MTL - Library of Heaven’s Path-Chapter 6 What did you do to our lady?

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It’s all done, Zhao Ya wants to make this guy look ugly!

A movement in the heart, a record of jade crystal appeared in the sleeves.

Record Yujing, who can record the surrounding images and sounds, and she intends to leave the other party's "criminal evidence"! Then when I go out to preach, I can’t argue.

"When is the time to see how you are ugly? Compared with Lu Xun teacher, dream!"

Thinking of recording Yujing will soon be able to get the other party’s "criminal evidence", and he can also teach the other party a good breath. Zhao Ya’s eyes flashed, and he almost couldn’t hold back his smile. He was happy and wanted to hear. The other side said how to talk nonsense, and saw a pair of bright eyes, the lanterns generally stopped.


Zhao Ya was shocked and took a step back. It was only Zhang Zhang’s teacher who was mad at him: “What are you doing?”

"Reassured, I just look!" Zhang hangs his hands behind his back, turns around Zhao Ya, shakes his head, and suddenly stops in front of Zhao Ya, less than a foot away from her.

Feeling the heat of the other person's body, Zhao Ya's face is red, from small to large, there has never been a man so close to her, my heart is nervous, I do not know how, I heard the other party's slow sound It’s up: “You are sick!”

When I heard this, Zhao Ya almost didn't blow up directly. I fainted on the spot: "You are sick, your family is sick..."

She is going crazy.

This guy has a problem with his brain. He martial arts and let him point out the shortcomings. This guy directly said that he is sick. How can there be such a hateful person in the world!

"How do you swear?" Zhang hangs his brow and immediately understands that the words are ambiguous. He smiled slightly: "I said that you are sick, not you!"

"I am not sick!" Zhao Ya cold said: "I see you are sick! It is a disease!"

She is as strong as a cow. She can punch more than one hundred kilograms in a punch. If she is sick, she is very clear in her heart.

"You don't want to refuse, don't you often feel that the two acupuncture points are stunned, especially the full moon night, the wet wind, the whole body is red, upset, and there is a kind of... ..." Speaking of this hesitation, it seems that it can't be expressed in words. He just said: "No matter how you cultivate, you can't meditate?"

"How do you know..."

Zhao Ya, who was originally angry, intended to say something to the other party, and directly vetoed it. Whoever heard this, his face was red and immediately stayed.

Not that he said it is wrong, but... too much!

Recently practicing, she can feel the pain in both the middle and the giant scorpion every day. Of course, this kind of pain is not big. For her, the endure is over, the key is... every month On the night, when the cool breeze blows, the body will be different, giving birth to a strong desire, the whole body will be red, and it will be difficult for you to have a man to hug...

She is just a 16-year-old girl who is not a human being. If she knows what it is, she is only ashamed. I thought that the endurance will pass, and whoever knows more and more, with the body gradually developing, chest Before getting fuller, there is a growing trend.

The previous two passes of the work have passed, but now, ten times and eight times are no use, so I have to practice until the dawn.

This incident, because it was too embarrassing, she did not dare to say, even the best friend around her, the father of the city, did not know!

Everyone doesn't know... How does this guy know?

She is also getting more and more unable to live, so I came to the college to study, want to find out the root cause and solve it completely.

"I am a teacher. You just hit a boxing punch and you will see it!" Zhang hangs lightly.

Of course, I can't see these with the boxing method. The Tiandao Library is different. As long as she has defects, even if it is not a practice, it can be recorded.

Because she saw her problem, Zhang Hang’s face was weird.

"Can there be a solution?"

Zhao Ya's face is red, biting his teeth.

I just wanted to expose the other side. As a result, the other person said her current problem and made her rather uncomfortable.

"There is a solution. I will come to class tomorrow, I will explain it to you!"

Zhang hangs his hand.


Zhao Ya’s eyes are bright and I can’t believe it.

She’s physically, she knows very well, because she can’t control it quickly, it’s tempered, she’s anxious to do anything, I thought it’s only in my heart, I can’t solve it, I never dreamed of it. In front of this, the teacher who is the last teacher of the whole school, broke the word!

And... there is still a cure!

"If you don't believe it, you can go to other teachers in the college!" Zhang hangs a hand, looks pale, and looks like a tall man.

"No, no... just teacher!" Zhao Ya nodded quickly.

