MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 93 don't forget i love you

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Chu Suiyun raised his hand, his fingers gently ran through Qin Miao's hair, but he said coldly, "No."

Qin Miao raised her head from his shoulder, a little dissatisfied, and asked, "Why?"

"Don't you know why?" Chu Suiyun asked back.

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Miao's mouth, still pretending to be stupid: "I don't know why, don't you want to stay with me forever?"

Chu Suiyun clamped his chin, shook it, and said sternly: "I work in Fengmiao, and you can find me to accompany you to be lazy. If I really become your assistant, then neither of us will have to work. .”

Unexpectedly, Qin Miao nodded after hearing this: "You have a good idea."

"What?" Chu Suiyun was confused.

"Don't work anymore, just retire." Qin Miao said seriously.

Chu Suiyun: "..."

A minute later, Qin Miao stood obediently behind Chu Suiyun, waiting for him to pack up and go back to work. Chu Suiyun put on his coat, tidied it up, picked up his bag, and turned around.

"I'm leaving." Chu Suiyun said.

Qin Miao asked to stay: "There are two hours left to get off work, what are you going to do?"

Chu Suiyun didn't want to indulge in pleasure with him, so he didn't answer his words, and walked out on his own. Qin Miao had no choice but to keep up.

The two walked through the office area side by side, and the secretarial staff looked up one after another, glanced at them quickly, and then hurriedly buried their heads and pretended to be serious about their work.

When he came to the elevator door, Chu Suiyun stopped and turned around, telling Qin Miao to stop: "You don't have to send me down."

Qin Miao helped him press the elevator and said, "It's okay, just a few steps."

Chu Suiyun raised his hand in front of him, which was a gesture of "stop", he said: "Don't think that I don't know that you want to be lazy for a while. Just send it here, and I will come to find you after get off work. Yours, just wait until I get off work."

Qin Miao is inexplicably very pleased with Chu Suiyun's appearance, he looks like a little fox with its toes high and high. Qin Miao immediately said nothing, and said with a smile: "Okay, then I will wait for you."

The elevator arrived, the doors slowly opened, Chu Suiyun said goodbye to Qin Miao, and walked into the elevator.

In the next second, Qin Miao took a step forward before the elevator door was completely closed, stretched his arms around Chu Suiyun, lowered his head and kissed him lightly on the lips.

This kiss was beyond Chu Suiyun's expectation, and he lost his mind for a moment. It was not until Qin Miao let go and retreated outside the elevator that he reacted dully.

Then, Qin Miao waved at him.

Chu Suiyun also raised his hand and said to Qin Miao, "Wait for me to get off work."

one year later.

It was another winter, and the warm sun in the morning came in through the gaps in the curtains, viciously breaking the hot and ambiguous atmosphere in the room.

A hand with sharp knuckles was firmly grasping the pillow, and at the same time, a low panting sound came from a person: "Enough, it's...almost ten o'clock."

Then, another slightly larger hand wrapped that hand, and Qin Miao clung to Chu Suiyun's ear, with a voice full of insatiability, reminding: "Today is a rest day."

"That won't work either!" Chu Suiyun was so crushed that he couldn't move, so he could only refuse with words.

In many battles, he has summed up a whole set of experience in dealing with Qin Miao. So Chu Suiyun softened his tone and begged for mercy pitifully, "Please, I was very tired last night..."

Sure enough, Qin Miao was shaken. He was silent for a moment, then wrapped his arms around Chu Suiyun's waist, hugged him into his arms from behind, and finally compromised: "Okay, the last time. I'm not well yet, you can stay with me for a while, OK?"

Chu Suiyun heaved a sigh of relief, and at this time quickly followed Qin Miao and obediently agreed: "Okay..."

At half past ten, Chu Suiyun was lying on the bed with half-closed eyes.

After Qin Miao finished washing, she came out of the bathroom. Just as she was about to ask Chu Suiyun to wash, she heard the phone on his bedside ringing.

Chu Suiyun was too lazy to move, and casually ordered Qin Miao: "Give me my mobile phone."

Knowing that he was going too far, Qin Miao obediently went to get Chu Suiyun's phone, he glanced at it, saw the caller ID, and told Chu Suiyun: "It's Xiaoyu's call."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Suiyun immediately regained his spirits, sat up from the bed, and took the mobile phone to connect.

"Hello, Xiaoyu."

"Brother!" Chu Muyu's voice was full of vitality, and when Chu Suiyun heard it, he also became happy.

"What's the matter, you called suddenly, what's the matter?" Chu Suiyun asked with a smile.

Chu Muyu laughed "hehe" twice, and the excitement was transmitted from the other end of the phone. He said: "I'm going back to Yunguo for the New Year this year, and I'm going to fly back here with my father the day after tomorrow."

Chu Suiyun's eyes lit up: "Then I'll clean up the house here."

"Yeah." Chu Muyu responded.

Then the two brothers chatted for a few more words. In the past year, Chu Muyu has gradually returned to normal from refusing to use electronic devices, and the calls between the two brothers have become more frequent.

Chu Suiyun knows that his younger brother is currently studying at the Federal Academy of Fine Arts, and his grades are very good, and he has made a few new friends. They go out to play occasionally, and his younger brother will specially send photos to Chu Suiyun.

Chu Suiyun felt more and more that the decision to support Chu Muyu's going abroad was correct at the beginning, away from the traumatic environment, Omega's mentality recovered very well.

After a few minutes, the two said their goodbyes and hung up the phone.

Qin Miao probably guessed the content of their call from the side, and asked, "Xiaoyu is coming back for the New Year?"

The smile on the corner of Chu Suiyun's mouth could not be suppressed, he nodded: "Yes, I will be back the day after tomorrow, I have to think about whether there is anything to prepare."

Knowing that his younger brother was going back to the country, Chu Suiyun obviously became excited, and began to wrestle his hands to figure out what he should prepare. Qin Miao quietly listened to his calculations, and answered a few words from time to time.

After the two of them washed up slowly, it was almost time to prepare lunch.

In the past, when Qin Miao was at home on her rest day, Qin's mother was afraid that her son would not eat well, so she would ask the Qin family's aunt to trouble her and go to Qin Miao's house to cook. After Chu Suiyun moved in, he was not used to being disturbed by his aunt, so he talked to Qin's mother, and the two began to solve the problem of eating by themselves.

Up to now, Qin Miao, who has never been in the kitchen for nearly thirty years in the first half of his life, can now cook some tomato-scrambled-egg-level meals under the leadership of Chu Suiyun.

The two usually work together in a division of labor. Qin Miao washes the vegetables and hands them to Chu Suiyun, and Chu Suiyun starts to chop the vegetables.

The sound of chopping vegetables sounded in the kitchen, and the vegetables in the pot were boiling. Chu Suiyun was chatting with Qin Miao about trivial matters, when a mobile phone rang to break the calm.

"It's my phone." Qin Miao wiped his hands with a piece of paper, "I'm going to answer the phone."

Chu Suiyun gave a "hmm" and continued to cut vegetables with his head down.

Not long after, just as Chu Suiyun finished cutting a cucumber, Qin Miao came back with a tablet in his hand.

Chu Suiyun cast a puzzled look at him, and Qin Miao tapped the tablet twice, and placed the tablet on the kitchen table, where a news was being broadcast live.

"Will McKesson, the leading family entrepreneur in the Federation, passed away at ten o'clock last night. This morning, the McKesson family announced an urgent press conference, at which they will announce the new head of the family. Please watch the live broadcast of the conference now .”

When the anchor said this, the screen responded to everything and became the scene of the press conference.

A row of middle-aged Alphas in suits and leather shoes sat together, vaguely surrounded by the young Alpha standing in the center. But that Alpha was too young, even a little green, he looked only in his twenties, his face was solemn, as if he was enduring great grief, but he still bowed gracefully to all the media present, and then sat down slowly. Down.

Although the person in the picture had a haggard face, Chu Suiyun recognized it immediately, that person was Dong.

"He inherited all of old Maxson's property." Qin Miao explained in a low voice in Chu Suiyun's ear.

Chu Suiyun was a little surprised, and looked up at Qin Miao.

Qin Miao continued: "The people I arranged in the Federation told me just now that Old Maxson gave all his property to Dong in his will, and Levis didn't get any of it."

