MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 642 Shunfeng

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  Chapter 642 Shun Fan

  Back at home, Barley and Wheat had already fallen asleep, and as time passed, the two slept longer and longer.

It didn't wake them up. Jian Heng sat on the sofa and was stunned for a while before he sighed softly. Liu Guangming's description of Zhou Jun made Jian Heng feel a little uncomfortable in retrospect. After all, the two lived together It took a while, but when you think about it carefully, what Liu Guangming said is not unreasonable. A woman who expects to trade her body for her future will always face such arguments from others.

Of course, I won’t talk about the successful ones, just look at a certain Deng. Countless people praised her, and many media praised her for her life as a big woman. To be honest, Jian Heng has never seen anything worthy of praise in her. It's nothing more than the fact that Liyou has scraped off a fortune from the law now.

   If you fail, you will definitely be criticized by others, just like Zhou Jun now, you will have to bear the consequences of whatever path you choose. He must be looked at contemptuously by a rich man like Liu Guangming.

After sitting alone with the lights off for a while, Jian Heng remembered what he had thought about when he left in the morning, so he took the instrument out of the space, and then began to scan the whole room. After working for more than half an hour, Jian Heng Only then did Bian believe that his house was safe.

  Put the things back in the space, Jian Heng went back to the room to sleep, as soon as his head touched the bed, he started snoring.

  At five o'clock the next day, when Jian Heng's biological clock arrived, Weiji opened his eyes.

   "So early?" Jian Heng thought he woke up early, but when he opened his eyes, he found that Barley and Wheat had already woken up.

  Wheat didn't answer Jian Heng's question, but said: "It's raining outside, I can't run, I can only play on the elliptical machine at home."

   "Is it raining? Is it too big? If it's too big, the flight might not be able to take off tonight." When Jian Heng heard that it was raining, he immediately stood by the window, opened the curtain and stretched his head to look outside.

   "It's okay!" Jian Heng took a look and found that the rain outside was not too heavy, at least the windows weren't murky yet.

   "We're done, you can wash up quickly, by the way, this morning, Mai and I want to eat wontons," Damai said.

   Jian Heng heard it and said: "How can I prepare it for you now? I can't do it myself. I'll go out and buy it!"

   "Okay!" After Da Mai finished speaking, he and Mai walked out of the room side by side.

Jian Heng first brushed his teeth, then took a shower, changed into sportswear, and prepared to practice at home. Of course, Jian Heng’s equipment at home is relatively small, and it must be simple. The only two things are an elliptical machine and A treadmill, Jian Heng doesn't need to look at it, he knows that it must be dominated by his daughters-in-law, but Jian Heng has a lot of methods here, he can do push-ups, squats and other movements without equipment.

   Just about to leave the room, I remembered the barley and wheat breakfast, so I took out my mobile phone and searched for delicious wontons in Shanghai. I have to say that the convenience of life in China is really a bit behind that in the United States. Soon Jian Heng found a time-honored brand, and the price is needless to say. What makes Jian Heng most satisfied is that this store is not in the United States. Scenic area.

  Chinese people know that in addition to expensive things in scenic spots, there is also a bad taste. Many people joked that only KFC is the most affordable to go to scenic spots.

   After finding a place to buy breakfast, Jian Heng went downstairs to the simple athletes to start exercising.

   Arriving downstairs, seeing Barley and Wheat's tights and leggings all over, Jian Heng suddenly wondered if the way of exercising this morning could be changed.

  Just as Jian Heng was smiling and approaching the nearest wheat, he suddenly heard a crisp ding-dong from his mobile phone!

   Someone sent Jian Heng a WeChat message, it was still so early in the morning!

  He took out his phone and looked, it was actually sent by He Ye, with only a few short words: Are you up?

   Jian Heng immediately replied: Are you still asleep? !

  I'm up, by the way, which plane are you on? He Ye saw that Jian Heng had replied to the message and immediately replied. Before Jian Heng could reply, He Ye sent another sentence: Forget it, I'll call!

  In an instant, Jian Heng's cell phone rang.

  Wheat asked curiously: "Who, that woman from yesterday?"

  Jian Heng smiled and said: "Yes, ask me if I will go back today, if not, invite me to come tonight to have fun!"

