MTL - Lie Huo Jiao Chou-Chapter 99

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Xuan Yuan was shocked, and the secret road was not good. There was actually another inferior slave in this building!

But ... how is that possible?

The job of the Exotic Control Bureau is “Energy Monitoring”. There is an energy sensor in each of the floor tiles in the headquarters. Not to mention others, even Sheng Lingyuan, when he entered the Exotic Control Bureau for the first time, he also welcomed the guests. Jinlong was almost alarmed.

How can it be possible to hide all the energy monitors into a symphony in a large array like this?

But before he thought about it, a strange muffled sound spread along the building. The whole building seemed to be filled with boiling water, and "grumbling" was almost bubbling.

"What voice?" Wang Ze looked subconsciously into the sky. "Why is thunder thunderous? Which thunder cloud is making a belly?"

Xiao Zheng murmured, "No ... not Thunder."

The crowd lowered their heads along his eyes, only to see the floor tiles of the terrace trembling, tiny cracks spreading in all directions like frozen flowers in the frozen water—the muffled sound rang from their feet!

In the same building, two inferior slaves of the same origin attracted each other and subtly repelled each other, forming a pair of destructive sources of gravitation.

A life was attached to each false demon dan, coming from all directions, making the night sky cloudy and messy, power was cut off around Xishan, and the artificial light that took away the glory of the stars and moons was gradually covered by turbidity.

At the same time, huge energy flows up from the root of the big tree at the bottom of the different control bureau, flows through the building, and rushes straight up!

The tarmac of the Foreign Control Bureau is on the 36th floor. It is a large terrace protruding from the building. The helicopter is parked in the middle and the outer ring is the runway of the passenger plane. This bright, suspended airport violates at least one of the architectural principles, and of course it cannot be a product of pure reinforced concrete-the entire outer circle of the building is superimposed with countless large and small array methods, including reinforcement, insulation, invisibility and even space Folded, they are usually attached to the wall, silently maintaining the building's operation, as if it does not exist, but at this time, they are one after the other, and collapsed one after another, like a circuit board stained with water, from bottom to bottom Fried all the way.

In two words, the small crack on the apron floor expanded rapidly, and the whole building shook.

All the people on the terrace ran together and rushed towards the helicopter closest to them.

Xuan Yuan turned his head sharply: "Get on the helicopter! Hurry!"

A loud noise broke the ground.

The cement bricks were flying randomly, and the air was blowing all over the sky. In the raging coyote, all the living things on the tarmac were rolled up. Sheng Lingyuan's floating array on the ground was originally a hasty achievement, and they broke up with the terrace .

With one foot empty, the two moved at the same time.

However, because of the sudden incident and no time to discuss, these two can be said to have no tacit understanding-Xuan Yuan's first reaction was to fish people, and many people on the tarmac terrace were logistical. Special energy was equal to no, from the 36th floor Falling down, there is no way to live. The first reaction of Sheng Lingyuan was to capture the thief and the king, following the breath of another law formation, and chasing after him.

The two of them were facing inward and outward, and they were standing opposite each other, but now they were separated apart.

The two turned their heads and looked at each other a few meters apart, saying in unison: "What are you doing?"

… It seems that there is no tacit understanding, just that “tacit” is far from the place.

Xuan Yuan: "I ..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, a scream of heartbreaking came from him—I saw a tarmac staff stepping on the foot just not on the ground, the supporting matrix suddenly disappeared, and he found himself suspended on 36 floors On the side!

When Xuan Yuan had no time to say anything else, he spread his wings and flew past, and Kankan dragged the person tossed back into the air. When he turned around and looked back, the people of Shenglingyuan were gone.

"Notify all departments," Xiao Zheng turned around and shouted at a person next to him. "Evacuate the building immediately, take the emergency escape route on the lower floors, and the upper floors-those with more than 36 floors. It's too late to go down to the tarmac. Get together, fast! "

With the destruction of the French formations, the tarmac began to collapse, and the aircraft docked in the outer circle looked like dumplings and rolled down. The aircraft was too late to grab one and it was one that started to fly. Throw the ladder down in the air.

However, the scene is not confusing.