"He did such a great job, isn't he afraid of Levi's counterattack?" Chu Suiyun couldn't help asking.

Just as Qin Miao was about to analyze, she heard Dong speak at the press conference.

"Thanks to all walks of life for their concern for us. I am deeply saddened by my father's sudden death. I was surprised that my father made me the sole heir before he died." Doubt his deep admiration for old Maxson.

"As we all know, my father recognized Levi's brother two years ago, and I should share the things left by my father equally with him." Dong paused, very sad, "But my father told me that Levi's Brother Si's real identity is Rich Maxson, the child of his father and his first wife, and a criminal who should have died accidentally in prison a few years ago."

As soon as his words fell, the audience was in an uproar, and all the media present were boiling, as if a spark had fallen into boiling hot oil.

Several high-ranking members of the Maxson family present also did not expect that Dong would reveal this secret, and they could hardly hold back, and wanted to leave in the next second.

After a full minute, several teams of security personnel poured in to organize, and the scene returned to order.

But outside the screen, Chu Suiyun and Qin Miao, who knew the inside story, did not seem surprised. Chu Suiyun frowned and said, "He is a smart man."

Qin Miao nodded in agreement, and added: "He is also a bold guy."

Their eyes returned to the press conference. After waiting for the crowd to calm down, Dong continued to use his slightly sad but generally calm voice: "When a person is about to die, his words are also kind. When my father was dying, he finally realized how much he had protected Rich. It's ridiculous, so I asked me to announce all the truth."

With that said, Dong stood up, bowed deeply to everyone, then got up in no hurry, maintained a humble posture for a long time, and promised: "I know, this matter hurts all the people of the Federation, and it also hurts everyone." Here, on behalf of Maxson, I express my solemn apology. From now on, we will cooperate with all investigations by the police and will never cover up Rich again, and promise that from now on, the Maxson family will be in awe Federal law, obey federal law."

"I'm still young, and I don't have enough prestige in the family, and I have a lot to learn. For other things, I will respect the elders in the family and learn with humility. But on this matter, I will never back down, nor will I I will be scruples about anyone. From now on, I will supervise everyone in the family and strictly prohibit such incidents from happening again."

These words were so loud that everyone was overwhelmed by Dong's aura and fell into a long silence.

Then Houdong straightened his body, his eyes were firm: "Maxson is willing to accept the supervision of everyone from all walks of life, thank you everyone."

Everything on the screen, back to the studio.

Qin Miao reached out to turn off the news, and exchanged a glance with Chu Suiyun.

Chu Suiyun didn't have any special feelings about this matter, and he didn't know how to evaluate it, so the two looked at each other speechlessly for a moment.

Suddenly, Chu Suiyun was startled, stepped to the side of the stove, and quickly turned off the fire: "It's all your fault, it's cooking, what news are you watching? The dishes are almost burnt!"

"Sorry sorry, my fault." Qin Miao took the tablet away.

After dinner, in the afternoon, the two got together and lazily watched a movie.

Looking at Chu Suiyun, he was a little sleepy, and his eyes blinked.

After Chu Suiyun graduated this year, he managed to stay in Fengmiao. He didn't want to be gossiped by his colleagues, so he didn't disclose his relationship with Qin Miao. He just announced that he was engaged, which hurt the hearts of several Omega in the department. Everyone lamented his premature marriage.

Leaving Qin Miao's lover's status aside, Chu Suiyun is just an ordinary freshman, and the seniors love to leave him with many things. And because Zhou Papi intends to support him, Chu Suiyun's job is not easy at all.

Last night, Qin Miao didn't know how to be considerate at all. After this and that, Chu Suiyun, who was full of energy, was unavoidably tired.

"Go to bed and sleep for a while?" Qin Miao kissed his head on his shoulder.

"Huh?" Chu Suiyun woke up, feeling that he was really sleepy, so he had to agree, "Then I'll go to sleep for a while, remember to call me when the time comes, didn't your mother let us go home at night?"

"I remember, go to sleep at ease."

Only then did Chu Suiyun go back to bed and lie down in peace.

The time soon came to four o'clock in the afternoon, Chu Suiyun woke up on time, and at this time he was already dressed and standing at the door waiting for Qin Miao.

