MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 85 first febrile period

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Yu Ze discovered that Chu Muyu had disappeared after finishing the phone call with her husband.

He first went back to the bedroom to take a look, but Chu Muyu was not there. This did not attract his attention, he only thought that Chu Muyu ran to a certain room to hide.

So Yu Ze then went to each room to search, but he didn't see Chu Muyu, so he guessed that Chu Muyu was out shopping. After all, the child was already an adult, so he wouldn't get lost, and he didn't need to be too nervous. Yu Ze waited for a few more minutes until he accidentally found Chu Muyu's coat on the hanger.

At this point, Yu Ze finally realized that Chu Muyu left in a hurry. He didn't even have a coat on, and he wasn't at home. Only then did Yu Ze get anxious, and hurried to the study room and knocked on the door, telling the father and son in the room that Chu Muyu was gone.

Hearing the news that Chu Muyu had disappeared, Chu Suiyun's first reaction was somewhat similar to Yu Ze's, he asked, "Did you run out to buy something?"

Chu Suiyun glanced at Yu Ze, but did not express his true guess. He thought it was more likely that Chu Muyu still thought that Yu Ze would become their stepmother and felt bored, so she chose to go out to get some air.

Yu Ze shook his head: "No, he left in a hurry without even wearing his coat."

This was beyond Chu Suiyun's expectation, he frowned, took out his cell phone, and said, "I'll call Xiao Yu."

The other two in the room patiently waited for Chu Suiyun to make a call. The phone rang when it was busy, and no one answered until it hung up automatically. Chu Suiyun took down the phone, doubt flashed in his heart, and asked Yu Ze: "What's going on, when did he disappear?"

Yu Ze was a little guilty, and replied: "I was chatting with Xiao Yu, and he said he was going to the toilet. Just then, a phone call came from my home, so I answered it. After answering the phone call, I found that he was not in the room. After a while I saw his clothes at the door and realized he had gone out without his coat on."

Chu Suiyun put the phone back into his pocket, stood up hurriedly and walked out: "I'll go find him."

"Wait a moment."

A steady male voice sounded from behind Chu Suiyun. Chu Tian stood up from his chair and asked his son, "Do you know where to find him?"

Chu Suiyun was silent, he really didn't know, but there were a few doubts.

Then Chu Tian turned around and asked Yu Ze: "Did Xiao Yu bring a new phone?"

Yu Ze recalled and nodded: "I should have brought it with me. The old phone is on the cabinet, but the new phone is not here."

"Look for it." Chu Tian instructed Yu Ze.

Yu Ze took the lead, took out his phone, and quickly clicked on the screen. Chu Suiyun looked at the two suspiciously.

Chu Tian noticed the elder son's gaze and explained: "The reason why I returned to China this time is because Xiao Yu has grown up and is about to usher in her first fever."

Chu Suiyun also guessed the reason for Chutian's return to China this time, and he is not surprised to hear his explanation now.

"Xiao Yu has always been a good boy. I've never heard of an Alpha he has dated with. So he needs to be careful at all times during his first fever and use inhibitors in time." Chu Tian said, "The mobile phone I gave Xiao Yu is Ting Yu's latest product can monitor Omega's body data."

"Including location?" Chu Suiyun's tone was not very good.

Chu Tian knew that the child was an adult and would not like the feeling of being monitored by his parents, so he said helplessly, "It's just a special method during a special period. I will cancel this function when the Xiaoyu fever period passes."

Chu Suiyun didn't ask anymore, after all, at this moment, the positioning function is beneficial to them, allowing them to find Xiaoyu quickly.

"I found it." Yu Ze handed the phone to Chu Tian, ​​and showed him where Chu Mu Yu was.

Chu Tian took the phone, glanced at it, and ordered: "Let's go."

At the same time, in Shen Qingdeng's house, two people had just finished eating dumplings.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, or the dumplings are really useful, but after eating them hot, Chu Muyu actually felt much better.

Shen Qingdeng packed the dishes and came out of the kitchen. Seeing Chu Muyu sitting on the seat obediently, she also pulled away the chair and sat opposite him.

Chu Muyu raised his head, and secretly glanced at Shen Qingdeng. Only now did he feel a little bit shy.