In the case of an unexpected accident, people only panicked for a while, and then no command was required, and the field staff organized themselves automatically—from the general dispatch Xiao Zheng to the frontline personnel, except for the earliest batch to rescue the aircraft, the rest were not. Move and stay on the shaky tarmac.

"The water system and ice system come together here!" Wang Ze shouted, "Follow me!"

He said, putting his hands on his chest and hugging them into a ball. The water vapor in the air began to gather in the middle of his palm. The jacket on Wang Ze's arms was torn, exposing the blue jerking arms below, and then he slammed down. The compressed water vapor penetrated into the cracked ground joint and was immediately frozen by the nearby ice system.

Numerous genres of different spells flew from people's hands. In a very short period of time, these field staff showed their magical powers and applied a bunch of "patches" to the collapsed tarmac. The tarmac collapsed in half and was hanging strangely in the air. .

At this time, all the staff on duty in the building had been notified and evacuated in an orderly manner. The people who evacuated from the height to the 36th floor were automatically divided into two groups-non-combatants passed quickly and boarded the rescue helicopter. The field service stays automatically, after joining other people together.

The hovering helicopter shot a strong light and landed on the overlapping spells on the upper terrace, emitting a layer of fluorescence. The faint breaths of various ethnic groups were mixed together. Among them were attributes that contradicted each other. In ancient times, it was an old enemy. However, at this time, the contradictions melted together harmoniously, just like when the flood and the wasteland were not clear.

Xuan Ye helped in the air to answer, and he accidentally glanced at him, and suddenly felt in his heart.

At this time, a pungent rancid attack came, and a vortex with a diameter of hundreds of meters seemed to float around the foreign control bureau building, sucking something greedily, the air became sticky, the **** smell was rising, and it became stronger and stronger. People can't help but suspect that they have nosebleeds. The rusty sky was originally rusty, with an indescribable sense of oppression. A thunderous cloud burst with a crackling sound like a warning.

"There is one more!" On the terrace, Wang Ze grabbed the back neck and uniform belt of a logistical colleague with both hands, lifted the person and threw it out, and estimated the weight and said, "Director Xuan, then! One hundred catties!"

The female colleague who usually claimed to be ninety-five came to the truth with a crying voice: "I am one hundred!"

Xuan Yuan returned to God, catching people, hurling up and stuffing people into the open helicopter cabin door, a shadow flickered at the corner of his eyes-a stone sculpture that flew downstairs Zhang Ya slammed her into the helicopter.

Xuan Yuan raised his hand and pressed it on the helicopter. He pushed it away a few meters in the scream that pierced the sky, and a chain was thrown out and hit the stone sculpture. The boulder whistled and rolled down, Xuanyuan looked up, and saw that the normally brightly lit building had already been dark, a lightning fell, and a shocking large crack on the building rushed directly into the dark clouds, and it was not clear what was going on.

This building ... can withstand this impact?

Leaving aside all kinds of valuable information and archives, there are still hundreds of staff members trapped inside, and more deadly-dangerous goods stored in underground parts, dangerous species in detention, and special capabilities in the research institute. Weapons of destruction, in case the building collapses ...

There was a crackling sound in his ear, something cracked, and Xuan Ling stunned, and saw the fine branches stick out from the cracks in the building, and the whole wall was shaking, as if to burst at any time-- Xiao Zheng, they are still underneath!

Xuan Yuan's hands were sealed, and a flame-colored spell was shot on the wall every time.

There was a beast-like roar of something in the wall, and a cobweb-like crack appeared on the wall. It turned out that the wall had been emptied, leaving only a layer of wall skin. The branches inside felt the people outside It was so irritating that I had to retreat immediately. This exploration shrank, and the damaged wall suddenly lost its support.

Xuan Yuan swooped in, leaving an afterglow of a burning cloud in the air: "The field is quickly withdrawn!"

As the voice faded, the hollowed-out wall was about to shatter, the tarmac saw a landslide, Xuan Yuan's wings flattened, and one shoulder supported a crumbling large steel bar, while throwing a handful of coins. The coins flew out of the chains in all directions, "biting" the branches with precision, trapping those branches that were retracted deadly in place, and just supporting the wall.

