MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 650 Fresh

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  Chapter 650 Fresh

   After talking with Old Lynch and Zhao Changshan for a while, the two got up and said goodbye.

   Waiting for Zhao Changshan to go out, Jian Heng remembered the matter of the meat, so he stretched out his hand to pat his thigh and slapped: "Oh, why did I forget the business, where is Zhao Changshan's meat?"

  Suddenly Jian Heng came so suddenly that Da Mai and Mai were taken aback, and when they heard Jian Heng's grammatically ill sentence, they immediately followed the words.

   "What do you want Zhao Changshan's servant to do?" Damai said.

  Mait interface asked: "Are you going to braise in soy sauce, or make soup?"

"I don't have time to play tricks with you. I mean, didn't the family kill pigs and sheep? I asked them to get the meat. I don't want to eat meat from outside anymore." Jian Heng said as he was about to stand up. Showed a posture of chasing out the door.

Damai said: "Don't chase after him. Brother Changshan came to deliver the meat, and he packed it up. The mutton and pork were about 30 catties each, and there were some bones and internal organs. In addition, there were five catties of fresh mutton and meat. The three-pound pork chops are still in the kitchen, and they say you need to use them at night."

  Jian Heng heard this and went to the kitchen door to take a look. As expected, there were several pieces of fresh meat on the operating table in the kitchen, and there were two small pork chops.

  He took a closer look and was very satisfied with the quality of the meat, and said boastfully: "Look at the mutton raised in our pasture, it's beautiful!"

  Xiaomai walked to the door of the kitchen at this time and asked, "Why did you hunt a pet today?"

"Hey! Don't mention it, Si Wan had a good time along the way. He Ye and I were just playing with each other. You can't imagine how good her marksmanship is. A rabbit in motion directly hits the head with a single shot, without any misses! First, shoot I bought some rabbits, and then I was going to hunt some big ones, and I took them to continue walking up the mountain as soon as I heard it, but I didn't expect to kill a female fox halfway..." Jian Heng said.

He told the story of the afternoon to the wheat in his mouth, but the work in his hand did not stop. He took the bone knife and directly untied the two small fans, put the pickled material and grabbed it with his hands. Grab it and put it in a basin to marinate.

  After unpacking the small ribs, he began to cut the meat. Because it is best to eat meat rolls in the pot, Jian Heng sorted the meat and placed it outside the house. He was going to freeze the meat so that he could slice the rolls later.

   "Wow, I knew we would have gone with you, and we were able to touch the wolf king!" When Mai heard that Si Wan had touched the wolf king, she immediately began to regret it.

After hearing this, Jian Heng waved his hand and said, "You'd better not go, the wolf king almost bit Si Wan in two, you didn't know that the wolf king's teeth came out at that time, luckily Si Wan didn't act stupid again up".

"She can brag about this for the rest of her life." Mai Mai is quite envious of Si Wan. For an American, she is brave if she does something that others dare not do. Brave, but also unwise.

   "You stay at home for a while, I will drive to pick some fresh vegetables and come back, let's eat pot tonight" Jian Heng said.

  Barley and Wheat nodded.

   As soon as Jian Heng opened the car door when he came out, Pooh stretched out his fat head and insisted on getting into the car.

   "Are you so active today?"

Because going to the greenhouse was not going to any other place, so Jian Heng let Pooh into the car. Once in the car, Pooh was just like a person, with his big buttocks sitting on the back seat, and his front paws resting on each other. On the back of the chair on the left, one on the back of the chair on the right, with a bear face staring at the front like a dog.

   Pooh is here, how about instant noodles? I saw a small shadow, and the instant noodle was like a dog with the same seat as Pooh, but it was too small, it only reached half of the back of the chair, and Pooh occupied the center again. The location, so the instant noodles can't see anything except the back of the chair!

  Where Jian Heng is in the mood to care about the instant noodles and see the scenery in front of the car, he gets in the car, starts it, and walks towards the farm.

  Driving halfway, Jian Heng was amused by Pooh when he turned his head. He saw that his bear face was full of solemnity, staring at the road in front of the car without any expression.

