MTL - Lie Huo Jiao Chou-Chapter 124

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Xiao Zheng: "But Mithril ..."

"Since Mithril has flowed where it shouldn't go, what use is there to hide it?"

"I understand what you said," Xiao Zheng quickly said, "We not only have things similar to Mithril, but also in other countries. These technologies are updated quickly. The earliest generations have passed the security period earlier. It's not necessary to cover it up, but they can't force us to do so at this time! What do they think of special power? Potential terrorists / elements! "

"Xiao Xiao," Huang Ju interrupted, "Mithril is our pride, not a shame."

Xiao Zheng had a strong family life since he was a child, and he tried to be too powerful too often. He went all the way, and never felt this kind of anger. In a word, Huang Ju was almost in tears.

"Leave it to me." Huang Bureau said, "I didn't understand why the old director didn't want to appoint the next director. I have to transfer my ordinary person to take his class. Now ..."

He lowered his voice and waved to Xiao Zheng: "I can't make peace with you, you can only provide support. Busy you, do what you should do, don't think about it."

Xiao Zheng glanced at him for the last time and finally said nothing, turned around and strode out.

Before he boarded the helicopter, Ping Qianru of the aftermath ran over pantingly: "Director Xiao, we have the aftermath ... there is a plan ..."

The word "solution" was contained in her mouth, as if ashamed of opening her teeth. Xiao Zheng stepped in a footstep, half-surprisingly glanced at her.

Ping Qian swallowed her mouth, and when she came, her courage almost leaked out. A pair of calves wanted to go on strike and secretly trembled under the trouser legs.

Before Xuan Yuan came, the position of the aftercare department in the foreign control bureau was equivalent to toilet paper-usually hung on the paper tube quietly and waiting. Wherever there is a need to wipe, the toilet paper does not need to have its own ideas, just divide the Do your homework well and worry about whether you will be replaced by a smart toilet.

A concentration camp for ordinary people and waste special energy, waste special energy is even more abominable. Not willing to be a waste, there is always something to do. Within two months, the two major scandals were all caused by the aftermath. Other colleagues looked at theirs. The eyes are the same as watching the timing / explosion / bomb. At this time, their department's "backbone" is still missing. Director Xiao ’s house occupies half a hill, and there are more than 30 people in the whole aftercare department, but they dare to stay in a small room—afraid to go out and face bricks—aside from passively accepting orders from the general dispatch office, they dare not say more Take a step.

Ping Qianru is most afraid of dealing with people like Xiao Zheng and confessed guiltyly: "I ... I know because of the old ... Suspect Luo Cuicui, the field workers now think we are very ... yes, he is our aftercare People, so we also want to ... "

Xiao Zheng interrupted her: "Don't talk nonsense."

Ping Qian was slammed by his back and tightened his spine, exuding a long string of words: "We first wanted to set up other echo machines, and hedge against Luo ’s, but our director was not there, and we did n’t have that mental strength. The equipment is not enough, and it is impossible to compete with plants from all over the world. When we just discussed in the group, I suddenly heard that the reverberation sounds on the plants disappeared, and the dozens of transmission points of the reverberation sounds were clear. We think this is an opportunity. I want to try ... can you set up a reverberation device in these positions. "

Xiao Zheng's eyebrows were raised, and the higher the eyebrows were raised, the lower Ping Qianru's voice was: "Just ... I just want to try it, there is no harm ... I know we are not good, but the echo machine is not It must be led by an operator. It can automatically play some calm music or something. When making this machine, it was specially customized by a spiritual musician, Mr. Lao, to ease the work pressure of the field workers, but everyone was taboo. Department, refused to come. Director Xiao, we can try to put the echo machine at each abnormal energy point, and put the music in it. The simpler the content of mental resonance, the better? "

Xiao Zheng couldn't help but hesitated. For a moment, he knew a little bit about the anger and fear of ordinary people. It turned out ... that special energy also taboos.

If Ping Qian saw him silent for a long time, she cried. I do n’t know why the gangsters in this department pushed her into a contemporary speaker. Is it because she had boldly sliced ​​steak for her emperor without knowing it? Is it "Director Xiao, it's this time, and our department really has no other traitors."

Xiao Zheng returned to God, picked up his mobile phone and landed on the intranet, and signed the license for the echo machine: "Go."

Helicopters flew around with echophones and special talents.

The demon king shadow on Abyss reacted and chased him up, but the half of Luo Cuicui who flew away seemed to have a magnetic pole that repelled him. The more the demon king chased, the more Luo Cuicui flew faster and disappeared in a blink of an eye. In the sky.

The cake has been stored for a long time, and before the hands are wiped, it is inexplicably cut in half, and the demon king is furious: "Who!"