It’s not a day or two, she’s not seen in the city’s countless doctors. Even her swearing, Zhao’s master did not notice an abnormality. The teacher Zhang Zhang only looked at it and confirmed it directly. It was she who had seen so many people before!

Because of this, she feels that the other side will definitely have a cure.

"The record spar, are you still planning to keep?"

Hang a finger and a finger.


Zhao Ya was shocked. This reminded me that in order to grasp the handle of the other party, she deliberately left a record spar. If the content of the dialogue really spreads out, how can he still be a person?

"No, no..."

The palm of your hand is forced, "Oh!", the record spar is broken into powder.

Crushing the spar, Zhao Ya once again looked at Zhang’s teacher, but it’s not a hateful face, but an inscrutable.

I will record the spar hidden very well, still found, and the body can also see that such a person who has the ability, how can the teacher's assessment get zero points?

"It must be that he is indifferent to fame and fortune, and does not care about outsiders! I heard that high-ranking people are like this..."

A thought came out, and Zhang was hanging in her heart from the liar, and instantly sublimated to the ranks of peerless high-ranking people.

"Hold your identity card, pick your bedding, books, and find your place by the way, and go to class tomorrow..."

Seeing another student entering the net, Zhang hangs his hand and arranges, and then he hears a loud explosion outside, and a figure rushes over like lightning.


There is a middle-aged person who comes with a fierce breath when he enters the door. It is awesome. At first glance, he knows that strength is not weak.


The room stopped and the middle-aged man was against Zhao Ya.

"Uncle Yao, how come you?"

Zhao Yayi.

It’s not someone else, it’s the Baiyun City butler that two of her friends went to invite, Yao Han!

He sent Zhao Ya to the college, and he planned to go back. Who knows that he hasn’t left yet, he saw two of the latter’s friends rushing to chase, saying that the young lady wants to recognize the teacher of the college’s teacher’s assessment as a teacher. Also let the lady brush the toilet...

When I heard this, Yao Han’s housekeeper almost didn’t blow up on the spot.

Missy, the master of the city! At home, no one dares to call her, feels that she is cleaning, brushing the toilet... It’s so bold and bold!

If this guy is a well-known teacher in the college, there are rules. The key is... This guy is the last in the teacher's assessment, and he is also fascinated by the people...

How can a young lady learn from such a person?

Even if you stay in the city, you can definitely be stronger than this person with your fingertips!

"Miss, you didn't..." I looked at the cold and cold, and Yao Han hurriedly asked the lady in front of me.

"I have already worshipped Teacher Zhang as a teacher!" Zhao Yadao.

I thought I was running fast enough. I didn’t expect it to be a late step. Yao Han’s face was gloomy. After Zhao Yala fell, cold and cold looked at Zhang Hang: “Let’s miss us. The class is back! Then apologize, otherwise, today I am not making this big, let everyone know that you are a teacher, confuse the underage girl, let him enter your classroom!"

"Inciting underage girls? The word is big!" Zhang shook his head.

Others heard this and couldn’t figure out what they had done for Zhao Ya. The days and pity were visible. They only received a student, very pure...

"Let's play with me sloppy eyes, our family lady, the arrogant woman of the day, not your teacher is qualified to teach, I will leave the class, I can not care, otherwise, I must be there to the dean, will You fired..."

Yao Han shouted, but after the words had not been finished, he was interrupted by Zhao Ya behind him.

"Yao Shushu! What are you doing? I am willing to recognize Teacher Zhang as a teacher. What is your chaos?"

Zhao Ya is a lame.

The purpose of coming to the college is to solve the physical problems. The teacher said that he can help solve the problem. Her heart is happy. This guy will interrupt and do something?

"Are willingly?" Yao Han looked at the lady: "Can he really point to the repair, and let your power quickly increase?"

Miss is very proud. He knows it. Can it be that this teacher, who is called waste, can really point her? This makes it convincing?

"Let me gain strength? This is not..." Zhao Ya shook her head.

The other person uttered her illness and did not point out the repair.

"No? That..." Yao Hanman is strange.

"Okay, Uncle Yao, don't ask!" Thinking of his illness, Zhao Ya was a red face.

Seeing the appearance of Miss, Yao Han was a glimpse, and then saw the cracked record crystal on the ground, and then the face was cold, and the whole portrait turned into a violent lion.

"Bad boy, what did you do to our lady? Believe it or not, I am killing you now..."


In the anger, the strong breath quickly rolled up, the waves rushed, and the ground made a "Oops!" sound, seemingly overwhelmed.