MTL - Limitless Sword God-Chapter 1525 Heavenly King

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This is too abnormal!

Su Yun looked very cold, and the sword once again smashed to the other side of the ancient lion king. However, the sword slammed, still can not cause any injury to the Wan Gu Shi Wang, but the Wan Gu Shi Wang also pulled out a huge lion shadow behind him. Tear him in the past.

Su Yun avoided, and he went to explore the ancient sages and the ancient sorcerers. If not, the defense of the two is extremely terrible. Even the swords of the Tianjian can not leave the sword marks, and behind them, there is also a shadow. With a **** of evil, closeness is not allowed.

Su Yun realized that he seemed to be trapped in a certain legal array. There was no eye-catching, no ruins, but an ancient squad based on the flesh and the ancestral atmosphere.

Their defense should be a combination of the defenses of the four of them. It is terrible. Can they be connected through this legal array?

Su Yun tried to find a breakthrough from other places, but the four virtual shadows of the four people were almost continuous. No matter where he broke, he would be intercepted by the shadow. It was seamless and there was no flaw.

However, simply trapping Su Yun is not the ultimate means of the four kings of the ages. At this time, in the area bordering the four kings of the ages, the space is suddenly distorted, and the strong ancestral power begins to infuse it like a tidal wave. The cloud only felt that its own power was instantly suppressed by a more terrible force. Not only that, but even the air waves generated by the ancestors struggled to vent to the side and were completely isolated.

This array of martial arts, which was jointly promoted by the four kings of the ancient times, is faintly fascinating with the ancestors.

Su Yun was locked into a steel cage, unable to escape, and could only watch the butcher knife stretched out.

He took a deep breath. In this case, you can't panic. It is very easy for four powerful pseudo-ancestors to trap themselves. Although he has the magical inheritance, the pseudo-ancestor is better than any of the four kings. However, it is only the pseudo-ancestor who is the pseudo-ancestor. It is impossible to easily kill four people. If you want to break this cage, I am afraid that you can only use the method of the ancestor.

Su Yun’s head was spinning fast, and the memory of the Devil’s heritage was also fast-moving in his mind. Soon, he understood how he should act.

The pseudo-ancestor has a small world and can use the power of the ancestor. Although the power of the ancestor of the pseudo-ancestor is very weak, it is like a newborn baby and a strong adult man, but even a newborn baby. The power is also the power. In essence, it is the same kind of power used by the ancestors. This also shows that the pseudo-ancestor is the means to launch the ancestor.

Su Yun sat down on the knees, and Yi Tianjian and Tian Tianjian hovered around him, as if he was protecting the law for him. The small world in the body was running at high speed. The constant power of the ancestor was everywhere in his body, as if uncontrolled. .


A loud noise broke out beside Su Yun.

The four kings opened their eyes slightly and looked at Su Yun.

"What is he doing?"

"I think there is nothing to do!"

"Everybody, don't waste any more time, work hard together, bury this person, imprison his soul, find out where the fierce sword is falling!!"

"it is good!!"

The four kings conveyed their words with their minds, and the latter four exerted their strength. The huge virtual shadow behind them immediately opened their arms and clasped each other, and the shadows became distorted, and they converge toward the middle of the middle. It seems that there is What a strange suction is pulling them.

However, in the face of this strange scene, Su Yun still closed his eyes and sat down, seemingly out of the world, and the two swords beside him, and at this time overlapped, in his The top of the head keeps spinning and flying.


Suddenly, Su Yun’s body broke out with a thick and horrible magical power. This magical power seemed to be conscious. It immediately gathered in the overlapping Yitianjian and Tiantianjian, with the two swords as the mold, wrapped up a huge Incomparable dark magic sword.

The magic sword appeared, and the gas field in the entire array was squeezed out. The power of the magic sword was able to compete with the strength of the big forces that the four kings joined together. This is incredible, but the four kings do not know how much power Su Yun has used at the moment.

The power of the magical road is originally the means by which the crushing potential completely releases all of its own. The reason why the power of the magical road makes the fairy world jealous is that each of its means has the power beyond the imagination of ordinary people, but few people know this. The price of strength is incomparably harsh conditions and unbearable pain.

At this moment, Su Yun is in accordance with a kind of practice that the Holy Spirit inherits, and wants to break through the big array of the four kings. This kind of practice is to hide his bone marrow deep in the blood barrier and in the small world. The power of any drop of water in a single piece of sand is all taken out, and the damage it produces is not something that the four kings can imagine.

