MTL - Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable-v11 Chapter 2135 , 10 star mission

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The power of the sister is extremely powerful.

The thing that was supposed to be taken to the law enforcement hall by the law enforcement team was instantly resolved.

have to say.

Sometimes women are much more powerful than men.


These women are all desperate.

Can be arrogant, can be awkward, can also be spoiled, can be worried, is simply omnipotent.

far away.

Yang Lan smiled lightly and said: "It looks like your kid is mixing well in the red peak, but..."


"How good a seedling, why didn't you pursue it?"

In his opinion, Luo Tian did not pursue, his pursuit should be a woman.

After Luo Tian was taken to the red peak by Li, he inquired about the news of Luo Tian several times and did not find out.

He also thought that Li really did not really take Luo Tian as a true disciple. Now it seems... not at all.

Yang Lan shook his head and sighed, and he was very sorry about this Luotian.

In the past month, Situ Hong has made rapid progress, and the realm has broken through two layers, and the practice of cultivation, the kendo is even more amazing.

The position of the Situ family in the ice fire sect is also in full swing. Even the Situ Chong, who was abolished below, was promoted to become an elite disciple of the inner door, and the status is more than the average elder.

Then it is quite broken.

The star of tomorrow is engraved.

Breaking into the realm of the sea, the control of the law has reached an alarming level.

Chen Yu, the new disciple of the Beast Church.

The beast has a strong fighting power. Within half a month, he has already caught three heads and four beasts and made a sensation.

They are all making progress and they are all improving rapidly.


Luo Tian is still the realm of the sea.

There is no progress in repairing.


The woman around him is more than a enchanting one, one is more than one ecstasy. In this case, who still has the mind to cultivate?

Yang Lan sighed in his heart and said: "At that time, Li should not be taken with him, and it was really abolished."


"Luo Tian, ​​Luo Tian, ​​there are still half a month is Zongmen Dabi, you are admitted to the ice fire sect in the first place, but this time, I am afraid that you will not even qualify for the stage." Very sad.


Mission hall.

Luo Tian looked at the beating of the task screen.

"This mission is good. Grab a nine-horned lizard. It is a C-level mission, rewarding a lot of points, and Yuanshi rewards."

"Hey, how was it picked up? It’s too irritating."

"This is also good, you see that collecting a hundred flowers, this is definitely the thought of the alchemy, we will hurry to pick up..."

After waiting for Zhu Ying to finish the words, the task disappeared from the taskbar.

These low-level tasks are refreshed every day and are picked up every day at the moment of refresh.

Low-level tasks are best to brush the gate points.

In order to receive these tasks, you must have a good relationship with these disciples and elders who posted the mission.

and so.

It is said that the alchemy hall has a lot of oil and water, and there are many materials in the refining hall.

These people can be said to be rich people in Zongmen.

"It was taken away again, it was too irritating." If the piano squats.

"Instructor, what should I do?"

"One person can't get the task." Zhu Ying is anxious.

This trial is very important to them.

Since Luo Tian wants to fight, they can't drag Luotian's hind legs, just like Luo Tian said, they also want to shine in the Zongmen Dabi, sensational Zongmen, the last time the list.


All of this requires cultivation of resources. They can't even get the most basic tasks. If they earn resources for cultivation?

With their current strength, they are at most C-level tasks. Once they have reached the A-level, they don’t even have to think about it. They have no strength at all.

It was at this time.

Luo Tian’s eyes sank and stared at the ‘S’ level mission on the task screen.


Luo Tian went to the task window.

The girls immediately followed up and excitedly said: "Instructor, do you want to pick up any tasks?"

“Is it C or D?”

"You haven't appeared too much, and the instructor is also B-level."

The girls are excited.

Luo Tian went to the window and said: "Tianshui Black Pool, Jiutou Xiaolong."

The window disciple glanced at it and watched Luo Tian stare for ten seconds before he screamed: "What mission did you just say? Say it again."

Luo Tian repeated: "Tianshui Blackpool kills nine dragons."

Zhu Ying repeated one sentence, then looked at the task on the task screen, his eyes jerked and hurriedly pulled Luo Tian, ​​whispered: "Instructor, you just read it wrong, Tianshui Blackpool kills Jiutou Xiaolong It is an SSS-level mission, and the mission is ten stars. The mission is also a ten-star mission. This mission was a few years ago. Even the senior disciples in the inner door are afraid to pick up. I heard that several elders have died because of this mission. ""

In her opinion, Luo Tian is definitely wrong.

No one dares to touch this kind of task.

Luo Tian smiled lightly and said: "No mistake, it is."

Going back to the task disciple: "Tianshui Blackpool Jiutou Xiaolong is him."

The disciple was shocked and did not help Luo Tian to make a record. He said: "Kid, look at the level of tasks. Don't be okay to find death, only one life, understand?"

SSS level, the risk factor of ten stars, this task is not an outside door, even the inner door is not dare to touch.

It is simply the existence of death.

Luo Tian seriously said: "Just it, trouble to help me make a record, red training peak Luo Tian."


Luo Tian took out a few Yuanshi from his arms. These were all that he had burst out before.

The disciple sank with a sneer and said: "You want to die? You can do it, but it is not me."


The disciple said loudly: "Tianshui Blackpool, killing the nine dragons, and reding the peak Luotian."

The sound fell.

The entire hall is quiet.

Also at this time.

The mission information of the ‘Tianzhi Black Pool Jiutou Xiaolong’ task on the task screen disappears.


The task hall was fried.


"Who is the brain that has been cramped to pick up this task? Isn't it looking for death?"

"Not going to Situ Hong?"

"Impossible, the task is to disappear in the outer door, it must be the task of the outside disciple, just pick it up."

"This person must not think about it, think of looking for death. There is only one result of this task, and the whole group is destroyed."

"Ha ha ha..."

"I know who it is, the man who is the red peak."

"What is it like? Then he really is going to find death, and with so many sisters, I rely on it, this person has problems."


"Instructor, you want to be clearer."

"Instructor, we can't accomplish such a task."


All the girls are called Luo Tian.

Luo Tianwei smiled and said: "Don't do it, how can I know?"

This task is indeed dangerous.


This is the only trial path for them. No other task is suitable for them. Luo Tian has no choice!


Read The Duke's Passion