MTL - Library of Heaven’s Path-Chapter 2264 Finale (below)

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The soul contract fits the soul, as long as you don't lift it, even if the other means means the sky, you can't resolve it.

It’s like the imperial emperor’s little yellow chicken. It’s just the **** king. He is the emperor. There is no way to solve this kind of agreement.

In order to prevent this guy from becoming guilty, there is a phenomenon of reflexion. The famous teacher has set a special order in the mainland. Even if the other party can get rid of the book of Heaven, he can't break away from the agreement between the souls!

"The soul contract can't be separated from the sea of ​​knowledge, but I have integrated a special gas that can be resolved even with Tiantian. It is not difficult to solve this contract... as long as there is enough power to bombard the place where the contract is located, Do it!"

It’s humane.

The soul contract is based on the heavens. The special forces can even resolve the heavenly roads and resolve the soul contract. If it is handled properly, what is the difficulty?

"It turned out to be..." Zhang hanged his eyes.

"Tell so much with you, thank you for bringing me to the realm!"

After the explanation, the monks no longer said more, the body's breath became more and more distant, and the black hole behind it became even bigger. Obviously, the effort of speaking, and swallowed up a lot of power, made nourishment.

"Zhang Hang, the more the black hole swallows, the stronger his strength..."

Luo Ruoyi also found something wrong and rushed over.

"Ready to do it!" The doubts in the heart disappeared, Zhang Sushou took a deep breath, and the sword in his hand suddenly rose: "If this is the case, then see the real chapter under your hand!"


The most powerful sword meaning is once again displayed.

When life comes back, death is a longevity!

Life and death don't care, what can be stopped?

Although this method of swordsmanship did not reach the emperor's comprehension, it contained all the obsessions in the heart, and brought the heavens in the body to the limit.


A sword will smash the attack of the monk into two halves.

At the same moment, Luo Ruoyi also shot, jade hands rolling, swordsman like snow.

Her swordsmanship is somewhat similar to the young man of Sword God, with an imposing manner and a natural ambiance.

"Your tricks are very powerful, but compared to me, it is still worse..."

With a smile, the monk grabbed it again.

For a moment, the sky is covered, the palms of the hands are shrouded, the space is shattered, and the sun, the moon and the stars seem to be hit hard.

puff! puff!

Zhang Xuan and Luo Ruoqi flew out at the same time, and people spurted blood in the air.

With the strength of the two, they can't resist it!

What kind of realm did this guy reach?

"Let's relax!" Stepping forward, every step, there is a lotus bloom, and the sound of running water in the void.

Looking far away, it’s full of force.

Refining and refining nine days of chaotic Jinlian, his cultivation is not weak compared to Zhang Suhang.

A fist is raised and the power is rushed for nine days.

Colliding with the monks, they also flew out and couldn’t stop a trick.

Zhang hangs on his forehead.

The achievement of the emperor, the avatar is still not modified to force the nature...

Such a beautiful loading force, it is better to concentrate the power, the power is even greater!

"Get together, otherwise, they are dead, we will all die..."

The little yellow chicken screamed, the red flame burned, and the sky seemed to be lit.

The remaining six emperors also have their own means of display.

The seven emperors united and destroyed the earth. One side of the world could not resist it, but the other party was a monk who absorbed special forces. The attack came to the front, the black hole suddenly became bigger, and the blink of an eye swallowed up the power, tightly. Come back with a counterattack.


The seven emperors, like Zhang Hang and others, flew out.

The ten emperors, together, did not even block each other!

How can this guy be so powerful?

"You can die..."

One shot defeated everyone, and the monk took a step forward and turned his wrist and took it again.

"The mouse is dare!"

With a big drink, the old man who had been in the sword **** days suddenly appeared and blocked in front of him, and the sword in his hands turned into a galaxy.

"Imperial? Is he also the strength of the emperor?"

Zhang hangs the hole and shrinks.

The old man was behind the young man. He thought it was just a follower. He was the most famous god, and he showed his strength to discover that he was also an emperor!

If he is an emperor, what is that young man?

