MTL - Library of Heaven’s Path-Chapter 220 Dan Wang!

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From the alchemy just now, Fu Jiangchen has a deep admiration for this young and unspeakable Zhang Su, who can study the medicinal materials and the alchemy to this point, how could it harm himself!

Therefore, knowing that you are not resisting, there will be danger, but you will also recognize your teeth.

Puff puff!

The silver needle enters the acupuncture point, and the above-mentioned road infuriates into the body. The meridian that was blocked by erysipelas before, under the impact of force, exploded in an instant.

The infuriating instinct in the body rushed up, like a torrent of water breaking through the levee.

Hey! Hey!

The strength of life and the purity of infuriating, the blink of an eye has changed dramatically, and the temperament of the whole person has also taken it to the next level, taking the final step.

"This way... breaks through"

Floating river Chen stayed.

The problem that has troubled him for many years has been solved.

Exquisite fairy, can not solve the problem, this is easy to complete?

"I have already had twenty breaths, don't hesitate, hurry up and warm up the stove!" Seeing him in a daze, Zhang Hang hurriedly yelled.

The infuriating body in the other body, full output, can only insist on 30 breaths, lancets, breakthroughs, a total of 20 breaths, no faster, once the gas is exhausted, the temperature has not met the requirements, this time alchemy, It will also fail completely.

Because it was not put into the king of the grass, even if it failed, it was just a waste of common medicine, but... Zhang has not been so much time!

Refining 107 kinds of drugs, it has taken nearly two hours, rediscovering the medicinal materials, waiting for the physical recovery of the other side, re-refining...

Go back to the competition and enter the Lingshen Palace place, the daylilies are cold!

Therefore, it must succeed and cannot fail!

"Good!" Fu Jiangchen gritted his teeth.

Although it broke into the peak of the gods, but did not have time to practice, the body's true gas reserves did not increase, so at this time, only ten breaths can be adhered to.

Although I don't know what the other party wants to warm up, now, we can only obey orders.


The infuriating spirit became pure, and the influx of madness, the flame under the furnace, became more fierce and dazzling, and the temperature that had been stagnant, jumped again.

After five more breaths, the sweat on his head popped up again, and Fu Jiangchen turned his head: "I have reached the limit again, and the flame temperature can no longer be raised..."

Even if it is a breakthrough, it can't be consolidated, and the temperature increase is limited. If it can't be reached, there is no way.

"The temperature is enough... keep it!"

The hanging eyes are also somewhat reddish.

It is worth noting that the medicine is broken, but the fruit is not very good.

I thought that as long as it breaks into the peak of the gods, the flame temperature can easily be reached or even surpassed. I did not expect that the temperature just broke through the critical point!

This kind of critical point is equal to the minimum temperature that can melt the king's grass. The medicinal herb that was supposed to be 100% successful is not sure at this moment!

"do not care……"

I knew that I couldn’t hesitate. I took my teeth and took out the King of the Kings. I spread my palms and lifted my hands. Four drugs were instilled in his heart, and I was thrown into the stove.


When the gas was in contact with the hot pot of the furnace, it immediately burned in the Dan furnace, and just reached the critical point temperature, and it was raised again.


The sturdy King of the Kings grass melts immediately and blends perfectly with the previous liquid.

Three breaths!

Two breaths...

"Come on..." Zhang hangs his fists tightly.

Even if the **** king grass melts, it can be perfectly integrated with the previous liquid medicine, and it takes time, but... not far from the floating river, obviously can not hold!

One breath!

"Sorry, I can't do it..."

His face was white, and Fu Jiangchen was like a noodle, and fell to the ground.

Infuriating in the body, there is no drain left.

Losing the power blessing of the king of the peak, the flame of the Dan furnace was extinguished immediately, and the temperature inside the furnace also began to shrink.


The fusion of Shenwangcao and liquid medicine also reached the final step. The moment when the power disappeared, it was completely completed. The roar of the earth moving mountain sounded, and four medicinal herbs jumped straight out of the furnace and spurted out into the sky. .

God King breaks the barrier Dan, Cheng!

"I have no power, control the Dan furnace, and hunt down the medicine..."

Looking at the medicine that rushed out of the furnace, Fu Jiangchen was both happy and uncomfortable.

Fortunately, at the last moment, he did not drop the chain, or he practiced the drug... The uncomfortable thing is that the medicinal herb has reached this level and already has its own ingenuity. It is highly probable that this refining, the particles are not collected, did nothing!

In front of this Zhang Suo’s cultivation is only the top quality of the gods. The medicinal herbs in front of them are not the same as the gods, but they are not much different!

Four joints, before they broke through, it is not so easy to catch, not to mention the power of the body at this moment!

In other words...

Although the refining of medicinal herbs is successful, it can only watch the drugs fly away, and ultimately nothing can be obtained!


As imagined, these medicinal herbs, after breaking through the furnace, immediately broke through the seal of the room and flew to the sky.

"How is it so little?" Zhang Hang's eyebrows wrinkled.

According to his calculations, the four gods and kings with such a precise alchemy technique can at least produce about ten medicinal herbs. Unexpectedly, only four appeared.

However, at this time, it is not the time to calculate this. The eyebrows are raised and the body is vertical. The person has appeared in the air, and a long sword appears in the palm of the hand.


Numerous swords swayed out like a huge fishing net in the air.

Heart like dual screen, there Chien knot!

Knowing the power of these medicinal herbs, Zhang Sushang took a shot and put the most powerful swordsmanship out.

The swordsmanship that transcends the heavens when you were in heaven, went to the realm of the gods, and changed, and with the long sword of the king level, it was densely covered and covered all around.

Although the gap between the fishing nets is large, it will automatically shrink when it hits the force.

Skynet is restored, not leaking!


The medicinal herbs were smothered by the Jianqi fishing nets, and they were unable to break free. They were instantly erased of the spirituality and earned the jade box.

"All right!"

Grab the escaped medicinal herbs, Zhang hangs a sigh of relief, just want to say something, suddenly a flower in front of him, another medicinal medicine in the Dan furnace, violently spurting out, blinking into the sky, turning into a cloud Black spots will disappear.

"Well, there is still a Dan King!"

Zhang hangs the hole and shrinks.

Under normal circumstances, the refining of medicinal herbs, the same furnace, the efficacy of the medicinal herbs is not much different, but there are exceptions.

It seems that this time, the time for the flame to reach the temperature is too short, and the king of the king has put too much, and the power of the floating river is exhausted. The most essential medicine has not been evenly distributed, and it has formed one. The strongest Dan King!

The medicinal properties of this medicinal herb are several times better than those of other medicinal herbs. When it comes to strength, it is already comparable to the king of God!

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