MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 67 Reminiscing about the susceptible period

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After saying goodbye to Qin Miao, Chu Suiyun came to the cabin where the passengers rested on the ship.

There are two rooms on the boat. After checking, Chu Suiyun found that the two rooms are not big. The bed is wider than the single bed in the school dormitory, and the overall area is less than ten square meters.

The difference between the two rooms was very small, so Chu Suiyun randomly chose one and walked in, and gently closed the door.

As soon as Chu Suiyun closed the door, he leaned against the door as if he lost his strength, and slid directly on the ground.

The unbearable heat came from the depths of his body, Chu Suiyun leaned his head behind the door, raised his neck, like a drowning person, desperately sticking his head out of the water to breathe.

From the time Chu Suiyun realized that his susceptibility period had come, it took only a few minutes until now, and the anxiety and discomfort in his heart became fierce and quickly engulfed him. If he had stayed by Qin Miao's side just now, Chu Suiyun wondered if he would say some uncontrollable words again.

So he chose to separate from Qin Miao and find a room alone. Since other Alphas can go through the susceptible period alone, so can I.

Chu Suiyun thought so, but what he didn't know was that the general Alpha's susceptibility period would never be as hot as his. This is the fate of superior Alphas. They are distinguished from animals dominated by primitive desires, but the Creator is fair. During the susceptible period, they are harder to deal with than ordinary Alphas.

Chu Suiyun closed his eyes tightly, thinking about some things in his mind, such as what happened to his brother, whether he would be afraid, whether someone would find him missing, etc., in order to divert his attention. But in the end, these thoughts will become blurred, and after the chaos becomes a ball, the scenes of entanglement between himself and Qin Miao will rush out, adding another firewood to the flames.

This is not going to work, Chu Suiyun struggled in his heart for a moment, ready to make a living by himself.

"Hmm..." Chu Suiyun leaned against the door and panted, feeling a little weak in his hands.

No, not enough.

It's so strange, how could this be?

Chu Suiyun doesn't know what he looks like now, but he must be in a mess, like a beast without reason.

"Chu Suiyun, where are you?"

Qin Miao's voice suddenly came from outside the door, and Chu Suiyun's whole body trembled.

The barrier stickers on his neck are still stuck there, but Chu Suiyun is in this state, the barrier stickers can't completely block his smell. So Qin Miao asked a question, took two steps forward, and smelled the overflowing smell.

Qin Miao immediately realized that Chu Suiyun had fallen into the susceptible period after passive fever. Reason told him that he should withdraw at this time, if he didn't want any more absurd things to happen.

But in fact, his feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, and he refused to take half a step back.

After all, Chu Suiyun is not the only one who has entered the susceptible period, Qin Miao himself is the same.

This kind of thing has the first time, and the second time actually no longer has psychological barriers. So Qin Miao didn't get too entangled. Since the two of them can solve their physical discomfort together, there is no need to hesitate too much.

So he walked to the door of the room where Chu Suiyun was, stretched out his hand and gently pushed the door, but found that it couldn't be pushed, it was Chu Suiyun leaning against the door.

"Open the door." Qin Miao said.

When Chu Suiyun heard Qin Miao's words in a daze, his first reaction was to resist, but the next wave of heat made him hesitate, and finally he half-kneeled and moved away from the door, allowing Qin Miao to successfully push the door open.

When Qin Miao came in, Chu Suiyun was still kneeling on the ground and didn't get up, his legs were a little weak after doing it himself.

So what Qin Miao saw was this scene: Chu Suiyun sat on the ground in disheveled clothes, raised his slender neck to look at him, his eyes were filled with water, and his cheeks were flushed.

Qin Miao squatted down and directly hugged the man, knowingly asked, "What are you doing sitting on the ground?"

Chu Suiyun turned his head and did not answer.

Qin Miao asked annoyingly: "What were you doing when you locked yourself in the room just now?"

"Shut up." Chu Suiyun bluffed fiercely at him.

"It's okay, you can let me help you as much as you want." Qin Miao kissed Chu Suiyun's browbone reassuringly, "After all, I need you too."

Forget it, never mind. Chu Suiyun thought to himself, held Qin Miao's face in his hands, and kissed his lips proactively.

