MTL - Limitless Sword God-Chapter 1482 Guaturized the devil

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The magic eye appeared, and the Yuanzu was frightened! Su Yun is fighting with him! This is the power of the soul!

The magic eye shines on him, and his soul is taken out. The Yuanzu immediately guards his mind and blocks his soul. The two sides are like tug-of-war. The Yuanzu issued a painful embarrassment, and the soul was torn. This feeling madly bombarded his will, but if he loosened a half, the soul would be taken away by Su Yun and sealed into the magic eye. Although Su Yun's cultivation is far worse than the ancestor's ancestors, his soul power is stronger than Yuanzu. His soul is integrated into the power of the demon's soul. It is extremely majestic, even if the ancestors can't compete with it. This is the only advantage of Su Yun.

Yuanzu’s face was stunned, his body was violent, his soul was pulled out a little, and he could do nothing. He wanted to attack Su Yun, but in this dark world, he could not lock the position of Su Yun.

"Do not!!!!!!"

Yuanzu squats, his soul is pulled out a little bit, he can not withstand the soul power of Su Yun, when the demon saint is in the world, his soul power is stronger than the Yuanzu ancestors, in the same order, the ancestor strength of the devil is The strongest, this is also the reason why Yuanzu fears the devil, especially his soul, powerful and unbelievable. The will of the devil is usually extremely firm. Their spirit and soul claim to be the strongest in the world, because the devil From birth to the present, nothing has been spent in sorrow. The magical powers of the magical powers they practiced have all grown up in sufferings and sufferings. After the birth of the demons, they have been suppressed by the immortal world. The devil is comfortable. Among the devils, the most vulnerable group has died. A little bit later, it flows into the devil world, and the one who survives is in the real devil world. The strongest existence has now entered the fairy world.

The Yuanzu couldn’t resist, and he could only watch his own souls being pulled out a little. He was terrified, and he was able to cultivate the ancestors. Which one did not end up suffering, and experienced a bitter person? If you die like this, what a pity, no matter who you are, will put down your dignity at this moment and try your best to survive.

"Devil!! Su Yun!! Let me go!! Let me go!! As long as you don't kill me, I am willing to do it for you!! I beg you to let me go!!"

The Yuan ancestors groaned, but the voice trembled.

"Let you let go? Is it possible? When you are going to die, can you think about letting him go?"

In the darkness, Su Yun’s cold voice came.

"Why are you going to let me go?" Yuanzu shouted.

"Nothing, despair!!"

The sound of the drink fell, the magic eye burst out of red light, as the big hand extended, suddenly mentioning, the soul of Yuanzu was directly smashed out and flew to the magic eye.

"Do not!!!!"

The soul of the Yuanzu sent out the snoring of the heartbreaking, and the soul of the first ancestor was also aggressive. He continued to bombard the magic eye. The huge soul force was like a big wave, and the next shot was on the magic eye, but the magic eye did not have any The reaction, until the soul of Yuanzu fell into the inside, it closed directly.


In an instant, the heavens and the earth recovered and the fairy world was liberated from the darkness. Su Yun closed his eyes and stood on the sky. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, his eyes are red, and there seems to be a shadow in the bead. That is the soul of the Yuanzu. His eyes acted as his stomach and began to digest the power of the soul of the ancestors, as Heilongjiang blocked him. The existence of the ancestor level has long been divided into five parts, regardless of the hands and feet, their eyes can be used for the nose, the nose can be used for the eyes, one hair can change the hands and feet, both hands and feet can be turned into hair, the ancestor exists, In the true sense, I have cultivated myself into a whole, a whole that cannot be killed without completely destroying it.

The battle of the first ancestor was finally over, and the turbulent fairy world was also calmed down, leaving only the destructive power that was difficult to disperse in the air. People seem to have experienced a storm and calm down to understand how good it is to live.

Su Yun looked at the body of Yuanzu and lost his soul. This body is just an empty shell. He grabbed the flesh and threw it into the space bag. How precious is the body of the first ancestor? What's more, the body of the enemy, he does not intend to be so ruined, when refining, good use

The war here is over, but the devil's side is not over yet, because it is necessary to resist the air waves, the big devils can't launch the immortal array to destroy these trapped immortals, the number of devils is too small, to the end, There are some signs of untenable support.

"No, the magic is not enough. If this continues, the trapped swords will be broken!" Jianzu glanced around and said, "If there is no way to solve these people, we can only choose to retreat."

"Retreat? Go, you must take the Devil and the Monarch! We can't leave them here!"

The great demon who was at the peak of the gods whispered.

"The atmosphere of destruction is a lot smaller, there is no movement there, maybe the war on the other side is over."

