MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 27 six figure ring

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"I know." Chu Suiyun was a little surprised by Chu Muyu's answer.

"At that time, I didn't understand you very well, and I was a little too attached to you..." Chu Muyu looked away a little embarrassedly, "Now that I think about it, you have actually done your best to take care of me."

Chu Muyu raised his eyes, looked directly at Chu Suiyun, and said firmly: "That's why I can confess this to you today. Because I believe in brother."

Chu Suiyun's eyes were hot when he heard his younger brother's caring words. He hugged his younger brother into his arms and ruffled Chu Muyu's hair.

"Woooo, Xiaoyu, you are really the cutest little brother in the world."

Chu Muyu was having difficulty breathing due to her brother's hug, so she quickly pushed Chu Suiyun.

Only then did Chu Suiyun come to his senses and let go.

"By the way." Chu Muyu thought of one thing, "Now that we've covered this, I have one more thing to tell you, brother."

"What's the matter?" Chu Suiyun asked.

Chu Muyu scratched her cheek hesitantly, and said frankly: "Brother Miao knew about my being stalked. In fact, I asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend, in order to stimulate that stalker to show his feet. Otherwise, that person has been hiding in the dark to harass me, but there is nothing I can do."

Chu Suiyun was taken aback for a moment, and listened to his younger brother continue talking.

"Brother Miao helped me a lot. Sometimes when I was afraid, he would comfort me. Although his comfort was not very useful, he gave me a lot of ideas."

"Brother Miao gave me a reminder today, making me realize that the teacher is a stalker. If there is no brother Miao, maybe I still don't know who that person is today."

"Brother Miao, I met when I was studying in the studio. Although there are many rumors about him, at least he has always treated me very well, and he has never done anything inappropriate. Brother, you really misunderstood."

After finishing speaking, Chu Muyu looked at Chu Suiyun eagerly, with a sincere expression.

When Chu Suiyun heard his younger brother's confession, he finally realized that he had misunderstood Qin Miao all along.

"I'm sorry." Chu Suiyun apologized again, and this time the apology seemed not only to his younger brother.

Chu Muyu shook his head: "It's okay, as long as you don't have any prejudice against Brother Miao."

The younger brother was able to speak so easily because he didn't know what Chu Suiyun was doing behind his back.

Chu Suiyun's heart was much heavier.

In order to separate Qin Miao and his younger brother, he did not hesitate to pretend to be an Omega to seduce Qin Miao. A few days ago, he reached an agreement with Qin Miao and even bought an engagement ring. He thought that the plan to save his younger brother would be successful soon, but who knew it was all a misunderstanding in the end.

Chu Suiyun sighed silently in his heart, and decided not to think about the matter with Qin Miao for the time being, and focus on solving the matter of his younger brother first.

"Tomorrow we will change your mobile phone number, you give me your current mobile phone card, and I will deal with that guy." Chu Suiyun arranged, "I will pick you up every day in the future, and remember to be the first time you encounter anything. Contact me, did you hear me?"

"Understood." Chu Muyu obediently replied.

After arranging the younger brother's affairs, Chu Suiyun finally asked a few words, and the two went to wash and prepare to rest.

After returning to the room, Chu Suiyun remembered that there was one thing he hadn't told his brother.

Today Dong Kejie said that his younger brother left early because he was not feeling well, and Chu Muyu was eighteen years old, a very special age for Omega.

Chu Suiyun was a little worried that something had happened to his younger brother's body. Originally, he wanted to tell his younger brother to take time to go to the physical examination together.

But just now outside, there were other people present, and Chu Suiyun was an Alpha, so it was not easy to speak, and he also encountered Li Cen's incident, so he delayed it for a while.

"Hey." The worried elder brother Chu Suiyun sighed, let's talk about it tomorrow morning.

Walking to the bedside, Chu Suiyun inevitably saw the ring box on the bedside table that he had placed there before.

Chu Suiyun sat down beside the bed, picked up the ring box, and opened the lid, revealing the low-key and luxurious engagement ring inside.

The engraved cursive characters were visible under the light, and Chu Suiyun took the ring in his hand and turned it around.

Thinking of the meaning behind this ring, Chu Suiyun felt dizzy.

Who would have thought that he had misunderstood the relationship between his brother and Qin Miao all this time. In fact, thinking back now, my younger brother explained that he had nothing to do with Qin Miao long before I was completely stupid, but at the time I thought that Qin Miao was cheating on my little cabbage, so I didn't believe it at all.

Now knowing the truth, while Chu Suiyun breathed a sigh of relief, he had to worry—

What should I do, how to deal with the relationship between myself and Qin Miao?

Do you want to explain it to Qin Miao?

"Ah!" Chu Suiyun held up the ring, propped his elbows on his thighs, and lowered his head weakly.

At this moment, in Chu Suiyun's heart, the light ring in his hand was as heavy as a thousand-weight boulder.

"After all, it's six figures..." Chu Suiyun covered his eyes.


Just when Chu Suiyun was troubled, the mobile phone message notification sounded, Chu Suiyun put the ring back in the box, and took out his mobile phone to look at it.

Qin Miao: "Do you have time tomorrow night? I want to have a meal with you and talk about something."

Can you say that this text message came at the right time? Chu Suiyun also has something to say to Qin Miao.

Chu Suiyun pressed the screen and replied: "If you have time, please send me the meeting place."

After replying to the text message, Chu Suiyun lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a silent trance.

the next day.

