MTL - Life After Marrying My Love Rival-Chapter 44

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Facts have proved that the Xue family's people not only make nonsense, but also make excessive nonsense.

Ye Nanqi was dodging Shen Shen one night. When someone came to talk, he pushed Shen Shen away.

Depression was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

Ye Nanqi is sensitive and suspicious. Like a cat, a little bit of movement can easily scare him away.

This feeling is like opening a wasteland to play a copy. It was difficult to overthrow the first boss to go forward, and was suddenly reset and restarted, and the play was not the same.

Go **** the Xue family!

Before the party was about to end, Shen Du kept an eye on Ye Nanqi, fearing that he would slip away, and didn't want to bother to come to the door-some stars who wanted to take shortcuts looked around the audience, Shen Du was a good candidate.

It was just that he was surrounded by people around him, but he couldn't make it. Now Shen Duming was obviously upset, holding his hands cold, and stood there, scaring a few of those who were disturbed.

A brave little star came forward bravely, Shen Du raised his eyelids and glanced at him, very upset, a sentence of "no appointment" has not yet been exported, Ye Nanqi drank the wine in the glass, and watched it accidentally Already.

Shen Du quickly stepped back to prove his innocence. The little star thought he was leaving, and hurriedly stepped forward. Before he could say what he said, he realized the true meaning of a flat fall. He slammed on a smooth bluestone and fell into Shen Degree arms.

Shen Du was on his back, shoving away like an electric shock.

His strength was a little big, the little star fell to the ground, his eyes were hazy.

Gazes swarmed around, whispered loudly, and his head sank for a while.

Ye Nanqi looked a little drunk. He glanced quietly, then turned his head, and said goodbye to the people around him, and turned to leave.

Shen Du knows that pushing this little star has probably become a joke tonight. He patience lifted him up and said sorry. It looks gentleman has demeanor, but he is very eager to act, before turning to me, he turned and strode meteor. To chase after.

Ye Nanqi was irrigated by others in turn, and he was not able to walk quickly. Shen Du quickly caught up, explaining: "He came here suddenly."

Ye Nanqi was silent.

Looking at his expressionless face, Shen Du sighed half-truely: "Aren't you polite or angry?"

Ye Nanqi's eyes were complicated and his heart was heavy, only half a while before he said, "This kind of thing is popular among rich people.

Shen Du raised his hand to swear to the sky, and calmly said: "Shen Du, twenty-four years old, grew up in city A in the first twelve years, then studied in the UK, and then returned to China the year before. Drink some wine and don't drink ; Occasionally smokes and is quitting. I haven't nurtured a small relationship with the trend, and I have no other bad habits. "

As he said, he laughed, "If it is a hobby to like you, it should not be bad."

Ye Nanqi stared at him for a moment.

The tall man in front of him was indifferent to the outsiders, and at this moment his eyes seemed to be flowing with gentle starlight.

It's for him.

Ye Nanqi's fingers curled up unconsciously, and his consciousness was a little hazy. Most of the bad mood was distracted, staring at the deepness, and his eyes flashed with emotions he didn't find.

He moved his lips, and with a drink he opened his mouth hard: "Shendu ..."

Do not lie to me.

Shen Du was planning how to turn the person home to make it clear. He got into the car and quietly got into the driver's seat. He heard Ye Nanqi call him, turned his head to the side, his eyes were tolerant and patient.

Ye Nanqi sat in the co-pilot's seat, his cheeks were a little crimson, his eyes fell on Shen Du's body blankly.

This is a dream he dared not touch, and his heart longed for.

Ye Nanqi still didn't dare to ask the question, frowned and closed his eyes, his breathing gradually smoothed.

Shen Du reached out his hand and gently smoothed the crease between his eyebrows, unable to stop feeling distressed.

What are you thinking and asking?

When you wake up, I will say anything.

The man was already asleep in the car. The wolf didn't mind being alert when he was awake.

Called Zhang Ye to drive away his car, Shen Du turned Ye Nanqi back to his home. My wife has been away from home for several days, and once used to live alone for a few days, I can't sleep. Now I have finally brought people back, and I am satisfied. I feel that this "home" is finally complete.

Ye Nanqi slept uneasily, and he hugged him to his bed carefully and carefully. When he wanted to leave, he was dragged by one hand. He couldn't help but give up the idea of ​​making a phone call, holding the mobile phone to his assistant. send Message.

Whether it is Xue Jingshan or Xue Xiangyu, if you dare to talk nonsense, don't blame him for getting in trouble and asking for some debt.

After discussing with the assistant for a long time, he put the phone aside, touched Ye Nanqi's face, lowered his head, kissed him on the lips, and sighed: "The first time I see such a quiet drunk cat ... "

Why don't you make a noise, so that he has a reason to be drunk.

The indulgence of "drinking disorder" can only be thought about. The typical colored heart has no guts, and kisses Ye Nanqi's hands-those hands are long and beautiful, but there are shallow cocoons between fingers. .

Ye Nanqi was never spoiled. He has been doing all kinds of work since his childhood, taking care of his sister and sister. When he grows up a little, he starts to take care of the family that lost his father.

Probably because he is the only boy in the family, and he is used to taking everything to himself.

Shen Du took out his hand, and kissed him reverently at his fingertips with a gesture of devotion, and said in his heart, obediently, let me spoil you.

It is estimated that Ye Nan expected to have a headache after waking up, and went downstairs to make a sober soup. Ye Nanqi opened his eyes when he heard the door was closed, and opened the hand that had been kissed not long ago, stretched out to his eyes, and slowly clenched.

