MTL - Life After Marrying My Love Rival-Chapter 8

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No matter how good you can't help the roller coaster's ups and downs, Ye Nanqi was silent for a while before suppressing the anger, and his tone was calm: "What's going on?"

Wen Chen was worried that he was furious, and said carefully: "I used to call this morning, saying that the contract was ready, and Director Xu would take you. Whoever knows, said sorry to make a wrong call at night. Alone. "He was talking, and the anger came up. He slaps the table, not too angry." What about us as monkeys ?! "

Ye Nanqi squeezed his brows and forced himself to calm down: "Who is it?"

Wen Chen had already inquired, and immediately responded, "Just the little fresh meat you encountered when you went to audition was called Li Sui, and his acting skills were lame, and Director Xu was blind and chose him."

Ye Nanqi also encountered a lot of robbing scenes before, but this was the first time that he was kicked backwards when he was nearing success. This feeling is no less than a pile of blocks that have been built for a long time. Was pushed lightly, gone.

His face was heavy, and it was hard to swallow it.

Besides, he had no reason to swallow.

Wen Chen inquired a lot. It was the ghost of Li Sui's agent. The agent seemed to invite investors to eat through various relationships. I didn't know what to say, so the other party agreed to the substitution.

It's hardly a substitution, after all, it hasn't really taken hold. Even if Mr. Xu was unwilling, he had to succumb to the capital, and then took a step back 10,000 steps. Fortunately, it was just the third man. After a while, he agreed.

Ye Nanqi thought for a while, and slowly said, "We can also invite investors for a meal, right? Merchants are profitable, and the quality of the male third has a great impact on the movie, not to mention a role like Cui Hao. My product The value is greater than Li Sui. "

"I'll do my best." Wen Chen thought about it, and changed his mouth. "No, you're waiting for this wine, very soon. Damn, I dare to cut your hustle."

Only Wen Chen knew how much sweat Ye Nanqi had devoted to the audition, so when he called, he almost couldn't bear to tell Ye Nanqi.

Fortunately, Ye Nanqi was firm / very strong.

Wen Chen started everyone's connections in the entertainment industry over the years. He moved quickly and told the Ye Nanqi Wine Bureau the time and place the next day.

Ye Nanqi wrote the abbreviated manuscript, which was not enough. He took paper and pen and wrote a lot of comparisons between himself and Li Sui. He is soberly positioned as a star in the entertainment industry, and really writes himself and the little fresh meat as commodities, writes it, cuts it, cuts it, looks at it, thinks for a moment, and just rubs the paper into a ball.

After all, the plan can't keep up with the changes, and the other party may not be willing to listen to him talk.

The wine bureau arranged at 7 pm, Ye Nanqi changed his clothes and passed in advance. Wen Chen was even more tense than he was: "I heard that the management is a rich second-generation man. He just plays with his family's money. His temper is still a bit strange. Will he play cards without common sense?"

Ye Nanqi thought about it and said, "What is his sexual orientation?"

"..." Wen Chen's expression was inexplicable. "Are you going to dedicate yourself to the role of a male third?"

Ye Nanqi looked earnestly: "I feel I'm still good."

More than good, he looks very good, his skin is white, his eyebrows are borrowed, and he sits quietly with a smile on his face. Speaking of bitterness, "like the ink painting on earth." When he debuted, he picked up a passerby character with only two shots and one sentence, and was seen by some Yan Kong. It immediately made him a little fire, which got the company's attention and climbed up step by step.

It can be seen that both the ancients and the contemporary people have a strong color. This tradition has a long history and is endless.

Wen Chen: "... Did your husband make you angry? Or did you get stimulated?"

"Exciting? No." Ye Nanqi ignored the sentence in front of him. "Actually think about it, it ’s good to be fostered. Who in the circle does n’t have a lot of true and false gossip. They all feel a little loss, not to mention there are many benefits to sitting down. "

Wen Chen said: "..."

Seeing that he was speechless, Ye Nanqi only succeeded in this prank. He raised his eyebrow and laughed: "Just a joke with you, what is the tension? Other agents ca n’t wait to wash the artist to Jinzhu, how can you It looks like a bitter hatred. "

Wen Chenbai gave him a glance: "I blame you for all these years that you have climbed up cleanly. I can't bear to have you tender narcissus jumping into the mud pile by myself."

Ye Nanqi just laughed and didn't speak.

There was a little traffic jam on the road. When arriving at the agreed hotel, ten minutes before seven o'clock, Ye Nanqi felt that it was wise to go out ahead of time. He bumped into a boxing with Wen Chen and went into the box first.

Tonight's wine party, Ye Nanqi gritted his teeth and opened several bottles of wine close to five figures, ready to get drunk and talk.

He talked to Wen Chen, and his heart broke out for no reason, there was always a bad feeling.

No matter how bad it can be?

It's nothing more than being thrown away from the other side, or the other party promised and regretted it, and said it was rejected. Ye Nanqi didn't think he could win, and he was ready for the worst.

However, his heart was jumping abruptly, and he couldn't sit still.

At seven, the door of the box was knocked on time.

Ye Nanqi calmed down and opened the door in the past with a decent smile: "Mr. Zhao ..."

After talking, Ye Nanqi's smile almost cracked after seeing another person behind the door.

The investor ’s surname is Zhao Mingsheng, who is indeed a young rich second-generation. He has his eyebrows trimmed, looks good, and is a little bit careless. He did not pay attention to the unnaturalness of Ye Nanqi and waved his hands freely. You came very early-Shen Du, to introduce you, Ye Nanqi, the big star. "

It is not shame to ask for help, but when you ask for help, you will lose your hair.

