MTL - Life Going Wild With Plug-ins-Chapter 47 Well, the most important thing is to be happy

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Turned around in a confused way, Ye Tan was away. The sky was already bright, and I paused for a moment, remembering that there was something to do, and I got up quickly. First go around Mr. Lu's room and ask the wounded person's condition. It is no problem. After a few days of rest, they can be sent back intact. Finally, they can rest assured.

Seventy-seven was indeed in the room, chopping the stuffing with a kitchen knife. Surprisingly, Ye Tan was also here. He took off the gloves and wrists that were usually covered with paint and ink, and pulled up most of his cuffs, exposing a long, forearm, and he was facing his face.

"Master." Ye Tan awkwardly retracted his hands from the dough and nipped at his waist.

"It's okay, you keep busy with you." I glanced over and said, "Atan also cooks today?"

Ye Tan didn't answer yet, Qi Qi first complained: "You can't catch up, he's here to help. It's not that you guys quarreled all night last night, so I didn't sleep well, I got up late this morning." Pour the meat into the bowl and sprinkle the sauce, insert a pair of chopsticks and give it to me, "You came just right, hold it and help me mix well."

Ye Tan busy said, "Just belong to it."

"Well, you rub yours and let me have fun." I picked up Woo and squeezed the bamboo chopsticks in his arms and spun quickly, "So?"

"It's up to you." Qiqi gave me a scornful look.

I took a rolling pin and took a ball and kneaded it. I looked at it and asked, "Yes, July, it's the winter solstice. I don't know how to live? What should I prepare?"

Qiqi held a stick and patted the dough, frowning, "Isn't this already done?"

I look at the meat stuffing in my hand. Is there any difference between the pan-fried pan-fried food I eat?

"This day off, there is a sacrifice outside, praying for good weather in the coming year. Ordinary people will reunite with their loved ones, make dumplings together, and give away food to friends and neighbors, and there are fairs and temple fairs at night. , "The winter solstice is as big as a year, come to me one by one, are you all stupid? How can you live so big?"

I was ashamed, listening to Ye Tan saying, "Girl Qiqi, don't offend the master."

Thinking about this, only Ye Tan is still a master, and I have the distinction of being inferior. With other people, it wasn't stupid to kick his nose on his face, it wasn't him who reminded me that I had forgotten that I had this identity set.

"Family making dumplings?" I asked, stirring the stuffing.

Seventy-seven rolled back and said, "Yeah. Ordinary people get up and down a dozen mouths, how can they finish it all by themselves."

"Like we do now?" I asked again.

Ye Tan's movement stopped, and he glanced at me again, rubbing his face with low hair.

Qiqi smiled rarely: "Hey."

I saw Ye Tan suddenly rubbing very hard, and asked, "A Tan, how did you spend the winter solstice before?"

Ye Tan lowered his head and continued: "The beginning of the winter solstice at night is the training across the ground, 39 in winter and 3 volts in summer, it is time to sharpen endurance."

Me: "Endurance? How do you practice?"

Ye Tan said: "Go to the desert in the summer to sit in the winter and sit in the snowy mountains and cold ponds. There is no food supply and sleepless."

When I heard it, I felt hard: "Will you still soak in water in winter? Isn't it cold ..."

Ye Tan calmly said, "It's okay. More people die in the desert in summer."

"..." I knew the trial was cruel and heard it harder, "then you must not like the winter solstice ..."

"Well, I didn't like it before." Ye Tan slowed down, raised his hand and shattered his cheeks, and said softly, "I feel good now."

I thought of other things: "July 7th, are you Yangxi locals? If you are homesick during the holiday, you can go back, you don't have to stay here."

Qiqi Qi laughed aloud: "It's all sold, who wants to go back. Is it necessary to ask for a fight for the holidays?"

I heard her lose her tone, and she must have touched on a bad past. She felt guilty and said, "Sorry."

Looking back at me seventy-seven, he said busyly, "I'm not saying you, you ... Actually, since I've been here, I've been much better, I'm grateful. I know I have a bad temper, if ..."

"I ’m so hungry. Do you have seventy-seven!" A high-pitched voice over the seventy-seven lower and lower words, the next night supper reached into the head to ask for food from the half-stretched window, seeing me shrink back , Flashed in from the main entrance and patted my shoulder: "Wow boss! How are you here! Do you know! I dreamed of you last night!"

I warned: "Don't you dream about what I do."

"I don't want to dream of you! I want to dream of the boss! Yeah, the boss!" Yan Xiao pulled away from Ye Tan's shoulders, but was avoided and fell into disappointment, and resumed his hand in frustration. You hit me and you said you would take me to a temple fair. "

... this fool.

I cautiously said: "It's not a dream, I really called to you in the middle of the night. Today there is a temple fair in the winter solstice, and we will go together at that time."