When the gentle kiss fell, it tickled from my fingertips to my heart.

He thought for a night.

He also bet that Shen Du would do nothing to him after getting drunk.

The two of them could not understand before they got married. Although they had been in trouble for a few years when they were young, they lost contact after moving. After seeing them for so many years, they got married so badly that they got along so long.

After calming down, he was more inclined to believe in calmness.

If a person can pretend to be so sincere ... then he recognizes it.

He closed his eyes again, the bed was heavy, as if with the warmth of his body. After leaving here, Ye Nanqi's sleep quality dropped sharply, and he could hardly sleep every night. In this bed, he felt relieved when he closed his eyes.

He lay down for a while. He heard the deliberately light footsteps, entered the room with a heavy degree of content, and settled lightly on the table, then the bedside slightly fell.

Ye Nanqi felt a hand on his face and tried to smooth his frown.

"... want to kiss."

Shen Du murmured, and then he said politely, and said that he had fed the dog, "Yeah," Ye Nanqi was startled, and wanted to push people away and stand up, and thought it was possible. Then the two would be very embarrassed, lying down stiffly, suspecting that their lips were going to be broken, and Shen Du let go of him, squinting around his neck with dissatisfaction.

"Others' wives are obedient, so you are not."

Ye Nanqi continued to lie quietly, thinking that there was so much nonsense.

Shen Du mumbled for a while, and finally rolled up Ye Nanqi in the quilt, ready to go to bed and hug him to sleep. As soon as he lay down, Ye Nanqi opened his eyes.

With four eyes facing each other, Shen Du thought of those words to himself, a little ashamed: "Just awake? A headache? Would you like to drink some sober soup?"

Ye Nanqi looked at him quietly, and said, "I woke up from when you said, 'Quiet drunk cat.'"

Shen degree: "..."

Shen Du said to himself that his face was as thick as a city wall, but when he thought about what he had done just now, he felt panicked.

Ye Nanqi, however, did not have any doubts about the appearance of being caught in the quilt. He was silent for a while, and said in earnest: "Shen Du, I ... ask you something."

Shen Du's instinct was that he was going to ask the key question tonight's weird attitude, and nodded: "Huh?"

Ye Nanqi said, "Don't lie to me."

"It is the fine tradition of the old Shen family not to lie to his wife." Shen Du sat calmly on him.

"... Did you already know the organization and have contacted them?"

When Ye Nanqi said, he carefully observed Shen Du's complexion, without missing a moment of doubt on his face.

That is the most natural expression of a person's feelings, and he cannot make a fake.

He is innocent.

Ye Nanqi's breathing was a little short-lived, and he couldn't tell what he felt in his heart for a moment. His eyes were even hot, and there was something screaming in the bottom of his heart, forcing his body to have the urge to approach and touch the heaviness.

There was only one thought in his mind over and over again-Shen Du was innocent, he didn't know, and he misunderstood him.

Ye Nanqi was distraught, but Shen Du, after doubting, fell into meditation without unnecessary thoughts: "Who told you this?"

Ye Nanqi sold him without thinking: "Xue Xiangyu."

Shen frowned. "He's impure."

After a pause, he said, "If I had to say anything, I did touch a little. When I came back from the holidays a few years ago, my dad would let me go to the company to handle some business and practice the company for the future. About three years ago I worked with the Xue family for a long time. After the last wine party, they took me to a club and showed me some private **** ... **** / slaves. It's been too long, I almost forgot, I didn't expect a connection between these two things. "

The upper circle is actually more chaotic. Shen Du has also seen many people with an s / m habit, but he has never seen that. The Shen family is a scholarly family. His family education is strict, and he has his own persistence in his bones. He didn't find it fun. Looking at the "slave" undressed by the owner to take his clothes off, he only felt disgusting.

The other side asked vaguely if he was interested, Shen Du bluntly refused, and it was time for him to return to Britain when the project was completed, and he left the matter behind and never thought about it again.

Because of this, he didn't like the Xue family. When Ye Nanqi met with Xue Xiangyu for the first time, he only spoke to keep Ye Nanqi away from the Xue family.

How did you know that Chen Sesame Rotten Millet, which was thrown behind him, was picked out by Xue Xiangyu and separated. Regardless of Xue Xiangyu's intention or inadvertence, Shen Du's heart was full of anger.

He doesn't treat people like his family well.

He was scrutinizing the causes and consequences of this matter, and suddenly heard Ye Nanqi dumbly said, "Sorry."

Shen Duan hesitated, withdrew his thoughts, and saw Ye Nanqi lowering his head in an uneasy manner, and half a moment later raised his head, his eyes clear and uneasy: "I'm sorry."

Shen Du is not angry. He is good at thinking in other places. He understands that Ye Nanqi was very upset when he heard such a message, and said with a smile, "You actually doubt me, I am angry. But I can tell what is doubtful Come out and get a reward. "

With that, he opened his hand and hugged Ye Nanqi politely, and his jaw pinched on top of his head: "Okay ... hug, and pass. If you feel guilty, stay with me tonight Go to bed. "

Ye Nanqi closed his eyes and felt that if he opened his eyes now, he might have red eyes: "Are you afraid of ghosts?"

Shen Du held him tighter and smiled. "Yeah."

Afraid the ghosts will take you away.

The author has something to say: I do n’t want to be party, the feeling line is sweet.

I hope everyone can look at Nanji as an adult, not as a person.

Continue to wait for make-up exams, the period of irritability, I have recently been fierce.

By the way, I wish the fairies a happy holiday = v = 2k novel reading network

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