MTL - Lie Huo Jiao Chou-Chapter 126

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Xuan Yuan: "Our ... fat girl?"

The witch village in Dongchuan was built on the mountain. There was almost no flat land in the tribe. If you wanted to go to a neighbor's house, you had to climb up and down several slopes. The eating habits were also partial. There was no place in the tribe to feed livestock on a large scale. In addition to free-range chicken, the meat that can be eaten is aquatic products-so the people in the tribe are relatively slim.

After a long while, Xu Xuan couldn't help laughing, and scolded: "Alozin's little dwarf, the joke of the demon and the human race is stupid and rude, and their witches are known for their 'show' and 'ya'呸, Xiuya a ball! It is his family who eats bran puff every day, they are hungry and have yellow skin and thin skin. They have the ability to emigrate to live for two days and try to eat fat or not. , 250 pounds is cheap for him! "

Sheng Lingyuan's hand was stuck on the bronze tripod by the blood flowing from the source, but his eyebrows softened.

Alozin knows the magic sword of heaven, he is always very curious, often saying that he must live a hundred and eighty years, "strive to one day also play with Jian Lingtong."

In fact, the patriarch was completely self-confident. Jian Ling was annoying him, and he didn't want to play with him at all.

These two things are about the same age, and the mental level of half a catty is comparable to the point that they are not prosperous. In Dongchuan, Sword Spirit had already consciously been a man and learned to be awkward. He did not want to be called "Lingyuan Brother" again. He didn't want this name to be picked up by Alozin without knowing it. When he gave it to others, he was instantly furious, and unilaterally forged a beam with Alozin for many years.

When Arokin was young, he was bored and talked a lot. He often "slammed" in Sheng Lingyuan's ears. He would like to talk about things in a big way. Sheng Lingyuan heard more and heard less, but he always brought something "very interesting" when he talked. With a smile, Arozin more and more thought that he had a rap, and didn't know that there was actually an invisible sword spirit next to him who was talking back. He said, the sword spirit arranged in Sheng Lingyuan's heart. The two voices, one inside and one outside, were like a pair of immature chicks squeezing through their throats, depressing and relieved.

Sheng Lingyuan arched an eyebrow and said to Xuan Yuan in an inaudible manner: "How do you have the face to say that others are rice buckets ... If you are right, Suzaku totem is disturbed by us, Luo Cuicui should be out of order, and the witch language is mixed in After the reverberation, it is likely that the shadow figure swallowed Luo Cuicui. "

Xuan Yuan shouted at those rattans that were suddenly entangled: "Hey, little dwarf, what excrement are you still smelling in the shadow man's belly, and you haven't come out to make a mess? Didn't you want to see me? Tell you I stole all your dried pears. Your descendants are treating me as a younger brother. If I take a look at her, she will have to give all the snacks in her pocket. Are you happy? "

He smiled, his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth were tied to a pendant--despite his efforts to rise, he fell helplessly ...

The day when the human race was able to eat enough food, it came too late. Alozin didn't live to be a middle-aged man, and he didn't grow to 250 pounds for his joke.

The only time the two of them met, one was dead, the other hadn't found the dust yet, and they passed by again before reaching the old days.

But how destined it is.

If Ping Qian's hand holding the mask on her ear stopped there, her colleague in the field thought she had a problem with the mask and yelled "redundant logistics" and immediately came up to help her.

Ping Qianru raised her hand and blocked: "I don't wear it first."

The strange language in the reverberation sound was incoherent, just repeatedly saying "the blood of the witch tribe", like the legendary earth-bound spirit who has died for many years, forget everything, and was trapped somewhere in his life, wandering.

"Bloodline?" She froze and reached behind her ears—the broken shield left a small wound there. Ping Qianru squeezed a little blood with her fingertips, and crouched slowly, As soon as it hit the ground, a tiny grass stalk was drilled out of the ground, which caught her fingers.

The field workers were scared when they saw the grass. They were startled at that time, one was going to pull her up, and the other had already pressed their hands on the Mithril at the waist.

Ping Qianru quickly stopped: "Don't fight ... wait!"

