MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 90 Husband and wife bedside talk

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It took a long time for Chu Suiyun to react, his voice was a little dry: "Why?"

Chu Tian explained: "I asked Xiaoyu, he didn't want to hold that Alpha responsible. But I still don't feel relieved that Xiaoyu will continue to be in the same school as that Alpha. It's also good for Xiaoyu to change the environment at this time."

Speaking of this, Chu Tian paused before continuing: "Besides, Xiao Yu already knew about your mother. I want to make it up to you. You are already an adult, so I don't know how to make it up to you. But Xiao Yu, I I want to take care of him for a few years by myself."

Chu Tian's words made sense, and it was difficult for Chu Suiyun to refute. No matter from which angle he looked at it, it seemed that he should support Xiao Yu and his father to leave, but in fact he couldn't easily nod his head.

"It's not necessary to go to the Federation..." Chu Suiyun thought for a long time, and only found a lame reason, "The Federation is not friendly to Omega."

"I will protect Xiao Yu so that he will not suffer injustice," Chu Tian promised.

Of course Chu Suiyun knew that Chutian would protect Chu Muyu well, but he just thought about it for a long time and couldn't think of a reason to refuse, so he picked up such an excuse.

"Besides, you also have your own life, don't you?"

Chu Tian said in a deep voice, complaining like sighing, like all fathers who face their adult children, there is a sense of relief and a little bit of reluctance. He raised his finger and pointed to the ring on Chu Suiyun's ring finger.

"You've been wearing it all this time, but you didn't want to hide it from me, did you?" Chu Tian pointed out.

Chu Suiyun was inexplicably flustered, but still pretended to be calm, and continued to put his hands openly by his side.

"Did you remember what happened three years ago?" Chu Tian asked.

Chu Suiyun nodded honestly, he used to not care about his father's opinion on his feelings, because at that time he thought his father didn't care about himself and Xiao Yu either. Now that the misunderstanding with his father has been resolved, and knowing his father's difficulties, Chu Suiyun still hopes to get his blessing.

But after admitting it, Chu Suiyun added: "But before I thought about it, I fell in love with him, as if it was inevitable."

"Really." Chu Tian sighed in relief, patted Chu Suiyun's shoulder, and then squeezed it heavily, "Okay, then you should go home early and look for him, Xiao Yu is here, I will guard .”

The father and son finished their conversation and walked back to the ward one after the other. Chu Suiyun took things and was about to leave, but was stopped by Chu Muyu.

Chu Suiyun was still holding the coat in his hand, and asked, "What's the matter, Xiaoyu?"

Chu Muyu glanced at Chu Tian and Yu Ze, and asked in a low voice, "Can I have a chat with my brother alone?"

Chutian naturally agreed and took Yu Ze out of the ward temporarily. For a while, there were only two brothers left in the ward, and it suddenly became quiet.

Since his younger brother wanted to chat with him, Chu Suiyun put down his coat again, pulled a chair to sit beside the hospital bed, and asked softly, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Chu Muyu raised his face and looked at his elder brother.

Obviously, a dedicated nutritionist has been preparing meals for his younger brother these two days, but Omega's face is still pale, and it seems that there is no blood flowing under his fair skin, which has created such a pitiful and sick appearance.

Chu Suiyun twitched in his heart, and couldn't help rubbing his younger brother's hair.

Chu Muyu obediently was rubbed by her brother, pinching the quilt in her hand, and said hesitantly: "Brother, did father tell you just now that he wants to take me to the Federation?"

As soon as the words fell, the movements of Chu Suiyun's hands stopped immediately, he was silent for a moment, and gave a faint "hmm".

"You, do you want me to go to the Federation?"

As Chu Muyu said, he looked up with big eyes, focused and serious, as if he had given all the decision-making power to Chu Suiyun, as long as Chu Suiyun said he didn't want to, then he would never leave with his father.

Chu Suiyun was inexplicably distressed, he didn't know that his younger brother would care so much about his feelings, for a moment, he really wanted to say directly: Stay, I don't want you to go.