The vicious magic circle and the crazy long dead tree finally hooked down Tianjie, and the first lightning fell, and the snow was shining everywhere.

Wang Ze blew his whistle in his busy schedule: "Niufei!"

Xiao Zheng, a thunder and lightning department, roared, "You're a cow! Are you a broken chain insulated?"

Xuan Yuan: "..."

The blind student caught Huadian.

When the voice fell, the thunderstorm smashed his head and smashed his face. The building's lightning rod and lightning protection system had almost gone on strike due to the damage of the building. They fell on the branches and climbed up the conductive chains. The chains and the stuck tree vines stirred each other. Formed a bunch of Tesla coils, instantly pulled out a "purple electric blue frost" effect.

For a moment, I didn't know whether the surname announced was the rescue of the rivers and lakes, or was fueled by fire.

The author has something to say:

"It's so **** spectacular!" Wang Ze exclaimed with optimism. "If it's not about to die, I have to take a picture. I must be able to dominate the circle of friends ... so how do we get there?"

Director Xiao finally shouted his throat: "What garbage skills are you doing!"

"Uh ... I'm sorry." At this time, the collapsed wall pushed Xuan Yuan down again, and he almost didn't come up at once: "Lao Xiao, aren't you from the lightning department! Think of a way!"

Xiao Zheng: "Look at my head, are you asking for unreasonable demands!"

If the lightning department can insulate himself, his handsome guy who is ascetic is still naked.

Suddenly, a slightly faint voice interjected during the thunder. "Yes ... keke ... is there a metal substance? I need enough ..."

Wang Ze turned back and found that the noise was actually Yan Qiushan.

The elevator had stopped for a long time, and the emergency passage had only a steep staircase. The Yan team, who was out of breath with a cane, did not know how to climb up.

Wang Ze: "What are you doing up here? You ..."

Yan Qiushan waved his hand, interrupted him weakly but unquestionably: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Yes," Xuan Yuan shook his shoulders hard, vacated a hand, and threw a handful of coins at him. "Enough?"

An experienced old fieldman like Yan Qiushan, although he could not get off the line with minor injuries, he would not force forward when he was still a limping drag. This time, the General Administration Building gave the inferior slave an ambush, and many of the entrances collapsed. How could he find a safe passage in time for a crooked mule?

Xuan Yuan frowned, thinking that Yan Qiushan and Zhi Chun had met His Majesty's family.

Sheng Lingyuan will not send a wounded person and macaroni to "help", pointing them up, it must be because he knows that Xuan Yuan is here, feels that it is safe, and let the wounded person come to take refuge.

So ... what's going on in the building now that makes Sheng Lingyuan think it's safer to jump down from the 36th floor?

With a few thoughts, Xuan Yuan ’s coins flew to the trapped field, and when they fell into Yan Qiushan ’s hands, the coins were stuck to each other. Yan Qiushan reached out and found those coins. It can be deformed at will, and when he touches it, it becomes a metal film.

Xuan Yuan knew what he wanted for metal.

Yan Qiushan looked at Xuan Yuan who was holding the opening for them in surprise, and Zhichun on his shoulder also “snapped” softly—as a special ability of the sword spirit and metal system, they both felt that those crudely made The game coins carry ancient and heavy killing gas.

Wang Ze wondered: "I said where did you get so many coins. Will your family also have mines?"

But it was too late to say carefully that the building began to creak.

Yan Qiushan, "All come here, hurry up!"

The metal film formed by the coins stretched and stretched in Yan Qiushan's hands, wrapping all the people together with a floor tile under their feet, and then closing the Quartet to form a sphere, blocking the line of sight.

Wang Ze was stunned: "What is this operation?"

As the voice faded, Xuan Yuan made a gesture of pulling out. The metal ball was part of him. He was attracted out of the air and plunged into the light.

Wang Ze blew his throat, and the sound wave was not wasted at all, and it was poured into Director Xiao's ears: "So the significance of this thing is to let us blindfold and die? You are too humanitarian!"

