MTL - Life Going Wild With Plug-ins-Chapter 77 [Miscellaneous Update] Jun Hopeless Branch-Night Ends Every Jun 01

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The author has something to say:

Sorry, I had a sudden movie pulled to watch today, and it was not written as an update. It is said that the good day is GG on the fourth day, and the chicken is a shame, but Satoshi (work) clearly remembers that there is a previous archive that can be mixed up. Please take a look at it, don't take it seriously, hehe. The timeline was the second reincarnation of Jun Xuanheng's death after Zhong Liyuan.

The night is gone

Jun Wuwang × Ye Tan

Knowing everything is hopeless, wondering where Ye Tan's fear comes from.

The monarch who controls everything is hopeless, and he has never won Ye Tan's heart from beginning to end.


Yesha is waiting to die.

He had nothing else to do but wait for the cause of death.

He drank strong medicines for dissipating energy and qi, and was then drained by his master himself. Every inch of his body was torn apart, and he was severely punished one day and one night. He knew that he would be relieved for another hour, but the master stopped at this moment.

He didn't understand why the second master had to make a special trip to return to the shadow guard training camp where he was already dying, and it was not more convenient to bury it on the spot.

He should have died three days ago, wondering what it meant to be here.

Yecha waited for death while dreaming dreamily.

It was late at night ten years ago. He was still a hot-blooded boy, reflecting the starry sky. His only friend said, "According to your unbeaten record today, it will inevitably be judged as a night brake. Since you want to If you want the title of "Yejun", you must lose to me tomorrow. "

He shook his head and refused: "If this is the case, I must be more suitable for night brakes."

My friend's eyes flickered and he said, "I'm really afraid you'll regret it."

The words of a friend became stubborn, and he did become a night brake.

In the end of the Yesha Blood Demon of the past, either the monarch judged the master or he went into the devil.

Why doesn't he know.

But he always knew that he was indeed a friend more like Yejun than himself.

When Yejun put him off the torture that night, he asked him, "Yeshan, for so many years, have you regretted it?"

He still shook his head.

Ye Jun smiled bitterly: "I would rather you regret it."

Yecha has never been happy in his life.

Nothing I wanted to do was possible.

He didn't even feel wronged and miserable, and never thought of what kind of life would be good.

He was already numb, why would he regret it?

He studied martial arts from an early age, and finally stood out from the top, but because of his sharp edge, he was put on the shelf to become a burden at night. Later, he was fortunately bought by Qin Qigongzi, vowing to protect Qin Qiyi, but in the end, he had to kill him personally under the instruction of Qin Qi, and desperately stopped the insult of his master. Master Zhong Liyuan took over him, but he feared that he could not control, and guarded him in every way until his life skills were wasted.

Yechao dragged his residual body and curled up in the corner of the Yexing branch. The pain was almost disappointing. His mind was rummaging in the past. His heart was cold and silent, and he could not stand the slightest ripples. He has no value, and no one will need him anymore ... he will step into Huangquan immediately. These trivial matters will no longer be known.

Yezha is counting his own death. He can stay up to three days later, but there is no reason and it is not necessary to persist until then. Do you give up at dusk or die after night? Is it better to die in the middle of the night, or is it better to wait for dawn?

Suddenly suffering, he suddenly rushed into the shop. He snatched in front of him and stopped suddenly. After taking a few steps back and forth around him, he did not dare to step forward.

Ye Wuqi, the bookkeeper and treasurer, saw him and asked, "Son, are you here to buy a movie guard?"

The visitor was unheard of, and stared at the dying wounded man in the corner. Ye Ye said: "I'm afraid this is not suitable. I don't deceive guests at night. This is a waste ..."

Ye Wuqi had just spoken these two words, and had been hit on the wall with his neck around his neck. The latter part was crushed into the throat cavity. The man gritted his teeth and said coldly, "Don't you dare say it again, I will kill you first."

The night-traveler is by no means easy, and he was so frightened that he was too late to respond to being trapped in the door. The night walk is never a quiet place. The number of people who come to trouble is unknown, and the surrounding dark guards are on alert, but it prevents the shopkeeper from daring to act lightly in his hands.

The man let out his hand indifferently, still standing back in front of Yecha.