Gong Chenggong looked at his back with expressionless expression, half-scratched in his eyes, and changed a confused face before the demon king turned around, hesitantly said, "I don't know, maybe someone is right What did Suzaku skeleton do ... "

The demon king violently interrupted him: "Don't he dedicate himself to the demon sacrifice, didn't he get Suzaku right? What good is that broken bone that has been rotten for thousands of years?"

"The heavens, the mountains, the sun and the moon are yin and yang, life and death rotate, and each other is in harmony. It is not me who can wait for life and death." Gong successfully stood under a blooming mountain peach tree and said quietly, "Since there is Abyss Why do we have Suzaku, now that the last celestial spirit has become an instrumental spirit, why does the real body rot and not die ... Your Majesty, I do n’t know, maybe a mixed-blooded demon ca n’t afford Abyss, right? After all, except The native Suzaku family, Akabuchi had only surrendered to your Majesty three thousand years ago, even the emperor has never touched.

When he said this, it seemed as if he had forgotten that "Your Majesty" in front of him was just the shadow of the demon king, completely treating him as the demon king himself. The demon king shadow gave a slight meal.

Gong successfully lowered his eyebrows again, looking at Luo Cuicui, who had been torn in half, and sighed meaningfully: "How many people in this world are worthy of their ambitions?"

"You make sense." The demon king shadow was silent for a moment, fell to the ground, and walked towards Luo Cuicui step by step. "The remains of Suzaku in Biquan Mountain are prohibited by ancient times. Anyone who enters must be peeled off and the mana will be full. Lost, there is something that can do something about Suzaku's remains, only Sheng Xiao and his half-dead bird ... "

"If I could use this opportunity to get rid of them, I would have nothing to worry about, sooner or later." Said the demon king, putting his hand on Luo Cuicui's left shoulder, and Luo Cuicui was divided into two Actually, he still had consciousness. He looked at the Demon King Shadow with longing eyes, and hoped that this majesty, His Majesty, would have a way to save him. The Abyss had not been broken yet. He still had a lot of use. The Demon King Shadow smiled at him, "Relax . "

Luo Cuicui raised the corner of his mouth in a difficult way and made a mouthful: "Your Majesty, help ..."

However, before he finished speaking, Luo Cuicui was surrounded by a mass of blood. He first hesitated. He didn't know what the magical power was, and then screamed silently. The blood penetrated into his pores, and he had half of the seven tricks left. Drilling in and out, Luo Cuicui's leaves and skin were corroded with holes, and after a while they turned into a thick red pulp, which was swallowed by the demon king.

The demon king exhaled a long breath, closed his eyes, and for a time, he couldn't tell whether he had kept the demon king's thoughts, or the demon king who was reborn by the body of the demon, and his heart had hallucinations. As if I had returned to three thousand years ago-slaughtering God against the sky, swallowing the **** bird Suzaku, gaining unparalleled power, and accomplishing incompetent achievements, which are not dared and impossible by the predecessors.

All beings shivered at his feet, and no one dared to say to his face, "This is the drunkenness of His Majesty, the son of his sister-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is for making wine." No one dared to call him that shame. The name "Nine Taming".

The leaves of all the plants on the earth began to climb into the blood, and wherever the blood passed, half of each leaf was climbed to the rust color-including the surrounding Bronze Ding under the Biquan Mountain.

Starting from the outermost circle, the rattan turned red little by little, and Xuan Yuan grabbed another rattle that rolled towards Sheng Lingyuan: "Is the flow velocity different this time, five minutes inside and half a year outside? How is it good? Green leaves are red when they say red. Does autumn come so fast? "

Xuan Ye was relying on himself to be a "lighter". He never went out without a lighter. This would be "no oil". He was stupid.

Those plant rattans were startled by the fierceness of the ancient killer on him, and they carefully moved around him, and did not dare to provoked him. After a few strokes, they discovered that the "killer" was an unsheathable one. The fake sword was completely pretending, and it was immediately unbridled.

The blood flowing from Sheng Lingyuan's body was covered with bronze tripod, and black gas and flame-like golden light were intertwined with each other.

Xuan Yuan was standing in front of Sheng Lingyuan, and he was surrounded by about seventeen or eight rattans. He was like a puppet with a complicated structure. The rattan wanted to split him into five corpses. He couldn't pull it for a while. He wanted to break the rattan. No tools.

"Wait," Xuanyuan suddenly realized, "Isn't this green, isn't it a maple leaf? What red is it blind?"

After finishing the words, a thick **** breath rushed towards his face, a **** rattan hook was hooked to his neck, Xuan Yuan's limbs were covered with rattan, no hands were picking up, he was about to open his mouth to bite, and Sheng Lingyuan was behind him quickly Speaking a witch's language, a weak barrier appeared in front of Xuan Yuan.