Only then was he in a state of confusion, relying only on instinct to throw himself into the arms of someone he could rely on, and to find a warm place where he could settle down. It wasn't until Chu Muyu regained his senses that he realized that Shen Qingdeng was an Alpha. I came to an Alpha's house and got alone with him.

"Is your phone turned off?" Shen Qingdeng who was sitting opposite suddenly asked.

Chu Muyu didn't expect him to ask this question, she was taken aback for a while, and replied with some confusion: "No. Did you call me?"

As he said that, Chu Muyu took out his mobile phone from his pocket and began to look through the call records. When Shen Qingdeng saw clearly the brand new mobile phone in Mu Yu's hand, his eyes flickered vaguely.

"I didn't see you calling me..." Chu Muyu flipped through the pages for a moment, then stopped his fingers suddenly. He saw a missed call from a few minutes ago, which was from his brother.

"Have you changed your phone?" Shen Qingdeng asked, interrupting Chu Muyu's thoughts.

Chu Muyu took a look at the new phone, nodded, and explained to him: "Well, my father returned to China today, and this is a gift for me and my brother."

After finishing speaking, Chu Muyu thought for a moment, and said in confusion: "It is true that my old mobile phone is turned off, but how did you know? My mobile phone number has not been changed. If you call me, the new mobile phone should be able to receive it immediately."

Shen Qingdeng was silent.

Chu Muyu blinked in puzzlement, quietly waiting for his answer.

But in the end he didn't wait for Shen Qingdeng's answer, Alpha lowered his eyes, stood up, and said to him: "You've been drenched in the rain, you must be very cold, go take a shower."

"Ah, good." Chu Muyu put away her phone, stood up, and followed Shen Qingdeng to the bathroom.

Shen Qingdeng briefly taught him how to use his water heater, then walked back to the room and took out a set of pajamas.

"This is my pajamas."

Because of the height difference between the two, Shen Qingdeng had to lower his head slightly to meet Chu Muyu's eyes when standing. Holding the pajamas in his hand at this time, he lowered his eyes and said seriously: "But I haven't worn it a few times, do you mind?"

Chu Muyu suddenly felt her cheeks burning, took the pajamas from Shen Qingdeng, and whispered: "I don't mind."

After arranging everything properly, Shen Qingdeng helped Chu Muyu close the bathroom door.

After a while, there was the sound of rushing water, and Shen Qingdeng, who was standing at the door of the bathroom, finally moved back to the door of the master bedroom.

He opened the door and walked in. The master bedroom was connected to the other two rooms. Shen Qingdeng came to the door of one of the rooms and opened the door with a "click". There was only one computer in the narrow room.

A warning window displayed on that computer read: "Tracking target lost signal."

At the same time, there was another window on the screen. The content of the window was a map of Shanlan City. On the map, a small flashing red triangle landed on the Chutian Villa without fail.

That was the last position before Chu Muyu's signal disappeared.

It was also the reason why Shen Qingdeng appeared outside Chutian Villa.

Because Chu Muyu suddenly disappeared from his control and surveillance, he went to look for it himself, and only by chance met Chu Muyu on the bench outside the villa.

Shen Qingdeng took out a mobile phone calmly, put it on the computer table, and connected the computer and the mobile phone with a data cable. Chu Muyu set a lock screen password, but this is not an obstacle to Shen Qingdeng, because Chu Muyu habitually sets all passwords as her birthday. Shen Qingdeng had been cracked a long time ago.

The phone was installed by Shen Qingdeng with some complicated programs in the eyes of laymen. The process was very quiet, and only the sound of Shen Qingdeng's fingers tapping the keyboard could be heard.

Soon after the installation was completed, Shen Qingdeng unplugged the data cable, checked Chu Muyu's cell phone, and confirmed that there were no traces left, then turned off the computer and walked out of the room.

At this moment, the bathroom was steaming, and Chu Muyu knew nothing about what Shen Qingdeng was doing. He had been dizzy since a few minutes ago.

His head was heavy, the scene in front of him began to swirl, Chu Muyu could hardly stand on his feet, he hurriedly washed the foam off his hair, and fumbled to put on his pajamas.