"He is the emperor of the sword gods..." Struggling to stand up, Luo Ruo gnawed his teeth.

"That... the young man who passed my swordsmanship?" Zhang Hang couldn't help it anymore.

"He is..." Luo Ruoqi just wanted to answer, the space was distorted, and then the emperor who saw the sword gods, also flew out, fell not far away, and pulled out a big pit.

Zhang’s current strength and his understanding of Kendo are far more than him, and he can’t stand it. Even if he is not weak, his sword is skillful and he is still not an opponent.

"Haha, the emperor, a group of chickens and puppies! Today I will be out for nine days, destroying this godland, and putting all the rules to level!"

Defeat the Emperor of the Sword God, and the monk laughs wildly, and the space around him is constantly falling, and he is like a demon.

"What should I do?" Zhang Xuan fists pinched.

Just now, he and the avatars all showed the strongest fighting power. Even Luo Ruoyi, who was in front of him, used the strongest tricks and did not block the other side’s move...

Is it true that no one can block this in front of the gods?

Let him destroy the world?

"The only way... is to have your heavens and straits missing, return to the heavens itself, let Tiandao suppress him..." Luo Ruo's show fists are pinched and his eyes are red.

"Return to Heaven itself?" Zhang Hang knows what she means.

The library in the mind is itself part of the heavens. Once it returns, the heavens are completely complete, and it is possible to repair the loopholes and exclude the monks.

It's like the body's immune system.

The immune system is complete, the virus is coming, and it is easy to drive away; if it is broken, it will not resist the virus invasion, and the strong one will die.


"He is too strong, even if the heavens are restored, you can't suppress it!" Zhang shook his head.

The virus, the immune system can kill, but... the tiger?

What is the cure for a strong immune system?

This is just the ordinary god, even if the title, the heavens can be easily killed, but more powerful than the emperor... It is no longer the heavens can compete.

"This..." Luo Ruoyu paused, and the white jade showed a lost color: "Yeah... there is no way to suppress it, but when the heavens are complete, he can wake up and kill him. It is not difficult." !"

"He?" Zhang frowned.

"I will take you to see him, just in the sky..." Take a deep breath, and Luo Ruoyi bites his teeth and turns and flies forward.

"Want to escape?" The monks are cold and press down.


Luo Ruoqi fell from the air.

"You..." Zhang Xuanjian was once again displayed, and the sword was brilliant.


Once again blocked by the monks.

"You are going, I am blocking him..."

Knowing that they want to save the gods again, instead of fleeing, avatars and undead emperors, a big drink is blocked in front, and Luo Qiqi is also transformed into a static empty bead.

The space around it solidifies.


Seeing everyone sticking out in the back, fearless death, Zhang Hang eyes red, but also know that now is not to say more, a Laluo Ruo, body sway, cut through the space, the next moment has appeared in the free sky range.

Since the days have passed before the freedom, the gods have collapsed and there is confusion everywhere.

"Where are you talking about, where?"

I don't have time to observe the life of ordinary people, and I can look at the girl in my arms.

If the person she said can really save the world of God, why not sacrifice yourself!

"He is my father, the blood in your pendant, it is his, the undead emperor, once his beast pet..." Luo Ruoqi adjusted his breath and explained.


Zhang Suo suddenly realized.

It is no wonder that the blood in the pendant is similar to that of Loro, but it is different. It turned out to be her father.

This explains why the idea that the emperor did not leave, after seeing the pendant, immediately recognized himself as the master.

"Does your father also be an emperor? Or have the strength to surpass the emperor?"

Can't help but say.

The chaos in the library is the blood in the pendant, so that it is difficult to recover. It is not only that she is an emperor, but also a father, even more powerful?

If this is the case, why is it coma?

Need a lack of heaven and earth to make it clear?

"He is not an emperor, but... heaven!"

Luo Ruo's show fists are pinched.

"Heavenly? Your father... is heaven?" Zhang Susie was shocked and could not believe it.