She felt that there was some strange emotion coming from the little grass, and she couldn't tell what it was like ... It was like dreaming back to listening to the hawkers in the childhood alleys, opening her eyes, and seeing that she was still young, The obsolete loved ones are fanning beside. Or, after leaving home for many years and returning home, the property and people are not the same, and the streets and houses have changed their looks. When they are confused, they suddenly look up to recognize the big locust trees around them as a child.

If Ping Qian didn't understand what the reverberation sound was, or where it came from, she just instinctively trusted that sound.

Until then, she found that her face was a little cold, and she no longer knew when she burst into tears. She suddenly raised her head in the blurred vision and said to her colleague, "I may have a way to access the echo!"

The clumsy echoing equipment was quickly pushed over, and the converter aimed at the grass that entangled Pingqian like a finger. The grass seemed to know what she wanted, and quickly pulled it up to become a lush bunch. Gently climbed up the connector of the converter and tangled up.

The field staff looked at each other: "What's the situation? Where's this grass?"

Ping Qianru: "Everyone who has operated the reverberation comes over! Help me call back to the headquarters and recruit all the people like me ... I was judged as 'excellent' but never performed and I can't judge excellent The direction! Let everyone try it, maybe! "

Messing out front line shield release points--

A field service finally found spare enchantment equipment. As soon as the enlightenment network opened, the chaotic crowd "paused." For a time, there was only a broadcast sound on the square, and the repressed breathing of Yan Qiushan.

Wang Ze reached out and pressed Yan Qiushan's shoulder. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a large number of Mithril bullets saw their slackness, and suddenly they hit from all sides.

Wang Ze took one hand to protect Yan Qiushan, took him and Zhichun away, and at the same time, the enchantment net was broken again.

Wang Ze's hair went upside down and he was ready to be stepped on 10,000 feet: "Grandma's ..."

But maybe the chaos was interrupted once, the blood above was blown off by the northwest wind of the cold winter moon, and the crowd who had already scared the collapse was suddenly released, but only a slight commotion did not continue Barking, some people even saw the weird scene before them-those horrible silver bullets perfectly bypassed these immobile "wooden men", turning unnaturally, chasing only those "special abilities" People "hit.

I wonder who murmured: "That doesn't seem to hit us ..."

"Get out of here without hitting you! Who knows if they will do anything else!" Wang Ze shouted. "Attention every department. There are at least two snipers at three o'clock, and eight o'clock ... Fuck! "

Fengshenyi's current goal with the former captain was too big, and the Mithril bullets quickly locked them, and then, a dense silver light smashed them towards Wang Ze.

Wang Ze and Yan Qiushan pushed away each other at the same time, and the two retreated in two directions. Yan Qiushan just pulled off, his legs were slumped, he didn't stand firmly, fell down, and elbowed heavily on the ground-slightly No one with common sense of fighting will fall so badly, but Yan Qiushan seems to have forgotten everything he learned. He just hugged Zhichun tightly and rolled to the side of somebody's feet, and he didn't look up, and tried his best. He lifted his back and protected Zhichun tightly, as for the rest, he couldn't care less.

But at that moment, the silver light that had been chased suddenly disappeared. Yan Qiushan only heard the sound of Mithril falling on the surrounding ground. He looked up in surprise and saw an old man standing beside him. The thick cotton coat was taken off and supported with open arms. The skinny body resembled a scarecrow's wooden frame, holding the large cotton coat into a huge shield covering Yan Qiushan.

Yan Qiushan has never seen this old man. Mithril avoided his exaggerated trajectory. The old man was obviously an ordinary person. Although it was barely clean, the dry and gully face, the frayed edges of the collar and cuffs, and the long thread heads falling from the buttons seemed to reveal that the elderly were not so rich. Tears stuck in the wrinkles that stretched from the corner of his eyes to the temples, and even the tears seemed thicker than others, saying "Xiao Zhang is a good man" upside down several times.

Yan Qiushan suddenly remembered that the unfamiliar colleague who had been killed by Mithril in front of him ... seemed like Zhang.

