MTL - Limitless Sword God-Chapter 10 Lost fetish

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The rebirth is too sudden, there is not much thought in the brain, and the plan must be re-customized.

What I am going to do now is to improve my strength.

The new moon fruit produced in the Crescent Moon Valley is not simple. It is reported that taking this material can greatly increase the cultivation and without any drawbacks, even if the first time into the spiritual repair can be digested.

Although the fruit of the new moon is good, it is not easy to obtain. The mysterious and unpredictable in the valley is extremely dangerous. Many people have entered the Crescent Moon Valley expedition.

Su Yun doesn't know what happened to them, but he is no stranger to Xinyue Valley. He also knows some places where the fruits of the new moon are born.

"As long as you solve the guardian beasts there, you will be able to easily obtain the fruits. With the fruits, you will be greatly helped by your own impact on the spiritual masters!"

Su Yun said to himself, thinking for a while, and walking towards the side store.

"The treasurer, give me two bottles of 'Gude beasts' leather powder."

Su Yun shouted at the people in the store.

"Good guest officer, prepare for you right away!"

An old man with a close-knit flower screamed and prepared for it.

'Gude beasts' is a high-order beast, the strength is stronger than the absolute tiger, the beast of the spirit of Xuan Xin, the body of it is very valuable, like the town of Jinghu Town every year Not many 'Gude beasts' can be sold, and the 'Gude beasts' that were brought in were mostly captured by Shenjian.

Of course, the vicious beast has a high strength, and the price is also high. Although it is only a little powder of its skin, it has to be a cloud of two thousand coins.

"A bottle of polylinga, three boxes of quick-setting cream, an invisible charm, a bottle of closed powder, a small storage ring."

Su Yun shouted out the items he needed, and the treasurer quickly prepared it. He collected the things and paid for the money. There were only 3,345 remitters left on his body.

These things are actually in the "Tianyang Auction", but it is not a high-level thing. It is more cost-effective to go to a small shop next to it.

After stuffing things into this small storage ring that is not only three flats, I rode the mysterious horse and went straight to the Crescent Valley.

Xinyue Valley is a long way from Jinghu Town, and it takes about one and a half hours to reach the foot of Xuan Ma.

Of course, the most powerful baby in Xinyue Valley is not the fruit of the new moon, but the powerful treasure that is not known to be left in the ‘Tianqing’.

‘Tianqing’ is a treasure. Many people don’t know, but the rumors about this baby are extremely fierce.

It is said that it is looking for the fruit of the new moon. In fact, Su Yun also wants to bump into luck and see if he can find the trace of ‘Tianqing’. If he can get ‘Tianqing’, it will have immeasurable benefits for the whole plan.

The rumor 'Tianqing' is incomparable, and the grade is unknown. If you can get this thing, you have the ability to turn over the rain. At that time, I wanted to use this thing to avenge Su’s child. I went to Xinyue Valley for a few days, but I found nothing, but I was almost killed. .

One and a half days later.

Smoothly came to Taniguchi.

Taniguchi is quiet and the vegetation is dense, only the sound of birds and beasts.

Turn over and remove the stagnation powder, spread it evenly on the clothes, and then step into it.

The stagnation powder can shield the scent emitted by itself, and does not cause the attention of the beasts in the valley. Of course, the effect on the high-level beasts will not be too obvious.

Su Yun pulled out the rust sword and walked quickly along the route in his mind.

Walking towards the valley, a fragrant martial arts, there were five martyrdoms in front of you, and the one on the far right was chosen to move on, and soon to an open place.

There is a lot of vegetation in this open space, and in the middle of the vegetation, there is a huge tree, the tree is nearly 20 meters high, the leaves are leafy, and the leaves are red and the wind is blowing. Look, like a big fire burning.

On the big tree, only a fist-sized fruit is hung.

That is the moon fruit.

A tree produces only one fruit. If the fruit is taken away, the tree will wither away in a few days. It takes a hundred years to grow another.

But picking the fruit is not easy. Because of the surrounding of the crescent fruit tree, there is usually a terrible beast ‘Jade Fire Beast’.

When the fruit of 'Jade Fire Beast' matures, it will be swallowed up, and thus advanced into a higher-order beast ‘Yuhuo God Beast’. Therefore, it is necessary to take the fruits of the new moon, and most of them must defeat the ‘Jade Fire Beast’ that has the strength of Ling Xuan Xin. Many people are killed under this ‘Jade Fire Beast’.

Su Yun locked the ‘new moon fruit tree’ and immediately took out the prepared ‘古德凶兽’ skin powder and sprinkled it into the air.

The powder blows to the fruit trees with the wind and spreads rapidly.

After a few seconds.

Roar! ! !

The horror of the screams rang, and then the earth shook, and a heavy trample sounded, and you could see a lion-sized flaming beast fleeing.

Everything is in harmony with each other, and the ‘Jade Fire Beast’ also has a fearful existence. The ‘Gude and the Beast’ that the creature loves to eat the ‘Jade Fire Beast’ is its nemesis. You can scare away the ‘Jade Fire Beast’ with a little breath.

Although the 'Jade Fire Beast' was taken away, but once the breath of the 'Gude and the Beast' disappeared, it would immediately return. The time was tight. Su Yun did not dare to sneak, ran over, climbed the tree a few times, and carefully picked it. The flaming fruit of the whole body.

The fruit is so hot that it exudes a charming scent. Su Yun swallows, swallows the tree, and leaves quickly.

The fruit is taken one hour after being taken off, which maximizes the absorption of the fruit.

When people find a safe place, they bite.

A fruit lay down, Su Yun chest immediately swelled up, as if a fire was lit.

He hurriedly sat down and adjusted his mind, only to feel that there were countless spiritual sensations in his body.

Su Yun was shocked and hurriedly checked, but he saw his own production of the spirit of the spirit of the eye has actually doubled!

There are spiritual eyes in the places where people's muscles, blood vessels, and so on. There are spiritual eyes. The number of spiritual eyes determines the amount of spiritual scent and its recovery speed. There are only about forty people in the spirit class. Ling eye, but at this moment, Su Yun, but has a hundred and ten eyes.

The realm directly jumped into the peak of the seven spirits of the spiritual Xuan, not far from the breakthrough.

Su Yun is overjoyed.

The excitement of the heart has never been seen before.

"Fin finally Xuanxu seven products! Finally entered the realm of seven products..."

He muttered and his body trembled a little.

Years of thinking and thinking, finally realized today.

Unfortunately, this new moon fruit can only be used by one person, otherwise Su Yun must eat the fruits here.

In the same way, after finding the second crescent fruit tree, Su Yun once again used a bottle of 'Gude beasts' powder to obtain a new moon fruit, which was used to submit the task. Su Yun wanted to get a few more to sell, but he only knows three places in his memory. These two places are relatively simple to obtain, and the third place is too dangerous and difficult to obtain.

Get the fruit, Su Yun did not rush to leave the Crescent Valley, but continue to go deep into the valley.

Next, look for ‘Tianqing’.


At this time, the low snoring suddenly came from the front...


(Today will be four more, I hope everyone can click on more support, if there is any problem in the book, you can leave a message in the book review, the old fire will be one by one, and give a reply, thank you)

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