"Yes! Fifty years ago, my father could not resist the big hand and fell into a coma. The heavens collapsed into three parts. The heavens and the order were indispensable and the heavens were lacking. I entered the space and turbulent. I took control of the heavens and nature and maintained the balance of the gods. Want to let him recover, only the scattered parts are collected... So, I am so determined, can not fail! Only to enter the famous mainland, study the Spring and Autumn Festival, find a way to defeat the Confucius! When fighting with Confucius, please His business is also this."

Luo Ruo said.

Zhang Hang stunned.

The famous teacher of the mainland just met, the girl in front of her, told her story with her, to save a close relative, I did not understand it at the time, and now I suddenly realized.

It turned out to be her father, and it was also the **** of heaven!

Can Tiandao really become adult and have children?

"On behalf of the natural control of the heavens... In your body, there is no heavenly debris?" Suddenly, realizing that something was wrong with her language, Zhang Sued over.

Being controlled by you and being integrated with yourself is two concepts.

"I am just in control, not part of the heavens..." Luo Ruo said.

Zhang suspended a sigh of relief.

In this way, it is only necessary to separate the defects of the heavens and the way, and does not need her to die.

Despite this fate, unwilling to accept, but not wanting the girl in front of me, hurt.

"I will strip out the defects in the body, your father will be able to survive, and even kill the monks?" Zhang Sushang said.

"This... I am not sure..."

Looking up at the gods that had collapsed, Luo Ruoyu hesitated.

The gods are the foundation of the father. Now the foundation is the same. Even if you are awake, can you really defeat the powerful monk?

It’s hard to say!

"It seems that you can't be sure. In this case, it is better to ask for help than others... We only have to find a way for ourselves!" Zhang Susten bite his teeth: "You, me, and avatar, unite the nine heavens and nine emperors. If you are cooperating with the Confucius, you may not Can't win!"

"Confucius? He..." Luo Ruoyi frowned.

"The Confucius is dead now! He didn't really die. If he guessed it, he was killed by you. It was just a way to get rid of the heavens... No accident, he should be the same as Wei Changfeng. Soul body!!"

Zhang Hangdao.

When you see Wei Changfeng, you will understand that Confucius’s so-called spiritual wisdom should be the same as him.

Can do it in the tires.

Coupled with the backhand left in advance, the resurrection is only a matter of time.

Luo Ruo lived, it seems that she did not expect, it will be like this.

"In the past, I knew it. I guessed it well. He should have recovered. Otherwise, his students couldn’t even go to the tides..." Zhang Sud.

The students of Confucius, Ziyuan Gusheng and others, all of them are strong, even if there is no emperor to help, there must be a way to enter the Chaoshan Sea, but none of them have seen.

There must be more important things waiting, and I want to let all the emperors go to the Chaoshan Sea to take care of it!

And this important thing is obviously to restore the Confucius.

"This..." Luo Ruo's heart was shocked and suddenly realized.


No longer explain, with one hand and one stroke, Zhang Hang re-entered the place where Confucius lived. I saw an old man hovering in the air and seeing them coming. He smiled slightly: "Come on!"

Not a hole teacher, who is it!

This master of the world, did not let himself down!

As guessed, when everyone focused on the tides, they were resurrected.

"You..." Luo Ruo's body was shocked.

She knows that the emperor can be resurrected, and the undead emperor is also alive, but... I didn’t expect the speed to be so fast!

"I concealed the heavens and prepared the backhand in advance. The unnamed giant in the ghost pool is what I left. I was killed by you on the same day. I took the opportunity to get rid of the shackles of heaven and reunite the flesh. Now I have just Recovery!"

Confucius smiled slightly.

He is proficient in time, and it seems that the gods have only passed one or two days. In fact, in order to restore strength, I have experienced it for a long time.

For decades, there have been.

"The strength of the three of us is very strong, but it is not so easy to win over the monks..."

Seeing that the Confucius really recovered, Luo Ruoyi still shook his head.

It is not the rise of others, the destruction of one's ambition, but the fact.

Just now, so many people have joined each other and have not blocked each other. What if they add a Confucius?

The same can't change the situation!

"Our single strength, even united, is indeed not the opponent of the other side, but ... if the power of all people is integrated into one person?"

Kong teacher smiled and looked over.