But in the end, Chu Suiyun just swallowed a sigh back into his stomach.

"This matter should be decided by yourself." Chu Suiyun bit out the words with difficulty, "You can do whatever you want."

Chu Muyu didn't seem surprised at all, and smiled after a long absence: "I knew you would say that."

After leaving the hospital, it was getting late, Chu Suiyun clearly felt that he had done nothing in the hospital, but it was already late at night when he left.

When separated from Qin Miao, Chu Suiyun promised him to go to his house tonight, so naturally he would not break his promise. He walked to the side of the road and waved, stopped a taxi, and went straight to Qin Miao's house in the city.

Forty minutes later, Chu Suiyun stood at the door of Qin Miao's house.

Considering that Qin Miao might already be asleep, Chu Suiyun didn't knock on the door, but slid open the combination lock, ready to unlock and enter the door by himself.

When he came to Qin Miao's house before, he was accompanied by Qin Miao, and Qin Miao was responsible for opening the door. Now that Chu Suiyun really wanted to open the door by himself, he suddenly couldn't remember the password.

But Chu Suiyun's memory is not bad, Qin Miao told him the password, and he had the answer after a moment of recall.

"Drip, drop, drop, drop." Chu Suiyun pressed the four numbers "0, 6, 2, 4" respectively, and after confirming, the door opened in the next moment.

The door opened, but Chu Suiyun's fingers froze in place, hanging beside the combination lock.

The next moment, Chu Suiyun smiled knowingly, grabbed the doorknob and pushed the door into the room.

There was a floor lamp in the room, and the faint pure white and yellowish light illuminated Chu Suiyun's field of vision, so that his eyes would not go dark when he entered the room.

Chu Suiyun turned on the light in the porch, changed his shoes, and went to the bedroom to take a look. Sure enough, Qin Miao was already lying on the bed. Then Chu Suiyun closed the door again and went out to clean himself up.

Half an hour later, Chu Suiyun finished washing and returned to the bedroom. He dragged his slippers to the side of the bed, lifted the quilt, and prepared to rest obediently.

As a result, as soon as he touched the pillow, the guy beside him who should have been asleep turned over and hugged Chu Suiyun into his arms.

"Are you awake?" Chu Suiyun pulled out his head from Qin Miao's chest and asked him.

Qin Miao said disappointedly, "I'm waiting for you to attack me."

Chu Suiyun raised his eyes, gave him a disgusted look, then raised his head and pressed a kiss on the corner of Alpha's mouth.

Turning his head back, Chu Suiyun smiled and said, "Sneak attack."

Qin Miao raised her eyebrows, with an expression of "this is also considered a sneak attack", the arms around Chu Suiyun's waist tightened, and she hugged the person towards her, leaned forward and kissed him deeply, and said earnestly after finishing the matter : "It's not a kiss without sticking out your tongue."

The kiss just now was too sudden, Chu Suiyun didn't react, and his face turned red.

He pushed Qin Miao away and adjusted his breathing: "Stop making trouble, I have something to tell you."

Upon hearing this, Qin Miao understood, what he wanted to say should be what happened in the past two days. Last time on the phone, Chu Suiyun felt that he couldn't explain clearly, so he didn't say anything.

"What's the matter?" Qin Miao immediately stopped teasing him and pretended to be listening.

Chu Suiyun sorted out his words and said, "Father wants to take Xiaoyu to live in the Federation for a few years."

When saying this, Chu Suiyun subconsciously lowered his voice, unable to hide the lonely expression on his face.

Of course Qin Miao noticed the change in his expression, and leaned closer to his forehead: "Are you reluctant?"

The thoughts that had been concealed all night were pierced by Qin Miao lightly. Chu Suiyun subconsciously wanted to deny it, but after thinking about it, he didn't need to pretend anything in front of Qin Miao, so he nodded and admitted: "I can't bear it."

Qin Miao hugged him into his arms, and put his chin on Chu Suiyun's head: "If you don't want to part with it, just say, your father can't take Xiao Yu away by force."

