MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 4 the smell of your neck

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The entrance of Light is a bustling street, and various small shops and taxis block the narrow street even more.

Chu Suiyun was sitting in the car, with his hands on the steering wheel, and he was staring at Light's door intently.

He has been staying here for two days. Dong Kejie said that Qin Miao is Light's boss, because Light is a nightclub with a special nature, so he often comes here to inspect.

However, Chu Suiyun believed that besides inspecting work, this scumbag must come here often to do improper things.

Two days ago, Chu Suiyun didn't find anyone, but today he waited here for half an hour. If Qin Miao didn't show up before twelve o'clock, Chu Suiyun had to go home to accompany his younger brother.

Chu Suiyun raised his wrist to look at his watch, and when he turned his eyes to the outside of the car, Qin Miao's figure finally appeared.

Chu Suiyun hurriedly pushed the door and got out of the car, followed Qin Miao about ten meters behind, and entered Light.

Light has three floors, the bottom two floors are very ordinary, no different from ordinary nightclubs, fully meet the legal operating standards, and there is nothing that should not be there.

Chu Suiyun often comes to the first and second floors, drinking and singing, and has never been to the third floor, because the third floor is membership-only, and one cannot enter without a membership card.

After Qin Miao entered, she took the elevator and went straight to the third floor. Chu Suiyun took a step behind, turned to the fire exit and climbed upstairs.

After reaching the third floor, Chu Suiyun unexpectedly found that there were no staff guarding it. The decoration style of this floor is not much different from the one below, but it is much quieter, without the singing of ghosts and wolves.

Following the voice of the conversation, Chu Suiyun walked around a corner, poked his head out, and saw Qin Miao surrounded by several employees.

No wonder no one was guarding the door, they were all busy flattering the boss.

Chu Suiyun followed very skillfully, taking advantage of the twists and turns in the store, he followed a corner behind, neither losing track nor revealing his whereabouts.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to follow the next corner, a waiter stopped him.

The waiter smiled politely: "Hi sir, can you not find the private room?"

Chu Suiyun replied calmly: "No."

The waiter did not move away, but continued to say: "Our side is indeed quite roundabout, let me take you there, may I ask which one is yours?"

Chu Suiyun frowned, glanced at the house number of the private room next to him, and said vaguely: "I didn't remember, it's probably B80...something. Don't bother you, I'll look for it myself."

The waiter pointed to the right side: "Okay, sir, go this way in area B, if you need help, you can come to us at any time."

Chu Suiyun nodded, and finally sent the overly enthusiastic waiter away, but when he looked around the next corner, Qin Miao's figure had already disappeared.

"Hey!" Losing his heel, Chu Suiyun thumped the wall in frustration.

Chu Suiyun was standing at the corner, wondering which way to go, when suddenly the door of a private room beside him was opened.

A strong smell of pheromone swept out immediately, before Chu Suiyun had time to cover his nose, he was bumped into his arms by an Omega whose whole body was hot.

"help me…"

Omega was clearly unconscious, hugging Chu Suiyun's neck and not letting go. He was surrounded by a pheromone smell that could not be ignored, pungent and seductive.

This Omega has entered a fever period.

Fortunately, Chu Suiyun is a superior Alpha, which is more resistant to the pheromones of Omega during the fever period than ordinary Alphas. Otherwise, Chu Suiyun should have lost his mind when he came into such close contact with Omega.

Soon, two Alphas chased out from the private room. They were obviously aroused by the Omega's pheromone, and their faces were filled with a strange blush. When they came out, they saw their target Omega being hugged by another Alpha. He started yelling at Chu Suiyun.

"Who the **** are you, let go of the Omega in your arms!"

Hearing the voices of these two Alphas, the Omega in his arms hugged Chu Suiyun even tighter, his lips turned pale, and he couldn't stop trembling.

Chu Suiyun lowered his head to look, it was incredible that he was an acquaintance. This Omega is Fan Qing who kissed Qin Miao passionately that day.

The two Alphas who came out of the private room were dressed like dogs, but they scared Omega like this, which is obviously not what you want. It's fine if Chu Suiyun didn't see it, since he ran into him, he had to take care of it, not to mention that he had a predestined relationship with this Omega.

Chu Suiyun protected Fan Qing behind him, and faced the two Alphas: "What are you trying to do? Do you know that this kind of thing is against the law?"

One of the chubby Alphas stepped forward with a shameless attitude: "He is here to sell, don't meddle in your own business!"

"No matter what he does, as long as Omega is unwilling, this kind of thing is forced." Chu Suiyun took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police.

The faces of the two Alphas on the opposite side finally changed.

After the war, the government paid more and more attention to the protection of Omega's rights and interests. After decades of development, there is already a complete set of protection laws. Once Alpha is found to have compulsive behavior towards Omega, he may face lifelong supervision or even imprisonment.

Light's waiters rushed over after hearing the dispute here. Most of them were Betas, not sensitive to pheromones, but they were also covered their noses by the strong pheromones of Omega.

The enthusiastic waiter who stopped Chu Suiyun just stepped forward, stood between the two sides, and asked, "Gentlemen, what happened?"

Before Chu Suiyun could speak, he was robbed by the chubby Alpha opposite.

