cold sweat on his forehead when he heard this, and thought: This girl hasn't settled down yet, first find out her way out, and at the same time push Barley to an emotional corner.

  As far as her little thoughts are concerned, adults can't guess, she must be thinking about going for a few days, and then she said it's not fun and slipped back to continue herding sheep in the pasture.

  Just as Jian Heng wanted to disagree, Damai gave Jian Heng a wink, so Jian Heng had no choice but to swallow the rest of the words back into his stomach.

  Barley laughed and said, "Okay, we've made a deal!"

After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that the little girl felt that this matter was a bit unreliable, so she climbed down from the chair, walked to Damai's side, and stretched out her hand: "Sister-in-law, let's make a hook, don't go back on your word." .

  Balai smiled and pulled the hook with Ningning. While pulling the hook, the two of them were talking about how the hook cannot be changed for a hundred years after being hanged.

   Jian Heng glanced at this little sister who was really speechless from the corner of his eye. When his eyes fell on Xiao An, he said to Xiao An: "Xiao An, do you want to go?"

   "Xiao An is definitely going!" Jian Anan said immediately.

  Jian Heng listened to this, and stopped his sister: "Let Xiao An talk for himself, his class is so full that you have scheduled it, and it is really time to have fun and take a rest when we get here."

   "It's not fair, you are Xiao An's older brother!" Ning Ning immediately accused Jian Heng.

   "What a mess, if you go to school again, you can play as many classes as Xiao An every day now!" Jian Heng scolded his little sister.

When Ning Ning thought of going to school like Xiao An and being busy every day like a fool, she immediately shrank her head in fright, but she seemed to think that she couldn't lose in her momentum, so she pretended to show that I was very powerful Come.

  Xiao An was quite honest, glanced at her mother, and said in a voice not much louder than a mosquito: "Let me go!"

  Jian Anan immediately patted his son's head when he heard it, and said with great relief, "Xiao An is so good!"

  Jian Heng couldn't help but twitched his lips when he saw this scene, looked at his little sister and then at his nephew, Jian Heng couldn't help sighing in his heart.

   Just like that, after a meal, Ning Ning's attitude towards Jian Heng became even worse.

Jian Heng didn't take it seriously either. He rested for a while to digest and prepared to go to the gym. As soon as he went out, he saw Xiaoan squatting on the snow beside Denver on the other side of the four walls of the house. The little guy was hugging With both hands, he was looking at the little aunt Ningning and Pooh who were busy playing like a little monkey.

   Walking to Xiao An's side, Jian Heng squatted down side by side with him. After a while, Jian Heng opened his mouth and asked, "What are you thinking?"

   "Nothing!" Xiao An said softly.

  Jian Heng said to Xiao An: "Do you know how Uncle came to America?"

   "Mom said that you came to the United States when you were very young, and told me to grow up to be a responsible man like Uncle you." Xiao An looked at Jian Heng with admiration in his eyes.

For a child, the most real feeling is usually which person brings more gifts, but Xiaoan is quieter. Generally speaking, children who are quiet and a little closed are precocious and have a particularly delicate mind. Xiaoan knows that whether it is from childhood Counting from mother's side, or counting from father's side, the most powerful of all people is this uncle.

  Jian Hengting reached out and rubbed Xiao An's head: "If you really look like uncle, your mother will be mad at you!"

  Xiao An was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why?"

"I went to the United States when I left home. It was because I quarreled with your grandfather. At that time, I didn't understand some of your grandfather's style. Teenagers always feel that they are right and look down on many things about their parents. When I came to the United States, I didn’t want to come here. In fact, I originally wanted to go out and find a job, even if it was to go to a factory to work as long as I could leave home. I don’t need to see your grandpa, so I won’t have that job. gas…".

  Jian Heng and Xiao An's nephew chatted like this.

Jian Anan happened to come out here, and was about to call the two children to go back and drink some hot water to warm their bodies. When she just opened her mouth, she heard her younger brother talking to her son, so she closed her mouth to make a joke, but when she heard Jian Heng said When the matter was very serious, he couldn't help but shut his mouth, stood still and listened.

  When I heard that Jian Heng had been ill in the United States, and lay in the shed for three days without a drop of water or rice, his nose couldn't help but ache.

Jian Heng didn't know that his sister was standing behind him, but said to Xiaoan: "I know you are a good boy, and you don't want to disappoint your parents, but you have to learn a little bit, learn to express your opinions, and tell others What's on your mind...'.

"Uncle, my parents had a hard time in the past two years. My father went to take a ride in the evening after get off work, and usually came back at two o'clock at night. My mother wanted to save money, so she ate in the cafeteria of their school at noon. After ordering a portion of rice, the cook in the cafeteria said strange things in front of many people... I will earn a lot of money for my parents like an uncle in the future," Xiao An said quietly.

  Jian Heng was stunned when he heard that, he didn't expect that a child who was less than ten years old would think so many things in his little head, and when he thought that he was less than ten years old, he suddenly felt a little ashamed.

  The life of Jian Heng's Dao sister and brother-in-law used to be like Yang Bin and Jian An'an didn't know how Jian Heng got here in the United States. When he heard what Xiaoan said, all kinds of feelings suddenly came to his heart. Before, he always felt that his brother-in-law's family had a good life. It turned out that they, like themselves before, chose to report the good news to their relatives and not the bad news.

   Originally, Jian Heng came here to enlighten Xiao An. After such a chat, Jian Heng knew that Xiao An didn't need to enlighten him by himself. What he needed was a channel to vent himself. This child is far more sensible than I thought, and I no longer need to explain the truth to him from my side.

  Thinking of this, Jian Heng patted Xiao An's head lightly, without saying anything, stood up and walked towards the equipment room.

  After Jian Heng walked less than a few meters, he heard the sound of sobbing, and when he turned around, he found that his sister was crying while hugging Xiao An.

  Watching her sister sobbing for a while, Jian Heng said to Xiao An: "Xiao An, come here, follow uncle to the gym to play."

  Jian Anan froze for a moment, wiped away her tears, and wanted to ask something.

  Jian Heng waved his hand: "I'm your younger brother, and I can't hurt him! I thought of a way to let the child vent freely, don't keep things in the bottom of my heart, and I will get bored in the end."

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion