MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 52 name in ring

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On Monday, Fengmiao Building.

Qin Miao wore a decent suit and added a coat because of the cold weather, but it still looked very thin in the winter at the end of December.

Zhao Kai was very honest, wearing a long jacket like a bear.

But after the two entered the building, it didn't matter what they were wearing. The constant temperature in the room forced everyone who walked in to take off their coats.

After Qin Miao and Zhao Kai walked into the elevator, they pressed the highest floor directly, and the elevator went up quickly, reaching Feng Miao's executive office on the highest floor in less than a minute.

Qin Han, who was wearing a coat, was holding a glass of water, quietly listening to his assistant report back to work. As soon as he saw his younger brother appearing, he raised his hand to signal the assistant to stop and talk later.

Then he smiled slightly at Qin Miao and greeted him, "Here we are."

Qin Miao nodded towards Qin Han. The height difference between the two brothers was quite large, and Beta, the elder brother, had to look up at the younger brother.

"Why do you have to ask me to come? You have so many elites who graduated from famous schools for nothing?" Qin Miao was not satisfied, "I have long since ignored Feng Miao's affairs."

Qin Han shook his head: "You are the most lazy. I am busy like a top in the company every day, but you still go to the villa for vacation every now and then."

Hearing this, Qin Miao glanced sideways at Zhao Kai who was behind him, who told Qin Han about going to the villa, and didn't think about it. Zhao Kai pleads innocent, I can't find you anywhere, of course I have to ask everyone about your whereabouts.

"Okay, don't look at Zhao Kai, he's just here to urge you to work. Since you're so free, I think you won't mind if you do me a favor." Qin Han said, "And I can't find anyone who knows the Federation of Riss better. .”

Qin Miao sat down casually on the sofa in the office, throwing his coat aside: "That was three years ago, after that incident, I didn't care about the affairs of the Riss Federation. The word Riss Federation, in all my personal equipment It’s full of masked words.”

His younger brother has become more reckless in recent years. Qin Han ignored his absurd words and continued, "You should know that Feng Miao has been negotiating contracts with several companies in the Rhys Federation recently."

Qin Miao said "Hmm", indicating that she had indeed heard something.

"Look at the information on your desk." Qin Han raised his chin, "I want you to provide me with some other information."

Qin Miao picked up the materials according to the instructions and quickly flipped through a few pages.

"What information can I provide you? I'm not a database." Qin Miao complained, and his hands kept moving. Suddenly, he turned to a certain page and saw a portrait photo.

Qin Han was keenly aware of his pause, walked over to see the content of that page, and said, "I think you should be able to give me some information that I can't find - such as this person."

The corners of Qin Miao's mouth tightened at some point. He stared at the photo in his hand for a long time before slowly asking, "Who is this person?"

Although the details of this person are on the next page, Qin Han still patiently explained to his younger brother: "This person is the illegitimate son recognized by the Maxson family recently, his name is Levis, and he is an Alpha. If there are no accidents, He will be the successor of this generation."

Qin Miao was holding the materials with one hand, while the other hand was propped on his knee, the palm was hanging in the air, and one finger unconsciously tapped in the air, which was a small movement when he was thinking.

"You must think there is something strange about him." Qin Han was sure.

"Nonsense." Qin Miao frowned, but didn't say anything more, just turned to the next page silently, and looked at Levi's information.

Qin Han didn't rush him, and waited for him to take a look.

After reading it, Qin Miao threw the information back on the table, and said to his elder brother, "I'm not sure yet, give me a few days, and I'll send someone to look up this Levis, and then I'll tell you."

The two brothers then exchanged opinions on the signing of the contract. Qin Miao did not agree with Qin Han's choice of Federal Express as the first candidate. Qin Han shrugged helplessly: "I know you hate Maxson, but the company is not me after all. One person has the final say."

Qin Miao didn't participate in Feng Miao's work, let alone have the right to comment, and left after saying goodbye to his brother.

A few days passed in a hurry, and the engagement ceremony was just around the corner.