When Alpha is emotional, he can't help but grab his partner's neck and leave bite marks. Qin Miao is no exception. Every time he grabs Chu Suiyun's neck, he bites off the other's gland brutally, no matter what. Can the opponent's glands be marked.

But this time, as soon as Qin Miao's canine teeth touched Chu Suiyun's neck, **** of Chu Suiyun, who had returned to his senses, stuffed them into his mouth, opened his teeth, and pushed him away.

"Don't bite." Chu Suiyun said coldly. After a while, he felt that his tone was too strong, and then softened a little. He explained, "It hurts."

Qin Miao's finger was put in his mouth, and his speech was a little vague. His tone was coaxing: "It doesn't hurt, I'll take it easy."

Chu Suiyun shook his head: "No."

Qin Miao squeezed Chu Suiyun's wrist, and took his hand away from his mouth.

"Let me bite, just one, one last bite, good boy."

Like coaxing a child, he talked nonsense in a hurry, his tone was so gentle that he would drown people, but his coaxing words were nothing new.

But no one has ever said such words to Chu Suiyun before, Qin Miao took advantage of the first time, Chu Suiyun is an extremely deceitful idiot at this time, and was dizzy by a few words.

Chu Suiyun didn't continue to say the words of rejection, but buried his eyes in the pillow, stretched his backhand to the back of his neck, slightly lifted the tail of his hair, which was not considered long, and offered it to his neck.

In the next second, the familiar canine teeth came over with scorching heat and breath, the gland was punctured, and unfamiliar pheromones poured in. The tingling and soreness made Chu Suiyun frown.

An hour later, Qin Miao came out of the bathroom, her hair still dripping. Chu Suiyun lay on the bed and fell asleep, with the quilt covering his shoulders.

The bed was a bit small, only enough for Chu Suiyun to sleep alone, and Qin Miao would become very crowded when lying on it.

Qin Miao walked to the bedside, stretched out a finger to touch Chu Suiyun's cheek, it was red and a little hot.

"You have a fever." Qin Miao said, "I wiped it for you, do you still have the strength to take a bath?"

"Don't wash..." Chu Suiyun just wanted to sleep now, disgusted that Qin Miao's fingers made him itchy, and turned his head away.

"Okay, then I'll go to sleep next door, call me if you need something."

Qin Miao looked at the narrow bed, and finally decided to let Chu Suiyun have a good rest, and go to sleep on the other side.


Chu Suiyun hummed perfunctorily in his nasal cavity, expressing his agreement, then turned over, exposing his entire arm and thigh.

Qin Miao was about to go out, but when he saw that he almost threw the quilt on the ground as soon as he turned over, he stopped in his steps.

Then Qin Miao helped Chu Suiyun pull up the quilt, and by the way, he got in very cheekily, saying, "Forget it, I'll stay here and watch you not to kick the quilt."

The originally spacious single bed suddenly became crowded, Chu Suiyun arched in dissatisfaction, and Qin Miao locked his limbs.

"Go to sleep."

Chu Suiyun was too tired long ago, unwilling to argue with him, closed his eyes and fell asleep. Qin Miao's spirit wasn't much better either. After the room was quiet, he soon fell into a deep sleep.

When Chu Suiyun opened his eyes again, it was already dark. When he woke up, he was lying on his back, and there was no one else around him, but Chu Suiyun still remembered that Qin Miao slept next to him with a stern face before going to bed.

After sleeping, Chu Suiyun didn't feel sleepy now, so he got up from the bed and prepared to take a bath. As a result, his feet fell to the ground, and he felt weak for a moment, and he almost lost his footing.

Chu Suiyun's face darkened, he straightened up forcefully, pretending nothing happened.

Twice in one day, the number of times between the two times is unclear, even Chu Suiyun is a little tired. But it's okay, it's similar to the feeling the next day after swimming at school for an afternoon, limp, but tolerable.

After taking a bath, Chu Suiyun dried her hair and walked out of the bedroom cabin.

As soon as they went out, there was a row of windows on the opposite side. Through the windows, they could see the situation on the deck. Chu Suiyun saw Qin Miao and Old Frey standing outside, probably talking.

He walked over, opened the door and stepped onto the deck.