"We live in a neighborhood ... I watched him grow up since he was a child," the old man's voice drowned in the noise, and only the special keen ears could catch his weak shout, "I am a 'five-guarantee', and I miss It's useless and faceless ... it's not old, and there isn't even an elevator in the old building. Who will carry rice for me in the future ... why would you hit him? "

The old man looked up blankly, like an awkward old hen, mumbling while using his own Mithril bullet, wondering who he was asking, "What bad way?"

Wang Ze came over: "Swallow team! Are you all right?"

"Chasing ..." Yan Qiushan propped up the ground, and the broken metal crutch disintegrated and deformed not far away, turning it into countless small parts, which wrapped and supported his injured leg. "Caught those **** who put cold guns back, No one is allowed to let go. "

Later, the metal clasp on Yan Qiushan's body was turned into gold threads. Zhichun doll was tied into a cocoon three layers inside and three layers. Zhichun was so tied that she could only move her head, and struggling to stretch out her head. ,I……"

"Shut up," and his good-natured temper was finally provoked. Yan Qiushan pushed the Zhichun doll into his coat. "I am the person in charge of Fengshen I. I let you all withdraw from the island. Why don't you listen? Who promises you disobedience? Do you have the privilege of being an ancient sword? Why should I protect you? I haven't become a wasteful person! "

The bewildered people no longer push you, and whispered and talked about the old man holding a cotton coat and standing on an adult shield, as well as those Mithril bullets walking around him.

The field staff returned to the scene, and chased in the direction of the Mithril bullet.

Mithril is also fitted to the field, and for many years to cooperate with each other, there are rules for advancing and retreating, and they will never accidentally hurt their own people. When the confused people calm down, the interference disappears immediately, and the first counterattack Mithril bullets are quickly hit. Several goals.

Suddenly, the masker alarm light on Wang Ze's ear flashed a few times: "Yan, I have a spare masker, and then-shall we leave a few people to continue maskers? The reverberation sound is coming again."

Yan Qiushan frowned, his shield fell off in the chaos, the metal system was strong and strong, but it would be a bit "blunt", the most insensitive to the spiritual system attack, sometimes often hit, and he did n’t know yet, But this time, before Wang Ze gave a warning, Yan Qiushan had already felt the reverberations one step earlier—because this time, the diffused reverberations were mixed with the music that human ears could hear.

The music was a little familiar, quiet and warm, diluting the original resentment and anger in the reverberation, and even faintly suppressed.

"This is the spiritual counseling of the headquarters," Zhichun said suddenly with nostalgia. "It can decompress and treat mental injuries. It was originally for the benefit of everyone, but nobody used it ... or I was because of the poison in the tower. When I was unconscious, the headquarters sent someone to tell me this. Every time I heard it, I was relieved from the messy nightmare, and my heart was calm for a long time. "

Those who have not had time to get the masker can't help but stop whispering and are soothed by the music in the echo sound. While soothing people's emotions, the music sounds like a layer of background, which just happens to hide the negativeness in the echo sound. The spiritual infiltration was highlighted, and this time everyone felt a vicious provocation in the surrounding air.

After a while, I don't know who brought the head, and a few people returned to the shield receiving point, took the shield quickly, and quickly evacuated the right and wrong place. Then, the scattered crowd came back in pairs—

The spread of reverberation sounds is getting wider and wider. At the same time, more and more reverberation sound equipments are connected to various array eyes.

After EMI, the energy levels of some special-powered people met the standard of special powers, but they could not be classified because they did not have specific performances. Of these people, most of them were because of mixed races and pedigrees. 40% are descendants of the Witch tribe.

The spell has been lost for the most part. They forgot the horror of their ancestors and became a small logistic like a screw in the huge system of alienation. They live a fringe and humble life. Suddenly received a call at this time, for the first time was surrounded by the stars of the field and wrapped around the front, becoming a vital role.

On the ancient Suzaku totem that was left three thousand years ago, every array of eyes was lined with echo sound equipment, and the faint music became clearer at first.

Even though the world is full of ants, no giant can stand still in the wave of ants.

