MTL - Life After Marrying My Love Rival-Chapter 4

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Ye Nanqi could not stand up gracefully, silent for a while, and calmly said, "Find something."

Shen Du raised his eyebrows, holding his hands in a restless manner, and looked up and down.

The Shen family is not like the poor Ye family. The ancestor was the family of scholarly scholars. When Shen Du's grandfather started his business, he was regarded as a true magnate. The Ye family had been able to live in the compound of the institution.

Shen Du was born in a superior position, but unfortunately, he was a lonely seedling. He didn't grow in the direction of the "cute boy" that Shen's mother wanted to cultivate-the children in the military district yard were brought up by him, and they are still afraid of him. Since he was young, he has always had a smooth ride, making him a little unconsciously arrogant.

Ye Nanqi hated the rich children who grew up in such an excellent environment, and did not want to talk to Shen Du with his head raised, frowning and waiting for him to advance.

Shen Du's eyes were not blind. Besides, the moonlight was just right tonight. He saw Ye Nanqi's face was pale, hesitating between the tube and whatever, suddenly leaned down and hugged Ye Nanqi.

The body and weight of the artist are strictly controlled. Ye Nan participated in a movie not long ago and lost a lot of weight, but he was still more than a hundred pounds. Shen Du hugged him so suddenly They were stunned, and subconsciously hugged Shen's neck.

Shen Du: "Oh, it's light."

Ye Nanqi had terrible stomach pain and could not speak.

Shen Du hugged him easily into the room, threw it on the sofa, and squatted down to see that his cold sweat was soaking in the horns, wondering: "Are you going to give birth?"

Ye Nanqi shrank, shook his lips, scolded and raised his voice.

Shen Duchi laughed, watching him cover his belly and asking, "Go to the hospital?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Nanqi turned over and turned his back on him, full of resistance.

He nodded calmly and turned to leave.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Ye Nanqi breathed a sigh of relief, and when the pain eased, he got up and went to the kitchen to take a look, looking for something to eat.

There were bags of dumplings in the refrigerator. He pondered and turned out some glutinous rice dumplings. He wanted to cook some glutinous rice dumplings. As soon as the glutinous rice dumplings came out of the pot, he heard the kitchen door knocked.

Shen Du had just taken a bath, was wearing a bathrobe, his neckline was generously open, glanced at the small pot, and sneered, "Don't you have a long life for this if you have stomach trouble?"

"..." The pain short-circuited the brain. Ye Nanqi couldn't fight back abruptly, and even the usual smirk was gone. Standing there alone, his eyes looked a little blankly, and he was pathetic.

When Shen Du got better, the scar forgot the pain, and his conscience touched again. He pulled Ye Nanqi back to sit, opened his sleeves, and struggled in the kitchen.

Ye Nanqi froze for a long time, and finally turned his head, thinking blankly why he was sitting here so obediently.

Shen Du finally came out of the kitchen with the millet porridge just out of the pot. The time was rushed, no other ingredients were added, and it was not too thick. It was very dull, and he put it in front of Ye Nanqi, and didn't forget his mouth. A mean sentence: "I'm afraid you'll die. My mother will find me."

Ye Nanqi thought a little between life and death and chose life.

Fortunately, Shen Du finished speaking, without continuing to pull the calf, wiped his hands and went upstairs.

It was over this night, and they didn't mention it tacitly.

Ye Nanqi turned over several books and watched them several times. The answer to Wen Chen was the movie that was the hardest to fight for.

One of the reasons why it is difficult to fight is that the director is a famous director. Although he succumbs to the traffic data, he still maintains his last strength. In a series of flood-line dramas that are constantly leaking out, it is very distinctive.

"Really want to try this?" Wen Chen's tongue wasn't actually a surprise, but it was still habitually authentic. "The guy who brought you to the door is the second male. You don't necessarily get the third male if you break your head."

Ye Nanqi answered methodically and calmly: "Except for this script, the other ones are fixed and patterned, and the role positioning is not new. Even the male one is almost an old screw removed from the previous assembly line. Audience. After seeing it, I forgot, there is nothing outstanding. Hear brother, you told me before, to keep it hot for a long time, there must always be something special, don't let people forget it. "

Wen Chen nodded, and there was nothing to fail in the audition. Now Ye Nanqihong is red. Without shortage of opportunities, he will not say more.

The trial was a month later, when Ye Nanqi and Wen Chen had a unanimous decision, they focused on the script.

I ca n’t think about the script all the time. Ye Nanqi used to be in his own home, and he wanted to be fine. He moved to Shen ’s home this time, for he was afraid that he would walk away from him as a mental illness. In a training room, I occasionally go home, and I can't get the degree of sinking.

During this period, Wen Chen was also pulled out to participate in an interview. According to the script, he told his own history of hard work. Everyone shed a few tears, and when he patted his butt, he went back to his house.