Soon, the shadows of the four kings have gathered at the top of Suyun into a huge chaotic ball. The chaos ball has increased the gravity of this area to nearly ten million times. The void is all broken, but the body of Su Yun However, it is completely unaffected by the distorted and broken voids. However, the chaotic ball slowly descends at this moment, and more and more powerful gravity appears, which is intended to crush Su Yun into a powder.

This kind of horrible power even makes the dark days that are still fighting with the night of the night.

"I didn't expect this person to force the four kings to use such a means. It seems that I have been scorning him for years."

In the dark, I whispered and continued to kill the past in the end of the night.


At the same time, the four kings drank and released their strength. The ball of chaos suddenly slammed into the past, and the unstoppable huge sphere fell at high speed, as if to crush everything.


At this moment, Su Yun Meng opened his eyes and held his hands high. The huge magic sword on his head flew upwards in the sky.

The sword is shouting, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo. The momentum of the chaotic ball is mixed with the momentum of the magic sword. The horrible air wave instantly shatters the big array of the four kings. The four people are shocked and vomiting blood, and the Soviet Union The cloud is also uncomfortable. He is bleeding seven times, his face is pale, his internal organs are shaking wildly, and the small world is shaking and falling apart.

This blow cost him almost all the power.

But if you can win, you will only see this attack.

The magic sword and the chaotic ball collide each other, and they are not retreating, but the sword's edge is too fierce. After the four kings were shocked, there was no first time to continue to deliver energy to the chaotic ball, and Su Yun was injured after the injury. In persistence, gradually, the edge of the magic sword tore the ball of chaos, the surface of the huge sphere, slowly climbing a lot of cracks and lines.

But listening to the ‘咚’, the eardrum seemed to burst, and the magic sword directly penetrated the ball of chaos and shattered it completely. The fragments of the chaotic ball are splashed toward the square, like a meteor, and they are shot in the distance. They are still seeing the two ancestors of the fight, and they have stopped to push the mana to resist.

And just as the ball of chaos was shattered, Su Yun drove the magic sword to the four kings with the last will.

Seeing it in the dark, his face changed greatly, and he rushed to Su Yun, trying to stop it, but can you make the dark sky so good? Quickly chase and force them to fight.

Entangled by the night, it is difficult to get out of the dark, and I can only watch the horrible swords and the four kings who are wounded.

"Do not!!!!"

The first to be attacked was the Wan Gu Shi Wang. He used the continuation of Shen Dan to cooperate with the other three kings to mobilize the ancient gods. I thought this time will surely wipe out the Su Yun, and the means of Su Yun is so terrible. They even broke their ancient gods, facing the horrible sword of the wind and the power, and he was unable to escape, not to mention defense, he shouted, but no one He can save him, the magic sword passes through, tearing his body into pieces

Su Yun once again spurred the magic sword and rushed to the other end of the ancient elephant.

Wan Gu Xiang Wang rushed to escape, but at this moment, where can he escape? Immediately chased by the magic sword, also went to the end of the Wan Gu Shi Wang.

Both the Sayādaw and the Witch God are ugly, they look toward the dark sky, see the dark heavens want to come here to save, but they are entangled in the night, heartless, and immediately the saints drink low to the witch god: "Run is not run It's not as good as you and me, fighting hard, attacking the ontology, he launched such a powerful blow, sure that he has reached the limit, maybe his situation is worse than us!! Kill him, this weird sword is bound to collapse damage!"

"it is good!"

The eyes of the ancient witches and gods agreed with the proposal of the Sayādaw. The two abandoned all protection and directly rushed to Su Yun. The speed was so astounding.

In the mouth of the witch, he sang something loudly. Suddenly, he spit out a gray light. It was a curse that carried the law of death. This power came from the air and it was mortal.

Su Yun tried to lift the sword and tried to block the past.

The strength of the Promise Sword that can seal the fierce sword is terrible, and after the seal is loose, Su Yun feels that the power of the fierce sword has also begun to act on the sword, allowing the strength of the sword to progress to a terrible realm, perhaps The strength of the people who build the swords of the Promise will not be strong, but the people who enclose the fierce swords are afraid of being extremely terrible, and Su Yun even guessed more than once, the fierce sword entered the sword, and it should not be deliberately sealed, but Ling If the rain and rain voluntarily enter it, it is the power of the fierce sword. Who can seal it under the universal sky?

Under this block, the Witch Gods were caught off guard, but at this time, the ancient sages there also launched an attack, a spell silently fell to the side of Su Yun, and posted on his Body.

"This time, you will die!"

Wan Gu Zun sneered, suddenly took out a statue of a villain, and just in the moment when the charm was attached to Su Yun, Su Yun found that he could not move.

Read The Duke's Passion