Xiao Zheng has lost his hair protection, and especially can't stand the noise. His brain almost shocked him to poke out of his pierced ears: "The metal ball is an equipotential body, and you can't die of electricity in the equipotential body, what are you doing in middle school!"

"Watch fantasy novels to improve your business level!" Wang Ze shouted. "How can I know that I can't hide from the college entrance examination when I grow up!

A thunderbolt interrupted Wang Ze's words. The metal ball rolled into the power grid. The thin metal film cut off the line of sight, but after a continuous sound, the field heroes who perfectly performed their post-break duties were completed and changed back to the normal tire. , Shouting in unison with Jiao Lei's voice.

The next moment, the metal ball seemed to be shattered by their shouts, and the **** night wind suddenly burst in. The fieldmen hanged out three hundred meters and looked at each other, and found that they had passed through the power grid alive!

Before waiting for Wang Ze to feel that science and technology are the primary productive forces, he felt that something was wrong at his feet-he glanced down and found that they had left the building and were hanging in the air outside the 36th floor!

"Wait," Xiao Zheng first returned to God. "Don't call it first, we didn't fall down!"

There was a voice under his feet: "Don't ... disturb!"

Only then did the field service find out that the stone bricks under their feet were supported by the spread wings of Xuan Yuan.

Wang Ze glanced down in horror: "Director Xuan, what is your maximum load?"

Xuan Yuan squeezed a sentence from his teeth: "I'm not an elevator, I thank you!"

At this time, the sound of the propeller sounded, and several helicopters risked being struck by lightning, and actually returned.

Xuan Yuan: "Ready!"

After leaving the break, the field staff are of course the elite among the elites. At the moment when Xuanyuan and the helicopter landing staggered, they quickly and orderly climbed the ladder.

Just when Xiao Zheng and Wang Ze were pulling Yan Qiushan, when they just pulled the ladder, a lightning-steel knife passed, except for a few comrades without hair, everyone's hair was raised, and Xuan Yuan and the helicopter were at the same time. Dodging in both directions, Lei Kankan hit the falling slate and Yan Qiushan's crutch.

Someone shouted in the echoing noise: "The building is going to collapse!"

Something cracked, huge shadows passed over their heads, over thirty-six floors above, the headquarters building that had crossed the limit collapsed from the wound like a broken pencil. The stormy top has become a scorched black with ice on it!

The helicopter flew out deadly, and the field hanged outside couldn't open his eyes. He could only desperately grab the ladder. Zhichun, who was held in his arms by Yan Qiushan, suddenly said: "Director Xuan, wait, what are you doing ... go with?"

Yan Qiushan opened his eyes difficultly-seeing Xuan Yuan flying dead into the half-broken building!

"That's not right." Sheng Lingyuan passed through the emergency passage in a shadowy way, and the gravel and gravel kept falling, all of which were ejected by the black mist around him.

Not only did the energy monitoring in the control building fail, but even he himself didn't feel it--how did a behemoth such as the inferior slaves bow and conceal under his eyes?

And that weird dead tree.

The entire Exotic Bureau building was built with that big tree as its root. Its origin is unknown. I do n’t know if it was planted artificially or it was grown by itself. The surrounding protection fence indicates that it is the largest existing plant because it is too tall. After being struck by lightning, Yongan has a dry climate, and thunderstorms can easily cause fires, but somehow, the surrounding hills were burned by the fire of Tianlei for several rounds, and only this tree survived. The ancients were superstitious and believed that the tree was divine, and they had built temples for it.

Over time, this tree had long since died, and Sheng Lingyuan had traveled a few times before, and did not feel a little angry from that tree. At this time, it grew weirdly, tiny green leaves covered the dead wood body, the refreshing grass and wood fragrance spread out, and the energy sensor in the building was deaf and mute for a long time before it began to scream.

The tree swelled and swept away, and the decorative plants and flowers were everywhere.

As soon as other plants touch the swollen branches, they will be sucked into a piece of withered grass, and at the same time, similar branches will grow on the swollen branches.