Coincidentally returned home, turned on the TV to see this, a little nauseous, and directly changed channels.

Nearly a month later, Ye Nanqi just pulled Wen Chen to the end of the play in the morning, dragged his half-dead agent to the company cafeteria, and called his legal gimmick who separated after getting married: "Wife."

Ye Nanqi almost sprayed porridge on Wen Chen's face.

Shen Du said, "My mom told us to go back to dinner tonight."

Ye Nanqi likes Shen Du's parents very much. He did not want to hurt the second old man before he successfully broke away from Shen Du's legal relationship.

Ye Nanqi didn't want to waste too much time after two days, and the evening time was gone, so he spent the whole afternoon trying to figure it out. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Nanqi let go of the dying Wen Chen and walked out of the practice room, just happened to meet Jiang Yanyu.

Jiang Yiyu has a naive and youthful look, which is very attractive. Put on a white shirt, you can go directly to the white teenager who rides a bicycle in a guest campus play.

Compared to this "sun" of Ye Nanqi, he is more like a brilliant little sun.

When Ye Nanqi noticed him, Jiang Yanyu also saw him and smiled cheerfully: "Brother, it's been a long time."

The relationship between the two was very good at school. Ye Nanqi's relationship did not become rigid after pursuing rejection, but his career was busy. After Jiang Junyu got married, he had to be cautious about the distance. He hadn't taken the initiative in this month.

Ye Nanqi liked this simple little brother very much, and talked with him with a smile, a man walked over in a hurry and stood quietly behind Jiang Yanyu.

It was the forward-looking agent with a long name and a long name.

Ye Nanqi smiled more amiably, and naturally greeted him.

Brokers also have a "cafe position" gap. The gap between Wen Chen and Fang Xingyuan is very large. The main difference is the wide network of contacts.

Ye Nanqi wanted to be as close to Fang Xingyuan as before, and the phone rang.

He had to apologize to the two, Jiang Yanyu smiled and nodded.

Ye Nanqi took a step forward, glanced at the caller, raised his eyebrows, smiled at the corners of his lips, and said harshly: "Mr. Shen has just flew to the United States. Is it sometimes worse than me?"

He thought that Shen Du was too busy to call him to urge him back, but Shen Du said with a smile: "Wife, I'm here to pick you up."

Ye Nanqi: "..."

Shen Du actually drove to pick it up. After Ye Nanqi's thriller, his instinct was not so simple. He glanced back at Jiang Xiyu's back, hung up the phone, and saw Wen Chen staring at him with fog, saying, "Another thief will never die. It ’s a pity that I do n’t see a swan hair. "

Wen Chen couldn't help but speak for his "Golden Master Hoe": "Even if someone is a clam / 蟆, anyway, it is also a gold clam / 蟆. Have you heard of a golden toad?"

Ye Nanqi immediately gave the agent a five-body pitch, and it was not easy to evaluate his metaphor. After a long laugh, he patted Wen Chen's shoulder and asked casually: "I haven't seen Xiao Jiang for a few days. What are you doing? "

Wen Chen's eyes seemed to be saying "You are not a clam / chuck", saying: "Yu Dao's casting for the elderly's new movie, it is said that Brother Fang is in line and wants to bring Xiao Jiang to the investor. If this happens, Xiao Jiang isn't far away from being completely red. He didn't have the ability to hear this opportunity, so let's take it slowly ... "

Ye Nanqi was a little cold on his back for a moment, as if there was a chill, and he suddenly came up from the soles of his feet.

Nine years ago, the girl's pale and pale face was still in front of her eyes, and there was a touch of sorrow and resentment in her eyes, which overlapped with Jiang Yanyu, and shocked him with a cold sweat.

"... What are the investors?" Ye Nanqi trembled involuntarily when he spoke.

Wen Chen was a bit surprised by his attitude. He shook his hands in front of him and gave him a round: "I heard that it is the high level of Rongyu Group-not your husband, are you? You are afraid that your husband and the enemy's rule of submarine are what you value. people?"

Ye Nanqi: "..."

That is a bit scary indeed.

Wen Chen laughed and did not notice Ye Nanqi's unnatural look.

Ye Nanqi clenched his fists quietly.

The shadow of Rongyu Group has shrouded in his heart for many years. It is a piece of ice buried deep in his heart, hard and terrible. He nodded slightly, making him tremble.

He didn't dare to imagine, if Jiang Yuyu would go to this beach to mingle with water, would he really be safe?

The original bad mood was even worse. Ye Nanqi greeted the car without saying a word, and took out his mobile phone to watch intently.

Shen Du touched his chin and felt that the public service advertisement "Calling on contemporary people to let go of their mobile phones to taste their lives" was very reasonable.

Ye Nanqi changed a phone card and anonymously sent a text message to Jiang Yanyu to let him be careful and vaguely remind him not to drink and eat when he saw the investors.