The Qin family's old house is very large, and it was chosen as the place to hold the engagement ceremony, which is more private and safer for the Qin family.

A black car smoothly slid into the parking garage of the Qin family's old house, Qin Miao stepped down from the driver's seat, and a tall man stepped down from the passenger seat on the other side, it was Chu Suiyun.

Qin Miao turned around and smiled at Chu Suiyun. Chu Suiyun looked blank and urged, "What are you laughing at, open the trunk."

Qin Miao was not annoyed when the flirtatious "fiancée" interrupted her, she walked obediently to open the trunk, and then helped Chu Suiyun lift the suitcase down.

The suitcase is very light, and it only contains things that Chu Suiyun may use in the past two days.

The two took their luggage, came out of the garage, and went around to the main entrance. Qin Miao put the box by her feet and opened the lock with her fingerprints.

The Qin family's old house has been newly decorated and cleaned spotlessly. There are various wine glasses on the bar counter, the living room has been transformed into a banquet hall, and dozens of tables have been set up. Tomorrow, every table will be filled with Serve food that anyone can take at will.

Qin's mother was inspecting the preparation work in the hall, and when she heard the sound of the door opening, she turned around, and when she saw Chu Suiyun, she showed a beaming smile.

"Come on, Xiaoxue, come in quickly!" Qin's mother came forward to greet her, grabbed Chu Suiyun's hand affectionately, and led him to the sofa.

Chu Suiyun was grabbed by Qin's mother and walked in front, Qin Miao pulled the suitcase and silently followed behind her mother and Chu Suiyun.

"Go through tomorrow's procedure with Mom." Qin's mother said very naturally.

Chu Suiyun was stunned, very surprised by Qin's mother's self-proclaimed, suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his hands and feet.

No matter what kind of person Qin's mother is, even Chu Suiyun's slight changes in expression could not escape her eyes. She took advantage of the heat and deliberately said: "Ah, did I speak out what was in my heart, Xiaoxue, don't feel that Auntie is anxious."

Chu Suiyun, who was not good at getting along with elders, shook his head and replied, "No."

This doesn't mean that she doesn't think Qin's mother has made a slip of the tongue, but she doesn't know how Qin's mother understood it. She immediately asked: "That means Xiaoxue, you are willing to call me 'Mom', doesn't it?"

"Ah?" Chu Suiyun was shocked, embarrassed, subconsciously turned to look at Qin Miao.

Before her eyes fell on Qin Miao, Qin's mother held her face and turned to herself: "Don't look at the second child, I'm asking you, what do you think he is doing?"

"Xiaoxue, you see, the engagement ceremony is tomorrow, please call me and let me hear it in advance." Mother Qin smiled, persuasively.

Chu Suiyun lowered his head, unable to resist, and called out in a low voice: "...Mom."

"Hey!" Qin's mother smiled happily, and the more she looked at her, the more she liked this daughter-in-law. She smiled the whole time and told Chu Suiyun about tomorrow's procedure, but when she talked about the guests, she suddenly fell silent.

Qin's mother sighed as if thinking of something, and regretted: "It's a pity that I can't see Xiaoxue's parents. I must meet them in the future. Thank them for raising you into such a good child."

Chu Suiyun forced a smile: "Don't worry. I don't have a good relationship with my parents. We haven't been in touch for many years."

These words are true, not as Chu Xue, but as Chu Suiyun.

It was the first time for Mother Qin to hear about this matter, she was a little surprised, she looked at Chu Suiyun lovingly: "No wonder you haven't mentioned your parents, then just pretend I didn't mention it, and think about it later when I have a chance."

Then the two formally went through the process, and Qin Miao followed to listen. After it was over, Mother Qin let them go back to the room to rest.

Walking into Qin Miao's room again, Chu Suiyun didn't have any special feelings. It's not difficult to predict that the two of them will be in the same room. After all, their relationship is "fiancee couple". Chu Suiyun prepares a room.