It's not enough to settle down the demon king in Kyushu, nor can it suppress the emperor of the demons ... What is the remnant of a shadow family?

A lightning flashes and thunders on Abyss, Mithril weapons and energy shielding nets sweep down like storms. The Exotic Bureau has almost brought out the entire family. After all, the demon king has just acquired the entity, and the devils and devours have not digested it. Clean, for a time, there was uncontrolled power belonging to the witch people and monsters, and there were overwhelming black technology attacks outside, which forced him to become quite embarrassed.

The shadow man turned into countless □□, digging into the surrounding rust-colored plants, no longer care about maintaining the demeanor of the true demon king that year.

"It's bad," Gu Yuexi said, "It hid in the shadow figure, and couldn't see through the eyes."

"I ..." At this point, Yang Chao opened his mouth weakly. "That ... I can feel a little ..."

It is said that in ancient times, the beast sheep and the washing stone accompanied each other, keeping one mountain, and the name was "qianlai". In addition to making money, Shi Shi, like other wood stones, is parasitic with pure white shadows. After the incarnation, he seduce spirit beasts, burying a shadow of the shadow person in the offspring born, mixed with other races, blood is unexplained, and it is difficult to trace back. , Almost driven out of the "special energy" camp, and only wanted to enter the postgraduate examination.

Unexpectedly, the shadow clan that had disappeared for many years caused chaos, but awakened the blood of the shadow man who had been sleeping for thousands of years.

Yang Chao: "But I can't describe it clearly. I ..."

Xiao Zheng made the decision immediately: "Give Yang Chao permission to the energy shielding network!"

Yang Chao had countless nightmares of going to the examination room without review. Unexpectedly, this day became a reality, and he was stunned: "Ah?"

"Shield the net according to your feelings." Xiao Zheng grabbed his shoulders, and pinched him to the launcher on the helicopter.

Yang Chao: "But ..."

"Do you know that many special words can work well?" Xiao Zheng stooped down and stared at his eyes tightly, "Western people call 'Prophecy', Japanese people call 'Spirit', and our country calls 'Crow's mouth'. Men Xuanxue, the higher the level of abilities, the more accurate your speech is--a shadow was let go today. I curse that you won't be able to pass the exam, and you won't be able to pass the first test in a lifetime.

Yang Chao almost cried with a "wow". I don't know if it was his illusion. He felt that a cloud of black clouds just floated over the top of their helicopter, like doom.

"What good is it for you if I can't pass the exam?" He took the transmitter with a hesitation. "I won't even make the reverberation, endorsement every day at public expense, you have to give me five insurances and one gold ..."

Yang Chaoyue said more and more aggrieved, and instinctively sprayed the energy shielding net, hoping that there would be many pairs. The blockbuster of the energy shielding net has just condensed into a giant net under his messy operation, bringing in the scattered demon king shadows / body into the net.

The demon king Ying is struggling angrily. The blockade of the Extermination Control Bureau not only has strong interference, which limits his actions, but also draws artificial thunder and lightning. At the same time, the power of the witch-like demon in his body is increasing. The more you get out of control, the more you turn back, it almost means back to the bite.

A rust-colored rattan even flew over indiscriminately, catching the demon king's neck.

The anger of the demon king is unstoppable, and countless points / body fits together: "You don't believe that I blew myself, did you choose Abyss!"

Sheng Lingyuan, who was trapped on the bronze tripod, looked up and looked up at the top of the sky, "I suddenly thought of a way."

"Wh ..."

Sheng Lingyuan let go of knowing the sea, countless reverberation sounds penetrated into his seven tricks, and even Xuan Yuan, who was sympathetic to him, followed with a "hum".

"The blood of the witch people is still there, Arozin, you come here, I'll give you a word."

At the same time, in the nationwide broadcast, Huang Ju ’s voice continued: “We never dare to say that we are“ serving the people ”, and we are not doing these tasks to protect and sacrifice for whom, in the final analysis. We want to please the world in order to earn ourselves a foothold-to prove that we are not obstructive to the human eye, and useful to society ... so that there is still room to live. "

Beings, wherever there is spirit, have a foothold. 2k novel reading network

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