MTL - Life Going Wild With Plug-ins-Chapter 104 Erlian

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Ye Jun lay back in bed sickly again.

He closed his eyes, but his mind was not idle. This medicine is specially used in the dishes he does not eat, so it can be seen that it was deliberately aimed at the second master.

Speaking of which, a new man was added to the girl-in-law today. Will be a little martial arts, the foundation is very shallow, but the way is pure. This woman has bright eyes and bright teeth, about seventeen or eighteen years old. She has a slender wrist, which means that if you cut the onion root, you can see that you have never done rough work.

Ye Jun had a faint guess in his heart, and he fell asleep boldly.

When Zhong Zixi came back, the person lying on the sickbed was weak and still asleep, without any intention to wake up. Sitting silently on Ye Jun's side for a while, he felt that Ye Jun had suddenly abated a lot recently. He was severely injured and had fever. He was also prescribed medicine and almost never stopped.

Suddenly I miss the days in the mountains.

He was still in a daze, and the girl-in-law of the blue shirt next to him urged, "Yan, please use rice first, or it will be cold."

Zhong Liang returned to the table and ate absently, so the girl asked her to withdraw: "Hold it down first, and prepare to bring some congee."

The perch responded, and Zhong Qiaoxi had calculated the time to take the medicine, so he went to the bedside and whispered two times. But Ye Jun slept too much, but he did not respond.

He was feeling weird, and Qi Yun brought two more men over and smiled and said, "Yongzi, Yexiong doesn't look right today. Our master specially invited the doctor, so I will send Yexiong to see."

The two guards did not wait for Zhong Zhong to give up, and took care of himself to take Yejun up and take him away.

Zhong Ion's eyes looked cold: they want to move Yejun?

He immediately held down one of them and asked coldly, "Please come over, why do you want to take someone away?"

Unfortunately, he was powerless and could not stop the guard's movements. The other party responded, "The doctor's colleagues are still busy, and they can't catch up."

He immediately said, "I will go with you."

The guard declined, "The doctor said that there should be no one else during the doctor's appointment, and Son Yan will wait here and not bother."

They were very polite, but their actions were not sloppy, they quickly dragged Ye Jun out of the bed and hung him, and turned around to leave.

Zhong Zixi claimed to be extremely clever and couldn't think of any way to stop them from taking away Ye Jun. I just felt that my lungs were frozen into ice, and he said coldly, "Let him down. You can let go now, and you have time."

"Yan Gong really cares, you are a noble guest in our house, how dare we--"

Qi Yan was still polite to appease him, Zhong Zhongxi's eyes slammed into her heart, slamming into her heart, his breath was violent, and he was horrible, and the second half of the words stopped. Qi Xing trembled, only feeling that his life had been taken away by the king.

Zhong Ziliang looked at her coolly, saying word by word: "Go and tell Fang Si, if he dares to hold me by Ye Jun's life, I will call your entire Fang family to be buried."

Qi Yu was about to be scared to tears, and she said, "Yan and Yan, please rest assured ... we really don't mean to hurt people ..."

Zhong Zixi was so irritated that she didn't want to hear her crying: "Get out." Zhong Zixi knew that he was still unable to get back to the sky after all, and was much lazier, and turned back to the room.

Zhong Li returned to the room and stood next to the flower window. The night was bright and clear, and it was a peaceful and ordinary summer night. The night breeze blew and he shivered, only to find that his whole body was soaked with cold sweat.

That sentence is by no means alarmist.

Not to mention that in the medicine that Fang Siye used to kill poison, he directly dropped the poison in the well water and river, so that the entire Nanling chicken and dog would not stay, and he could get it.

It is close to Wushuitai, and he is also very good at personal training with Saint Wushui. It is easy to get in touch with the people to destroy the Fang family.

He has done everything possible to ask Fang's family to pay back ten times, and regret today, but there is no way to save Yejun today.

He was so confident that Fang's family would not dare to touch their own people.

But if Fang Siye is really a stupid person who has no brains, and suddenly removes Ye Jun, he will kill him thousands of times and he will not make up for it.

At that time, the young master abandoned him, making him feel ashamed and letting him go.

Only then did he understand what despair was.

Zhong Ion's mind is complex, and the more I think, the more irritable. At first he thought that it was only his own concern but chaos, but gradually found that the restlessness had gone astray and turned into lust.

The second master thought with remorse: Ye Jun's life and death are unknown, why am I still thinking about such a thing?

Until the eyes became more and more blurred, and the consciousness could not be concentrated anyway, this gradually became aware of the fault. Wrongly said: What the **** is aphrodisiac again? !!

Zhong ion was hot and unbearable, and stumbled out of the door, hoping to plunge into the pond to calm down. Then he met a bright moonlight shadow and gently supported him. The soft fragrant jade is in his arms, like the clear spring of Matsuma, and the moisturizing sound is silent, which makes him a lot more comfortable.

Zhong Liqiang was struggling and pinching her wrist, "You are ... the new girl who is here today ..."

He hadn't stood up well for a long time, and Qixu again intentionally guided him to fall on Qixu. Qi Min whispered in his ear, "I'm not an ordinary girl, but the second daughter of Fang Siye. Fang's family has a great career, and marry me, it won't humiliate his son.