The strong wind at sea at night curled up Chu Suiyun's slightly long hair. The sound of the wind and waves was rattling, so the two people who were standing in front and talking did not notice his arrival.

It wasn't until Chu Suiyun had arrived in front of Qin Miao that Qin Miao turned his head in surprise: "Are you awake?"

Old Frey noticed Chu Suiyun's arrival, immediately stopped the conversation with Qin Miao just now, and nodded to Chu Suiyun.

"What are you talking about?" Chu Suiyun asked casually.

"Nothing." Qin Miao didn't answer directly.

Old Frey left directly: "Then I will stop talking to you. You can talk to Mr. Chu. Excuse me."

After finishing speaking, the personable and straight-backed old man left without hesitation.

Chu Suiyun naturally felt that he was deliberately avoiding himself, and he was not very happy, but he couldn't say anything. Chu Suiyun lowered his eyes for a moment, put all distracting thoughts behind him, and asked Qin Miao, "When will we arrive at Flower Snake Island?"

"There are still three days." Qin Miao said, shaking the cigarette in his hand, the smoke rustled, flickering and flickering, and scattered towards the sea.

Chu Suiyun asked again: "Then how long do we have to stay on Hua Snake Island before we can go back?"

Qin Miao frowned: "As soon as possible, in a few days."

Chu Suiyun felt relieved, turned his gaze away from Qin Miao, and cast his eyes on the vast sea, fascinated for a moment.

Qin Miao didn't smoke the cigarette in his hand, probably because he felt that the cigarette from Old Frey was too cheap, too stimulating and not to his taste.

The two were silent for a moment, and in the end Chu Suiyun couldn't hold back and asked, "Can't I know what you were talking about just now?"

Qin Miao paused and smiled: "No. It's just that you don't need to know. Old Frey said that Dong wanted my help, and he was negotiating terms with me, some troublesome things."

Well, Chu Suiyun is really not interested in this matter, Qin Miao is enough to give him a headache, so he doesn't ask any more.

After standing for a while, the wind was getting stronger and stronger, Qin Miao pressed the cigarette on the railing to extinguish it casually, squeezed the **** of the cigarette, and wrapped his arms around Chu Suiyun into his arms.

"Let's go, go back to sleep, it's so cold."

For Qin Miao's sudden physical contact, Chu Suiyun was a little bit resistant at first, and wanted to struggle, but then realized that the two of them had done everything they should and should not do. Being hypocritical, he honestly leaned against Qin Miao's side and was led forward.

On the way back to the room, Chu Suiyun couldn't help thinking, what is he doing with Qin Miao now? Emergency evacuation? Because each other fell into a passive fever and had to help each other, the physical relationship was temporarily maintained. When the matter passes, the two are independent individuals who have nothing to do with each other and will not leave any traces.

This is right, after all Qin Miao chooses to sleep with himself who is not responsible because he can't mark Omega. When I lost my mind, I also used these words to persuade Qin Miao, so for Qin Miao, the current relationship between the two is short-lived and can end at any time without any burden.

Then you should also learn to be free and easy, and don't need to think about the future.

Before that, Chu Suiyun had never had an intimate relationship with anyone. The sanity belonging to the superior Alpha made him a model student in his youth. His life plan is roughly to meet a cute Omega in college, the two will fall in love for a few years, get married when they are old enough to complete the lifelong mark, and have one or two children in a few years. A peaceful and smooth journey without surprises, with nothing to look forward to, and no surprises.

I never expected to encounter such an unexpected accident before stepping into the university campus. Chu Suiyun told himself that it was just a wild dream, and he would wake up the day he returned to Yunguo. Sometimes, I can continue my life as if nothing happened. At the same time, he had a vague premonition that the impact of this dream might last for a long time, and it would not disappear completely just because he and Qin Miao returned to Yun Country.

"Why are you in a daze?"

At some point, Qin Miao had already brought Chu Suiyun to the door of the room, seeing Chu Suiyun in a daze, he couldn't help calling out a reminder.

Chu Suiyun came back to his senses, and saw Qin Miao's arrogance that he didn't care about anything in his eyes, and his unruly attitude that he didn't get involved in everything, and felt sore for no reason.

"Ah, no, maybe it's because of drowsiness." He replied.

Read The Duke's Passion