MTL - Life Going Wild With Plug-ins-Chapter 94 Weakness

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Zhong ion rested quietly in the darkness where he could not see the sky, and he held his breath for a night in fear, for fear of hearing any sound from the little thatched cottage.

He didn't want to understand anything, he didn't understand anything, it was already dawn.

He never felt the night was so short.

When Asaka disappeared, he fumbled to get up, put on his coat crookedly, limped around and knocked on the door of the little thatched house. His movements were extremely light and extremely slow, almost as if he were afraid to hear them inside.

No one responded.

Zhong Zixi is now exhausting his internal strength. Even if it is close at hand, he cannot tell whether there is anyone inside.

For the first time since he was abolished, he felt so practically that he was both deaf and dumb, and weak.

Without saying a word, he stood quietly waiting.

The mountains are bright and the birds are bright. Until the weary bird returned to the nest, Chunxi steamed the Chaolu, and the flowing water sent away the falling flowers. He gradually understood the heaviness of the phrase "no time in the mountain."

"Yejun." He whispered, holding the door frame, "I'll go back first, and come back later."

He limped back to the cabin again, never dare to push the door.

Zhong ion breathed back to the wooden house, sitting still until sunset Xishan.

He didn't close his eyes day and night, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

He grinned and moved the wall to the hut, paused at the door for a while, and asked the wooden door, "I'm not used to living there. Can I go back to sleep here?"

He waited habitually for a moment, and still no one responded to him.

Zhong ion took a deep breath and raised his hand to open the wooden door.

A bed and a table, simple and neat, but empty.

Ye Jun ran out of sight early.

Zhong ion paused for a while, and finally laughed softly.

All his fears and anxieties, together with the ridiculous expectations attached to it, finally died out together.

Zhong Ion climbed up to the rough and cramped bed, and closed his eyes wearily on the light wooden board from which the bedding had been removed.

The night breeze brought in the water vapor of the mandarin duck, the fragrance of the grass and the peach blossom, and the wood was still moist and musty, but it did not have the taste of Yejun.

Yejun was originally a person without any smell.

Zhong Zixi used to like this. At that time, he was forced to deal with many people every day, and he was forced to smell a lot of disgust, the **** smell of the killer, the copper smell of the snob, and the fat powder of the charmer ...

Only Yejun is different from them. No matter how many killings you have accumulated, your breath will always be clean.

That was one of the reasons he used to gain his preference, but now he has some resentment against him, so that he does not leave himself the last chance of nostalgia.

Zhong Zixi spent more than ten days practicing walking and working. He fell so that no part of his skin was intact. Finally, he gradually became accustomed to this near-disabled body, and he could barely eat with his left hand.

He wants to eat, to survive, to do too many things every day, and his speed is too slow. He found that he was alive and busy, and never thought about the one who had left him like everyone else.

Towards the end of the spring, the rain in the mountains was fiercer than fierce. The inferior hut shuddered for a few days in the wind and rain, and the overwhelming roof was swept away by the wind. Bell ion slept to half, and was poured down by the torrential rain.

He was lying in a dilapidated little hut with rain on all sides, and stood on his back for a moment. He remembered the cold poisons of the Shengsheng Hall, such as anthrax, which could hardly heal.

He was cold until his limbs were cold, and then he suddenly realized that if he was ill, he could not walk from the mountain to the village alone to seek medical treatment, and he was really poor and could not afford to pay a penny for the consultation. Had to get up, and stumbled back to the big wooden house.

Looking through the window of the wooden house, and then watching the broken thatched house in the wind and rain through the gap of lightning and thunder, I couldn't help sighing: "It's fragile."

It is indeed fragile, crude, and rough. Even so, Zhong Zixi still refused to give up.

After all, this is the only thing in the mountains that has something to do with Yejun.

The torrential rain fell to noon the next day and the genius cleared up. Zhong Zixi will be picked up by the thatched grass that has been rolled around, added some new ones, and is going to climb up to repair the roof.

It was only that one of his hands and feet was scrapped, and Dan Tian was short of air, and he felt difficult to walk. It was not easy to climb a ladder to the roof.