As soon as Sheng Lingyuan raised his hand, he smashed a branch sweeping over his face, and saw that on the same branch, four kinds of flowers, camellia, jasmine, anthurium and clivia, were strangely opened, colliding with the dark mist of his palm, The tender flowers turned into a plume of smoke, and the enchanted flew away-Sheng Lingyuan was surrounded by the smoke and teleported to the lobby on the first floor.

Tens of thousands of people entered and exited without appearing crowded. The hall was now a mess, filled with terrible tree roots, and there was almost no place to settle.

At the same time, he heard a familiar chuckle.

"Her Majesty," the voice echoed in the stormy building, "a long absence."

Sheng Lingyuan felt that the whole body's blood was frozen.

That was the voice he heard at the end of the blood-stained demon palace three thousand years ago,

Do not……

Absolutely impossible.

"I have n’t seen it for years, and the stars have moved. What awe-inspiring majesty the Emperor of the World shook his arm at that time? All human races, humanoids ... Oh yes, and the demon clan who eats and eats, only you can look forward to it. It ’s a long-lived running dog. ”The voice said quietly,“ Now, it ’s just as downcast as me ... Hey, Sheng Xiao, the crowd is so high that you will fall down one day. Yes, you fell in the Abyss, did it hurt?

The sound came from all directions, one word at a time and one word at a time. The sound was like a person, but the direction of each word was not uniform, and it seemed to be intriguing.

In the building, various sirens are screaming, people's voices are chaotic, and thunder is accompanied by the tearing of the collapse point ... All the noises are disturbances. Sheng Lingyuan gently bites the tip of his tongue, forcibly sinking the turbulent mind, concentrating on Ear, tracking the breath of each other.

A white shadow flickered quickly beside him. At first glance, the laser pointer with a white image scrambled randomly on the wall, the course of action was chaotic, sometimes approaching, sometimes far away, and the eyes couldn't keep up. he.

But Sheng Lingyuan intuitively felt that the other party was not scurrying. A faint wind passed over his horns. He felt the faint breath flowing around,

In the action of Bai Ying, it seems that he is quietly depicting the shape of an array, which is very hidden and a little familiar.


What is it?

Sheng Lingyuan asked calmly, "What are you?"

Bai Ying laughed: "You have been buried under the magma for three thousand years. Are you confused? Old people don't recognize it."

Sheng Lingyuan traced the traces left while bending his eyebrows: "This is really weird. I have been alone for three thousand years. Recently, I have a lot of oldness for no reason. I just came up with a cat and a dog. ... "

"Why," he said, and a black gas in his palm flew out of the air. "Are you asking for money?"

But the white shadow was too fast, and the black gas did not enter the wall, without hitting the target, but knocked down the non-load-bearing wall.

"Gouyuelou is 3,000 years away," Bai Ying sighed. "Her Majesty, don't you really remember? Then take a closer look."

The word "Gouyuelou" made Sheng Lingyuan's eyes jump. He had no time to think about it. He had already moved ten meters away by instinct. At the same time, the place where he was standing suddenly turned out of a whirlwind in the wind. Countless swords were turned out, the meat grinder rolled out, and "Woo" swept across in front of him, and Kankan severed a stream of flying hair from Sheng Lingyuan, and then disappeared out of thin air.

A clump of thick tree roots broke the floor tiles and lifted Sheng Lingyuan directly from the ground to the sky. The roots of the tree were also full of leaves and flowers!

Those weird flowers and leaves fell off automatically when they met the air, and all arrows shot like Sheng Lingyuan, and there was a thick black mist all over Sheng Lingyuan, and the flowers and leaves were blocked tightly.

Strange things happened. The flowers and leaves were like the shadow men in Qingping Town. Instead of being afraid of his magic, he used the black mist as a nourishment, swallowed it with a big mouth, and raised his roots with a sigh. Groaned and skyrocketed.

Sheng Lingyuan frowned. At this moment, he could see the formation on the ground, froze stunned, and long memory came back to the cage——

That is……

Three thousand years ago, before the Terran Army broke into the demon palace, the last encounter.

At the beginning of the Kyushu melee, after the demon king broke out of the abyss, he went north all the way, as if it was breaking bamboo, and the world became a demon realm. The new demon was named "Sacred City" at that time-just about one hundred and fifty southwest of Yongan west Kilometers away-there is a "flying temple" in the city, which is the demon king palace.

