MTL - Life After Marrying My Love Rival-Chapter 73

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You are always our sun.

Ye Nanqi blinked before he realized that his eyes were wet.

Even if ... his glory is disguised, even if he is not the kind of positive and sunny person shaped by the company, there are still some people in the world who love him anyway and will not be changed by other factors.

How lucky.

Shen Du also saw this hot review, pondered for a while, looked at the red eyes of Ye Nanqi, took him into his arms, and reluctantly said, "Well, forgive them for wanting to sleep with you."

Ye Nanqi's enthusiasm for the chest retreated slightly, and he looked at Shen Du with amusement.

Shen Du flipped down, unexpectedly, there were not many comments about bad words, most of them were kind.

There are still many people who are worried about Ye Nanqi. He has not been active in the public eyes for half a year. After the explosion of Ye Mei, fans are always upset and afraid that something will happen to him. He even proposed to set up an artist guard. .

Of course, all of them are naive, but they are full of goodwill.

Ye Nanqi looked at it one by one. He was still a little nervous, and gradually turned into peace and tranquility. It's just that he can ignore those less-than-expected abusive words, but he cannot.

Dignified Master Shen's family, bought a trumpet in front of his wife, slammed all the swearing all over without changing his face, looked up for a long time, and sighed: "My wife is not a good star, There are so many rivals. "

Ye Nanqi glanced at him and reminded him: "Shen Shao, your wife was also your love rival."

Shen Duo stunned: "Let's not mention this stubble."

Those who didn't know each other soon forwarded Weibo to express their blessings. Jiang Yuyu was also in it, Shen Du glanced at him, and then made a pretense: "You are still brothers. Brothers, what beautiful words."

Ye Nanqi took a sneer to accept the move: "We Shao Shen is also a celebrity now, and there are quite a lot of comments."

Speaking, clearing his throat, holding a heavy mobile phone, he read it frustratingly.

"Ahhh, my husband is so handsome."

"Simply speaking, my husband is more handsome than Ye Nanqi."

"I really like a Red Three generation who really likes a Liyuan opera."

"I'm dumped."

"But beg Shen Dashao for a sleep!"

"Wow, it's actually open. It's been a long time since we got married? Who is chasing who?"


Shen degree: "..."

Ye Nanqi read a little thirsty, leaning on the sofa, the uncle with the same attitude: "Water."

Come on, no matter what, the ancestor is the ancestor.

He teafully poured water into the tea, and when he sat down, he said nothing, holding the mobile phone and poking a little. Ye Nanqi took a curious look and Shen Du was replying to the comments he had just read.

"Thank you, I'm handsome, but I'm Nan Xiaoqi's husband."

"Nan Nan is handsomer than me, and I am second."

"Have a good post-90s online."

"It's also good to end a unilateral relationship."

"Sorry, both physical and mental."

"I chase him."


Ye Nanqi: "..."

Shen Du looked up at him: "Are you satisfied? Boss."

Ye Nanqi thought for a while, and smiled slyly: "What's worse."

Shen Du laughed, looking at Ye Nanqi's eyes as he was looking at a kitten that was coquettish to touch, obediently: "Huh? Husband?"

Ye Nanqi resembled a comfortable purring cat and nodded his eyes narrowly, saying that he had to say a few more words.

Suddenly, the mobile phone that shakes the video frequently asked for it, and called her husband a few times. Seeing Ye Nanqi stole the smug look of pride, he added to his ear: "Once."

"..." Ye Nanqi was unafraid and kicked his crotch / brain boldly.

The enemy forces came up provocatively, and even when the soldiers approached the city, Shen Du naturally did not frighten the field. I was wondering how to take this boldly attacked enemy into my stomach, and the mobile phone vibrated wildly.

Ye Nanqi mercilessly kicked away the desperate husband, picked up his mobile phone and stared, feeling scalp tingling.

It's Wen Chen.

The agent was idle for a long time, and before the artist returned to the screen, he announced the marriage and exploded Weibo. Seeing the news in the middle of the night, he was shocked to roll off the bed.