Yechafang reluctantly opened his eyes to look. Standing in front of him was a young man without a trace of smoke and fire. His creamy white jade-like complexion had no flaws, as if he had never been exposed to dust since birth. Satin hair flows down the shoulders, a precious and cumbersome brocade. He was clearly facing the light, and the bottom of his eyes was still full of light, and there was a layer of ambiguous warm light on his body.

There was joy in his mouth, but there was intense sorrow in his eyes.

This person was so beautiful as a dummy, Yecha thought he was dazzled.

"Does it hurt?" The man walked anxiously in front of him, as if trying to touch him and worrying, raising and lowering his hands, somehow it was good, murmured, "I am late I'm sorry ... Atan ... "

Yecha thought: Who is A Tan?

Ye Wuqi had determined that he was here to cause trouble, and silently pressed on the organ, but the man turned back and threw a bag of heavy things with him, saying, "These guards will follow me."

Ye Wuqi carefully checked the baggage without any abnormalities, and jumped away carefully, which was full of fine gold bars.

Ye Wuqi looked up and said, "It's easy to say. I'm also tired of making records with Ye Xing."

The man was furious: "I have no time to wait, your procedures are so troublesome! I will make up later!"

This man is uncertain, and really troublesome. Ye Wuqi's full divine alert presses his cuff dark blade and calmly states: "There are rules for night walks at night, and I'm tired of waiting for one or two."

"Is it okay to have some short-time jobs next to me?" The man frowned.

Ye Wuqi: "It's okay, you pay it with a deposit."

The man nodded and immediately commanded: "A few of you, help me find the best doctor and medicinal herbs near here, quickly. I have no patience, don't let me wait long."

A few people responded and left quickly. Ye Ye opened the account book indefinitely and began to enter, and asked, "May the son be willing to leave a taboo address? These are not mandatory, the son is not willing to show others."

That man knew that there was this process. He had no name in the previous life, and left there empty. Now that he has a name, he silently took the pen and wrote the words "Jun Xuanheng".

Later he realized that he at the time, and even later ... he was no longer qualified to use the name.

I can't spend the night, I hope I won't have my heart. He just wandered away from the desperate Jun hopelessness, not the Jun Xuanheng admired by Ye Tan.

At the time, he hadn't realized it yet, and felt only glad that he thought of the name. He still has a chance to come back. This life will definitely protect him. All the sufferings and grievances that Ye Tan has suffered, he will discuss them one by one.

Jun Xuanheng put together a few tables and bought a futon mattress. He ordered him to carefully hold him on top, and took warm water to wipe away the dried blood. The night brake is unknown, so leave it to the mercy.

The doctors stepped into the store with their front and back feet, and the more they gathered, the more the bandages were wounded, and the prescription was prescribed.

Jun Xuanheng stopped his hand and evaded for a few steps, giving way, squatting on the bench next to him and kneeling at him.

For a moment, the hordes of doctors, the waiters around them waiting to be instructed by the master, including the future new master with unknown motivation, and the passers-by who were attracted by this battle all stared at him. Night brakes are rarely so focused and uncomfortable.

"It's almost done. Go back to rest." The doctors said.

Junxuan Hengyi: Go back? Back?

He didn't have any place to stay, the inn was too noisy, and he couldn't wait to go out now to buy a house, and he didn't want to cool Yetan here for a moment.

Jun Xuanheng suddenly thought of a quiet and elegant place, with a conclusion in her heart: "Out of the city, Yefu."

It was a private house of Master Zhong Liyuan in Changluo. He had been there a few times before and liked it there. It is just right to stay for a few days now.

As for disagreement, you can't help it.

Ye Fu kept a few rough servants, Jun Xuanheng wanted to discuss with them first, saying that he would stay for a few days. A stranger suddenly said that he wanted to live in, but the owner was not there, but the steward was naturally unwilling.

When Yezha was brought in by the soft car, Ye Xuan had only Jun Xuanheng.

He served in Zhongliyuan for three years and knew it was the property of the young master. Then look at the new master of the unbelievable object, and an inference arises in his heart.

The soft sedan was bought according to the most expensive, and its size was twice as large as that of an ordinary sedan. After entering the main entrance, it could not take a few steps. There are dozens of steps away from the main room of the North House, Jun Xuanheng opened the car curtain and leaned in, naturally holding the night brake's waist.