Suppering in a panic, he held his own chest: "... wow, I still think you'll hit me in your dreams, but annoying, almost backhanded. Fortunately, I didn't do it ... Fortunately ...

... I think the problem of education at night is very big, and the educational results are not good at all.

Ye Tan heard the words slowly shifting her eyes to Ye Xiao's face, her eyes were so cold that she would see the ice rafters.

Supper was staring at him, taking a breath, and stuttered, "Boss, I said and laughed, don't take it seriously."

Ye Tan: "Just try to joke again?"

Ye Tan's tone was so bland that she couldn't hear a bit of anger, but even I felt cold.

The supper stood upright with its spine upright and straight, and asked dryly, "Master, may I ask what I need to do?"

As I continued to stir the meat, I said, "July 7 said that the winter solstice wants everyone to make dumplings together, and you call the Yelang over."

Suddenly supper: "You want him to make dumplings ... isn't that all right?"

"It's okay. The most important thing for the whole family is to be happy and happy." I bathed him with a kind light, "You can eat whatever he packs."

The supper gave me an indifferent smile like life or death: "Thank Lord Ron."

He shouted and moved the stools to make fun of it, so I didn't study it. After a quarter of an hour, except for Ye Tan, we were all kicked out of the kitchen by seven or seven.

You may not believe it.

I make dumplings that are uglier than Yelang.

Supper tried stuffing stuffing, squeezed dumplings into buns, broke the skin and all leaked. Ye Lan staring at the supper also wrapped a round, and finished the package and delivered it to the supper and waited for praise.

Supposingly, he educated him lately: "Don't learn from me. Isn't it good to learn something, you'll learn Qiqi and the boss."

Ye Tan is as serious and fast as he is when he is practicing calligraphy. The kneaded dumplings are no different from Qiqi, and the folds are beautifully folded, like the finished products in a street shop. Newbie. Yelang watched for a while, and wrapped up a common dumpling that was barely visible.

And I can only wrap a noodle ball. I think the dumpling skin always sticks together when it needs to be flattened, and it really is too anti-human when it needs to be kneaded.

I suspect that a supper that has nothing to do with me has moved my dumpling skin.

Qiqi looked at the row of face **** in front of us, sorrowing his wrists and grieving: "There are really people who are not as good as fools."

The supper and I have no fluctuations in their hearts, and even some despair.

Both A Heng and A Shi want to go home for the winter solstice, and leave early in the morning when they learn that they can go back. There are only the disabled couples in our garden who are not fathers and mothers.

At noon, several shadow guards usually hiding in the tree shadow were forced to eat together on the table. The dumplings scattered during the supper became a pot of soup, and the noodle **** that I rubbed with me were cooked in a pot and served to the supper People eat. Others share normal dumplings. ... Well, Yelang's dumplings are fortunate to be in the normal queue.

Supper looked at the puddle in front of him, happy that the corners of his eyes were wet.

Ye Lan watched him stay still, and pushed his plate full of dumplings in front of him, motioning him to eat his own.

Supper refused him painfully: "I deserve this, you don't have to regret it for me." Raising his chopsticks tremblingly.

Ye Tan suddenly whispered to him, "Can you give me?"

Supper looked at him stupidly, and I was shocked: "Atan, do you have a tendency to masochistic?"

Ye Tan looked down and stopped talking, stuffed a dumpling and chewed for a while, couldn't help but ask again: "No?"

A spoonful of supper: "Boss is kind to me, come and give you the paste I cooked."

Ye Tan frowned: "I don't want your scum, give me a dumpling, a round one."

It turned out that he was there for this purpose, and I was embarrassed at once: "I can't make it happen, I'll practice it well and learn to do it for you later, why bother today?"

Ye Tan whispered: "This is fine."

I stopped for a few more words, but suddenly I remembered that there was a term in the tea ceremony called "one period and one meeting", which was about fate only once in a lifetime: the opportunity to sit and drink tea with a person may only be once in a lifetime, even if there is another Opportunity to get together with the same person, the cup of tea we drink today will never be the cup we drank last time.

I always feel that these are trivial matters, and never take it to heart, I'm afraid he doesn't think so.

Seeing Ye Tan's careful inquiry, suddenly he couldn't bear it, patted his chopsticks and stood up: "A Tan, you wait."

Sprawled into the kitchen, rolled up his sleeves and wrapped them seriously, squashed several, gradually improved, and looked a little bit.

Ye Tan stopped eating and watched me toss against the door frame without saying a word.

I raised one and looked around: "This is a bit like it? I'll try a few more and it should work."

Ye Tan: "Yes."

Qiqi yelled in the yard: "Hmm! I pack so well! I don't eat well! It's arrogant!"

Ye Tan heard his words embarrassedly and lowered his head, and I responded again and again: "Yes, it's unpretentious."

Read The Duke's Passion