Ye Nanqi didn't wait for him to scold, and firstly admits wrongly: "Sorry, I'm sorry, don't be angry when you hear me, I'm wrong, Shen Du and I are not intentional, we have just notified the public relations ..."

Wen Chen was full of water: "What's your apology? Tell me what this is doing?"

"... Um?" Ye Nanqi felt like there was something wrong.

Wen Chen is very buddhist, and he whispered: "Who cares about your public relations and not public relations, anyway, it has been made public. Just leave it. You do n’t have to read the comments. What they love to say is their business. You take care of yourself. It ’s okay. President Shen looks pretty reliable. If you do n’t tell me his whereabouts, I will report to your fan base. No matter how many bodyguards you have to be fat, your mentality is the most important. Yes, as long as you do n’t fall apart, say anything, Wen Brother has followed you for years, and I have treated you as my younger brother, you can live well ... "

Ye Nanqi turned around, buried his head in Shen Du's arms, his throat was sour, and he said for a moment: "You are deliberate ..."

Abnormally stopped scolding him and said the same thing as fans. He had just cleared his mood, and his eyes were reddish in a flash.

The father and sister had troubles one after the other, and the sister and mother depended on him. He has grown to this day and has rarely received such care.

It is not that the mother and sister are not good enough, but that they are too fragile, so Ye Nanqi is in front of them with copper, iron, and swords.

But who can really get a golden bell jar? Not only does the body hurt, but the heart is also fleshy.

Wen Chen muttered a few more words, Shen Du quietly hugged Ye Nanqi, raised his hand to answer the phone, and just heard Wen Chen muttering about him.

"Your relationship was not good in the past. It's not easy to get to the present, but we still have to keep in mind. The rich flower world of rich children is not what we can imagine. In case he sees who and who again in the future ... 唉Brother Wen just gave you a shot ... "

Shen Dupi smiled but didn't smile: "It bothers you, the flower world I've seen is my daughter-in-law, and it's enough to fall in love with him."

Wen Chen: "..."

The phone hung up silently.

Ye Nanqi grinned: "What do you scare him ... Isn't it because your passers-by are so bad? Just now someone asked me to watch out for you, and seeing you as a bad family, like family violence."

Depressed for a moment, he bent over and hugged him, walking upstairs.

Ye Nanqi struggled: "What are you doing?"

Shen Du bit his head and bit his earlobe, vaguely saying, "Domestic violence. Zhao Sheng has given me the gadgets that I haven't used up yet. Baby, do you still like the kind that would shake last night? How about changing one tonight? ? "

"..." Ye Nanqi said, "Get off."

Mr. Shen, who had been suspected of being abandoned just after his wedding, was shut out of the door. Sanjin couldn't sleep in the study in the middle of the night. He guessed that Ye Nanqi should sleep, and stomped on holding the spare key to open the door.

He suddenly laughed, went to bed lightly, and covered himself with a quilt for a while, then went to fish the sleeping Ye Nanqi in his arms, covered a small blanket, and fell asleep with satisfaction.

The storm of public marriage was not as big as expected, probably because of the cyber violence that happened when Ye Mei happened ten years ago, and now I do n’t know how many people were beaten.

Most people are cautious in speaking, not to mention Ye Nanqi and Shen Du knew each other when they were young. They are also considered half-aged, and it is rare for a pair of happy enemies to come together.

Leaving aside bad remarks, even some entertainment news that likes to do things, are blessings.

Xue Jingshan was really silent.

Probably I wanted to make a fuss about the hidden marriage between the two, but I didn't expect Ye Nanqi to take the initiative to expose it in advance.

Because of Ye Mei's affairs and Ye Nanqi's experience of being picked out, fans and entertainment media have a high acceptance of him. The announcement of the marriage did not annoy the fans, but received overwhelming blessings, as well as individual concerns about whether he would take care of them. Good for their treasure, worryingly overseeing patrol under Shendu Weibo.