"Do you think I should stop Xiao Yu from leaving?" Chu Suiyun asked sullenly.

"I don't think so." Qin Miao replied quickly.

Chu Suiyun was puzzled: "Then you..."

"I just respect your opinion." Qin Miao said, "If it's according to my opinion, you and Xiao Yu should be separated for a while."

Qin Miao fell asleep and looked at Chu Suiyun: "As long as Xiao Yu is by your side, you will inevitably pay a lot of attention to him. You will consider him when you make any decision. You will make way for him in many things, and you will unconsciously revolve around him. Because he is your younger brother, you have taken care of him for many years, and this has become your habit."

Qin Miao squeezed Chu Suiyun's cheeks: "But Chu Suiyun, you are his brother, and you are yourself, and your life has just begun."

"You should pay more attention to me now." Qin Miao said boldly, "This is my selfishness, so I think your brother should leave with your father."

Qin Miao's words sound wanton and selfish, but Chu Suiyun knows that what he said makes sense.

They have relied on each other for eight years, and they have long been used to thinking about Chu Muyu in everything. And while I was surrounding my younger brother, how could my younger brother not be influenced by me? They are each accustomed to the other's influence in their own lives.

Chu Suiyun wants to take care of his younger brother's affairs, but his younger brother has grown up, he is no longer a child without his own opinions, and his life does not need Chu Suiyun to dictate.

Just like the previous misunderstanding of his younger brother and Qin Miao, Chu Suiyun took the initiative to clean up the bad relationship for his younger brother, not to mention the unpleasant quarrel with his younger brother, and finally found out that it was just an oolong.

Chu Muyu's life needs to be experienced by himself, even if there are bumps and bumps, he needs to suffer by himself. What Chu Suiyun should do as an elder brother is to provide some warmth when he feels tired, instead of imposing his own will on him under the banner of being good for him. Protecting my younger brother under the wings, why not trap him in a cage.

At the same time, Chu Suiyun himself will gradually lose the focus of his life.

Chu Suiyun quietly looked into Qin Miao's pupils, then moved his head, and leaned over to kiss his nose lightly: "I see, I will support Xiao Yu's decision."

"He wants to go to the Federation?" Qin Miao asked lazily with her eyes closed, enjoying her lover's kiss.

Chu Suiyun replied: "Well, he wants to go."

"Xiao Yu said that there are too many familiar things here, and he can no longer believe in familiar things."

Of course Chu Suiyun knew what his younger brother meant. Being monitored by Shen Qingdeng all-pervasively for so long, every move was heard and watched by others, if she continued to live in a familiar place, Chu Muyu would become suspicious of everything around her.

During Chu Muyu's hospitalization, he didn't even touch his mobile phone. When he was bored, he only read books, or stared at the boring programs on the hospital TV in a daze. He was unconsciously avoiding electronic products, and he was afraid.

Only by escaping to a completely unfamiliar place, a place that has nothing to do with Shen Qingdeng, can he gradually dispel his excessive suspicion, and he can slowly return to a normal life.

"Your brother is actually a kid with ideas." Qin Miao said, "Only you feel that he will never grow up, and you need to think about everything for him."

Chu Suiyun sighed: "Well, it's my fault."

Qin Miao also sighed: "Hey, a loving mother has many failures, so I will take care of the children's family education in the future."

Chu Suiyun: "???"

A pillow slapped Qin Miao's face, he let out an exaggerated cry of pain, and quickly hugged the pillow. Chu Suiyun was so angry that he laughed, and stretched out his hand: "Give it back to me, go to sleep."

Qin Miao put the pillow on Chu Suiyun's side, and patted it courteously. Chu Suiyun then lay down again.

Then Qin Miao supported her head with her hands, turned sideways to Chu Suiyun, looked down at him, and said, "Since your younger brother is going abroad, let me discuss something with you."


"Move here and live with me." Qin Miao said.

Read The Duke's Passion