MTL - Life After Marrying My Love Rival-Chapter 68

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"Huh?" Shen Du relented. "South-South?"

Ye Nanqi's face flushed, and he stared at him for a long while, and suddenly blessed his soul.

"Who is the husband?" He smiled, and gently touched Shen's face. "Brother, call her husband to listen."

Shen Du raised an eyebrow, leaned against his waist and leaned back, pressed him on the desk, leaned up to raise his chin, and chuckled, "You can call her husband, too. Baby, I can be on this Take your clothes off? "

Ye Nanqi was not afraid, looking up at him: "What do you want to do?"

Shen Du calmly said: "Handle files."

With that said, he took the pen on the table and casually put it on Ye Nanqi's forehead, and said leisurely: "To deal with the documents, you need to look carefully and analyze slowly ..."

The pen went down and pulled open his collar.

"Check for bugs ..."

The cold pen affixed to the warm flesh, Ye Nanqi shuddered, staring straight at him, his eyes were somber: "... only signing and stamping at the end."

Ye Nanqi blinked: "My waist is still sore and my buttocks hurt."

Shen Du switched from an animal to an adult for a second, rubbing his waist, thinking about not rubbing his buttocks, lifting the person off the table, and kissing in his ear: "Husband, I will let you go today. "

The first time she was called a husband, Ye Nanqi felt quite novel, aftertastes several times, and chased Shen Du to listen to a few more sounds, but Shen Du quit. He put on his hat and mask again, and was in a good mood, going downstairs with Shen Du.

Shen Du was already late from work. Now it's dark and other employees have left. The building is empty.

Shen Du held Ye Nanqi's hand and entered the elevator. He didn't know what he thought of, and asked, "Nan Nan, why do you like filming?"

Ye Nanqi heard a word of silence.

He didn't talk to Shen Du about his likes and dislikes, everything was calmly observed and analyzed.

It was the gentleness of Shen Du, the only one who guessed everything. Too pampered and proud, Shen Du would be tired.

He should have a good talk with Shen Du, this love is not Shen Du chase alone, the relationship is a matter of two people.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Nanqi didn't know how to answer.

He likes acting because he can get rid of the heavy burden of reality and become another person for the time being.

Anyone is good, as long as he can forget something, he is willing to invest.

Speaking like this, Shen Du was distressed and worried. So he changed his rhetoric and avoided lightly: "Because ... you can experience other people's lives, it is very interesting."

After listening, Shen Du didn't say anything, stared at him for a while before turning his eyes away.

Ye Nanqi felt that Shen Du had seen through him, hesitated, and wanted to tell Shen Du that he was not so disgusted with reality now, and Shen Du reached out and stroked his ear.

"Just like it." Shen Du led him out of the elevator, sighing like a joke, "I also thought that if I just wanted to make money and wait for things to end, it would be better for me to work here."

Ye Nanqi couldn't help crying: "I can't do anything, what do I come to the company? Be your accompanying secretary?"

Shen Du said: "When my fragile and valuables are placed in the office, I can always rest assured when I look at them."

"Looking at me all day long, tired and crooked you." Ye Nanqi smiled and said with a serious expression, "Xue Xiangyu makes a lot of sense, like having a time limit, staying together all day will only intensify the chemical reaction, Makes love drain faster. "

He did not believe in Shen Du's feelings. On the contrary, Shen Du's love and affection for him were clear and enthusiastic, straightforward and obvious. But everything in the world has an end point. Although Shen Du is more mature than many people, he is still young. In the future, he may like him forever, or he will get bored in a few years.

This is not a tragic view of love, but just the truth that Ye Nanqi has been struggling for years.

It's a pity that Shen degree is the light in his heart. Even if Shen degree really doesn't feel to him one day, he won't let it go.

The atmosphere was stagnant for a moment. Shen Du didn't rush to refute it. After thinking for a while, he just smiled unclearly: "Let's see."

Upon arriving home, Shen Du received a call. Ye Nanqi didn't bother him. He got out of the car and walked in the yard, contacting Li Hengran by the way.