Shen Du stood beside Zhao Sheng, holding his hands to watch Ye Nanqi's performance leisurely. He was dressed in a suit, with a handsome figure, a deep and handsome face, and did not deliberately lower his gaze, but he had a feeling of condescending to look at people.

Ye Nanqi smiled so hard that he tried to maintain his nature, pretending to be a stranger with a smile, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao is too famous, he is not a big star, he came early, but he just asked for attitude."

He stated his purpose so directly. Zhao Sheng stumbled, took a haha, and sat down with Shen Du, and then pointed to Shen Du: "Don't mind, my brother, just happened to come across, come and eat Meal. "

Ye Nanqi listened to his introduction and looked at Shen Du.

Wen Chen felt inexplicably that the atmosphere between Ye Nanqi and Shen Du was not right, but didn't think much about it, and came over with a smile.

Ye Nanqi had prepared a line of words that were full of shame and extremely shame. When he saw the moment of Shen Qi's death, he simply did not go round and toasted two glasses of wine.

Zhao Sheng knocked on the table, and said quietly: "This ... may not be good, the crew has decided to use Li Sui, I'm just paying for it, I don't understand anything, it's hard to interfere."

Ye Nanqi and Wen Chen were immediately shocked by the thickness of his cheeks.

Wen Chen said with a smile: "Hey, well, in fact, we didn't come to ask Zhao Ye and the crew for embarrassment. We just wanted to get another chance. Xu also said that the Southern Period is suitable for this role ..."

This "Zhao Ye" heard Zhao Sheng's whole body relaxed, but still not soft and hard, without slackening.

Ye Nanqi has been drinking without a few sips of food, and his stomach is not very comfortable. Take a breath: "Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Wen Chen gave him a worried look. Ye Nanqi smiled, got up and went to the bathroom. He retched a few times without vomiting anything, rubbing his temples.

He closed his eyes with his head up, wondering how he could let Zhao Sheng loose his mouth, his jaw-like appearance was cold and pale, his thin lips clasped into a line.

People who laugh often seem to be depressed once they laugh.

Ye Nanqi wiped his face. He didn't notice that the bathroom door was open just now, but now it was half covered.

Back in the box, Wen Chen was still smiling with Zhao Sheng as you came to me.

Ye Nanqi and Wen Chen looked at each other, but did not expect that the brainless management in the legend was so difficult to speak. After being deadlocked for a while, Shen Lengbuding, who had been watching indifferently, said: "It was previously decided that it was Ye Nanqi, was it temporarily changed?"

Zhao Sheng gave him a surprised look.

Ye Nanqi's brain was a bit chaotic, and he couldn't figure out what Shen Du wanted to express. He was quite confident about his alcohol consumption, and wanted to intoxicate Zhao Sheng. He knew how to drink. Who knew that Zhao Sheng had too much alcohol.

Wen Chen answered: "The crew hasn't decided on a role yet, huh."

Ye Nanqi thought to himself, do you know that hehe means scolding the other person?

Even though he thought so, he still wanted to say good.

Shen Du 攘 Search for betting on the maze, so he won the prize ring 12 [The spurs are based on the order of the fierce 庖 迳 system, and this is guaranteed to be 10 欤 beach 蛔 迕

There is a cellar in Zhao Sheng's house, all of which is good wine. Zhao Sheng rolled over in the wine jar from a young age. The real thousand cups don't fall. Ye Nanqi can't drink him when he dies.

He thought for a moment, and whispered two words to Zhao Sheng and Zhao Sheng. Zhao Sheng was surprised at the sudden opening of his mouth. He almost sipped a drink on his face after listening to it, and suddenly turned his head to drive out evil spirits.

Anyway, I was shocked. Zhao Sheng quickly reacted, rolled his eyes, and slammed the glass with Ye Nanqi, pretending to drink, and patted the table: "Hi, I also think you are more suitable Later, I called Xu Dao to talk about this problem. I've invested, don't lose it. "

Ye Nanqi only felt complicated.

A few days ago I said rightly that I didn't need any help. Although it wasn't him asking for Shen Du's help, Shen Du's casual two sentences were indeed something he would not refuse.

He smiled, thanked him seriously, and Zhao Sheng was poor in acting skills. He probably fell over when he was drunk, and he fell asleep when he turned his head. A wine party ended like this.

Wen Chen's alcohol is worse than Ye Nanqi's. He drank it with enthusiasm. He has been circling for a long time. He can walk calmly and speak clearly, which is strange.

Ye Nanqi held him in his arms and helped people get into the car. The stamina came up, and he was drunk and sloppy. Fortunately, his consciousness was still clear. He heard Wen Chen drunk and said, "That's it? What did the student say ... Well, did Shen Du fancy you? He looks good and seems to be quite rich ... well ... "

Ye Nanqi had a hand problem, grabbed his chin and raised his head: "Don't spit in the car-look at the fart."

Wen Chen said earnestly: "Don't say that yourself ..."

Ye Nanqi let go, and Wen Chen slammed into the seat in front of him, suddenly sober, he hissed, "What do you want to do, cub? Ah, what did you just say? Oh yes, I think it is you Otherwise, how could you talk to you for nothing, wouldn't we both say that it was snowing in June? "

Ye Nanqi said: "That may really fancy me."

Wen Chen had not spoken yet, and he said deeply: "Fancy about my talent."

Wen Chen: "Spit!" 2k novel reading network

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