MTL - Lie Huo Jiao Chou-Chapter 131 Epilogue (1)

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One hundred and thirty one chapter

Biquan Mountain, the ruins of the big tree of the headquarters of the Extermination Control Bureau, many arrays of eyes ... Various kinds of woodcarvings, clay sculptures, or stone carvings of the female statues have sprung up after a spring night.

She seemed to have to wash away the dust carefully, and after washing and dressing well, she was willing to make the finale and showed her hole card.

"I think I may be dazzled," Gu Yuexi, who was seeing through the eyes, whispered, "but ... the expressions of those portraits seem to be changing."

The smile on the statue became more and more obvious. At first it was a dignified smile, and she could also be a goddess who could not eat human fireworks. After a while, she could not help revealing her original appearance-slightly raised petals in the corners of her mouth. Like a bloom, dignified and disappeared, the ghostly monsters climbed up to that face.

"Wait, I have another question," said Xiao Zheng. "When were these statues buried, and why the materials were not uniform? It wasn't my obsessive-compulsive disorder ... I wondered if this was a personal act or organized of?"

Xuan Yuan also frowned. His spirit was still upside down in his dream, and he suddenly fell into the narrow bronze tripod. Some reactions couldn't help, and he couldn't help but tighten Sheng Lingyuan's hand—that hand was only in the illusion. It was obviously warmed up by him, and it would become even colder. So he took Sheng Lingyuan's hand into his arms and squeezed it all at once: "Not everyone's statue has spirit."

The reason why the statue of the Suzaku at that time can be transformed into a danli, and doing things everywhere has prerequisites-the **** of the Nanming ward off evil and obscurity, all ethnic groups worship gods from the beginning of the Mongolian period, and there are Suzaku temples everywhere, those wood After eating hundreds of thousands of years of worship, the incarnation is possible.

But what are these?

Could Princess Fei or Meng Xia silently organize a cult dedicated to the goddess? For three thousand years, how big is it to make wood and stone idols come to life?

The so-called "power of worship" is not something that can be used at will, or something that has a spirit in it-such as some artifacts, swords with spirits, etc., the spirit inside may be weak at first and cannot move. Can not communicate with the outside world, but through long-term worship, you can gain some extra power and generate a certain degree of entity.

The idols carved in wood and stone are mortal things, and the conditions for wanting to give birth to "spirit" by worshipping "out of nothing" are much stricter.

First of all, the prototype is qualified, the Suzaku idol can be, and the Bifang peacock and the like almost mean it. Otherwise, the net red cats that are "dedicated" by the world have long ruled the earth.

Secondly, the prototype must have made a great wish, or suffered a great calamity, and had an unresolved obsession-at least it was killed by the dead and the ancestral grave was shaved.

Finally, and most importantly, there must be enough people to worship, at least a household name for thousands of years. It cannot be the size of a small MLM organization that the authorities have never heard of.

For five thousand years, the **** is like a living creature, but Dan is alone. It is even rarer than the ancient innate spirit.

Although the princess has Suzaku pedigree, she is not a godbird who guards Akabuchi. In addition to being drunk and dreaming and provoking alienation during her life, she has never heard of anything she did to benefit society. Strictly speaking, she is not qualified. She has no shortage of obsessions, but both the princess and Meng Xia have been living for thousands of years. Where can I find so many people to worship her idol? Who organized it?

At this moment, Sheng Lingyuan suddenly sighed softly: "So it is."

Xiao Zheng and Xuan Yuan said in unison: "What?"

"I finally know what Meng Xia has been doing for the past four years-if I am not mistaken, these statues of her were modified on the statue of Suzaku." Sheng Lingyuan's voice was very light, and he only supported one of the large-sized bronze tripods. Crossing the 3,000-year-old fantasy, this will be exhausted, and even the opening is very reluctant. "You look at the woodcarving statue, clean and buried in the ground for so many years. There is a trace of burning ... It should be left by me during the life of Suzaku Temple. "

At that time, the destruction of the statue of Suzaku was just when Meng Xia fled.

Dan Li is the incarnation of the Suzaku deities. The princess called for her sacrifices. The source of his life is those deities. Later, Dan Li and the emperor, a pair of masters and apprentices, ended up fighting together in the same room, and suffered a loss. She then used the shadow man Meng Xia to recover and change the statue of Suzaku into her own face ... just like she "swallowed" the Suzaku statue. The same.

"Slow, second-hand materials, empty gloves for worship," Xuan Yuan stunned, "What kind of operation is this?"

Sheng Lingyuan sighed: "Isn't she always doing this trick? Thirty-six tricks, one trick‘ killing with a knife ’is pure fire, enough for life.”

She sneaked into the human race that year, and the old prince turned upside down for her. The Emperor Ping sent soldiers to Abyss, and provoked decades of dogfight. Unexpectedly, he was betrayed by the demon king. Since then, both clans have lost her place of standing cones, so she did not appear on her own, used the forbidden technique to regenerate the Suzaku idol, and presented the "accident" in her belly generously, and made the demon to the human race, killing the demon king to revenge.

As soon as the demon king died, the Emperor and Dan Li turned their destiny.

Leaving aside, Dan Li cannot leave the leader of the group demons unmanned, and the Ninth Five-Year Plan cannot obey a paranoid idol. Even if neither of them is so strong, Dan Li is going to kill inhuman races and destroy Achievo, and Tianmo himself is a hybrid, and Achievo is the source of his magic. These two do not need to be challenged by external forces at all, and they can be turned upside down.

As long as Sheng Lingyuan doesn't lack eyes, he will smash the Suzaku temples everywhere. Meng Xia can recover the idol without much effort, and take the power of the deity of Suzaku as her own-that is what she called as a sacrifice and a large gloomy sacrifice. When a scuffle ends, she still has to Bring it back with interest, not at all!

Xuan Yuan smiled bitterly: "Lingyuan, to be honest, are you the 'IQ depression' of your family?"

The love is deep and long, and there are so many days of **** thoughts, while calming the Abyss, while staying in the world, inserting a wind knife and frost sword on the back, and losing himself.

Everyone can only be three-points thick, and the unsavory fool has to die?

Sheng Lingyuan pushed to the side of his brain: "Don't dare to be, you are the smarter one of the distinguished flat-haired people."

Xuan Yuan: "So why did her shadow Meng Xia steal my body?"

Xiao Zheng raised his goosebumps: "Can the two stop adding to the atmosphere of terror?"

Sheng Lingyuan: "You ask her."


"Well," Xuan Yuan's voice faded, and a soft female voice suddenly flowed from all directions along the bronze tripod. The sound of the voice was as if it could penetrate the eardrum and flow directly into the heart. With only a sigh, she hated being able to dig out her life and give it to the owner of the voice. She said, "Poor Tong, poor child, has never spent a day in his own tribe."

It was not only the bronze tripod, it was heard everywhere in the statue.

"Akabuchi's authority is a gift. The Suzaku family was born in Akabuchi and was originally a part of Akabuchi," the girl said softly. "From the sorrowful Jiushun to his own silly shadow figure, he thought he had swallowed up. Suzaku, you can get Abuchi, it's ridiculous. "

"Jiushun" is the name of the demon king, and Sheng Lingyuan asked: "So, after the Suzaku clan's extinction, the power of Akabuchi has always fallen on their only heavenly spirit."

The female voice paused for a moment, as if watching him carefully through the bronze tripod, the magma gently rubbing outside the bronze tripod, making a fine voice: "What is your nickname 'Lingyuan' ... Oh, Dan Li old thief! It's a bad name, you look a lot like me. "

Xuan Yuan was smashed on the spot and was held down by Sheng Lingyuan. Although he was not ruthless enough to seem out of step with his family, he could still be indifferent if he didn't want to go to his heart. Listen to " Sheng Lingyuan didn't move his eyebrows with emotion: "Thank you, Miao Zan-like the Lulu, the demon king thought that he had got Abyss, in fact, only through the sympathy with the Suzaku family, illusion. No wonder when the Demon Sword Spirit was young, he was often disturbed by the resentment of Abyss in his dreams. "

"Poor little." The distant female voice sighed like a sing, "Spirit is a living thing, and the remains are corpses. Only this celestial body is still tied to the authority of Abyss. This is the avenue, higher than the principle of life and death. Therefore, although it is not rotten ... this secret, I am afraid that only those who saw the remains know, you really should thank me. If the secret of Suzaku bones is leaked, the world can still fight for 10,000 years for this bone. "

Xuan Yuan: "Dan Li is the statue of Suzaku, does he not know?"

"Does he know what's the matter?" The girl laughed, like a silver bell. "The bones are in my hands. He can't find the whereabouts of the bones, and he dare not look for them with great fanfare."

Xuan Yuan didn't remember it for a while-if Dan Li left a last word and let Sheng Lingyuan know that the real celestial spirit remains in Meng Xia, then after Dan died, Meng Xia made his first appearance, and Sheng Lingyuan would never take Biquan The remains at the foot of the mountain passed by negligently, and it wouldn't be three thousand years before he knew what little moves Meng Xia was doing.

He just wanted to ask, Sheng Lingyuan had heard the thought through sympathy: "What do you want? What he wants to guard against is me, rather than smashing tens of thousands of corpses, and he won't let Suzaku's remains fall into my hands."

Xuan Yuan: "But isn't he trying to renew Suzaku bloodline? Even if the living thing becomes irreversible, I can't return to my true body. With this skeleton, Abuchi can also control it, and we can also slowly ..."