Qin Miao took the coat, came to the door, raised her hand to hug Chu Suiyun: "Let's go."

The two went out and drove to the Qin family's old house.

During this year, the Qin family has accepted Chu Suiyun as a member of the family. Qin's mother learned that Chu Suiyun's father and younger brother were both in the Federation, and felt sorry that he had no relatives here, and would call them back home to get together every now and then.

Therefore, when Chu Suiyun came to the Qin family, he was already familiar with the way.

Qin Miao knocked on the door, and the person who answered was Aunt Tang, a worker of the Qin family for many years. She laughed when she saw Chu Suiyun and Qin Miao, and immediately raised her voice to announce to the people in the room: "They are here!"

Then Aunt Tang moved away, only then did Chu Suiyun see a little doll carved in pink and jade following her.

Qin Yan raised his head, blinked his big eyes and looked at Chu Suiyun, then smiled a little shyly, rushed over and hugged Chu Suiyun's thigh: "Brother Chu."

"Stinky boy." Qin Miao tapped the child's head in disgust, "I just know how to cling to him."

Chu Suiyun squatted down and picked up little Qin Yan. His arms were heavy. He weighed them and said, "I'm getting fat."

At such a young age, Qin Yan knew how to be beautiful, so he quickly covered Chu Suiyun's mouth and retorted: "Not fat!"

Qin's mother also came over at this time, seeing the interaction between Chu Suiyun and Qin Yan, she couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear, and hurriedly beckoned people to come in and sit down.

Chu Suiyun put Qin Yan down, took off his coat with Qin Miao, and then followed Qin's mother to the living room to sit around.

Aunt Tang brought a few cups of hot tea for everyone to drink. Seeing that the adults had them all, Qin Yan wanted to drink too, but Aunt Tang refused with a stern face: "My little master, you have already drank two cups of milk today. Do you really want to become a little fat man?"

Hearing that he would get fat, Qin Yan hesitated, and finally said with a stern face: "Then I won't drink."

The family chatted for a while, Qin's mother said that Qin Han and Su Zhiting would come back together later, Zhao Kai and the others were also on the way, and the family had a good get-together tonight. When she said this, she frantically gave Qin Miao winks.

Chu Suiyun was a little surprised, why are there so many people here today? Could it be some special day?

Qin Miao accepted her mother's wink, and put a hand on Chu Suiyun's shoulder: "Come with me?"

Although he didn't understand what he was going to do, Chu Suiyun got up obediently and followed Qin Miao upstairs.

The balcony was cold, Qin Miao stopped in front of the balcony, turned to look at Chu Suiyun, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Do you know what my mother wants me to tell you today?" Qin Miao asked.

Chu Suiyun shook his head: "How do I know, just say what you want to say, don't be a fool."

The sky outside was not completely dark yet, and the afterglow of the sun inlaid a golden edge on the sky, illuminating the entire winter world.

Behind Qin Miao was such an intoxicating sunset scene, he spoke slowly under the warm sun, solemnly: "She asked me to ask you, when will you marry me?"

Chu Suiyun was taken aback.

Qin Miao took his left hand and lightly stroked the ring on his ring finger: "Last year you said that you hadn't graduated yet and wanted to wait for a while, so you rejected me. I'm very sad."

"Do you have any excuses this year?"

Chu Suiyun argued: "It's not rejecting you, it's delaying, don't pretend to be pitiful."

Qin Miao shrugged, reluctantly accepted the explanation, and continued to ask: "So, what is your answer this year?"

"Hmm..." Chu Suiyun pretended to be hesitant, Qin Miao's face changed, and it was written all over his face: If you dare to find an excuse to shirk it, give it a try?

Seeing his expression, Chu Suiyun almost froze for a moment, cleared his throat, and replied: "Well, since you hate marriage so much, then I will marry you home."

Qin Miao's face turned bright, and he couldn't help laughing. He didn't bother with Chu Suiyun's choice of words, the result was the same anyway.

Qin Miao lowered her head and pressed against Chu Suiyun's forehead, said in a deep voice, as gentle as the warm light in the sky, "I love you, don't forget this time."

Chu Suiyun had a sore nose, and replied, "I love you too, and I will remember it in this life."


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