"Infused with one person?"

This time, not only Luo Ruoyi frowned, Zhang Hang is full of doubts.

"The palm can tear the gods, break the heavens, and the strength is strong. Undoubtedly, the monks will absorb all of this power, and they have swallowed up the aura of the gods for 50 years. Based on strength, we have more than a dozen. The emperor, single out, is indeed not an opponent..."

Kong Shidao said: "But together, concentrate the power on one's not necessary!"

“How to concentrate?”

Luo Ruoyi looked over.

It’s simple to say and hard to do.

The emperor has stood at the peak of the realm of the gods. If it is so easy to absorb the power of others, she will not be so stagnant for so many years.

"It's very simple... We concentrate our strength on Zhang Sushang. Once he can break through the emperor, he can save the gods!"

Kong Shidao.

"I?" Zhang Hangyi said: "Why me?"

"The spirit of the Emperor is to be free and free from nature! But with the constraints of the father and the heavens, there are people who are worried about it, and there is no way to be truly detached! If I am not mistaken, when I was fighting with me, you also I gave up and planned to be killed by me!"

Kong Shidao.

Luo Ruoqi can't speak.

When I was fighting, I did have such a plan. Therefore, when the two of them started to fight, they each had their own backs. It was like learning and not fighting like life and death.

"I can't be detached, and naturally I can't exert the strongest power. Even if I give more instinct, I can't impact the supreme realm! As for me..."

Confucius nodded and said: "I want to live in the world, but I want to sacrifice the world, but I don't want others to sacrifice for me. Too much kindness is also a shortcoming! If you have a heart, you will not have the current situation..."

If all the aliens can be killed, the monks will not be resurrected, nor will they have the present situation.

"So, I am not suitable! And Zhang Suhang, the practice is smooth, there is no flaw. Pay attention to living out of the self, even if you die, as long as you live innocent, you will be open-minded. This kind of person has greater tolerance, greater development. Space, only in this way, can go higher and further!"

The Confucius continued.

When life comes back, death is a longevity!

Even death does not care, how can it be blamed by other things?

"This..." Zhang hangs his eyebrows and wants to say something. He sees Kong’s gaze and looks at it: "You don't have to quit, let's say that time is too late, to train other people. Even if it is too late, I don't think anyone can compare. You have done a better job! Although there is no heavenly debris in the body of the Emperor, the gods have control over the heavens and the heavens. They have their own understanding of the heavens. I control the heavens and order. If we instill the power into you, you will have complete heaven in your body. Power! With the nine-day chaotic golden lotus on the avatar, you can do it for nine days, the palm of your hand, the battle of nine, and the destruction of everything!"


Seeing that the other party has made a decision, it is useless to explain it to himself. Zhang Sushang nodded.


Doing a good job in the knees, a blink of an eye, two powerful forces, from the sides.

Zhang Suhang was a stiff body, and the whole person seemed to be incarnate in the sky, flying over nine days.

The soul, the flesh, and the infuriating are all baptized in an instant, becoming stronger and stronger.


"You also want to stop me? Yeah, kill you, then go and kill Zhang..."

Luo Qiqi and the avatars and others were flying, and the monks smiled coldly.

The power of the avatar and the many emperors combined is indeed very strong, but compared with him, it is still weaker.

The Chaoshan Sea will bring out the aura outside the city, and almost all of it will be swallowed up. Now these forces have turned into his foster care, and they have the ability to destroy the heavens and the earth. These emperors and gods represent the most peak of the gods. , still vulnerable.

The monks at this time seem to represent the whole **** world, no one can stop.

"The demise of the gods, it doesn't make sense to live. I am clouded and I am with you..."

Yunxiao Emperor changed his body, a huge five-clawed golden dragon, and the volley rushed over to him.

"Just you? Not worth it!"

When the palm of the hand is pinched, the golden dragon hangs in the palm of the hand, and no matter how you struggle, you can't escape.

"Old friend, wait for me!"

Fu Mengdi Jun also screamed and changed the white tiger deity, and the volley came to the front.

Undead emperor, the undead phoenix deity shows up, the flame shines on the sky.

