MTL - Library of Heaven’s Path-Chapter 9 Bet [fourth more]

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The rumors about the waste teacher, but a lot, did not come to the college, they listened to the ears out of the box.

Speaking of what you don’t learn, no one is wrong!

Speaking about not knowing how to practice, not martial arts...

In short, all kinds of swearing!

As long as it is a student, it is best to stay away from it. Don’t get caught up with this guy. Otherwise, it’s light, and it’s going to die in his hands!

The two brothers came to the college to apprentice, and they heard similar rumors. They have been careful and have never dreamed of it. In front of this supernatural thing, the arrogant man is the legendary waste!

"Teacher, you are so powerful, why..."

Zheng Yang couldn’t help but ask.

Although the contact is not long, the teacher in front of him is unfathomable. Every move is self-contained. How can it be waste?

"There are many things in the world, and there is nothing like this!"

The hanging eyes are tilted upwards forty-five degrees, with a faint regret and sadness in the eyes. It seems to be a complaint that the world does not understand.

The face is full of expressions, but in fact my heart is not stopping.

If it’s not the Heavenly Library, the former virtue, it’s not good to have a negative score, zero points... already very high!

"I am willing to name my teacher!"

Seeing the teacher’s expression of “sadness” and “no one knows the world”, Zheng Yang’s heart touched and couldn’t help it.

"Okay, the teacher's reputation doesn't matter. If you practice well in the future, the teacher will be satisfied! Take the token of the representative identity and get the beggar. Don't be late for class tomorrow, don't be late!"

After Zhang’s suspension, he completely captured the worship of the students and nodded immediately.


Zheng Yang Yi La Mo Mo, the two went out.

"Four students!"

Seeing the two leave, Zhang’s eyes flashed with an excitement.

The young girl Wang Ying, the student who won the bet, Liu Yang, the young lady, Zhao Ya, and the gunman, Zheng Yang.

I thought that today, as before, a student can't get it, and it ended in failure. I didn't expect it to be four!

"Without an identity token, even if there are more students coming over, you can't be a disciple. If you have time, go and ask for a few more!"

After feeling the four students received, Zhang Hang realized that there is no identity token.

This thing was distributed by the college. Because of its bad reputation, the teacher who was in charge of the token was only given four. He also thought that he could not use it. If he didn’t continue to receive it, even if there were new students coming, Also can't be a teacher!

This token contains the teacher's message. Once the blood is recognized, it means that the teacher is a teacher. If you want to withdraw from the class, the teacher will drop the blood on it, which means that the student's message is erased.

Stand up and walk out of the classroom.

The outside is bright, and the heat waves sneak through the shade, making people feel a slight sweat on their heads.

On the street of the college, new students and old students walked in it, all with excitement on their faces.

New students enrolled in school, entered the new environment, and worshipped the teachers. They were all happy. As for the old students, they thought that there would be new students who could give them a curse and they all laughed.

After walking along the street for a while, a wide building appeared in front of you, with three characters on the plaque in the middle: "Logistics!"

The token representing the teacher’s identity is collected from here.

"Hey, who am I, isn't this our 'star teacher'? Don't recruit students in class, what are you doing here? Oh, let me guess, it won't be an identity token. It's useless. Come back and return!"

When I walked in, I heard an ironic sound.

Zhang hanging up, a guy with a pile of meat caught his eye.

This guy has at least three or four hundred pounds. It looks like a huge meatball.

"Qian Hao!" A name appears in memory.

This money is a teacher who is in charge of logistics. He has always been a savvy person. He likes to take a buckle. He is the lowest-ranking teacher. His salary has always been very thin. He can receive a lot of materials. Therefore, no How to give him filial piety.

Because he has offended this because of this matter, as long as he meets, he will be all kinds of ironic and sarcasm, so that he can be embarrassed.

I only give him four identity tokens, saying that he can't use it, it is also a masterpiece of this.

"My identity token is also used up, I want to receive a few more!" I am too lazy to see the other side, Zhang Hang faint.

"Used?" Qian Yi suddenly burst into laughter: "Haha, everyone came to see, our last-choice teacher, actually ran over and forced to say that his identity token was used up. Haha, this is the best laugh I have ever heard in the world..."

"I remember that you gave him four identity tokens! Run out? Just let him? Just kidding!"

"The second-ranked teacher, Sun Yan, is said to have received a student now. This guy has an unprecedented zero score for the teacher's assessment. Can he receive the student? What is it?"

"Hey, go out, anyway, he will be fired today..."


Several teachers at the Logistics Department heard the snoring of Qian Qian, and all came over, one by one, looking at Zhang Sushang and his face contempt.

A penultimate, guy with zero teacher assessment, what to install?

The student hears your name, escapes too late, and recognizes you as a teacher... What kind of joke?

"Oh? Say I pretend to be forced? That's good, dare not bet?" Zhang Hang is not angry, smiles lightly.

"Bet? Well, since you want to lose, I will fulfill you, just afraid that you are a poor man, you can't get it!" Qian Qian did not expect this guy who has always looked down on him, dare to challenge him. The authority, bet with him, smile coldly.

"I am poor, I don't have to take care of you, since I have to bet with you, of course, I can gamble it!" Zhang Suede lifted his eyes.

"Oh? Can you get it? On your own body, what you can get is also a broken piece of iron and iron. You think that Grandpa will gamble with you? I still can't afford this person!" Full of contempt.

Zhang Xuan is the lowest-ranking teacher in the college, and the last one in the countdown. The students can’t receive it, and the bonuses are not at all. It’s absolutely not the only teacher who is the poorest teacher in the college.

Everyday life is tight, let alone practicing resources!

"Oh!" For the insults of the other party, Zhang Hang did not care, smiled and continued: "I want to gamble is not a baby, not an item, but... face! If you lose, let me Three face slaps in the face! If I lose, let you draw three slaps! Do you dare?"

“Slap in the face?”

I didn’t expect the other party to gamble on this, Qian Qian couldn’t help but sigh.

The face was slap in the face, and it was still pumped by the penultimate teacher in the school. If he really wants to lose, he will not have to live, and the shame can be thrown to death.

"What, don't you dare?" Zhang hangs and smiles.

"Qian Hao, what are you afraid of, the level of this guy you don't know!"

"The teacher's assessment has zero points, can also receive students? This is not a dream!"

"He is scaring you, he wants to receive it, I still don't charge hundreds of people? This year's students are blind again, and it is impossible to reach this level!"


A few other logistics teachers, all sneer.

They didn't believe that Zhang Hang could receive the students.

This is as difficult as a pig on a tree.

"Well, I promised!" When I heard everyone's words, Qian Hao always felt very reasonable and couldn't help but nod.

"You are so happy, do you want to make a bet with me? Is the gambling contract the same as his?"

See this guy promised, Zhang hanging to see the other three teachers in the logistics department.

These three, just ridiculed enough, since I have a bet, I don’t mind more and a few bets.

"How? I feel itchy, want to let us take a few more? Well, Lao Tzu is accompanying!" A teacher's heroic way.

"I also accompany you!"

"Who is afraid of who, got a zero and wants to force in front of our brothers, find death!"

Three people smiled and nodded at the same time.

In their view, bet on it, this Zhang will be lost, and today I will wait for the slap in the face!

Read The Duke's Passion