However, the witch mantra is a "fantastic thing" that mortals can also use. Correspondingly, its burning skills are even more stringent. Even if the emperor is proficient in the witch mantra, what he pronounces verbally does not have much effect. The rattan blocked for a moment.

Sheng Lingyuan: "Hide away!"

Xuanyuan broke away from the vine that trapped him, and then turned his face to the side. The blood-stained vine broke through Sheng Lingyuan's barrier and hit him on the shoulder.

His three layers of thick winter clothes inside and outside were like paper paste, tearing instantly, the rattan corroded his flesh, leaving a wound that saw his bones.

Before Xuan Yuan had time to call, Sheng Lingyuan covered his shoulders, could no longer stand, and knelt directly on the edge of the bronze tripod.

Xuan Yuan Yuguang saw that he just swallowed a throat and swallowed down the street. The silly bird gasped and was happy, and finally took the opportunity to return Sheng Lingyuan's words: "Hey, never."

Sheng Lingyuan: "..."

What the heck is it?

"I have forgotten the witch mantra." Xuan Yuan said, the knife cleverly turned around in the palm of his hand, clinging to a leaf with acrobatics, and quickly left a string of witch characters on it.

Sheng Lingyuan: "Slow ..."

However, Xuan Ling's action was extremely sharp, and Sheng Lingyuan had no time to say that he had carved the spell in one go and pointed out that he had bounced the leaf out and was very handsome.

Who knew that the leaves were flying out handsomely, and the next moment they were knocked down by the rattan dancing wildly.

Sheng Lingyuan: "You are missing one!"

Xuan Yuan raised the courier knife holder to hold the rattan, "Zang Dang" slammed into the bronze tripod behind him, and almost didn't come up: "Yeah, I ... realized ..."

Xuan Yuan began to work hard after he realized that he liked Sheng Lingyuan, and hoped to cultivate himself sooner so that Ling Yuan could see him in person. However, most of the people he contacted would be a mixed version of human runes and spells. They did not require high levels of cultivation, at least the levels that human monks could achieve, and they were not as cumbersome and difficult to remember as witch mantras. Long.

The pure witch mantra, which does not require any mana, was contacted by them when they were in Dongchuan. The sword spirit was the most playful age. The love was not open, and the **** did not understand. The witch mantra with big traps and small loops made him eat pear nectar.

Sheng Lingyuan had no idea what to say about him.

Xuan Yuan: "I heard you scold me for having a big chest!"

"It's enough to have self-knowledge," Sheng Lingyuan passed a complete shaman curse through sympathy. "Follow the picture, be good."

Xuan Yuan: "These witches make so many laps all day long, don't they faint?"

The copied witch mantra finally took shape, and flew out of the ancient Dongchuan to see the sky, hit the **** rattan of Zhangyawu claw, the rattan rattan sparked, and it quickly retreated as if it was hot.

Sheng Lingyuan was stunned, remembering that many years ago, he tried to teach Xiaojian Ling a little witch mantra in Dongchuan. Without half a column of incense, the little thing fell asleep with bright claws and woke up at night. When he got up on the ground, he still had to talk hard with him: "I didn't sleep, I was ... it fainted! I blame these witches for so many turns all day long."

At this moment, Xuan Yuan has been familiar with the general rules of the witch's curse-these things are originally by-pass, he no longer follows the spell of Sheng Lingyuan, directly cut his palm with the tip of the knife, and carved a curse on the palm. Grab a rattan and shake it fiercely--

"Boom", a raging fire broke out across the vine.

At the same time, the demon king on Abuchi stooped down, and before he could fully control the power of the other half of Suzaku, suddenly, there was a cramp in his chest and abdomen, and a gloomy ritual floated on his skin.

One of the three demons engulfed by him echoed vaguely.

At this moment, the noisy buzz of the helicopter rang, approaching from all directions towards the top of his head.

"It's not far, I can feel it." Yang Chao has been shaking, but this time he didn't faint.

The front-line field offices of the local bureaus have received mediation orders, and they came from each place. The research institute used the reverberations exposed only to locate the general culprit. Yang Chao is human navigation.

Xiao Zheng responded, but his eyes did not leave the screen next to him.

News is being broadcast on the screen-due to the impaired function of the headquarters, the Office of Foreign Exchange Control decided to hand over important information such as Mithril to relevant departments for custody, and to disclose to the public the history of the invention, production and use of Mithril.

As soon as the screen turned, Huang Ju's face appeared on the screen, with the director of the institute next to him. 2k novel reading network