Different from the palace style that the human race covers a very wide area and is stable and stable, more than 90% of the places in the demon king's palace are dense forests, with 360 squares overlapping each other, with a tall building in the middle, which towers into the clouds and flies. The eaves are sharp and curled up. On the moonlit night, looking out of the field, the crescent is first linked to the eaves, so it is also called "Gouyuelou".

The formations outside the Gouyue Tower were killing each other step by step. Every time the army of the human race pushed forward, they had to fill in countless lives. However, people at the time were like unconscious insect ants. They were not afraid of life and death. Punch up.

It's all crazy.

Everyone was dominated by that terrible blood, including Sheng Lingyuan himself.

For three days outside Gouyue Tower, the human race died of 100,000 people, a sacred city, the corpses could not be lined up, and they were layered together. At that time, around the Dragon Boat Festival, the summer surged, the snakes were active, but the Holy There were hundreds of miles around the city, and even the birds did not dare to fall, and the dying spirit of the patrol was attached to the demon sword, pointing to the last enemy.

The sword is like a sword, so is the sword holder.

I ca n’t bear to look back for twenty years. From the emperor to the **** before the horse, no one knows how he survived.

For three full days, the army of the human race tore up the formation outside the Googue Building, and connected with the demon guards and short soldiers who finally stubbornly resisted.

Sheng Lingyuan remembered that the demon king himself was wearing a crown, standing at the end of the high platform of blue slate, and he was empty around him, looking a little lonely.

The demon king ’s disliked body is crazy and upright, and it is ridiculous and terrible, but his body is unexpectedly beautiful.

He was pale, with a bit of Sven's sickness, neither fiercely fierce, nor as glamorous as other monsters, his eyes were grey and foggy, and he seemed to have no spirit, and seemed to be a little tired.

That was the first time Sheng Lingyuan saw the demon king, and with the misty eyes, the boiling blood in his brain suddenly cooled down. At that time, he didn't want to understand why, but just felt that there was something in the demon king. He felt alarmed.

For the last time outside the Gou Yue building, Sheng Lingyuan remembers it.

People are trapped in that array, as if in an infinite world. Countless innate spirits are manifested in the array-the boundless magpies and pengs, the magpies that need to be angry, the magpies of humans and tigers, the dragons in the clouds ... It is the real spirit swallowed up by the demon king. The flesh is dead. Their anger and their mana are still in the battle for the demon king.

That formation is called "Return to a Formation", and the formation owner is the demon king himself.

He alone can make it in the world, because others do not have such a big appetite!

"You're thinking, I'm dead." The voice in Gui Gui said softly, "Whenever you make up your mind and don't want to admit it, even if you stand in front of you and give you an inch-by-inch look, you will say This is just a blindfold. Because you dare not ... "

"Oh," the dark mist in Sheng Lingyuan's hands condensed into a long sword, his voice became softer, but the smile on his face disappeared, "Don't you dare?"

"Don't dare admit it, you will resurrect." Gui Gui said in a voice, "I know you recognize this formation, your people have always been riding on the formation and spells-but you are closing your eyes. listen."

For a while, he sucked the magical spirit of Sheng Lingyuan, and at the same time, he quickly climbed up from the bottom of the different control bureau building, and the bottom was no longer visible from above.

When Xuan Yuan came down, he found that Jinlong had climbed to the eleventh floor like a gecko, and was lying there dying. The thick, familiar blood stabbed him, and he could see nothing underneath.

He followed the link of the "Sworn Alliance and the Sea Oath", stepped down, and slammed into the formation. He just heard such a sentence.

"Three thousand years ago, you were hurried to the Yueyue Tower by the crowd."

"Climbing to the top, but damaging the sword of heaven."

"Thousands of days and nights later, you are thinking, that day, you will leave the human race for a hundred years, and you will run away. If the human race is dead, what is it about you ... right?"

"Oh ... you don't dare to think about it, you don't dare look at it. You are afraid that in your life, it will be a joke in vain."

I am back, very sorry

Read The Duke's Passion