I even searched for some anti-wolf techniques.

Ye Nanqi thought as he posed, he would probably be regarded as neuropathy, but he still had to think of other ways.

Shen Du glanced at Ye Nanqi. This look really made Ye Nanqi alive. He put down his mobile phone and pretended to inadvertently: "I just heard that Brother Jiang is going to meet the investors of Rongyu Group."

A month ago, the two were still talking about Jiang Yan giving me a gun and a stick because of what he said, which was absurd and unreasonable.

Shen Du came to think about it and attributed Ye Nanqi's meaning to "Don't you help me get a good resource", indifferently: "If you want resources, just say it."

There is also a film and television company in the Shenjia industry. Because it is not the main one, it is not large, but it is not small to say that it is not difficult to hold Ye Nanqi.

Ye Nanqi gave him a heart attack. He originally wanted to remind Shen Du to pay attention, and then he thought to find himself that this idea was really stupid and wishful thinking, and he rolled his eyes not so politely: "The resources you keep for yourself Let's play with fresh meat, I'm afraid of losing life. "

Shen Du was inexplicably blocked by him, sneered, and stopped talking.

Fearing that Shen Du had "domestic violence" after marriage, Shen Shen called two days later to check the post, and learned that Ye Nanqi was always staying at the company, forcing him to issue a military order of "don't come back if you don't get anyone".

The two discussed in the car and agreed that although they were a little sick, they still had to pretend to be loving and harmonious in front of their elders.

So as soon as the aunt opened the door, she saw Shen Du embracing Ye Nanqi's shoulders and asked her good voice. Shen Shen is half a head taller than Ye Nanqi. He is fit all year round and has a tall and straight figure.

The aunt nodded kindly: "I cooked your favorite dish tonight."

"You worked hard." Shen Du smiled.

The aunt quietly nibbled Ye Nanqi and felt that Ye Nanqi was a better person than on TV. Seeing him smiling quietly, his eyebrows borrowed, and how he liked it, let them come in and wash his hands, and he could eat soon.

Mother Ye has already been picked up. Shen Du and Ye Nanqixiu finished their false love. Seeing the **** face seems very satisfied, then they let go.

Ye Nanqi greeted him, sat next to his mother, said a few words, and talked about his sister.

The little girl was upset recently, holding the rabbit doll that her older sister gave her, and talking to no one, she wanted her brother to meet her.

Ye Nanqi will return to the company tomorrow to continue practicing. It is extravagant that he can take half an hour to eat while working. The hospital where the little girl rests is far away. One by one, plus the time to spend time with coaxing, I am afraid.

Ye Nanqi hesitated. This time the role is very important to him. After the audition and waiting for the result, the period is relatively free. You can waste your time and do whatever you want.

Mother Ye saw his hesitation, knowing that the second son had a heavy burden on his shoulders, so he smiled: "Wan Wan said, if you can't go now, just call her first."

Ye Nanqi nodded in guilt, inadvertently facing Shen Du, both sides were stunned, and looked away uncomfortably. Ye Nanqi stepped out of the room, went to the backyard, and called the little girl.

The call was connected in less than three seconds. There was a soft voice of the young girl over there: "The dark clouds can't cover the sun, evil will eventually be defeated, and true victory will always belong to justice." (Note 1)

Ye Nanqi said nothing.

The girl paused, and then said, "... their painstaking effort and meditation have turned my flaws into a sign of beauty, and allowed me to walk peacefully and happily in the shadow of my inability to change." Note 2)

Ye Nanqi looked up at the sky. After the autumnal equinox, night fell faster, and the moon had already revealed half of his face, and the faint moonlight seemed miserable.

Ye Wan has been in the dark for ten years, and he can't even see the moonlight.

Ye Nanqi's voice was soft like a spring breeze, not pretentious and gentle and gentle like the packaging of the company, and it made people involuntarily calm down: "Wanwan, there is no power to change."

Ye Wan's sadness came fast, and he went fast, as if Ye Nanqi came over the phone and resolved everything.

Ye Nanqi patiently listened to her complaining that the doctor always gave her hard pills, the nurse sister would not let her play more in the park, chatting and talking to the little girl and somehow got up, she read a few In this book, I wrote down some sentences and told them to Ye Nanqi one by one, as serious as a student who checked the recitation to the teacher.

After Ye Nanqi coaxed the little girl, when she hung up the phone happily, she lowered her head and found another shadow on the ground.

He froze a bit, then turned around, and found Shen Du holding his hands behind him, with a strange smile on his lips, his eyes surprised, as if he had discovered something new.

There was still a smile on his face, and he immediately twisted when he saw the man.

Shen Du watched his face change quickly, didn't care, didn't evaluate his performance just now, and said lazily, "I have eaten."

Ye Nanqi couldn't figure out his attitude, looked at his back suspiciously, it took a while to "oh" and raised his heel. 2k novel reading network

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