Qin Miao put the box against the wall, saw Chu Suiyun staring at the bed in a daze, guessed that he was concerned about sleeping with her at night, and offered to say, "How about I sleep on the floor?"

"No need." Chu Suiyun shook his head, "The bed is quite big."

"That's good. In fact, I don't really want to play the floor." Qin Miao directly revealed his true thoughts.

Chu Suiyun rolled his eyes at him, and had already expected that Qin Miao's words were just polite.

After putting away the suitcase, Qin Miao went to the closet, took out her home clothes, and said to Chu Suiyun, "I'm going to take a shower, you can lie on the bed and rest for a while, you should be very busy tomorrow."

"Yeah." Chu Suiyun responded and sat down on the bed without seeing anyone else.

Then Qin Miao went into the bathroom, and after a while there was the sound of water, Chu Suiyun sat on the bed and had nothing to do, so he looked at the whole room.

The room is exactly the same as when Chu Suiyun came last time. The whole set of Yunguo classical style decoration reveals the breath of life in the neatness, but it does not fit Qin Miao. It's more like "a part of the Qin family's old house".

There is a TV table at the end of the bed, a green plant is placed on the table, and an LCD TV is hung on the wall. There are also bedside tables of the same color on both sides of the bed, only a night light is placed on the left side, and there is nothing on the right side of the bedside table.

No, there is something.

Chu Suiyun was a little surprised. According to the cleaning style of the Qin family's helpers, there shouldn't be any debris on the table. Out of curiosity, Chu Suiyun got up and walked over.

It was a jewelry box.

Chu Suiyun reached out to pick up the box, the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became, and after a few seconds he remembered—this is the ring that Qin Miao and he went to buy together.

The boxes of the two rings are the same, Chu Suiyun has one himself, that's why he remembers it so clearly.

After figuring out what it was, Chu Suiyun lost interest and prepared to put the ring box back to its original place.

But at the moment when the box touched the table again, Chu Suiyun suddenly remembered an episode when he bought the ring back then.

Originally, there was only one engagement ring, but Qin Miao insisted on buying one for herself, and solemnly engraved it in the store.

Chu Suiyun's one was engraved with "MyLoveQinmiao", so it can be inferred that Qin Miao's one should be engraved with the alias of "Chu Xue". But Chu Suiyun suddenly had a premonition that the engraving on Qin Miao's ring could not be "Chu Xue".

Because if this is the case, then when Chu Suiyun asked to take a look, Qin Miao had no reason to refuse.

In addition, whether it was at the beginning of the agreement or some time ago, when Chu Suiyun asked Qin Miao why he didn't find an Omega to marry and treat his illness, what Qin Miao said implied, Chu Suiyun could deduce with confidence that the ring Nei's name should be the person Qin Miao said he couldn't love.

Chu Suiyun's thoughts were intertwined, and when he came back to his senses, the lid of the ring box had been opened by himself, and the silver ring was shining in front of his eyes.

Wanna see?

Chu Suiyun didn't know, he wanted to see it, but he didn't dare to.

He didn't know what he expected to see on the ring.

Have you seen "Chu Xue"? That means that this ring is just a prop for a fake engagement to Qin Miao; did you see other people's names? That shows that Chu Suiyun's guess is correct. Qin Miao does have someone he can't love. Even if he plays with others, he feels a little guilty in his heart. That's why he wants to engrave his name on the ring to show where his heart belongs. . So what if he guessed right, he wasn't happy.

Chu Suiyun has never been an indecisive person. He realized that his feelings for Qin Miao had changed, and he claimed that he would not be troubled by it. But at this moment, he felt that he had become the protagonist of an old and vulgar love drama. The inner activities are not like a rational and decisive Alpha at all.

In the end, the decisiveness in Chu Suiyun's bones still helped him, no matter whether he read it or not, the fact is fixed and cannot be changed.

Chu Suiyun picked up the ring, raised it over his eyes, and saw clearly the reflected yin and yang lines through the sunlight coming in from the window.

Inside the ring, a name is engraved in elegant cursive characters.

"My Love Chusuiyun"

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