At this time, the knife released the emperor shouted.

When this statement fell, everyone’s heart was suddenly shocked.

The battle of the ancestor, is it over?

So who won?

People's hearts began to jump wildly, and their fate was actually linked to the battle of the first ancestors. If Su Yunsheng, these devils can survive, after all, the ancestors are dead, but if Su Yun died, Yuan Zu live, then the situation can be It’s awful. The devil has no ancestor to fight against the ancestors, and will inevitably be destroyed by the ancestors. No one here can run.

People stared at the distance, but they ignored the immortals in the trapped swords. They followed the crazy bombardment, and the big devils who supported the trapped swords became more and more powerless.

"Fast, they can't support it! Everyone will work harder and break this trapped sword!"

"Haha, we are coming out!"

All the people laughed.

The bombardment became fiercer, and the big devils saw nothing and couldn’t help but rushed to re-support the trapped swords.

"You are holding here first, I will go to the fairy cemetery to see the situation!!"

Jianzu Shensheng is facing these humanities.

"You can't go, or wait here." The big devil shouted.

"Our time is running out. There are a lot of immortals coming here. If we spend a lot of time here, I am afraid that no one can go! You can find ways to destroy the swords and remove these people. Otherwise, they will inevitably come to Japan." I will find trouble again, I will find a way to bring Su Yun back."

When Jianzu said it, he had to turn around, but at this moment, a rush of drinking came from the sky.

"Your time is really not much, but no one can go anywhere!"

At the moment when the voice fell, countless figures came to this side. When people looked at it, they saw a large number of immortals coming to this side, and there were many great immortals.

The big devil has already been out of the big fairy, and it is inevitable that it will not be able to withstand it. Moreover, these people of Xianxian have already issued a signal for help. These immortals will come, and it is not an accident.


"How to do?"

Those people panic and said.

"Retreat immediately!! Fast!!"

Sword screamed.

These demons can't control the huge number of immortals while controlling the trapped swords!

"No! The demon and the demon have not been rescued, can't just go!"

The big devils shouted unwillingly.

"But if you don't go, no one can't go! If Su Yunsheng, they can't keep Su Yun, if Su Yun is defeated, even if you go, it will not help, leaving the green hills without burning wood!! Go! Go! !"

Jianzu shouted loudly. Now, in this case, it is too late to leave.

The big devils hesitated, and in the end, they made the decision, and the resounding sound continued to ring.

But how can these immortals let them leave? Several big fairy rushed, directly killing the four great devils who spurred the trapped swords, destroying the trapped swords, the sword array was broken, and the people inside flew out directly.

The immortals are like the tides, coming here, plus the big fairy who came to the end, the number of Daxian is as many as twenty, and the masters who are at the top of the market and the peaks of the spirits are countless! !

"The demon slayer! One does not stay, kill me!!"

A roar sounded.

Many people, such as the sword, the drunk, the gods, the emperor, the emperor, and so on, directly rushed to these devils. They were trapped by the swords, and their hearts were grievous. Now, when the troops are coming, they will not revenge. What is the face?

"These big devils are mine, no one is allowed to grab, I have to kill them by hand and swallow their flesh and soul!!"

Shouted the ancestors of Shentai.

When he heard the sword, he continued to rush to the Great Emperor. At this moment, his hatred of the Emperor was not small.

The Devils, the resident, and the knives were all retreating, but soon, the tide-like celestials surrounded them, and a vast immortal used the time and space to send a group of powerful immortals to the Demon Army. The rear, blocking their way.

The demons have no way to go.

The difference in strength between the two sides is at least one to five. The number of immortals is at least five times that of the devil, and it is not considered a master. The great devils gathered together, and the people in the station were on the periphery, standing with the people in the knife field, watching the dense and innumerable immortals, many people were horrified in the eyes.

"It seems that I have to explain it here today."

Jianzu took a deep breath and said a touch.

"There is always a death, death is not terrible, it depends on how to die, how to die! Even if it is dead today, I will pull a few people to bury!"

The big devil who sealed the peak of the gods said low, the voice was cold, and the immortal around him couldn’t help but retreat.

"The mouth is hard!"

The gods and ancestors of the ancestors sneaked in and out, directly attacking.

The big devil immediately counterattacked, but at the same time, there were seven Daxian who were the peaks of the gods and shot at the same time and attacked him.

The two fists were hard to beat the four hands, and the big devil was immediately smashed through the chest and was seriously injured.

"Everyone, this person, I want it! Other people, you!"

The ancestor of Shentai pointed to the injured demon and said loudly.

Read The Duke's Passion