MTL - Life Going Wild With Plug-ins-Chapter 82 It's time to hit

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Jun Wuwang swayed into the main room of Beiwu, and Ye Tan and Jun Xuanheng were squeezed out.

Fortunately, there are a lot of Jiange houses, and they simply moved to another house on the other side. This courtyard was chosen by Ye Tan. It was a long way from the main hall, and there was a bit of selfishness in it-he didn't know why and didn't want the owner to be too close to the two.

Even so, it was the night of the day, and the night watch knocked three times. Ye Fengjun came to the door. Jun Xuanheng is turning over the book on the soft collapse, while watching Ye Tan rubbing his sword, while reading the textbook one by one, he was interrupted by the people, Ye Tan was really not welcome.

Ye Fengjun wore a loose black robe, slashed his waist, leaned against the door frame and asked, "Can I ask the host to borrow some hot water for bathing."

Ye Tan ignored him and asked Jun Xuanheng for his meaning.

"Isn't Suo Keyxuan having a waiter?" Jun Xuan asked the book sitting upright.

"The servants of the main hall serve the masters. Since you moved here, of course the maids also brought them." Ye Tan avoids the heavy answer, as if the main hall was left unattended but only unintentional negligence.

Jun Xuanheng really doubted that he was there, so he said, "Atan, you can choose some people to arrange it."

Ye Tan took the order and came to the door. But Ye Fengjun still leaned his head on the door frame and stared at Jun Xuanheng. There was no intention to leave. Ye Tan did not want to leave him alone with his master.

He was about to go away, but he heard Ye Fengjun say, "Look at your master."

Ye Tan heard his voice turned back, the wind was bright, the half-room was dim, and Wei Junxuan was burning several captivating lights on his side, as if the stars and candles were meeting him. On one side of his body was the cold and afterglow of Yuehua reflecting the step-by-step brocade windows, and on one side was the warm glow of a candle, such as the softness of the setting sun, and the cinnabar was hidden between the warm and the cold, both gorgeous and lonely. Because she had just knelt up from her supine position, a piece of sheep's clavicle and shoulders leaked from the loose placket on the side where she was dumped.

He was a habitually undefended casual attitude, staring at himself in confusion.

Ye Tan suddenly missed a beat in his heart.

"How beautiful are you looking at your master?" Ye Fengjun's voice was low, like the charm of Konggu. "I can't bear this, is it a man?"

Ye Fengjun laughed and quickly turned around. Ye Tan was still stunned, and he thought about the meaning of Ye Fengjun several times, and when he understood it, he couldn't help but his face turned dark and his blue veins exploded.

Ye Tan couldn't bear it, and finally asked, "Master, who are the two of them? Subordinate Yuan Gujun is hopelessly your brother, but who is Ye Fengjun?"

Jun Xuanheng himself had long wanted to ask, but Jun hoped that he would not warn him that anything would happen, but only said that both were his and Yetan's brothers. Recently, I have not had the opportunity to ask Jun and Hope alone, and I want to digress the topic: "I'm not quite sure, you ask what to do ..."

Ye Tanhan said, "I want to kill him."

Junxuan hurriedly stopped: "Ah, they are all friends, not malicious."

Ye Tan feels that Jun Xuanheng doesn't know much about them, but trusts them unconditionally and even more dangerous. He sat back to the couch glumly, tightened his master's loose placket, and untied his belt.

Jun Xuanheng is very depressed.

He knew that Jun Wuwang had the same roots as himself, and probably guessed that Ye Fengjun had a relationship with Ye Tan. All the same people, why Ye Tan treats them so badly.

Even though Ye Tan was utterly repulsive, she still ordered her maid and guard to be dispatched to Suo Keyuan. After handling the matter, he still did not relax, and waited for the host to undress and lay back on the bed, closing his eyes without saying a word.

"Atan ..." Jun Xuanheng sighed and asked softly, holding Yetan's long knuckles, "You have no hope of Jun. He is a very poor man ..."

"Jun is hopeless and arrogant, Ye Feng is contemptuous and contemptuous. The two men insulted the Lord and their subordinates were intolerable." Ye Tan rebuffed hardly.