The Emperor Xuan Ming, the deity is a big turtle, just like holding the heavens.

The four great beasts, guarding the four poles of the gods, while changing the body, the collapsed gods, have slowed down.

Qiankun seems to be fixed in an instant.


Four consecutive palms, the monks suppressed the four beasts, and there was a strong killing in the eyes: "Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you..."

In the roaring sound, I was trying to kill all the dead hands, and I felt that the raised arms were tight and stopped in the air.

"I want to kill them, I asked if I didn't..."

Immediately, in the eyes of everyone, a figure slowly walked out of the air.

It is Zhang Hang!

At this time, the youth, the strength of the whole body, is ten times stronger than the previous one. It comes from the sky, just like the whole person is a world.

"Progress has been a lot..."

The monk stopped and his eyes were dignified.

He obviously did not understand why the strength of the other party has changed so much in just a few minutes.

"However, how is it increased? The gods in the heyday can't resist it. I don't believe, you can stop me..."

A cold sigh, the monk slammed down again.

Zhang Xuan Changjian raised and greeted him.

The two sides fought together, the space was torn apart, and the air flow was raging.

"Can Zhang Hang not win?"

Since the station of the Confucius, Luo Ruoman is worried about seeing the past.

She and the Confucius passed the power to Zhang Suo, and their own cultivation has been reduced to only the level of the gods, not as brilliant as before.

However, where the level is placed, as long as the power is sufficient, one day, it can be restored.

"With the strength of the present, you want to win... it's hard! Unless... he can understand the power beyond the emperor!"

Silence for a moment, Confucius.

More than a dozen emperors can't beat the monks, even if they pass all their power to each other, it is not so easy to win.

The reason for this is because...power can only be concentrated on one person, and it is possible to touch the apex, and it is possible to truly exceed the limit and break through the self!

"Beyond the power of the emperor?"

Luo Ruo's eyes are far away.

When the father was still awake, he had said the same thing to her, but... she could not do it. Can her beloved man do it?

"He must be... he has an unyielding heart! And proud of the world."

Seeing the doubts in her heart, Confucius smiled.



After several consecutive strokes, Zhang Hang's mouth cracked and a huge scar appeared on his chest.

As Confucius said, even if they combine the power of both of them, the body forms a complete heaven, and it is still not an opponent.

"Haha, I thought it was amazing, but it was!" The monk smiled coldly.

"In any case, it is not your opponent. It will be killed sooner or later. In this case, I want to die under your strongest attack..." Take a deep breath, Zhang hovered down, not attacking, but looked at the monks in front of him. .

"Well, I will fulfill you and give you the strongest attack..."

Hearing this, the monk snorted and immediately snorted and raised his palm.


A blue light appeared in the palm of the hand and slammed down.

Sure enough, it was the strongest attack, and the whole godland was roaring, as if it could not bear it, and was once again hit by a huge pothole.

The eyes are closed and the hanging is not evading.


The skull burst open and the soul collapsed.

"Zhang Suspension..." Seeing this scene, everyone is white.

Luo Qiqi is like crazy.

Yunxiao Emperor and others also opened their eyes and kept squatting.

The Confucius and Luo Ruo, who saw this scene, all had a glimpse.

The intention is to let him break through the shackles and shock beyond the realm of the emperor. How can he not resist and be willing to die?

In this way, do you live up to their good intentions?

"No, it is the undead law of the undead emperor..."

It was strange that the Confucius suddenly spoke.

The crowd immediately saw that the head exploded, and even the broken soul of the soul, the pendant of the chest suddenly exploded, a drop of blood suspended and burned, forming a hot flame, a flame in the body, a perfect figure , step by step.

"He... With the help of the other's strength, and the blood in the pendant, the heavens are missing and the soul is separated?"

Luo Ruo pupil shrinks.

After the resurrection of the fire, the Zhang Suhang, the body did not have a Tiandao Library, no interference from the heavens, from the heavens!

"How did he do it?"

Confucius is also full of can't believe it.

Heaven and the soul are merged together, regardless of each other. In order to get rid of it, he has to fly away and use the ghost pool to reunite the soul.

