MTL - Life Going Wild With Plug-ins-Chapter 43 Qi Qiao

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In the past few days, I have become more and more aware of the severity of the disability association's inability to take care of itself.

The daily situation is that Ye Tan is paralyzed in bed and has a hard time eating alone. Since I beat them overnight, Ye Tan hasn't let people feed him, and I insist on coming each time. I have always been democratic, so I followed him.

I tried hard to use chopsticks on the table, and peanuts and soybeans were scattered all over.

The two people crouched on the ground, picking up the beans that were scattered everywhere and let me continue.

Supper sat patiently next to Yelang, holding his hand and pointing at the people in the room one by one: "This is our master, this is our boss, this is Aheng, this is Ahushi. Do you remember?"

Ye Lan: "Can't remember."


I'm worried.

Ye Tan put the bowl and said, "Master, my subordinates are fine. When does it leave?"

I waved my hand: "Forget it, don't worry, stay here for a while."

Since you are planning to stay long, you don't want to stay in the inn all the time. I dragged supper out of the house and rented a small courtyard called Gion, next to Yanghu Lake, you can pick lotus when you go out. The courtyard is not large, but it is clean and tidy. There are several small rooms in a row, divided into two for vertical and horizontal, one for supper and one for night, and one for Yetan, and the rest is just for the niece.

When it comes to my niece, I don't know where to buy it, and the supper is not clear. I just said that if there are straws in the street, poor families usually sell their children. We walked around the street and couldn't find it. I was a bit disgusted with this backward and inefficient economic model.

At noon, I heard from my shop's buddies that there were several women selling rouge pollen and part-time dental women in the western city. They had channels to introduce the girl to us. Thankfully, Huangyou went to Xishi.

Halfway through, I saw a woman standing behind a stall, with a dirty little girl covered in patches on her hips, preaching. The little girl looked at Cardamom. It was the age of Shui Ling, but she was gray-faced, with scratches on her wrists, red and blue, her head bowed and short training, and she bit her lips tightly without saying a word.

Supper went up and asked, "Is it Xu Eryi?"

The woman turned and looked at him: "Is something wrong?"

Supper said: "My boss is missing a girl."

Xu Erxuan laughed with a smile on his face: "Coincidentally, this girl is here for a few days, and is waiting for you." He said, pulling the little girl forward and pushing it to us.

I've always been straightforward and asked, "How much is it."

"This girl is a coincidence. The cooking skills are better than our cooks here. People are also hardworking, so it is not cheap. Don't look at her dirty, her face is still alive ..." the woman said, taking a sip Saliva sprayed on her face, and she wiped it with her sleeves again, and that gray face revealed a white and tender skin, "You are so handsome, handsome ..."

"... so how much is it?" I repeated again.

Xu Erzhen stared back and forth, thinking carefully, and said, "Four or two."

"..." Startled.

Xu Erzhen saw that I didn't answer, and was busy selling again, saying how she was clever and sensible, washing clothes quickly and cleanly, and making steady profits.

I interrupted blankly: "It's too cheap, do you want to go up ..."

Suddenly, the supper slammed me and said, "Just let her go!" He pulled out my silver placket in a jumble, counted four or two for the woman, and shoved the other silver tickets back into my arms.

Is this rampant becoming more presumptuous? !!

I am a master, right? !! When you say dig, dig? !!

Xu Erzhen did not expect to settle the bill so easily. He pushed the little girl forward, and found out a copy of the paper in his arms, signed it, and let us take people away.

The little girl had her head down to listen to the training. Ever since I heard that she was too cheap, she has been staring at me angrily, her fists clenched tightly.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"If Qi Qiao is born, it's called Qiqi." Said the little girl.

I saw that there was an injury on the arm exposed between her broken cuffs, and her leg was probably not much better. Young and skinny, she couldn't bear to let her follow us on foot, and asked, "We need to buy something on the street. Go back, you don't have to follow us, hire a carriage to take you back? "

"Don't be pitiful." Seventy-seven bite his teeth.

I thought about it and said to the supper: "Then you carry her."

Supper rejected her like a small rubbing sword: "Don't hesitate, she's so dirty, I'll just dress like this ..."

Qiqi heard the words and gritted his teeth, his face became paler, and I couldn't laugh or cry: "I'll buy you a few."

Suppering at the supper usually changed his tone: "That's it. Little girl, come on."

Seventy-seven instead froze.

I patted her on the shoulder: "It's almost winter, how can you still wear a single garment, and you need to add a few, just go along the same way."

Supposing that she didn't move at night, she was frizzy again, and threw her collar on her back, exclaiming in shock.

I was so angry that I shuddered again: "Just be rude to me, and whisper to the little girl, and fire you sooner or later."

I looked for a decent tailor shop, and bought a dozen sets of ready-to-wear according to the size of the supper and Qiqi. Thinking about Ye Tan who followed me without wearing good clothes, and was a bit pitiful, he asked the tailor to come to the house to take measurements. Qi Qi was thin and her hands and feet were blue. She had wanted to let her go straight to her new clothes, but she refused. I couldn't help it, so I unwrapped her cloak and wrapped her up. She didn't quit, as if holding back.