He usually swallowed and ran smoothly, and when he touched Jun, he was hopeless but decided to change a person. Although Jun Xuanheng has not personally experienced those reincarnations, she can't help but think of it, she can't help saying: "If I tell you ... Jun Wuwang and I are the same person at all?"

Ye Tan turned his head and looked at himself in doubt.

Jun Xuanheng thought for a while, and explained in words that he could understand: "The Buddha said that tens of billions of sabbaticals, tens of billions of sun and moon, make up the world of 3,000. There are so many worlds ... naturally there are many, many jun Xuan Heng, there are many Yetans. You and me, Ye Fengjun and Jun are hopeless, are only one of them. "

Ye Tan nodded: "So it is."

Thaksin believes that his master is a lost fairy, and it is right for him to go through the world. Jun Xuanheng has never lied to him. This may sound strange to others. He has no doubt at all.

"I met A Tan and stayed here. But in every world, I'm not so lucky every time ... I can be loved by you and live a smooth and happy life." Jun Xuanheng's idle smile touched After a bit of loneliness, he whispered, "Don't forget ... When I was captured and sentenced by the second master, he saved me."

Ye Tan has been very scared about this matter, and at this moment, she couldn't help moving.

"You think he's mean, arrogant, ruthless and surly ... all tortured by every reincarnation to become metamorphic." Jun Xuanheng's chest cavity was sour and sore, he got up and went barefoot to the ground, leaning against the window. "If I had died in Zhongliyuan that day, and I was separated from Atan Yin and Yang ... Sooner or later I would go crazy and find you across countless worlds, becoming a cruel and unforgiving character like Jun Wuwang."

Ye Tan Ruyan was inspiring, his heart was shaking. He always felt that he was born lucky and could meet his master, even if the journey was bumpy, he could always save himself.

It turned out that it was never because of luck.

Wan Xuan was silent, his eyes were in front of him, Jun Xuanheng looked at the moonlight, and suddenly began to wonder: "A Tan ... Jun Wuwang is clearly the same person as me. You like me so much, but you can't avoid him." In a few years, my personality has changed, and you don't like me anymore? Atan ... what do you like about me? "

Ye Tan gently hugged him from behind and clenched his teeth, "I don't know."

Jun Xuanheng asked blankly, "What?"

"Jun Wuwang and you may indeed be the same person, but I don't recognize it." Ye Tan buried in his neck, muffled. "The master is the one who saved me to be a wasteful man and took good care of me, giving me my name. People with surnames, kendos, and places to stay are those who have spent the years I know with me. No matter what the master is, his subordinates like it ... No matter what Jun hopes for his subordinates, I am grateful to him, but It's more than just gratitude. Only you are my host, and I only like you. "

In fact, since Jun Xuanheng learned that Jun is hopeless and one of them is a copy, he understands why this is a ban. He has begun to doubt the meaning of his existence, and began to question what he deserves and what he does not deserve.

He even considered whether Jun had hoped to pay so much, and whether he should give up.

Ye Tan never talked much, I was afraid that I had felt these thoughts.

"It's my mediocre self-disturbment." Jun Xuanheng smiled apologetically and turned to stare at him. "I only knew it, A Tan was so professional."

Ye Tan was so excited that he forgot his modest claim and regretted it long ago, saying, "The subordinates are sincere, not a joke."

He was afraid that the ground would be too cold, and when he saw his host's expression calmed down, he quickly hugged him back to the bed, and apologized, "These two people have been indifferent to the guests for the past two days, and I am sorry for your embarrassment."

Jun Xuanheng smiled suddenly: "You have no hope for Jun to be gentle, he will be very happy."

Ye Tan nodded: "Your subordinates will pay attention. As for Ye Fengjun ..." The thought of this man is still very displeased. Ye Tan has always been truer and never falsifies the snake, so he frankly said, "If he is rude to his master again, He will teach him how to be a man. "

Jun Xuanheng was uneasy in hearing. Jun had no hope of surpassing himself. Ye Fengjun's strength should also be above Ye Tan. He busily said: "Don't conflict with him, you may ... can't beat him."

Ye Tan was unmoved: "Whether you win or lose, as long as your subordinates still have a life, this person is never allowed to despise the owner."

Jun Xuanheng couldn't make any sense and fell asleep worriedly.

Read The Duke's Passion