Although this was an unprepared public announcement in order to prevent problems before they happened, the effect was much better than expected, and Ye Nanqi was happy when he thought of Xue Jingshan.

There is good progress here, and there are other things to keep busy.

As Ye Mei ’s younger brother, Ye Nan sometimes comes to the media to say a few words from time to time, or cooperate with Shen Du to contact those who are separated from the edge of the organization.

Seeing a bunch of small fish and shrimp biting the hook, Li Hengran caught another traitor.

Since the announcement of the fake list, Li Hengran planned. After catching some out of the margins, he deliberately relaxed his vigilance and let everyone in the team keep a part of the so-called list.

The insider got the part, and after seeing the familiar names on it, he panicked for a while and wanted to steal the list in the hands of others, but Li Hengran, who had already prepared it, was caught in one fell swoop.

Is one of the suspected objects in his team.

Although it has long been known that the brothers around him are the opponent's eyeliner, Li Hengran was still a bit unacceptable. On the spot, he couldn't help giving the other a punch, full of anger and disappointment.

It ’s hard for anyone to accept, eating and drinking for many years, talking about their future dreams, blocking the gun for themselves, and desperately catching the prisoner ’s companion, they will actually be traitors, bought by money, and secretly reveal the news to gain Profit.

Friendship is always the warmest, and it is the friendship that hurts the most.

After this blow, Li Hengran's expression and attitude were significantly different from the past, and he was even more silent.

Ye Nanqi couldn't comfort him, he could only pray silently that the matter would pass as soon as possible.

It's not easy to get those little shrimps hooked up. Ye Nanqi has to show them an attitude of "I just want money to investigate this matter is to want lots and lots of money". People are full of copper with a stink smile. Afterwards, people only feel sick and nauseated.

Shen Du was originally worried about whether Ye Nanqi could continue, and saw that he was free to shuttle between those people, but still said nothing.

Ye Nanqi knew that he was worried about himself and just laughed. When no one was around, he hugged himself in the past and felt full of strength again.

After Ye Mei's case broke out, not only his collaborators who had known the filming had condolences, Jiang Yuyu also often contacted him, but he had filmed in other places before. When he got busy, he was both big and powerless.

Ye Nanqi saved his life and returned to city A, and Jiang Xunyu came directly.

So as soon as Mr. Shen, who had returned from work early in the class, entered the living room, he saw his wife and Bai Yueguang, who was his first love and wife in a sense, sitting on the sofa and chatting kindly.

He took off his coat in silence, took two cups of tea and brought it up before he said, "Why is Brother Jiang here? Nannan won't entertain people, sorry."

Jiang Yanyu's impression of him remained at the last time he met, and he was somewhat surprised by the change in attitude before and after the 360 ​​degrees, but still smiled and said, "It scared me to see you two announce."

He didn't ask them how they got married so early, and sincerely wished a few words, and brought up the gifts they bought.

In front of Jiang Yanyu, who had pursued with Shen Du together, Ye Nanqi's expression was natural, glanced at Shen Du, and nodded: "Thank you, Brother. Where is Song Haigui from your family? Are you busy working and flying around the world? "

Although it is work, Jiang Yuyu's husband stayed with him for a few days a year.

Jiang Yanyu and Song Zhi are real childhood friends. Song Zhi made an appointment that year, and after waiting for him for many years, he was always in a different place.

Now that Song is returning to China, the two of them are married, but they are still in a similar situation when they are in love.

If it weren't for this, Jiang Xiuyu was abducted, and the first person he thought of would not have been the depth of a half-love rival at the time.

Jiang Yuyu was a bit helpless, sipped his tea, and whispered softly, "After the last incident, he wanted to resign and was stopped by me. I am the same as him. When I am busy, I keep my feet off the ground, run around every day, or shoot outside For a long time, I can't care less about gathering together and leaving more. "

Shen Du looked at Ye Nanqi's beautiful face silently, absentmindedly.