She was obviously a little nervous and didn't dare to look at him. She blushed and lowered her head and tremblingly removed his girdle. "You ... don't lie to me, don't let me down."

Zhong Zixi didn't want to disappoint her, she just wanted to get her off, but he was so confused that he didn't know where he was.

Qi Yu's words immediately connected him. In order to win over him, the four lords wanted to marry him, and he wanted to assign him the eldest daughter Xu. He absently refused. Unexpectedly, Fang Siye's thief was so immortal that he would sacrifice his daughter's virginity, and he would have to come to a king to bow.

Second Master said: It seems that yesterday's aphrodisiac should be for this reason, but it happened to be eaten by Yejun. Today I went down again, and I specifically transferred Yejun away, just waiting to be hooked.

His lingering heart finally let go: Wan Sifang Fang Siye was not a stupid man, and he didn't really want to get rid of Ye Jun.

Although this situation is not very optimistic at the moment, after all, I have been treated with Chinese medicine and there is really no way. He has no concept of chastity, and it is expected that Yejun will not blame him.

Should, should ...

He was giving up the resistance arrogantly, and allowed Qiyu to take off his shirt and lining, but the clear spring in his arms was suddenly pulled away.

Ye Jun took the perch's collar to lift the little girl up in the air, and smiled gently: "The abacus is good, but unfortunately my master is married, you can save it."

Qi Yue exclaimed, and was taken aside.

Zhong Zixi was lying by the pool, and her thin shirt was scattered along the skin among the spring cherry blossoms. Her silver pupils were more confusing than Yuehua. Ye Jun looked at it for a while, then looked back at Qi Qi and smiled: "My master looks good?"

Ye Jun Qingjun is as loose as a crane, and he has a kind of smile. Qi Jun suddenly laughed at him, and saw Ye Jun's smile suddenly cooled down: "Forget me."

Immediately, he bullied himself, drew a flick on her forehead, and Qiyu passed out.

Ye Jun closed his hand and sighed, "I actually hit a woman, I'm not human."

Turning around and hugging his young master, he was about to hold him horizontally, but Zhong Zixi pulled him down in a posture, and Yejun caught him by surprise.

He was burned for a long time, and even though he gave up his struggle, he was still in trouble. Seeing Ye Jun at this time, it was almost amnesty, and he was too lazy to worry about any courtesy and shame.

Yejun reluctantly got up from his arms: "Master, long night, what's the matter?"

The bell ion woke up in a gentle stream of water.

Most of the moonlight had disappeared, and it was in the vicinity of the dawn, that the ornithology turned tenderly and cried. He was in a half-man high-definition spring, and Ye Jun hugged him with arms around him, scrubbing his body.

Yejun's strength has been mastered very well, he leaned on Yejun's flexible and strong chest, and he comfortedly.

Today I just made up for a parting of life and death. At this moment I just saw Ye Jun and gave birth to infinite joy.

Ye Jun whispered softly, "Master, is there anything uncomfortable?"

More than uncomfortable, the whole body seemed to be about to break.

Zhong Zixi tried to fist a fist, and said, "I feel like my body is falling apart. Did we do it last night?"

Ye Jun said with a guilty conscience: "It's just ... very ordinary love affairs." Repeated again, "Very ordinary."

Take advantage of the master's unconsciousness to try all this curious gameplay, say it will be ruined.

After all, Master was so enthusiastic last night that he overplayed by accident.

Zhong Zixi did not respond, Ye Jun became more and more disturbed, but he heard the young master said, "I want to apologize to you."

Ye Jun accidentally said, "Huh?"

Zhong Dianxi bowed his head and mournfully said, "When it was Chinese medicine, I even thought that it was okay to walk directly with Qi Qi. I was not firm yesterday, and I realized I was sober today."

Yejun paused. His conjecture yesterday is not much different from the facts. He wanted Zhong Zhongxi to know the truth himself, and also aggravated the misunderstanding that aphrodisiac was indeed added to the meal. He then did a slow lurking observation in the side, and did not shoot until the last moment.

When he pretended to be comatose and was taken away by the guards, the great despair contained in the young master's seemingly calm words, he also felt it.

Yejun followed Master Two for ten years and never knew he would have such a shock.

"When you are taking Chinese medicine, everything is my priority. When I am taking Chinese medicine, I just want to get myself. I still rely on your admiration for me and intend to do what is ashamed of you." The body reluctantly turned around and hugged him back, apologizing, "Yejun, I'm not as good as you."

"Don't ... brag me anymore ... please ..." Ye Jun did not dare to look at the master's clear pupils, and looked away in shame.

Zhong Zixi leaned on his shoulder and looked up at him with a slight smile: "It turns out that you are also shy. When you are shy, you are much more lovely than usual."

The second young master felt that he was selfish to the extreme.

Ye Jun, a frequent master of his own family, was even more frank with each other and felt that he was not human.

The two cursed that they were not human, while making up their minds to better compensate each other.

The second master hated Fang Siye, and he hated it.

Ye Jun was grateful to Fang Siye, and he wished to give him a pennant.

Read The Duke's Passion