After listening to the recordings of the conversation between Xue Xiangyu and Ye Nanqi, Li Hengran had a clear understanding of the criminal group. Many doubts also turned away from the clouds and mist, discussed with Ye Nanqi, and sighed wearily: "General Shen has helped a lot, Thank him for me. "

Ye Nanqi whispered, "I should thank you and him."

City A is prosperous, mixed with fish and dragons, and various cases often occur. The Criminal Investigation Team is already busy.

Prior to the investigation, Li Hengran had to take into account other cases. Now he is on the bright side, and he has to guard against colleagues who may be enemies, which is more tiring than anyone else.

Recently I smoke every day to refresh my throat.

After ending the call, Ye Nanqi sat on the stone bench in the yard and wandered around. Shen Du came over, sat next to him, and said, "Are you finished talking with Li?"

Ye Nanqi glanced back and nodded, his eyes darkened: "I can't seem to do anything."

"It's not like this." Shen Du's expression was faint, vetoing his words, and his voice was calm. "You can do it, but you will be hurt, so I won't allow you to go. Nan Nan, you make me too uneasy, this I ca n’t come close to the game. I have a selfish mind and do n’t want you to be rubbed into a hair. You can say that I have a strong desire to control and that I am perverted, but I want to tolerate you and let me protect you. "

Ye Nan expected him to be silent.

Shen Du did not dodge or dodge, and still looked straight at him: "There is good news. At the time, Tan Yi's case was quite suspicious, the case was concluded hastily, and the file was very simple. I asked a person to check the original process, Everyone who has dealt with it. "

"How's that?" Ye Nanqi said slightly.

Tan Yi was stabbed in a dozen swords and died in a dark alley.

The hands used for painting and photography were blood-sliced ​​and almost chopped down.

Nine years ago, City D had not installed a monitor in the streets and alleys, and it happened that the only monitor nearby was broken-it may have been intentionally damaged afterwards.

When the cleaner passed by in the morning, when he found the body, there was a drunk little punk lying on his back, his body stained with blood, and a knife in his hand.

After being fooled with friends, the little lunatics drunk out and hurled out, throwing Huan, giving up all his life.

Most of the people who had dealt with this at the time had already retired, and checked one by one, and some people had forgotten the details. I thought nothing could be found. When the mountains and rivers were running out, I got a surveillance video from a retired policeman who had dealt with the case.

The video was in that broken monitor. Although the unlucky little **** had no relatives and no reason, there were a lot of strange brothers who stole the surveillance and gave it to the police.

However, the situation wasn't right. The little policeman kept an eye on it and backed up the video before handing it in. It turned out that there was no news, and it was not long before he was sentenced to death.

He sniffed out the unusualness and dared not speak again.

The surveillance video is not clear, but the faces of the people inside can be seen. It was n’t the little punk that stabbed Tan Yi. He came out of the dark alley. It was the young and rich second-generation who also recently appeared in the newspaper. The punk was dragged in by two people, drunk, and personnel. Let it be at your mercy.

Maybe the one who thought that killing the individual was nothing, the alertness was too low, and then he discovered that there was monitoring.

"The surveillance video was sent to my mailbox." Shen Du finishes, and a night wind blows, a little cold.

Ye Nanqi shivered involuntarily, took off his coat, and covered him naturally. He looked at the sky, the clouds were heavy, and it was probably raining.

Ye Nanqi rubbed his forehead and followed Shen Du back to the room.

Ye Mei, Tan Yi, Xu Day.

There are many more people whose names are unknown, because the selfish desires of this group of people have lost their lives, even their lives.

This group of people should not die.

Before watching the video, Shen Du backed up and sent a copy to Li Hengran.

The person in the video is also a familiar face. A long time ago, Ye Nanqi met him when he first contacted this organization. His name is also on the list given by Xue Xiangyu.

After watching the video calmly, Shen Du said, "They didn't take Tan Yi's death seriously, and probably didn't expect anyone to investigate this. They started directly in Tan Yi's case, beating them off guard, they should be more chaotic inside. . "

Li Hengran had to be dragged away by his nose. Now that he did this, the disgusting attitude of the opponent should be stopped first.