"This guy is meddling in other people's business, my own Omega is in love, and he insists on meddling!" The chubby Alpha pointed at Chu Suiyun and turned black and white.

"Sir, it's hard to say..." The waiter turned to Chu Suiyun with a perplexed expression.

Chu Suiyun was irritated by the waiter's cover-up attitude, and said with a sullen face: "You have an illegal business here. The two of them forced Omega, and your store is also inseparable. I will report it to the Commercial Supervision Bureau."

If Fan Qing was out to sell it, as the two Alphas said, then the third floor of Light is not legal at all, and is doing illegal activities under the guise of privacy.

The waiter panicked when he heard this, and quickly explained: "Sir, you misunderstood, we at Light have absolutely no illegal business activities."

Chu Suiyun ignored him and directly dialed the emergency number.

Calling the police can be postponed, and the most urgent thing now is to call the emergency center and let them send a doctor to suppress Omega's febrile period.

Chu Suiyun felt that his clothes were about to be torn by Fan Qing. Even though he was more resistant to Omega pheromones than ordinary Alphas, if Fan Qing continued like this, more Alphas would be stimulated here. Omega's own health is also not good.

Chu Suiyun briefed the emergency center about the situation and location, hung up the phone, and looked impatiently at the two Alphas opposite, then he looked away and gave instructions to the waiter.

"Find another empty private room and take him to rest." Chu Suiyun said.

Those two Alphas, especially the slightly fat one, immediately became extremely excited when they saw the Omega being taken away by the waiter, and the anxious look was disgusting. Fortunately, the security guard arrived in time after receiving the news and stopped him.

The waiter ran to Chu Suiyun and said all kinds of good things to him, both inside and outside the words were explaining that Light did not have illegal business operations and told him not to call the police.

Seeing that they handled it well, Chu Suiyun backed down a step: "I won't call the police, but after that Omega wakes up, you can't stop him if he wants to call the police."

"Yes yes yes..." The waiter blushed and nodded to him.

The two Alphas were taken to the private room to sober up and calm down. The first aid arrived soon. Chu Suiyun was relieved after staring at the waiter who sent Fan Qing to the ambulance.

Chu Suiyun watched the ambulance drive away, turned around and returned to the Light Hall, covered his eyes on the sofa and sat leaning back for a while.

He had come to follow Qin Miao and wanted to take pictures of that guy stealing evidence, but in the end he lost him, and he also took the opportunity to help others. It's really...

Laughing at himself, Chu Suiyun moved his hands over his eyes, sat up, and suddenly saw Qin Miao, who was surrounded by the manager and employees, striding towards this side.


Come to yourself?

Chu Suiyun hadn't figured out why Qin Miao brought a mighty group of people towards him, when he saw that person approaching him with a beautiful scumbag face.

Opposite the tip of his nose.

Qin Miao has a cold fragrance, Alpha doesn't know how to wear perfume, they are proud of their pheromone smell, so Chu Suiyun judged that this cold fragrance is Qin Miao's pheromone.

It's ok...not bad.

Chu Suiyun thought endlessly.

In the next second, the behavior of this scumbag made Chu Suiyun's hair stand on end, and he almost jumped up in shock.

Qin Miao put her head on the side of his neck and took a deep breath.

This is an action engraved in Alpha's instinct. The side of the neck is where the Omega glands are located. Alphas sniff here to determine the scent of their partners. This is a behavior of class marking, and it is Alpha who divides the affiliation.

An Alpha doing this kind of action to another Alpha is no different from provocation. If Chu Suiyun's temper was a little more violent, his fist would have hit Qin Miao's face.

But who made Chu Suiyun a well-educated, gentle and good Alpha, violence was not his first choice, so after being offended, he just covered the side of his neck, avoided a few inches, and frowned dissatisfiedly looking at other side.

"The taste of Omega..." Qin Miao opened his eyes, and glanced at Chu Suiyun lightly.

His voice was lingering and deep, like a wisp of smoke. From Chu Suiyun's perspective, Qin Miao's nose was straight, and her protruding Adam's apple rolled up and down following his words.

Full of the deadly sexiness that belongs only to Alpha Alpha.

Then Qin Miao stood up straight, glanced at Chu Suiyun, turned around and told the manager: "Throw those two scumbags out of Light, and they will be blacklisted from now on. All the properties under my control will no longer welcome them."

The manager bowed submissively: "Yes, boss."

After giving the order, Qin Miao looked down at Chu Suiyun again, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

"Now you can rest assured, I promise they will never appear in front of you again."

After finishing speaking, Qin Miao dropped Chu Suiyun who was still in a daze, and left with the wind on his feet.

Chu Suiyun was still clutching his neck, sitting on the sofa in a daze, and blinked for a long time.

Uh... Is he, is that guy treating him as an Omega?

While Chu Suiyun was dizzy, the manager had already returned from delivering Qin Miao, brought a waiter over and gave Chu Suiyun a bag full of gifts.

"I'm sorry sir, our poor service has caused you trouble. Here, I solemnly apologize to you on behalf of Light. This is our little thought, please accept it."

The manager was eloquent, and offered the gift with both hands as he spoke.

Chu Suiyun looked at the attentive manager and the generous gift, and could no longer doubt—

I was really treated as a victim Omega by that idiot Qin Miao.

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