In front of me, I was only killed, and I completely got rid of it. What method did I use?

"I know... he used the way to get rid of the soul contract..." Luo Ruoyi reacted.

The soul contract binds the master and the servant, the master does not dismiss, the servant is always subject to control... The same is true of the Tiandao Library, which can be said to be an enhanced version of the contract.

Bind the soul, not dead will not leave.

But... the deaf people used this special force to get rid of the soul contract, the specific method, Zhang Suhang before asking in detail, I am afraid that then I moved my mind.

This is deliberately desperate to let him display the strongest force to attack him.

With this power, the fire was reborn, but I did not expect it to be a great success!

"It turns out that this is the way to break through the emperor..."

The hanging from the flame, the face showed a faint smile, as if he understood something, suddenly a wave of hands, one side of the body, immediately turned into a lotus, flew over.

In an instant, it blends perfectly with itself.

In a blink of an eye, everyone feels that the hanging in front of me seems to have turned into nine days, nine days is him.

The sole of the foot is gently stepped on the ground.

The chaotic nine days immediately stabilized.

Nine-day chaotic golden lotus, appeared in the birth of nine days, can be stable for nine days, at this time the perfect integration of the avatar and the self, regardless of each other, is equal to his control of this power.

Not only that, but the fusion of the nine-day chaos Jinlian, he has reached the peak of the peak, appeared loose, seems to break through at any time.

"The main servant, brotherhood, teacher and student love, parental love, love...combined together, it is the world, this is the human!"

With a smile, Zhang whispered to himself.

When the Heavenly Library was separated from the soul, he understood it.

Is it that when people see the world, they have the world, or do they have the world first, and then there are people?

Is the wind, or heart!

This problem has plagued countless people with immortality.

Of course, now... these are not important!

Without life, without emotion, what is the meaning of the world?

Therefore, after breaking through love, it is the sentient beings! It is the emotion that interweaves the world.

Everything in the world has emotions, and when there is love, there is a world, and there are emotions to continue life.

Love is love.

Oh, it’s love.

Happy, it is love.

Pain is love.

Parting is love.

Get together, it’s love!

"Thousands of affection, for my use..."

With a low cry, Zhang suspended the realm of imprisonment, and instantly broke open.

Emperor Jun, broke through!

For a moment, as if touching a new world and the door, the soul was quickly nourished.

Numerous chaotic qis have flown in, and the flesh has also increased rapidly.

Only before can we absorb the spiritual power, we can make progress, and now the space is turbulent, the chaotic gas, even the other party's blue light, can be owned by me, regardless of each other.

"You..." The monk did not expect that his own full-strike attack, not only did not kill him, but turned him into a full, angry "wow!" screaming, angry, and attacked again.

"You resent the emperor who is high above, did not save himself in the turbulent flow of space, is love; feels that it was my servant, contains humble and angry, is love; wants to destroy the realm of God, venting anger, is love; wants to change It’s more powerful, it’s the same emotion... The emotions control you, how can you beat me and not be controlled by me?”

With a faint smile, the sound of Zhang Hang is getting faster and faster, more and more loud, and the palm of his hand is lightly caught.

The invincible monks, who were originally invincible, were shackled by countless emotional thin lines, and they were unable to move.

As long as there is love, he will be used by him and controlled by him!


The eyes of the deaf are full of fear: "Zhang Shi, I am your servant, don't kill me... I am willing to sacrifice the soul..."

"Now, let's talk about it, it's already late..." Smiled, and Zhang shook his head.

Controlling the world, servants and the like have no meaning for him.

Killing so many people at the **** level, hurting his girlfriend, Luo Qiqi and so many friends, today, how can you forgive!

"Do not……"

Feeling his decisiveness, the pupils contracted, the voice did not end, and immediately felt a sharp pain.


In an instant, the explosion opened up and turned into countless auras, pouring into the realm of the gods.

Before, all the forces swallowed by the tidal sea, all of which were backed up at this time, the wilderness that had dried up, revived.


"So kill it?"