Why make the Heavenly Sword so cruel? Why should there be no shelter for the various races? Why drive Ling Yuan to a dead end?

Xuan Yuan gave Sheng Lingyuan's hand a quack.

Sheng Lingyuan turned to him with a bit of sorrow. After a while, he couldn't help laughing: "Who and you are 'us'?"

Xuan Yuan was out of anger, and almost performed a "Nazhao Nao Hai" in the depths of his knowledge of the sea: "You old devil has taken advantage of me in the illusion, and your wings are bald by you. As soon as you come out, To be chaotic ... "

When he said that, he suddenly reacted to something, and his voice stopped abruptly.

"They used the demon to sharpen their blades. The birds were exhausted and their bows hid. They did not make me immortal and endlessly emperor there." Sheng Lingyuan said to him calmly in a sympathy, "If I leave, I will do the same. "

If the remains of Suzaku fall into his hands, what is the difference between the Emperor and the Demon King?

The magical spirit of the demon comes from Akabuchi, and Akabuchi gave it to him, wouldn't it be to put the mouse in the rice bowl? He can never forget his heart for a hundred years, what about two hundred years? Three hundred years? Can anyone guarantee? Who will rule him ... Do you bet his true love for a sword?

Who would believe in "truth"?

Oh, Tonghui was a little older.

So Dan Li wouldn't tell him anything, telling him would be like telling Sheng Lingyuan that Xiao Jianling three thousand years ago couldn't even hide a fart.

Sheng Lingyuan glanced at Xuan Yuan. After 3,000 years, it was still slow. It is no wonder that at the beginning of the melee, Suzaku was eliminated in the first round.

He smiled: "Dan and I are inseparable from each other, and no one believes in anyone, but I have given you the chance of that shadow figure, Your Highness has beautifully collected this fishing profit."

"Where," the female voice in the statue sneered, "It was Dan Li who had a good plan. At that time, I had returned to the world through the statue of Suzaku. The Suzaku totem was only one last stroke. Meng Xia was not doing well. The result was a shortfall. "

"If Meng Xia is not in such a hurry, hide for a few more years, and when I die, no one will remember her. What will she do then," Sheng Lingyuan said, "why is she so anxious to jump out?"

The female voice in the bronze tripod laughed and did not answer.

"Ah, I know, because of Abuchi, right?" Sheng Lingyuan said softly, "When Dan died, I had sealed Abuchi. After that, Abuchi's fire was weaker and weaker for a year, so Meng Xia couldn't wait. Because the most important part of your plan is to use Abyss Fire—you occupy the statue of Suzaku and usurp the deity, but you are not willing to be resurrected like this, like Dan Li, there is no face in your life, and you are afraid of burning every day. Your idol-no, you are not as good as him. After all, the statue of Suzaku was spontaneously enshrined by the people, and yours is ... "

Xuan Yuan immediately replied: "The number of second-hand houses here is limited. You want to use the two-hundred-year-old Demon King Shadow Man to point Abyss, and the Shadow Man is still out."

The female voice in the statue said, "Poor little, demon dances, can you really be a seal of Abyss?"

Xuan Yuan: "Let's Bibi. Is Abuchi on fire first, or should we burn your idol first? Lao Xiao——"

But before Xiao Zheng had time to answer, the whole Biquan Mountain began to shake. At the same time, the field staff at each scene sent an emergency alert at the same time, and the sacrifices around the idols began to flow!

"Back, back!"

All the people close to the idol were hit by a stream of air at the same time, the artificial reverberation equipment cut off the energy, the helicopters swept the wind everywhere, the ground suddenly cracked, and the Suzaku totem was connected along each eye. , The flame-colored streamer wavered past, pouring into Biquan Mountain from all sides.

Xiao Zheng heard Gu Yuexi exclaim: "Gong succeeded!"

When he was shocked, he raised his telescope, and saw that there was no living creature close to the ground, and a figure was hanging in the air very eye-catchingly.

Gong successfully raised his head and glanced at the fieldmen who were smashed by the wind, then he extended his arms. A green smoke emerged from above his head, fluttered and floated into the air, and the smoke condensed a face exactly like the statues. Everyone on the helicopter saw the smile on that face, and then she jumped in In the seam, smoke blended into the streamer.

Leaving a "gong success" body, hanging in the air, quickly shrinking, and became a dry corpse on the spot.

The crow flew, and the crow also flew out, throwing a wing on Director Xiao's forehead.

Xuan Yuan: "Give me a fight, brothers! I'm all blown out!"

Just listen to the female voice in the statue laughing: "My son Lingyuan, you are really a smart baby, I am sending Akabuchi to a fire, but this isn't it-" 2k novel reading network

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