Chu Suiyun specially asked for leave, and accompanied his younger brother to re-apply for the phone card. Chu Suiyun directly bought a new mobile phone for Chu Muyu, and he took the old mobile phone. He wanted to see what other tricks Li Cen had.

As for the physical examination, because Chu Muyu still had classes in the afternoon, and Chu Suiyun was going to see Qin Miao, the two brothers agreed to wait until the weekend.

Chu Suiyun sent his younger brother to the school gate, and told him worriedly: "Stay away from Alpha during this period, what kind of lamp, I don't think it is a fuel-efficient lamp, you should pay attention to it."

Chu Muyu blushed, and said impatiently: "What are you talking about! I'm so annoying, let's go."

"Don't be indifferent, if you feel any discomfort recently, please contact me immediately." Chu Suiyun earnestly said.

"Okay..." Chu Muyu, who couldn't say that her early departure was not due to physical reasons, could only nod obediently.

Sending off his younger brother, Chu Suiyun returned home.

He changed into a set of Omega-style clothes. Recently, in order to act in front of Qin Miao, he bought several sets of Omega-style clothes. Fortunately, the online shopping packages were not transparent, otherwise his younger brother would think he was a pervert.

After changing clothes, Chu Suiyun came to the washstand, got some water on his hands, put down his bangs, and slightly covered his too sharp eyes. Then I put on a pair of mirror frames, sprayed on Omega perfume, checked in front of the mirror, and it was considered complete.

Qin Miao’s scheduled time was a bit early, and he didn’t have time to change clothes after get off work, so Chu Suiyun simply asked for a day off, took a leisurely meal with his younger brother and sent him to school, then went home to change clothes and drove to the appointment, so he had more time .

Everything was ready, Chu Suiyun took the key and went out.

The car drove into the parking space, Chu Suiyun pushed the door down, and a thin little Beta ran over and handed Chu Suiyun a card.

"First, sir, this is our parking card. You can park here for free. Please keep it safe." Beta's voice was clear and shy.

Chu Suiyun turned his head when he heard the words, reached out to take the card handed by Beta, glanced casually, and found that Beta was too young, like a part-time high school student.

Perhaps it was a side effect of having a younger brother at home, but Chu Suiyun had a very good attitude compared to boys younger than himself, so seeing that Beta was only a high school student, Chu Suiyun smiled gently.

"Thank you for your hard work."

After speaking, he strode neatly into the restaurant, with wind under his feet.

Little Beta was shocked by Chu Suiyun's smile on the spot, and when the person walked away, he covered his eyes with the parking card and murmured shyly, "What's the matter, did I get picked up by an Omega? Woohoo, It shouldn't be."

After walking into the restaurant, Chu Suiyun's temperament was restrained, and all kinds of movements became introverted and soft, which was completely different from the striding person just now.

A waitress went up to ask Chu Suiyun if he had a reservation. Chu Suiyun looked away slightly as if afraid of life, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Qin Miao's reservation."

The waiter smiled knowingly, and led Chu Suiyun into the private room Qin Miao reserved.

The door of the private room was opened, Chu Suiyun was a little surprised that Qin Miao was already waiting inside.

It was clearly more than ten minutes before the agreed time.

Qin Miao was on the phone, when she saw Chu Suiyun appear, she raised a finger to her mouth, and then told the other side of the phone a few words that Chu Suiyun couldn't understand. It's okay.

It is quite different from the Qin Miao in Chu Suiyun's cognition.

Qin Miao didn't hang up the phone until Chu Suiyun sat down on the seat opposite.

"Good evening, Xiaoxue." Qin Miao put the phone on the table and greeted Chu Suiyun.

Chu Suiyun almost didn't realize that the phrase "Xiaoxue" was calling him, so he nodded after being taken aback.

Fortunately, his character has always been a shy and restrained Omega. Qin Miao didn't find it strange that he didn't respond enthusiastically. She raised her hand to signal to the waiter that it's time to serve.

"This restaurant specializes in the cuisine of the Federation of Lisbon. Although many places in the Federation are not very good, the food is still good because of its vast territory." Qin Miao began to chat very naturally, "Have you ever eaten Federation cuisine?"

"I've eaten." Chu Suiyun responded politely, actually wondering what Qin Miao was going to say when he asked him to come out this time.

As a result, Qin Miao was not in a hurry, and continued to chat, keeping his mouth shut and not talking about business. When the food came, both of them were full, and they didn't get to the point.

But thanks to him not talking about the business, Chu Suiyun thought it was a meal that was mainly for conversation, and the meal was not enough to eat, but in fact he was very satisfied.

As Qin Miao said, the Reese Federation dishes here are delicious.

Chu Suiyun's grandmother is from the Rhys Federation and married to Yun Country, so when he was a child, he ate the Federation dishes cooked by his grandmother, and the taste here has a bit of the taste of his grandmother.

Qin Miao watched Chu Suiyun gradually let go of his eating movements, picked up the teacup next to his hand, and covered the corners of his upturned mouth.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say to Chu Suiyun, "You eat a lot", but then choked back the words.

Saying this is enough to be dragged out by Omegas all over the country to ridicule their low EQ. Qin Miao, who claims to have a high EQ, put it another way: "It seems that the food here is really delicious, and I will bring you here again in the future."

Chu Suiyun didn't understand the real meaning of Qin Miao's high EQ, he almost finished eating, put down the knife and fork, and looked up at Qin Miao.

Qin Miao understood, this was urging him to get down to business.

So Qin Miao sat up slightly, looked straight at Chu Suiyun opposite, and finally said the purpose of tonight: "My mother wants to see you."