Yunxiao Emperor, Undead Emperor, Linglong Fairy, and so on, all widened their eyes and could not believe it.

Just now they had handed over with the monks and knew that it was terrible. Such a powerful person was completely destroyed. What kind of situation did Zhang Suhang reach?

Is there really another realm above the emperor?

"He succeeded……"

Confucius and Luo Ruoqi, loosen the clenched fist.

"This is part of the heavens, then I will return to Heaven now..."

Seeing that "there is a shortage of heaven and earth" that has been separated from his own body, he is still suspended in the air. Zhang Hang gently smiles and bends his finger.


From the rebirth of his library, he was inlaid on the sky of the gods.

The bells of the big bell, the gods that are constantly collapsing, the slow recovery visible to the naked eye, the chaotic airflow, are also reunited.

The collapsed gods finally stopped, and the dry aura was accompanied by the death of the monks, slowly recovering.

"It seems that the realm of the gods will regain the era of reiki recovery..." Zhang Hang smiled.

The caves of the Chaoshan Sea, with the completion of the heavens, have been restored, and the restoration of the predecessors in the realm of the gods is only a matter of time.

"Zhang Hang, here is..."

Just finished this, a voice rang in the brain, Zhang hangs a bit, step by step.

This step, I do not know how far I flew, and immediately saw a young man standing in front of him.

It was the one who taught his sword before.

"Predecessors, you..."

Seeing him is, Zhang hanging a glimpse.

I thought this was unfathomable before. Now I found out that it is only a little worse than myself. It has reached the peak of the emperor. Compared with the previous Luo Ruo, I don’t know how much.

"Call me my name, my name is... Nie Tong!" The youth exudes a sword that is in the forefront, faint.

"Nie Copper?" Zhang frowned and frowned.

I heard this name for the first time.

"Follow me, bring you to see my brother!" The young man named Nie Tong smiled and stepped forward.

Zhang hung behind him, not knowing how far he flew, stopped in front of a mountain.

I saw another young man.

The appearance is not much bigger than him, and his eyebrows are rising, giving a deep sense of incomprehensibility.

"This strength..." Zhang hanged.

The strength of this young man is even stronger than him. He has also broken through the embarrassment of the emperor, and he has cultivated it to be more profound and profound!

"Under, Nie Yun!" The young man smiled and looked over: "That is... Nie Lingxi, the father of Luo Ruo in your mouth!"

"What about Ruo's father?"

Zhang Xuanzheng: "You... is God's Heaven?"

Before Luo Ruoyong said that his father, Tiandao, could not think of it, is such a young man.

"I am a gasification of Sanqing, part of the soul, became a heavenly way! Besides, this world is created by me, saying that I am a heavenly road!" Nie Yun smiled lightly.

Zhang can't believe it.

The realm of the gods is actually created by this person?

How strong is his strength?

"No, if the gods are created by you, you are heavenly, why do you let the monks raging, and not shot..." Zhang Sued over.

If it is not a breakthrough, the gods are very likely to collapse completely. Why do you not ask this person?

Even the daughter’s life and death are concerned?

Didn't answer his question, Nie Yun looked faintly: "Do you think... there is more powerful life above the gods?"

"This..." Zhang paused: "Should be there..."

Although I have not seen it, since he can cultivate to this realm, maybe other people can, and even stronger.

It’s like this in front of me.

"I once suspected that there will be more powerful life above the gods, so I used all my strength to peek, and eventually led to the reversal of a higher world... a palm broke down!"

Nie Yun looked over: "If I dodge at the time, it is very likely that the whole godland will be smoothed out, and there will be no more than half a life... So, this trick is blocked, but as a result, the heavens of the incarnation are split."

"In this case, I want to recover, just a thought, but... I understand that I want to truly detach from the realm of the gods, to explore where the palms come from, what is beyond the realm of the gods... I am alone. It's hard to do. So, if you want to see if there is life, you can break through the emperor and reach the level of being equal to me!"

"So, send the scattered heavenly ideas to the bottommost world... give the souls that belong to the world, and the souls that don't belong to this world. And you, I didn't let me down!"

Nie Yun laughed.