Yejun was taking mountain views at that time. This hut was also built on the edge of a rock at a high place. If he was careless when repairing the roof, he would fall into the mountain stream. The spring is cold, the streams are cold and biting, and the rocks on both sides are steep and sharp. Whether they can climb up after falling down is really unknown.

Zhong Zixi walked around the bottom of the hut with a cane, and climbed at an angle.

After finishing it carefully, I was relieved under my heart, and a frightened bird next to it suddenly rose into the air, hitting the ladder with a violent blow. Zhong Zixi was taken awry and fell off the eaves, clutching around in a panic, but couldn't hold anything wet after the rain.

He fell and slammed heavily on the step fence and was knocked into the mountain stream by half a foot. But he wasn't drowned in the cold water, but fell into a warm embrace. It's a pity that he went too far, and the people who picked him up did not stabilize his body. Instead, he was run into the water. He heard a short, depressing groan on his ear, as if with a lot of pain.

Yejun caught the second master, afraid that the stream would wet his clothes and lifted him to the top. After taking off his impulse, he stopped for a moment and then jumped back to the shore.

Yejun placed his master on the steps and sat against the fence. He stepped back a half step and knelt before him.

He took out a small iron-forged token from his arms and handed it to him, took a look and took it back and stabbed him in the chest, wiped the stain on the token, and held it in his hands again.

Although it was fleeting, the bell's breath was still recognizable. It was a trace of blood.

"This is Ye Xing's" Ye Jun Yu Di "token this year, I just got it." Ye Jun converges and pays his respects to him, whispering softly, "To you, my master."

Zhong Zixi looked at him as if he couldn't understand the sentence, and stopped for a while.

He was stupid for a long time before he said to himself: "Why do you ..."

Yejun asked, "Which do you believe more in my loyalty to you and my responsibility for the title of Yejun?"

Zhong Zhixi knew instantly that his answer was the latter, and even this time he felt guilty.

"You don't need to answer me, Master." Ye Jun shook his head to cut off his thoughts. "Obtaining your trust is also my obligation. No matter what, I am willing to do it for you. I know what kind of person you are. Guilty and no need to change anything for his subordinates. "

Yejun lowered his head and unfolded his hand on the knee and clenched his fist, and kissed at the fingertips: "Please rest assured, Master, I will handle it well."

"... Since you went for this, why not tell me directly?" Zhong Zixi's voice was hoarse, with a trace of grievance.

Ye Jun smiled bitterly: "How dangerous is the night walk, I am not sure that I will be able to come back alive, in case I make a mistake ... How can I be willing to let you wait."

As soon as he mentioned this, Zhong Ionic immediately noticed that Ye Jun's face was a bit strange and pale, like a lack of qi and blood. With his previous body style, he would never be able to stop himself from being knocked down into the mountains, and said, " You are hurt?"

Zhong Zixi is very clear about his martial arts path. He has always been lightweight and flexible, and his defense is extremely weak. There are only two situations in which he can participate in the battle, either with ease or without doubt. For ten years in Zhongliyuan, Yejun rarely drew lottery. He said that he would not hurt, but would die.

Yejun suppressed the pain and gently coughed, pressing her chest and saying, "I was injured by this period of night brakes. I can't get up, so I lay back for a while before returning today. I was in a hurry today, and the wound was careless and again. Cracked. "

Zhong ion breathed for a while and then became afraid. Ye Jun has been teetering and is busy reaching for his waist.

He has never been so close to Yejun, he is still hesitating, Yejun has come to consciously come over.

Ye Jun's voice was a bit weak, and he pillowed his shoulder and said, "This time I was hurt a little ... it may take you a while. I'm sorry ... Master."

Ye Jun's voice was getting lower and lower, and his head passed out. Zhong Zixi avoided his wound, carefully and hugged him tightly. He has always been the best person in the world, and always knows the way to make himself feel at ease.

He whispered, "It's me who apologizes."

The angle of Zhong Zixi is naturally invisible, but Ye Jun, who should have fallen into a coma, smiled slyly and smugly.