  Driving the car to the farm, the daughter-in-law of the Gong family opened the gate: "Sir!"

   "I'll pick and order some food, and I'll eat the pot at night. Have you cooked yet?" Jian Heng pressed the car window with a smile and chatted with Gong's daughter-in-law.

"We are doing it. By the way, sir, all the greenhouses have been planted. Some old vegetables have been replaced with new ones. Maybe there may not be some that were there before." Her husband and a group of people went through the conservatory, reminding Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng replied with a smile after hearing this: "It's okay, I eat what I have, I'm not picky eaters, that's enough, let's not talk anymore, you go back to the house, I will pick vegetables!"

   Just like that, Jian Heng parked his car at the door of the greenhouse, and entered the greenhouse with Pooh and instant noodles.

  The temperature in the greenhouse was high, and the clothes on his body were a little too much to wear. As soon as he entered the greenhouse, Jian Heng took off his clothes, hung them at the entrance, and began to look at the greenhouse.

  Take a blueberry and start picking. The green house that has just been reorganized has the freshest side dishes, so Jian Heng picked some more here. There are not only the original vegetables, but also some vegetables that Jian Heng has never grown before, such as Artemisia annua, which are pure surprises for Jian Heng.

  Gong Ming heard that Jian Heng was coming, so he came over and wanted to help Jian Heng pick and order food together.

  Jian Heng smiled at him when he saw him coming over, and had to say that although the men in the valley are a bit stupid, they are really strict in doing things, and they are much more reliable than the so-called smart men.

   "Where's Ma Wan?" Jian Heng asked casually, which was equivalent to saying hello to Gong Ming.

   Gongming said: "Teaching children to write calligraphy in the house."

   "Oh! I really forgot about it" Jian Heng remembered that a group of children here followed Ma Wan to learn calligraphy.

   "How are your children following the practice?" Jian Heng knew that Gong Ming's family also had children of the right age, so he opened his mouth to ask.

  Gong Ming scratched the back of his head honestly: "He is not bad at studying, he is considered good among a dozen children, and Ma Wan also compliments him from time to time!"

   "A dozen children, where did they come from?" Jian Heng asked curiously after hearing this.

   Gongming said: "There are also some children in the neighborhood who come here three days a week to learn one hour of Chinese in the evening and one hour of calligraphy."

   "Oh, so many people send their children here?" Jian Heng didn't expect this.

   Gongming said: "Yes, when they send their children here, they say that if they master a language, they will be more competitive."

  Jian Heng understands when he hears this. The parents who sent their children here have long-sightedness. After all, they have learned the language of the world's largest and second economically powerful country, so it will be much easier to find a job. In recent years, the employment situation in the United States has not been optimistic. Many students who graduate are equal to unemployment. Some parents do everything possible to provide their children with more and broader perspectives. For example, learning Chinese well is one of the hottest topics. .

   "What else do you want to pick? The day lily is just edible, why don't you take some back?" Gong Ming suggested.

   "Okay, let's get some, and don't need anything else. These are enough. There are seven or eight people in total, and there are not many fresh dishes to eat," Jian Heng said.

  In addition to the meat and vegetables, there are also all kinds of pickled vegetables Sun Xiuying prepared for her son and daughter-in-law's family.

In another greenhouse, with the help of Gong Ming, Jian Heng picked another half-basket of day lilies, which were too fresh to be eaten, and had to be boiled in water, dried in the sun, and used again when eating. Eat it after the blisters are soaked. Jian Heng likes the taste of roasted pork with day lily very much.

   All the vegetables were picked and put in the car. Jian Heng let Pooh and instant noodles play in the yard, and he went into the house out of curiosity to see how Ma Wan's calligraphy class was held.

After opening the door and entering Ma Wan's big study, I saw a group of little boys, black-haired and blond, with curly hair and non-curly hair, more than a dozen of them were quietly posting papers. , all the hairy kids still look good with brushes, Chinese kids are fine, some foreign kids are also good at writing, which surprised Jian Heng a bit.

  (end of this chapter)