"The soul that does not belong to this world, so to speak, I am crossing, is it because of you?" Zhang Susie felt a shock.

No wonder, I was able to cross it, but I didn’t expect it to be what I was doing.

“Oh!” Nie Yun smiled softly and said: “It belongs to this world, and it has awe of the world. If you want to break through the world, it’s much more difficult. I’m also thinking about it. I didn’t expect that you really Can succeed..."

"I..." Zhang Hang's face was red: "If it weren't for Confucius, I couldn't have reached this point..."

Without the selfless dedication of the Confucius Division, it is impossible to achieve the realm of the present.

"Opportunity I gave him, I didn't grasp it. The fight with the spirits is actually the best chance for him to break through. Unfortunately, he chose to retire, thinking that he left his backhand and can retreat. But actually it is Losing the brave and daring, facing the people who surpass us, if there is no such spirit, how can we compete with it?"

Nie Yundao.

Zhang Sushang silent.

At the time, the two men fought in the eyes, and the Confucius did indeed have some defects in the decisive decision.

It is also possible that he is not willing to kill Luo Ruo.

Unfortunately, between this thought, I missed the opportunity to advance.

"If the Confucius wins, if he wins, he will die..." After a while, Zhang Sushang looked over and his eyebrows wrinkled.

It’s hard to be true. Doesn’t this daughter’s life and death be ignored?

"If I am there, she will not die..." Nie Yun smiled faintly: "Your strength is not much different from me. You feel the strength of the two, life and death, want to save people, can you do it?" ?"

"This..." Zhang paused and smiled.

Breaking through the emperor and the emperor are two concepts. If he is really willing to take the shot, he can indeed save the person at the last minute, and guarantee that a little injury can not stand.

"The soul is the birth of another wife, Luo Liancheng, so her disguised name, surnamed Luo... In order to make her believe, not emotional, I have always thought that I am still in a coma..."

Nie Yun smiled and said: "I am too embarrassed to do this... This way, you still explain it to her. After all, her current mind has been transferred to you, my dad, I can't think of it anymore... Haha, I don't show up for a while, avoiding it for a while, otherwise, I'm afraid she is upset..."

Seeing this unreasonable old man in front of him, the face was pumping, Zhang Hang had to promise: "Okay..."

I can't help but I can't help. Who told me to abduct someone's daughter...

"The Heavenly Library is a combination of my mind and mind. It is the foundation and the embarrassment. You can rely on your own ability to break through the shackles and explain your abilities and potentials. In the future, my daughter will be with you and be a father. It is also very gratifying."

Nie Yun laughed.

Zhang Xuan nodded, after a while, suddenly remembered something, turned to look at the side of Nie Tong: "Predecessors, the **** who knows the sword of God, is it you?"

The founding ancestor of Shangyun Yunyun Pavilion, like Confucius, has long since come to the realm of the gods, but he has never heard of his name.

With oneself, you can understand the sword of God, so how can you be so obsessed with such talent?

"It is the inheritance of my thoughts, the purpose is to let you take less detours, better progress, but also hope that you can quickly catch up with your brother's footsteps! He is lonely... for a long time!"

Nie copper faint road.

Looking at the young man not far away, it seems that in his eyes, no one else except his brother.

Also, this small place in the gods is just a casual idea for him. It is not worth mentioning at all, but for him, it has a great effect.

It is precisely because of the understanding of this sword method that it goes farther and farther, until now.

"It turns out, thank you..."

Suspicion unraveled, Zhang sighed with relief.

It seems that every move of their own is under their observation, fortunately, they are fortunate not to be insulted!

"Go back, practice well, and when you are completely stable, I will take you to a farther place to see, the real world, how big is it..."

Nie Yun smiled lightly, and with a big hand, Zhang Hang felt the space change in front of him and returned to the sky.

Luo Ruoqi is standing not far away.

"Zhang Xuan……"

The girl smiled and rushed over like a flower bloom.

(End of the book)

Ps: Finished this, there will be a final testimony at night, talk about the history of the book, and the new book. The last time you ask for a ticket, please leave it to Laoya!

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