Yecha was stiff.

Jun Xuanheng noticed his uncomfortableness, soothed: "I can't get in, I hug you. If you accidentally hurt you, you can tell me, don't bear it."

Yecha avoided his hand, and lowered his eyebrows, "The base body didn't dare to bother the master, and his subordinates could walk on their own."

Jun Xuan said: "What kind of politeness are you with me?"

Yecha frowned. I have never met you, and there is a difference between master and servant. But his tone and manner were so naturally close to himself, almost like ...

Like admitting the wrong person.

Ye brake leaned against the car wall and got up. Jun Xuanheng could not help but take him into his arms and advised: "Obey, don't you make trouble?"

Yecha has never been close to anyone. He put it on his arm and tried to push it away, but he knew that he should not disobey the owner's wishes. Jun Xuanheng saw his rejection, panicked for no reason, tightened his arms subconsciously, and the man in his arms groaned with pain.

"It hurts you? Sorry, I didn't mean it ..." Jun Xuanheng let go and apologized, and said, "As soon as you move around, the wound will crack again, let me hold you in, OK?"

Yezha bowed her head and said, "The master and servant are different. Don't do that."

Jun Xuanheng couldn't help but had to ask again: "Will I find someone to hold you in?"

He yielded to this, and Yecha had nodded.

Jun Xuan was extremely reluctant, and ordered him to carefully carry him into the pear-wood paved bed in the main room. Then they arranged the decoction of the decoction of everyone, beat the rice and beat the others, and went back to the bed and started staring at the night brake again.

Yechao thought that this man was the new owner, so he couldn't know anything, and asked, "Are you enjoying Yuesheng?"

Master Zhong Liyuan has been pursuing Moon Taste Sheng for many years, and only Moon Taste Sheng can come and go in the Master's house. Yecha hadn't seen him, but heard that he looked stunning. When I think of those rumors, it's the man in front of me.

Jun Xuanheng could not help but smile. He guessed wrong once in the previous life, and this time guessed it again. The loss caused by Fang Cai's rusty rejection gradually dissipated, and he was still the same as he was. Jun Xuanheng shook his head and replied, "No."

Jun Xuanheng has always kept him secret, and added a piece of information that he knows: "Yue Shan Sheng is dead. It's been almost two years now ... few people really know this ... you don't want to The young master asked. "

Yecha heard the words and looked at him, his face calmed, but his heart was full of doubts. Young Master has never stopped pursuing Moon Taste Sheng in the past few years. He knows that even Master Young doesn't know, how can the master know? And so determined, as if I had seen it in person.

Especially ... why did the owner laugh when he mentioned this?

A human life has fallen, and someone is still pursuing the whole life without knowing the truth. What's so funny?

Yecha knew that his first owner, Qin Qigong, was gentle and easy-going, and knew that the second owner, Zhong Ziqi, was cautious and well-planned.

But seeing the character of his new owner, he just felt weird everywhere.

Yecha asked: "Can you ask the owner's name?"

Jun Xuanheng heard this seemingly acquainted sentence, his heart was anticipating, and his eyes were stunned: "I haven't had a name yet, please help me get one."

Yecha didn't know why the host suddenly laughed more happily, but he remembered that he was traveling at night before, and the shopkeeper asked him if he could leave a surname at no time. The host clearly took what he wrote.

Is this tempting? Still having fun?

Yecha had no intention of trying to figure out the master's intentions, no matter how hostile and vigilant he was. He looked down at the corner of the bed, and only said, "His subordinates are unbearable."

Jun Xuanheng said busyly: "It doesn't matter. You just take it."

Yecha remained silent.

Jun Xuan hurriedly persuaded a few more words, and his voice was getting quieter.

Yesha didn't answer a word.

Jun Xuanheng waited for a long time.

Waiting until my heart started to chill.

He resisted astringency, and said hardly: "I ... My name is Jun Xuanheng, your name is Ye Tan. I will call you A Tan ... OK?"

Yezha nodded without fear: "Thank you for your name."

But I thought to myself: You really have a conclusion in your heart, why bother asking me.

But who is Ye Tan?

Yecha is not sure about this fashion.

This problem has since tortured him all his life.