MTL - Limitless Sword God-Chapter 1568 The soul is still there

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He saved the world, saved the people, saved his loved ones, saved his best friend, but did not save Ling Qingyu, even if the world was not destroyed, everything was stopped, how can it be? He is still not happy.

He passed through the broken world and headed for the fairy world that had turned into dust.

The fairyland at the moment is already a chaos, nothing, even the sun and the moon are broken.

Su Yun did not stop at the fairyland, but ran along the fairyland and rushed to the top.

There, there is a very small new interface, and this interface is an artificial interface. This interface actually existed in ancient times, but few people know this interface, and this interface is compared with the fairy world. The conditions are quite different, the interface is extremely small, and because of man-made, there is no resource, and the aura is rare and pitiful. The only reason for its existence is that it is located above the fairy world, when the fierce sword begins to die. It can avoid the fierceness and destructive power of the fierce sword to the greatest extent. However, this refers to the first round of the fierce sword's destructive behavior. When the second round is reached, the interface will not be able to resist. In the end, this artificial interface is just a small interface behind the real devil.

But it doesn't matter. Before the death of the fierce sword, the power of the immortal against the fierce sword composed of the ancestor and the strong **** of the gods came from this interface. This interface gathered a lot of strong people in the fairy world. Most of them are in the market and the existence of the gods. They think that this interface can save him. In fact, this interface is destroyed, and it is only a matter of time. When Su Yun swallowed the consciousness of the ancestor, he learned the interface and immediately came here.

When he entered this unnamed world, the outside of this interface has been eroded by the fierce, and a large and broken enchantment mark outside the border is clearly visible. He jumped and jumped, and the man almost moved in the air. He immediately landed in the center of the interface. At the center of the interface, an ancestor was surrounded by thousands of powerful immortals. They sat cross-legged and seemed to be resting. Everyone is shaking.

Su Yun appeared, which attracted many people here. Especially the only ancestor in the center, he opened his eyes and stared at Su Yun, and asked with a slight surprise: "Your face is alive, are you from the outside world?"

"Not bad!"

Su Yun said: "The fierce sword begins to die. You don't want to stop it. Instead, you hide here and steal it. You are really humbled compared to the first ancestor and the first ancestor of the moon."

The moon and the sky are the names of the two ancestors who resisted the fierce sword.

"Bold, I dare to speak to the ancestors! Don't you want to live? Roll it down!!"

A fairy saw Su Yun was so arrogant, and immediately drunk.

But his words just fell, the terrible fierceness suddenly burst into his body, and he swallowed him in an instant, and when the fierceness ended, the man had disappeared, and there was no residue left.


The surrounding immortals stood up and brushed up and looked at the scene with a shock, and the scene immediately boiled. The ancestors at the center were even more shocked.

"Furious? This is the spirit of the sword! Who are you??"

The ancestor was awkward.

"I am the new master of these heavens, you should have heard my name!! My name is Su Yun! Now, I want you to do something, and you must cooperate with me!"

Su Yun said faintly.

"Su Yun??" The ancestors heard the sound, and they were very upset.

This name, no one knows?

"I didn't expect it would be you!!"

"Su Yun! How come you are here? What is the situation outside?"

"Whenever you are outside, you don't have to worry about it. Now, I want you to give all the cultivation, and use the power of the heart to lead the stone of the life!"

Su Yun is still faint.

But this sentence fell, and the scene immediately exploded.

Some people don't understand what is the stone of life, but the ancestor and the people around him are as good at the stone of life.

"The stone of the fate??!! It is the stone of heaven, a life is born, it must be the shine of the stone of life, this stone only exists in the number of lives, it will not easily appear in front of people Unless you call it out with great power, no one can do it, even if it is the ancestor! Su Yun! If you want us to force the stone to be called, let us do it ourselves. There is no other way to pay for it! If we do what you say, we will all become waste!! Do you say we can promise?"

The ancestor shouted.

"You have no choice!"

Su Yun stared at the ancestor and said coldly.

"You are just a person, how dare you be so arrogant?" Another immortal is not convinced.

Su Yun is completely forcing them.

"I only give you time to consider the three interest rates. After the three interest rates, if you don't agree, I will destroy the world." Su Yun closed his eyes, there is no room for negotiation, and every word of his words, listen. In these people's ears, they are all cold and painful.

Destroy the world? So many experts here, is it that Su Yun doesn't care?

But at this moment, the ancestor opened his mouth. He bowed his head for a moment and said: "It is said that the stone of life is the stone of life. It has been hidden in the fate of the world. It has spirituality. It can control the number of others at will. And destroy the number of lives, and even change the number of others in the power of the right, the supreme, is really the master, Su Yun, what are you going to do? Let us help you to call this stone of life?"

"No need to talk nonsense, do it quickly." Su Yun whispered.

They are forced to be helpless. They don't want to die here. Even if they are not repaired, they are at least much better than their lives, and the ancestor is the same. In fact, there are not many Daxians here, and there is only one ancestor. If you talk about strength, this power is nothing. However, this ancestor is very different from other people because he is a master of art. The ancestor, such a person, there is only one person in the world, and it is he who expected the fierce sword to launch a second era, so he created such an interface to resist, but it is expected that the fierce sword is too large. He couldn't fully predict, so he didn't know the interface, and he couldn't provide him with absolute shelter. If it wasn't for Su Yun's successful suppression of the fierce sword, this interface would be extinguished, and it would be sooner or later.

The ancestors began to arrange, and all the immortals cooperated. All the people passed the power to the ancestors in a large-scale situation, and the ancestors stood in the sky, shattered by their own small world, and extracted the most pure ancestor power. The volley and the cloth, leading out the most magical existence that is free from the 10,000 counts.

