MTL - Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable-v11 Chapter 2088 , the next person, the slave!

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Luo Tian madly kills more than every time, Luo Tian is practicing the pace of the dragon and the dragon sword.

Just like the system described.

Step by step, step by step, and step by step.

The meaning of the martial arts is like a world, extremely difficult to master.


If you can play the power of the pace of the dragon, then you will step through the dragon, just like the dragon in the same anger is roaring.

The same is true for the knife method.

A knife and a realm.

And inside this dragon knife method, it is like a knife and a hell, a knife into a devil, a knife to break the Buddha, that kind of ambition makes Luo Tian simply do not want.

Luo Tian never thought about the upgrade of skills before.

Because he only needs proficiency.

With proficiency, he can constantly improve his skill level, but now...

There is no proficiency in the two exercises.

He can only rely on his constant comprehension, continuous cultivation, and comprehend the power in the practice from cultivation.


"Come back!"

Luo Tian stepped out of the third step, how can he not go out, just shape, no intention, the power is also weak ten times.

"Come back!"

Luo Tian started again from the beginning.

One day passed!

Luo Tian is killing and madly practicing.

The next day, he still did.

In addition to being too tired to take a break, Luo Tian did not let go of any cultivation time.

It used to be practiced by proficiency.

Now, not only rely on death training, but also rely on comprehension, constantly thinking about it!

"Situ Chong is repaired in the realm of Chenghai."

"If I want to step on him, he must be stronger than him. It must be several times stronger."

"The level is better than him."

"The practice is also better than him!"

Luo Tian thought of Situ Chong's despicable face and he was very upset.

If it weren’t for him, the ice girl, the fire girl would not fall to the end.

Nothing else can be ignored.

But these two girls can't care.

It’s a lifetime of things.


"Continue to practice!"

One step at a time, one step at a time, one world at a time, and sometimes Luo Tian’s body seems to release the power of the dragon.

But it disappeared invisibly in an instant.

The more he cultivated, the more he felt that this set of exercises was far from being as simple as the six products.

In other words, the exercises he practiced in other planes are too junk.

"Come back!"

Constant practice, practice in battle, rely on those evil enchantments, and constantly practice combat skills.

Integrate the Tianlong pace and the Tianlong knife method into the bones.

Completely integrated into it.


Full time for half a month.

Luo Tiandu practiced in the abyss, and there are enchanting bodies everywhere.


It’s a bit strange for such a long time. Apart from these evil deities, he didn’t see an elite monster, let alone.

In fact, he did not know.

The demon abyss is not without elites, nor is it not, but they are now crushed by the megalithic demons, and they are afraid to move, all on the ground.

They also want to go out and kill Luo Tian, ​​eat it, but they can't do it.

The megalithic old devil launched the prestige, they can't bear it!

The idea of ​​the megalithic old demon has never left Luo Tian. Looking at Luo Tian’s practice of continuous cultivation and constant smothering, he is more and more happy. “Like, like, it’s too much like it. It’s exactly the same. ”

"Ha ha ha..."

"The strength and breath of his body is much stronger than that of half a month ago. Although the speed of cultivation is almost the same as that of the old master, who can match the entire Wuhai area?"

"Less master is mighty!"



Luo Tian exhaled a long breath, sweating and said: "Fin finally practiced to the fourth step."

"The Tianlong knife method is also cultivated to the fourth knife."

"The brain almost blew up."


From the crossing to the present, Luo Tian has never had this feeling, abnormal enrichment, this is not the power of the system.

This is his own strength.

What really means what you have realized, righteousness.

This feeling is something he has never experienced before!

at the same time.

Luo Tian glanced at the experience. "His sister, the upgrade is too difficult."

"Up to now, I have only gained 80% of the experience!"

"Forget it!"

"To count the days, today is also the time."

Luo Tian took the **** knife and looked at a monkey who accompanied him. He said, "Monkey brother, let's go."

"It's time to find someone to settle the bill!"

"Some accounts must be clear."

"Situ Chong, Laozi is here!"

Luo Tian stepped on the ladder to climb up.


Another place.

Ice fire sect, at the foot of the Red Peak Mountain.


"Sell goods, give your face a shame."

"Our boss is fancy that you are the blessing of your eight generations."

"What are you doing now?"

"You are just a subordinate of the ice fire sect. The waste that has been exhausted by the skill, can only be a waste of slaves for a lifetime, understand?" A man stopped the ice woman's way.

He is the younger brother of Situ Chong.

During this time, she was almost always waiting for her at the foot of the mountain to harass her.

The ice girl said coldly: "Go back and tell you the boss, I am a servant, a slave, you will not bother him."


"Cai Bing, don't you insist on not eating and drinking fine wine, do you think you are a beautiful iceberg beauty?"

"You don't look at your own virtues now?"

"The boss said, as long as you talk to him, he will make you comfortable for a lifetime, this is a good thing."

It was at this time.

The fire woman rushed down the mountain and pointed at the humanity: "Sister, that is, he is bullying his sister every day."


"Red peaks are the places where you can wild?"

A woman flew out with a sword.

The man stepped back and forth quickly and broke into the woods. The forest said loudly: "Cai Bing, you will wait for Laozi."

The fire girl quickly ran up. "Sister, is it the shoe leg of Situ Chong?"

The ice girl said slightly: "What do you call the Qing sister?"

at this time.

The woman’s face was slightly cold, saying: “Cai Yan’s sister, 30 top grade Yuanshi, delivered within three days, otherwise, you will know the consequences.”

Cai Yandao: "I know, thank you for your help."



"If I don't want to see that I need Yuanshi to become a part of the sea goods world I will help you two?"


Qing Yan smiled coldly and glanced at Cai Bing. He sneered: "If I were you, I would promise him. You still want to practice now?"

"That is impossible. Go back to the secular world and be an ordinary person."

"Icefire is not the world you can survive. Cai Bing, you don't talk about Cai Bing, who was the master of the previous master. You are just the next person in the red peak, the slave, and you don't want to turn over in this life!"

The face is disdainful.

In particular, the words "the next person, the slave" are particularly heavy.

Cai Bing's heart is not a taste!


Read The Duke's Passion