Can not let his wife often run out and walk around, nor can she often not go home.

Ye Nanqi didn't notice what Shen Du was thinking. Although he stood by Jiang Yanyu, he couldn't evaluate the mode of the two of them. He could only change the topic and ask about Jiang Yanyu's work.

Speaking of work, Jiang Yanyu frowned: "Sometime ago, Fang brother suddenly resigned ... I don't know what happened, he didn't explain to me before, I couldn't contact him. I was worried that he had an accident, so I called the police and the police told me He's fine now, don't worry. "

Seeing his apparent doubt, Ye Nanqi thought with a smile: because he was squatting at the police uncle.

Can it be bad.

Knowing that nothing had happened to Fang Xingyuan, Jiang Yanyu didn't bother, and continued: "The company changed me to a broker, and the people are very nice."

Ye Nanqi nodded, remembering the last time, worried that those people had not given up Jiang Jieyu, and asked a few more words. Jiang Jieyu trusted him and told him the latest schedule without any precaution.

Just after filming a play, I did n’t have much time to rest when I came back. Except for a few meetings and interviews, there was only a banquet after a few days, which was specially invited by the organizer.

That happened to be the day Song returned from a business trip. In fact, Jiang Yuyu didn't want to go. Unfortunately, the other party was not small, and he was not good at rejecting it.

Ye Nanqi asked, "Which one is so overbearing?"

Jiang Yanyu whispered: "The Xue family of Rongyu Group ... Last time Brother Fang took me to drink with them, it was not good for them to lose face."

Xue's two words were like road bells. At the first sound, Ye Nanqi and Shen Du were immediately alert.

They looked at each other, maintaining a peaceful and natural expression, and asked, "Xue family?"

Jiang Yiyu nodded: "I heard that it was a private banquet. It is not good to leave in advance. Song Zhifu and I haven't seen each other for two months. He must have had an opinion ..."

Shen Du asked: "Who is the Xue family? Maybe I don't know, I can say two words."

"Can you?" Jiang Yanyu's eyes lightened and hesitated slightly. He and the two men in front of him were actually embarrassed in the relationship.

He was worried that Shen Du would help him, and Ye Nanqi would be unhappy.

Ye Nanqi saw his worry at first glance, and secretly kicked Shen Du, and smiled: "It's okay, you are my master's brother, and you can be regarded as a kind of Shen Du's brother. You are all family, don't think too much."

Jiang Yanyu looked at them both again.

Sitting at Ye Nanqi, Shen Du hasn't talked much, mainly listening. When Ye Nanqi was talking, he would stare at Ye Nanqi with a gentle light in his eyes.

Probably it was a long time without notice, and I didn't care too much about the image. Ye Nanqi's hair was a lot longer, and a side of his hair covered his eyes, and before he reached out, Shen Du naturally lifted him.

It seems that there are closely related magnetic fields between the two people, which affect each other and exclude the other. Jiang Yanyu knew it from the beginning.

Although they both pursued him, he was sensitive to his sense of smell. Neither Shen Du nor Ye Nanqi really liked him. Instead, the two of them were in tit-for-tat, and once they confronted each other, they could not tolerate others.

It seems that it is difficult to go, but in fact it is doomed, probably a natural pair.

Jiang Yanyu groaned for a moment, relaxed, and smiled: "It's hard for Brother Brother. The person who invited me in the next post is Xue Jingshan, who is not the same as the one I met last time."

Ye Nanqi asked: "What did you know at the wine bureau?"

Jiang Yanyu: "There are several, but the one who is more impressed is Xue Xiangyu ... he doesn't look like a good person, brother, please be careful if you see him."

Ye Nanqi: "..."

Shen Du raised an eyebrow slightly, pretending not to have heard the name, and said to Jiang Xiu: "Notify me when I'm going, I will go with you, and I will be able to walk away."

"Will it bother you too much?" Jiang Yanyu was a little surprised.

"It's okay." Ye Nanqi didn't care. "He's been busy lately, and he has nothing to do. It should be your help."

