MTL - Library of Heaven’s Path-Chapter 2238 The origin of the teacher

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"You can only ask in person..." Zhang shook his head.

On the bright side, the most powerful **** is Loro, but somehow, he always feels that a big hand is pushing, letting them fall into a whirlpool and unable to extricate themselves.

"Can you pass me on the practice of the three corpses?"

Don't think about it, Zhang can see it.

Regardless of whether you can help yourself get rid of the shackles of heaven, as long as this method is adopted, it means that there are three more lives, and the means of life-saving has greatly increased.

Moreover, it can also get rid of evil bodies, good corpses, and corpses, and become more pure. Later, cultivation is more convenient.

"This set of exercises, you want to cultivate, you can't stay in the memory, you can't stay in the memory... Otherwise, you will be peeped! We are in the turbulent flow of the land leaving the famous teacher, and we are taught by the teacher. After the training, we will Forgot... Even the teacher, I will not keep the law in my mind... So, there is no practice here!"

Ziyuan ancient sacred smile.

I don't want to pass it, but I can't pass it.

If you want to live through the heavens, you can only eliminate it from your memory. Once you do this, the exercises will be lost. If you want to pass on people, you can't do it!

Understand it, Zhang Suxiao smiled, and some curiosity: "This set of exercises is created by Confucius himself? Is it true that in the famous mainland, he knows that there will be people who will fight for their fate?"

This is his strangest place.

When the famous teacher left China, he knew nothing and was extremely dependent on the library.

According to the normal principle, the dispute over heaven is a fact that the realm of the gods can know. Why did the Confucius prepare in advance in the famous mainland?

Is it in control of the order of heaven and the ability to have an unknown prophet?

"Although the teacher is a saint, the talent is unparalleled, but it is not born to know, but some people teach, lead the way..." Ziyuan ancient holy road.

Zhang candid.

Confucius from the famous mainland, the performance is too dazzling, so that he once thought that turned out, do not need to learn ... now think about it, too one-sided.

As long as it is a person, it is a process of learning from ignorance to knowledge.

The talent of Confucius is irreplaceable, but how do you step into cultivation? And who learned to practice? There must be a guide.

It’s as if you have the anti-day cheats of the Heavenly Library, and you need to be guided by the Confucius.

"This set of exercises is taught by the ancestors..." Ziyuan Ancient Nod.

"Zhuzu?" Zhang Suo doubts.

He also heard for the first time that Confucius had a teacher.

"Before the famous teacher, the knowledge of the mainland, only called the "teacher"!" Ziyuan ancient holy road: "It is the emergence of the ancestors, after the talents, the master of the pro-pass, called the "teacher"!"

"..." Zhang hangs a mist.

What the other party said, it feels like a tongue twister... Why didn’t you understand it?

"We call you Zhang Shi, you call our teacher a Confucian teacher, and many people call me a Yan Shi... They all praise the Master by their surnames. The word 'teacher' is just a teacher and he is called his master. Later, it was used by us, and it was passed down to the present..." Ziyuan Ancient St. continued.

Zhang hangs for a long time, thinking of something, and looking at the doubts: "Do you mean... your ancestors, surname ‘old’? So called ‘teacher’, is this the title of teacher?”

"Not bad!" Ziyuan ancient holy nodded.

"There are people surnamed old?" A bitter smile, Zhang Hang no longer pursued, once again strangely looked over: "Since the teacher can teach the Confucius such a profound practice, the cultivation is inevitable, how... I have never Have you heard?"

The history of the famous teacher, he has seen it many times, and there are also living guides like the monks... I have never heard of this super-named surname "old"!

"Listening to the teacher, the ancestors only spent a short time in the famous teacher's mainland. When they were shocked, they left the green cow. When they went there, he didn't know, we naturally didn't know..."

"Okay..." It seems that I can only wait for the Confucius to be resurrected before I can ask.

I know that I can't learn the three corpses, and Zhang Hang can only look at it: "I don't know among you, you can have a strong person who is good at alchemy. You can have a special product such as Yuan Dan in your hand. Can you quickly improve the drugs you have repaired?"

His soul has reached the title of the **** of the king, and he has also realized the breakthrough of the emperor's exercises. What is lacking is the opportunity to improve the infuriating medicine and enhance the body.

As long as the two meet the conditions, it is entirely possible to push the cultivation into the real peak of the gods, and even... the emperor!

The flesh has already thought about it, and the undead emperor is resurrected. The undead lava pool must be re-used. It can be tempered in it, but it is infuriating, not enough medicine, not so easy to progress.

The most powerful floating river in the world of alchemy, there is not much in the hands of the gods. Perhaps the accumulation of Confucius in these years should be quite a lot.

"There is no special product, Yuan Dan, the teacher refining a few years ago. Our brothers and sisters have eaten a lot. There should be a few hundred left. I will take it..."

Ziyuan Gu Sheng smiled and turned and left.

"Hundreds of pieces?"

It’s not a hole teacher, it’s really rich.

Time is not long, Ziyuan Ancient Saint took a cloth bag and threw it at once: "All here..."

Suspended open, and then saw the dense and fabulous **** Yuan Dan, there are hundreds of them.

"You will ... God Yuan Dan here?" Eyebrows jumped.

Others refining the gods of the gods are placed in jade boxes or jade bottles. The other party directly installs them in rag bags, just like loading garbage...

They all made him wonder if he got the fake medicine.

I squeezed out one by one and swallowed it.


A majestic aura immediately spread out in the body, followed by a second, third... one after the other.

"You... so eat medicinal herbs?" Fu Jiangchen's skin leaps.

They have a lot of medicinal herbs, but this is the best of God Yuan Dan. He is the strength of the gods. It takes a while for refining and chemicalization.

More drugs are not enough for you to eat!

It is full of speechlessness, and you can see that the cultivation of the youth in front of you is a quick breakthrough from the early days of the king of God.

The middle of the gods!

Late King of God!


A moment of hard work reached its peak, and it slowly stopped.

"It's a pity... the effect of the great **** Yuan Dan is gone..." stopped, and Zhang Hang said with a feeling.

The sacred **** Yuan Dan is useful to the ordinary title gods, but for Zhang Suo, to reach the peak of the gods, the effect is not big, and there are more swallows, and it is impossible to let it break through the king.

"Thanks to no effect, otherwise, not all finished?"

Ziyuan ancient holy man is a helpless voice.

Zhang hangs down and looks at the medicinal herbs in the bag, only half a mile...

A look of sly, scratching his head: "The main thing is that the taste of the Confucius refining is too delicious, pineapple, apple, control, eat more!"

Ziyuan Ancient Saint: "..."

(I saw someone saying that Laoya copied the next door to correct the truth, I will hehe. I only saw the tractor contest. I haven’t seen it for several years. I don’t know the latest plot you said, how to copy it? Sword is one of China's top ten famous swords. It is not necessary to copy other people's. As for the three corpses, I have never finished Dantian, I wrote it. If you can't believe it, it is a 13-year old book, and you haven't opened the book yet. Did you copy the outline? Do I have the ability to be a prophet?

These are the plots that have long been set. Although the cultivation is true, the heavens are not bad, copying, not to be. I asked the milk ride privately. He hasn't seen me recently. I haven't seen him recently. If you say...we have a heart and soul, don't eat together in May, play together, sleep together. Cough, sleep in the same building. . Can you spit? )

Also, recommend a friend's book. "Kowloon Tundra", today, you can go and see.

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