  That's what I said, but the next sentence leaked: "Hey, haven't you slept yet, kid?"

   "Why haven't you slept yet? I woke up and am rushing to Shanghai now. By the way, refund your air tickets. Si Wan and I will take you to Montana!"

   "What?" Jian Heng couldn't believe that there was a big hole waiting for him, so he immediately picked out his ear and confirmed it again.

  He Ye said on the other end: "Let me tell you again, the ticket is refunded, and we will fly to Montana together in a private jet."

   "Your plane has been repaired?" Jian Heng did some calculations and thought it was wrong. He Ye's plane is supposed to be still lying on the repair ground.

"Why do you care so much? Tell me whether you want to sit or not. If you don't, then Si Wan and I will leave together on a big plane!" He Ye couldn't bear Jian Heng's kindness. The reporter was angry.

As soon as Jian Heng heard it, he said happily: "Sit, why don't you sit, I will refund the ticket immediately. By the way, you have developed to go to your little horse farm for vacation so quickly. It's done. I didn't expect you to still Two hands!"

What He Ye said next made Jian Heng feel ashamed, and he only heard He Ye say: "Not to my horse farm, but to your ranch. Si Wan is very curious about your horse, so I have to go to see it in person. one look!"

  Hearing this, Jian Heng couldn't help but shuddered, and Jian Heng had already experienced Si Wan's ability just by eating that day.

  Let's put it this way, this Si Wan can be said to be Wu Yong's second. After a meal, I asked Jian Heng at least twenty times whether your horse is for sale, and the price is negotiable. It annoyed Jian Heng a lot.

   "I'm going!" Jian Heng didn't know what language to use to express his mood at the moment.

  Xiaomi opened his mouth and asked, "He Ye? Are we not flying tonight?"

  He Ye heard the voice of Mai Mai, but he couldn't tell whether it was barley or wheat, but he still said on the other end of the phone, "Help me bring a treat to Barley and Mai!"

   "It's not that I won't fly anymore, but I want to go back with He Ye and the others in a private plane," Jian Heng said.

   "Okay, it's okay, I'll hang up, I'm running on the high speed here"

   After finishing speaking, he didn't care what Jian Heng said, and hung up the phone all at once.

  Put down the phone, and Jian Heng explained to Damaimai.

  Barley said: "The horses in the pasture should be sold to her."

  Jian Heng said: "Generally, Ma Siwan looks down on this person. If she wants to sell it, she must have the best horse from our ranch. How can I sell it?"

   "Then what should I do?" Mai Mai said, "I heard that He Ye seems to really like this little girl, and you are his good friend...".

   "Let's talk about it, if it's Chengli, we can discuss it, but if it's not, then I'm sorry." When Jian Heng heard Mai Mai mentioning this matter, he was also quite entangled.

I feel a little bit complaining about He Ye in my heart, you don't want so many good girls, why did you just fall in love with such a woman, she really doesn't look like a beautiful woman, and her temper can't be seen as gentle now, Guan Jian's mouth is too broken, it feels like he and Wu Yong are the real couple.

  Let He Ye be so disturbed, Jian Heng originally wanted to have an embarrassing battle with Damai and Xiaomai, but now he was not in the mood, practiced randomly for a while, and drove the car to buy breakfast for his wives.

   It took about 40 minutes to go back and forth. There were still no people in the morning, and the morning rush hour was far away. When I got home, although the wontons were a little stiff, it didn't affect the taste too much.

  Barley and wheat are now being spoiled, and after a few bites, they can tell the shortcomings. The skin is a bit swollen, and the juice in the meat stuffing is all skewered.

  Jian Heng didn't explain it here, and directly shifted the responsibility to the time-honored store that sells wontons, and agreed that the two daughters-in-law would not patronize this store next time.

What Jian Heng didn't expect was that before Sankou had finished eating, he heard the sound of a car coming from the yard. He looked out the window and saw the old Rolls-Royce that now belongs to the stud farm. He stopped firmly at the door.

   I'm going!

   Jian Heng secretly sighed in his heart: Look at him, he just swung up at a high speed and drove to his door in a daze for more than an hour.

  (end of this chapter)