After leaving the tailor shop, I went to buy food as usual. Since the supper, my snacks have tripled every day. It feels like I'm spending a lot of time buying snacks, more and more like a waste.

We bought a bunch of small bags, and accidentally found that Qiqi has been staring at the cantaloupe. I never thought that this thing was too tired and toothache. I only touched it once and asked: "Do you like candied fruit?

Seventy-two ambiguous: "I haven't eaten yet, how do I know if it's delicious?"

"It's ugly," I said.

Qiqi was a little lost, and he grumbled.

I said nothing, took a bunch and handed it to her, and said in shock, "You, didn't you say it was bad?"

"Yeah, how do you know it's really bad if you don't eat it?" I confessed to be justified.

"Strange man ..." Qiqi muttered, but couldn't wait to contain one, licked it for a while, and complained: "Liar, it's delicious."

I couldn't help but panic: "It's over. The taste of the chef in the future is so different from mine. You shouldn't serve the sweet gourd as a dinner."

Seventy-seven suddenly burst into tears and scolded, "Nerdy."

Suppering in the middle of the night, he laughed and said, "Hahahahahahahaha."

... Sooner or later I will fire these two people, yes, two.

It was sunset at the end of the stroll, and Gion had already packed up, picked Yetan from the inn, called Ah Heng to invite two Langzhongs to come to the garden for a temporary stay, and sent A Li to the Fuling Sword Pavilion to send Jun Luo Shu a Approved silver and letter address. In the end, it is easier to do things with your own residence.

Ye Tan saw the arrangement in the garden and asked, "Master, do you really want to live here?"

"I've been in a hurry lately. You have recovered from injuries and practiced the martial arts. You have both midnight supper and Yelang, and have worked with you. It must be useful." He has become much better in recent days. I'm also very happy, "I've hired a doctor for you, and it's definitely better than before."

Ye Tan tweeted: "The master has done enough, and now the guards have others to protect him, so why bother paying for his subordinates ..."

"What is this? These guards were meant to protect you and make you feel better." Everyone looked at me, but I blurted out without thinking. "When you have recovered your skills, you don't need them ..."

Suppering at supper: "Boss Wow, you're breaking the bridge across the river! Very ruthless you!"

I abandon it: "I don't want to fire you for a day or two, did you know today ?!"

Supper clearly said: "Yes."

Ye Tan froze, her face flushed: "You ... you ..."

You haven't said anything for a long time.

Yexiao was sad and lost, still not forgetting to pull Yelang to recognize people: "Look, this is Ah Heng, this is Ah Hsu, this is our boss, this is a humble scum. Do you remember?"

Ye Lan: "Can't remember."

Supper: "Then you just need to remember, this is a scumbag with a bad heart ..."

I jumped up and pressed the supper on the table for a meal, and deprived him of his snack right today.

Just after Qiqi came back, he went to take a bath. At this time, he had changed back with a new shirt. He also wore a light and silky braid during the day, as if he had changed a person, a pair of apricot eyes were watery. It's cute, but it's not bad.

I called her over to sit down and let the doctor look at Mr. Lu, and said, "It's all abrasions. It will swell after a few days. It's a common thing for aunt to do rough work. Anxious words Just apply a little incense ash. "

I'm not very satisfied: "How can that be, of course it's time to take medicine."

Mr. Lu changed his tongue again: "Then I take some Huang Zhi, fry it for a quarter of an hour and apply it on the wound. It will be fine within a few days."

I nodded. "There is work."

I had a very lively meal at night, and I rarely sat with so many people in such a small space, and it was very big.

He sent away these living treasures. After bathing and grooming, he quickly climbed to Yetan's bed to replenish his spirit.

Ye Tan saw that I was tired, and gently rubbed my eyebrows for me: "Is the owner tired?"

I snorted into his arms: "Yeah, there are a lot of people, and it's a lot of work to deal with."

I miss some times when there was only Ye Tan and me, and I never lost any spirit.

Ye Tan hesitated: "... subordinates may prevent you from taking a rest. It is better to go to another room. Now there are more rooms, so you don't have to be in the same place ..."

I heard that he held his hand tightly: "But I'm used to it."

Ye Tan did not answer for a moment.

I stumbled again: "I was arrested two days ago, and I feel that there are always shortcomings in my arms at night ..."

Even though the bedding material was the best, it didn't sleep well.

Ye Tan was silent for a while, and then asked, "The master just said that he would fire them in the future ..."

I was struggling with eyelids, and reluctantly said, "Yeah, I have only recently discovered that I don't like crowds. They will live in Fuling if they want to ... it's enough to leave Atan around."

Ye Tan heard the words, turned over to face me, and took the initiative to hug me.

I held it more comfortable in this position, and after a while, fell into sleep.

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