Ye Nanqi didn't dare to breathe too hard. After watching the surveillance video several times, he breathed out and contacted Li Hengran. After the discussion was over, he came back to see Shen Du still sitting there waiting, like a big dog just waiting for his master. He softened his heart and kissed his cheek: "It's hard."

Shen Du looked at him sideways: "Baby, do you think this sentence is any worse?"

Ye Nanqi tentatively said, "Husband?"

Shen Du nodded with satisfaction.

Ye Nanqi thought that he wouldn't care about the children. He looked at Shen Du holding his sleeves. The bracelet couldn't keep dangling on his wrist, and he couldn't bear the curiosity. "


Ye Nanqi reluctantly changed his mouth: "Aunt ... Mom."

After correcting the wrong title, Shen Du pulled up Ye Nanqi's hand, rolled up his sleeve, and watched him still wearing a bracelet. His lips smiled: "Because this is not from the mother, it was given to you by your husband. "

Ye Nanqi thought for a while, with a doubt on his face: "When you gave me the bracelet, we two were not ready yet. Tell me, what was the attempt at that time?"

Shen Du was like a embarrassed child who had done something wrong. He lowered his eyes, pressed his hands on the back of Ye Nanqi's neck, and kissed him with a bowed head. Is it a couch? "

"Yes." Ye Nanqi thought, you have other places besides the sofa.

Shen Du didn't know the little Jiu Jiu in his heart, and honestly explained: "This is a monitor and locator, which can track you at any time ... Baobao, I was also worried about you at that time, for fear of something wrong. "

Ye Nanqi was silent.

According to the state of him and Shen Du at that time ... Shen Du was so kind.

Shen degree of nervousness seemed to be about to open the bid, staring at Ye Nanqi without blinking. It was only half a while before Ye Nanqi touched the bracelet, and thoughtfully said, "Mom said before, you helped the little girl find a cat on the way to work, and you were late at last. So it was ... is it true?"

Shen degree: "..."

No need to answer deeply, his slightly reddish eartips tell it all.

Ye Nanqi could see clearly. For a while, he had mixed feelings and thoughts. He did not expect that his husband still had such kindness and care, and his face was cold and warm.

After all, Shen Du looks like a arrogant noble son, a bit mean, and a bit fierce, and most of the time he is not pleasing to the tongue.

Shen Du watched his look: "Angry?"

Where could Ye Nanqi be angry and laughed, "Where did you get this one?"

Shen Du's face was thick enough, and his look returned to nature. Ye Nanqi laughed and was not annoyed. He said, "If you are a pair, if your locator is damaged, I will show the last position here. Alert. "

Ye Nanqi raised his knowledge, pulled his sleeve down, and joked, "Just can't let me go?"

Shen Du cooperated with him, pretending to be distressed: "Yeah baby, what should I do? Dad taught me from a young age that men must be able to afford to put down. But I can't let you down if I put you in my heart."

Ye Nanqi originally wanted to laugh at the phrase "then don't be a man", but lifted his eyes but drowned in his affectionate eyes, and forgot the language for a while, and his voice was involuntarily lowered: "... then don't Drop it. "

He couldn't let it go anyway.

Without waiting for Shen Du to speak, he leaned over and hugged Shen Du's waist, blushing and implying, "The waist is not sour ... the **** is no longer painful."

Taking a deep breath, the hand holding his waist was much stronger, gritted his teeth and said, "Fairy."

Ye Nanqi narrowed his eyes alertly: "What do you call me?"

Shen Du picked him up and headed for the bathroom, saying generously: "Fairy."

Ye Nanqi was sullen and stunned at the thin muscles of his waist: "Do you know what a goblin does specifically?"

Shen Du smiled: "Charming?"

"No." Ye Nanqi bit his earlobe gently while he was unguarded, "specially squeezing people like you."

The author has something to say: organize the outline 掐 point it out, there is an illusion that I can still write 80,000 or 90,000 texts ...

Even if the text is no more than 80,000 or 90,000, this should have been more than 35w ╰ (* ′ ︶` *) ╯New breakthrough! Akimbo

Happy April Fool's Day (?) 2k novel reading network

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