When he took a step out of the area separated from wet and dry, Chu Muyu's feet went limp, and he fell directly on the hard floor. He subconsciously used his palms to support them, and the palms were broken.

"Hiss...It hurts so much." Chu Muyu couldn't help crying out in pain, her mind was so chaotic that it seemed like she was cooking a hodgepodge.

In an instant, he thought of many reasons for his dizziness, but each of them was a little wrong. He neither had hypoglycemia, nor took a bath on an empty stomach, and even entered the bathroom for ten minutes, not a long bath, so why did he suddenly feel dizzy?

The next moment, the strange feeling coming from his lower abdomen gave him the answer mercilessly.

There seemed to be a jump there, and there was an unprecedented strange feeling. Chu Muyu stretched out his hand to cover his lower abdomen, and opened his eyes wide in bewilderment.

The small bathroom is gradually filled with the smell of sweet pheromones, even the smell of shampoo is covered.

febrile period.

Chu Muyu finally realized what had happened to his body. There were physiology classes in middle school and university. Although he was embarrassed, he still listened carefully. Omega will usher in the first fever period about half a year after the age of 18, and I happen to be in this period.

During the first febrile period, most Omegas are young and ignorant, and need to be accompanied by their families, inject inhibitors, rest for a few days, and they will be safe and sound. A small number of Omegas will find an Alpha to accompany them for life before the first fever period, and this part of Omega will choose to spend the first fever period with their Alpha.

But because it is a lifetime thing to spend the fever period with Alpha, fewer and fewer Omega will make such a solemn decision when they are just adults. In recent years, more Omegas, even if they have Alpha lovers before the first fever period, will choose to inject inhibitors to spend time to give themselves a period of time to think.

Chu Muyu didn't expect that he would suddenly enter a period of fever at Shen Qingdeng's house. His aura symptoms were not obvious, and there was no elder Omega to take care of him, which made him negligent.

what to do?

Chu Muyu stared at the bathroom door, now it was the only barrier between herself and Shen Qingdeng, but this barrier would be broken soon, because the pheromone could pass through the crack of the door and spread to other rooms.

Sure enough, in the next second, Shen Qingdeng's voice sounded from outside the door.

"What's wrong with you?" Shen Qingdeng hesitated rarely, his tone was mixed with disbelief, "I smell a strong smell of pheromones."

Chu Muyu swallowed, taking this action to relieve her tension, but she didn't answer Shen Qingdeng immediately.

The Alpha outside the door seemed to sense his mood. Shen Qingdeng leaned on the door, hoping that by shortening the distance, his voice could be better transmitted into the door.

He asked, "Have you entered a fever period?"

Chu Muyu still didn't answer, his mind was in a mess, and several thoughts were fighting.

The little angel in his heart said to him: "Chu Muyu, you should let Shen Qingdeng go away, and then contact your brother. As an Omega, you must know how to protect yourself, and you can't make a lifetime decision so early."

Then a little devil slapped the little angel on the head, and said viciously: "Damn! This is an opportunity. This guy Shen Qingdeng has always refused to establish a relationship with us. He obviously will date together, go to class and after school together, and get along like lovers. He never admits it. Isn't it a good time to force him to admit it?"

The little angel rubbed his painful head, and said with tears in his eyes, "It's because of this that we can't trust him easily. We don't know what kind of person Shen Qingdeng is at all."

The little devil gritted his teeth: "So what! If we don't force him, we will never be able to understand his true thoughts! Besides, when the fever period arrives, our rationality will disappear immediately. It's too late to think so much now!"

"Xiao Yu?" Shen Qingdeng's voice sounded again, but he didn't get an answer to his two questions, which made his tone a little anxious.

Chu Muyu was taken aback for a moment, and realized that Shen Qingdeng called her something. He bit his lower lip hard, as if he had made a solemn decision in just a moment.

He said, "Shen Qingdeng, I have a fever."

Shen Qingdeng had never experienced this kind of situation before, she was silent for a moment, and was about to say something when she was interrupted by Chu Muyu.

Omega's voice came through the door, a little distorted, but what he said was clear and unmistakable.

"You open the door."

Read The Duke's Passion