A human-shaped stone shimmering with colorful light slowly floats out of the void, its brilliance is dazzling, the atmosphere is exquisite and mysterious, and it is difficult to express it with words.

This piece of stone, which existed during the floods, is said to have been born with the fierce sword, but it does not have to be terrible.

When the stone appeared, the immortals below all bowed to the dagger, even the ancestor.

However, Su Yun jumped in front of the stone of the life. He carried a fierce sword and stared at the stone coldly.

"You should know the purpose of calling me out!"

He is cold and cold.

"The spirit of the fierce sword is the change of the soul of the fierce sword. Whether it is Ling Qingyu or the will you swallowed, it is the fierce sword itself. Ling Qingyu is already dead. Even if you conquer the fierce sword, you can’t She is resurrected! This is determined by the number of lives."

There is a hollow, unfeeling voice in the stone of the life.

"A person's life and death, how come the number depends on?"

"This is reality."

"But the reality is that I have already taken control of the number of lives, and I will also break the number of lives, let the eternal life of the world ridicule! Enjoy the reincarnation! No longer controlled or threatened by anything!!"

"You can't do it." The voice was still empty.

"Who said that?"

Su Yun suddenly raised a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and raised the dead sword, and instantly rushed to the stone of the life.

Dangdang! !

Even the stone of the ancestors' power can be immunized, and it is broken and broken directly under the terrible fierce sword.

"What?" The people underneath were completely shocked.

"The heavens and the world will not have more lives. If you have to say the number of lives, I am the number of lives. Whoever I want to live, whoever will be born!! Whoever I want to die, who will die!!"

Su Yun took the fierce sword, broke the void, and went away.

He crossed the chaotic fairy world, walked through the broken spiritual world, crossed the vast world of dust that had turned into dust, turned over countless interfaces, and finally, he came to a familiar but not famous interface.

Tianwu mainland!

At the moment of the Tianwu continent, things are human and evil. The fierce sword did not have time to destroy this fragile interface. Su Yun entered it and quickly entered the original Sujia area. However, in the years he left, Tianwu mainland has changed greatly. Even the Su family has already migrated and left, I don’t know how many years have passed.

Su Yun came to Tiangou Mountain in the Xiongxiong area. This barren mountain has not changed much in these years. Several spiritual masters carrying swords are walking around the mountains, like driving on the road, Su Yun flies to the top of Tiangou. Looking at the barren hill, the memory is remembered. He volleyed and emptied open, grabbing a broken scorpion from inside.

This is the sword of the Promise.

When the fierce sword broke through the seal of the sword, Su Yun collected it in the first time. It’s just that the current swordsmanship is already broken, and it’s extremely difficult to say that it’s a seal. Fortunately, he does not need to use a sword to seal the fierce sword, because he is a fierce sword.

He placed the sword on a piece of rock in front of him, took a slight breath, and jumped into the broken sword.

In the world of swordsmanship, there is a darkness, and the breath left by the fierce sword has not completely evaporated. The whole world is stunned and dim. The Su Yun falls at the bottom of the world of the sword, gently moving, along with his front. OK, this dim world is gradually brightening, and the scent of the scent is gradually disappearing.

Looking at this quiet world, his mind can't help but recall the girl and his all kinds of things, crying and laughing, blood and tears, shouting with screams, and heartfelt tenderness.

Everything is like yesterday, everything is like a world.

He walked quietly and watched quietly. He knew that the girl did not leave him, but was always with him.

I don't know how long it took, Su Yun, who was quiet, and the light of Ying Ying, but after the light rose, it quickly disappeared. He walked a few steps and suddenly stopped.

At this moment, a sound like a scorpio was introduced into his ear, such as the breeze blowing from the sky, and it was unforgettable.

"what are you doing?"

This sound almost made his heart wrap tightly. He smiled, but in the eyes of the strong, he picked it up.

He turned suddenly, and a small face like jade was reflected in his line of sight. The two faces were separated by only half a finger, and he could clearly see the smile on her little face. She can clearly see the deep feelings and joy in his eyes.

The girl is still the same, almost perfect melon face, a vertical hair, autumn like water, skin stuffed with snow, and only a white dress on the body, the golden lotus-like jade feet are so naked on the ground, no Any dress up, but the country.

Su Yun reached out and held the girl tightly in her arms.

The girl did not resist, hugged him tightly, and closed her eyes slightly, but her mouth raised a happy smile.

Su Yun knows that Ling Qingyu has always been in his own consciousness. When she could not suppress the new will of the fierce sword, she injected her last power into Su Yun’s body, and this force was later resisted by Su Yun. The attack of the fierce sword body, but this consciousness has been sleeping forever after the resistance. In order to wake up Ling Qingyu, Su Yun must completely eliminate the number of lives and let them replace it.

"What about a fierce sword?"

"It has been blocked! It is just my sword!"

"Your sabre? Then you"

"Yes, I am already a sword of the fierce sword!"

"You?? Who am I?" Ling Qingyu asked.

"Who is who you are not important, the important thing is that I will be by your side."

Su Yun reached out and stroked the head of Fu Lingqing, smiling slightly.

(This time I am preparing a new book, I can't update it on time. I'm sorry, but it's almost the same. I have the last chapter left, and I will explain the explanation. Of course, if the voice is high, I may write something, no matter what. How, still have to thank those who support this book, this is the longest novel in the old fire writing career, may be the first time the old fire to write fantasy, the update is slow, there are many hard injuries in the book, please Forgive me, the next one will surely satisfy everyone. In addition, the last chapter will be delivered tomorrow.)