Asked Zhang Ye to send Jiang Yanyu back, Shen Du and Ye Nanqi sat quietly and meditated together.

It's such a time, what else does Xue Jingshan want to do?

Does it mean that he and Shen Du have pursued Jiang Yanyu before and want to take Jiang Yanyu away as a bargaining chip?

Xue Xiangyu said that Xue Jingshan's spirit was not normal. He was paranoid like a lunatic, with a cruel and cruel character. What would he do with Jiang Yanyu, who was like Ye Meishen?

It is difficult for normal people to figure out the lunatic thinking. Ye Nanqi could not predict the consequences of Jiang Yiyu falling into Xue Jingshan's hands.

You can only prevent it before it happens and protect it. People in Shendu were running around, and this matter had to be discussed with Li Hengran.

After thinking about it for a long time, Ye Nanqi realized that Shen Du didn't say a word, and asked, wondering, "What does President Shen think about this matter?"

With a look of Shen Du's expression, Ye Nanqi thought that he had a very insightful view of what he was about to say, and he sat right down and listened respectfully.

Then he listened to him and said, "Nannan, I really do n’t feel Brother Jiang, you do n’t have to feel him. When you follow him to Xue Jingshan's Hongmen Banquet, you can monitor me and make sure my body and mind is yours."

Ye Nanqi said: "..."

Ye Nanqi couldn't laugh or cry, kicking him: "Who asked you this."

Shen Du hugged Ye Nanqi, rubbed it hard, and said, "I'm not afraid that your vinegar jars have turned over."

Ye Nanqi raised an eyebrow: "Sorry, how many times have I eat vinegar since we were together?"

Shen degree: "..."

Ye Nanqi: "It is your Excellency. It is a reincarnation of vinegar jars. You have to be vinegared when everything is okay. The sour smell is all over. I suspect you ate the vinegar when you cook."

Shen Du felt a little frustrated: "Nannan, aren't you jealous?"

"You should think from another angle." Ye Nanqi calmly said, "I'm assured of you. It's normal for you to be jealous. After all, I had so many gossips in the past, it was a dazzling sleazy."

Shen Du frowned, unable to listen, and lowered his head to bit his lip, forbidding him to continue.

Ye Nanqi was breathlessly kissed, clutching his collar.

The white slender hands, the pale cyan meridians, struggled weakly, making people want to collect this fragile beauty quietly.

Shen Du let go of him and kissed him by holding his hand.

It took a while for Ye Nanqi's breathing to calm down and he said, "Shen Xiaodu, are you a little wolf dog?"

Shen Du said "um" and the ending rose.

Ye Nanqi said: "I find that the little puppies are more cute than the little wolf dogs."

Shen Du immediately thought of the paparazzi, bit his mouth, and returned to the topic: "Xue Jingshan suddenly went crazy, there should be a reason besides what happened to the team.

Ye Nanqi stared at him.

Shen Du said: "Master Bai has been issued a critical illness notice."

Xue Jingshan's freak and horror toward Bai Yan, it is impossible not to know what Bai Yan cares about.

Bai Ye didn't care about the handle of Bai family held by Xue's family. When Father Bai dies, Bai Ye will be out of his control.

No one will know what Bai Ye will do at that time.

Ye Nanqi also noticed Xue Jingshan's out of control.

Jiang Yanyu was refocused, Ye Nanqi raised his vigilance, and after discussing with Li Hengran, Li Hengran took out his free staff to protect Jiang Yanyu in plain clothes.

When several people were closely watching Xue Jingshan's private banquet, and guessing whether there would be any dirt or some kind of transaction, a news came from the hospital.

Long stunned money woke up.

The author has something to say: Zhi Song Zhi is the husband of Master Shi, mentioned in Chapter 23.

Qian Qian can see 35 chapters.

== jj is really scary. I finished half of it last night and put it in the manuscript box. I got up today and saw that there is a very magical click on the manuscript of this chapter.

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