MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 47 encounter workplace harassment

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On Monday, at the door of a classroom at Shanlan University.

Chu Muyu looked at Shen Qingdeng who was quietly studying in the classroom, and turned around to say thank you to the girl who brought him here.

The girl waved her hand: "It's a small matter. I just want to ask, are you with Qing Deng?"

Chu Muyu was stunned, a little surprised.

The girl smiled embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, is it a bit of gossip? The main reason is that before the public class, you and Qingdeng held hands and left, and they always appeared together later, and now you are still asking around where he is. Well, I just asked a casual question. You don’t have to answer me if you’re bothered.”

"We're not together." Chu Muyu replied.

The girl looked a little disappointed, but in the end she said goodbye to Chu Muyu and went to the next classroom.

Chu Muyu didn't know that because of his good looks and good grades, he was considered a little celebrity in the art college, and Shen Qingdeng was famous in the business school, so a small group of people in the school were silently paying attention to them.

But this is not important to Chu Muyu, the important thing is that he finally saw Shen Qingdeng again after half a month.

After Chu Muyu found out that Shen Qingdeng was hiding from her, she contacted him many times and proposed to meet and talk, but she was rejected by Shen Qingdeng every time. After struggling for half a month, Chu Muyu finally made up his mind to block people directly.

Shen Qingdeng was reading a book, with wireless earphones plugged into his ears, his neck naturally hung down at an angle, and his eyes focused on the pages of the book.

Suddenly, Shen Qingdeng's earphones were taken off. As Alpha's reflexes, he grabbed the "thief" who took his earphones as soon as he reached out.

Chu Muyu's wrist was firmly grasped, he struggled, and found that Shen Qingdeng was not moving at all, and realized the great disparity in strength between Alpha and Omega.

Shen Qingdeng raised his head at this time, and seeing that it was Chu Muyu, he quickly let go of his hands.

Then, Shen Qingdeng closed the book and began to tidy up the things on the table, intending to leave immediately.

"Crack!" Chu Muyu slapped Shen Qingdeng's book cover, not allowing him to accept the book.

Omega locked Shen Qingdeng firmly with a pair of big eyes, and asked bluntly: "Why are you avoiding me?"

Shen Qingdeng was silent, Chu Muyu didn't let him pack his books, so he withdrew his hand, and didn't answer the other party's question. The cold reaction made people angry.

This is the self-study room, so it's hard to talk, Chu Muyu took Shen Qingdeng's book away, and said, "Come out with me."

After that, Chu Muyu took the lead to leave the classroom, and Shen Qingdeng followed behind him with his schoolbag.

When the two came to the stairwell where they would not disturb others, Chu Muyu asked the question again, but was still silenced.

Shen Qingdeng's silence caused Chu Muyu's inner grievances to surge endlessly. He asked: "We used to go to class together, go home together, and even go out to play on weekends. Why did you suddenly hide and let me stay together for two weeks?" Can't even see you?"

Shen Qingdeng lowered her eyes, but still didn't speak.

Chu Muyu's emotions piled up, he grabbed Shen Qingdeng's collar and forced Alpha to look at him: "Why don't you speak, why are you avoiding me?"

Only then did Shen Qingdeng's face react, and he whispered: "I'm afraid you hate me."

Chu Muyu was taken aback, puzzled: "I don't hate you, why do you think so, I won't hate you."

This time Shen Qingdeng's answer was very quick, quick and firm: "You will."

Chu Muyu didn't understand: "You are so strange, have you misunderstood what I did? I don't hate you, how can I make you believe me? Shen Qingdeng, can you tell me, how can I make you believe that I don't hate you?" you?"

Omega's tone was flustered and at a loss, and his eyes looked at Shen Qingdeng earnestly. Whoever saw it couldn't help but pity him, couldn't help comforting him, telling him that it was all right, don't worry. But Shen Qingdeng seemed unmoved and just listened silently.

Chu Muyu has never found Shen Qingdeng's reticence so annoying like at this moment, and the grievance, anger and anxiety in his heart finally piled up to the peak and exploded suddenly.

Chu Muyu suddenly lowered his head, Shen Qingdeng raised his hand subconsciously, and suddenly felt a drop of warm tears fall on his tiger's mouth.

"I...I don't want you to be like this, and I don't want, I don't want you to be estranged from me without reason. I don't know why, but as long as I think that I will gradually become strangers with you in the future, I feel very sad...Can we not To be a stranger, I want you to be with me."

I don't know which sentence hit Shen Qingdeng, or Chu Muyu's tears played a role, but the always indifferent Alpha finally responded.

He held Chu Muyu's face into his palm, raised his head with Omega, and looked directly into his own eyes.

Then Shen Qingdeng asked: "Did you cry because of me?"

Chu Muyu's eyes were red, before she could answer, Shen Qingdeng asked again: "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Chu Muyu was holding her face, unable to nod her head, she could only hoarsely say: "Mmm..."

"That's good." Shen Qingdeng's tone was the same as before, "As long as you wish, I will do what you wish."

During the lunch break, the coffee shop in Fengmiao Office Building.

Chu Suiyun was queuing up to buy a cup of coffee. In the morning, I saw Qin Miao send a message complaining that Zhao Kai didn't know how to make coffee, which hooked his coffee addiction.

"Hazelnut latte." Chu Suiyun said to the clerk, and took out his mobile phone to pay the bill.

Well, Chu Suiyun admitted that he doesn't like coffee, he just likes coffee with sugar and milk, or just sugar and milk.

Chu Suiyun was about to scan the QR code to pay when he suddenly stretched out a hand from behind and covered his lens.

"Let me buy you a drink." A male voice came, and the man's Yun Guo dialect had a foreign accent. He said to the clerk, "I want another cup of black coffee."

Following the voice, Chu Suiyun turned around and saw a blond-haired Alpha man, about the same size as himself, with profound facial features, and a smile on his mouth. When he found his eyes, he even blinked at himself.

The blond man obviously looks like the Reese Federation, Chu Suiyun didn't know such a person in his impression, why did he invite himself to drink coffee?

Not wanting to drink coffee for nothing, Chu Suiyun said to the man, "Thank you, but there is no need, I will pay for it myself."

"Don't do this, beauty." The man said in a slippery tone, "Let me treat you."

Chu Suiyun felt a chill, and his heart became more and more resistant. He grabbed the man's wrist, removed the man's hand from behind the phone camera, scanned the QR code and quickly checked out.

After paying the money, Chu Suiyun didn't want to entangle with the man here, so he turned and went to the waiting area.

As a result, the man also followed Chu Suiyun to the waiting area, and introduced himself cheekily: "How about getting to know each other? My name is Levis, how about you?"

Chu Suiyun felt offended by the behavior of the man who called himself Levis, so he didn't have a good face: "Sorry."

This meant rejection, but Chu Suiyun never expected that Levis would be so shameless.

Levis directly pulled out Chu Suiyun's work card in his chest pocket, looked at it, and read in a slightly jerky Yunguo dialect: "Chu Suiyun. It's a nice name. I have a little understanding of Yunguo's culture. I understand, I don’t know if it comes from your ancient poet’s sentence of ‘crushing the white clouds indiscriminately’.”

At this time, Chu Suiyun's coffee was just finished, and he took the badge from Levi's hand: "No, my father just looked it up in the dictionary, excuse me."

Chu Suiyun took the coffee, turned around and left.

Levis stood on the spot, watching Chu Suiyun's leaving back, showing an interesting smile.

Back in the office, Chu Suiyun put the coffee on the table and squeezed his shoulders tiredly.

He was a little speechless. He had heard that the Alphas of the Ris Federation had no morals, but he didn't expect to be so rude that even the Alphas were molested.

Thinking of that man calling her "beauty" again, Chu Suiyun trembled in disgust.

Damn, do you really look like an Omega?

Being molested by Alpha is disgusting to Chu Suiyun, but it is not worth worrying about. After working all afternoon, he has completely put this matter behind him and began to look forward to getting off work.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Papi brought bad news to Chu Suiyun when he had only ten minutes to get off work.

"Xiao Chu, come with me tonight to have a meal with the people from Federal Express." Zhou Papi patted Chu Suiyun's shoulder.

Having to socialize again, Chu Suiyun was unwilling: "Boss, weren't we the giant wheel in charge before? And after you promised me last time..."

Knowing what Chu Suiyun was going to say, Zhou Papi interrupted him: "I know you are worried about my brother, but it has been so long after all, you can't be overprotective. Besides, there is really no way this time, the other party is responsible People call to see you."

Chu Suiyun frowned, not understanding how He De could let the person in charge of the other party name him as a young intern.

After Zhou Papi, he softened his attitude and persuaded him a few more words, but Chu Suiyun had no choice but to agree.

After get off work, Chu Suiyun took the car that was picked up last week, and the two of them set off together with two other colleagues.

In the car, Zhou Papi introduced the situation of the person in charge, and Chu Suiyun knew why he was being targeted.

"The person in charge this time is the fourth young master of Federal Express, his name is Levis, and he is an Alpha. He is an illegitimate son who was recently recognized by the family, but because the only Alpha heir of the Maxson family passed away unexpectedly, this Levi's is the number one successor."

"The McKessons value Levis very much. Sending him here shows that they are bound to win this contract. We can negotiate more favorable conditions."

The Federation of Rhys is a country with expanding Alphaism. There are many laws and regulations that openly violate the principle of equality and only serve Alphas.

For example, in the inheritance law, in the case of no will, the Alpha children will naturally get 80% of the inheritance, and the remaining 20% ​​will be shared equally among the remaining children. Another example is the "Omega Neck Ring Protection Act", which nominally protects Omega's neck The ring is actually a tool for coercing and managing all Omega in the federation.

Chu Suiyun's temples were throbbing, no wonder Levis is such an arrogant and selfish person, he doesn't look at people at all, thinking that the world revolves around him.

But both companies are talking about business, and Chu Suiyun can't let Levis go as far as he can because of his personal grievances. When they arrived at the restaurant, Chu Suiyun could only smirk behind Zhou Papi.

Chu Suiyun maintained a business smile, and stood honestly behind Zhou Papi as the background, listening to Zhou Papi skillfully exchanging business with the other party.

At the end of the exchanging, Levis did not hide his eyes, and looked straight at Chu Suiyun, but said to Zhou Papi: "To tell you the truth, this is the first time I have come to Yun Country. I have always yearned for the style of Yunguo, hoping to see the real face, but I have no chance. Although I am here for work, I also hope to return with a good time."

"Of course, of course, if you have any place you want to go, we will accompany you." Zhou Papi echoed.

"Thank you, Manager Zhou, for your enthusiasm. I do have an unfeeling request." Levis smiled at Chu Suiyun as he spoke.

Chu Suiyun had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, I heard Levis say next: "I hit it off with this subordinate of Manager Zhou. If he can become my tour guide in Yunguo, then I believe that Feng Miao will have a good contract with us, and the meeting will be very pleasant."

Read The Duke's Passion