MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 91 Hey

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After August, Hai'an and other Auguste hurriedly pulled him to the end of the rose bush.

"Where are you going to take me?" Auguste was held by Hai'an and walked slowly and step by step. He could see that Hai'an couldn't wait, but he just wanted to make it worse, not to go fast.

"I will take you to see the flowers," Hai'an said, dragging Auguste a few steps forward. "Augu, let's go faster. When the sun goes down, you can't see the moment when the rose blooms." ""

"Do you want to see roses?"

"Well, it's over there." Hai'an pointed to the green grass not far away, and those roses now have flower bones, and the red and bright are growing on the branches.

Auguste still can't see what kind of rose it is. After all, he is not a plant expert.

When they walked into the rose bush, Auguste discovered that the rose was not thorny.

"Dusk Rose." Auguste snorted, glaring at the green leaves of the rose, hooking his lips, staring at Hai'an with a meaningful look and said: "You actually took me to see the dusk rose, you know What is the flower language of this flower?"

Hai'an saw August's smile, but he was a little worried, but he thought that there are so many varieties of roses, but the flower language is similar, the core meaning is only one, that is, I love you.

"Of course I know, I love you." Hai'an looked back to August, and he did not say it with any shyness. He just likes Auguste, August asks him about roses. What is the flower language, it should be that he wants to say this sentence.

Oops, August is so boring, if you want to hear love, just say it, you have to be so sloppy.

Hearing the confession of Haian, the smile of August's mouth widened even more. He approached and grabbed Hai'an's hands, ten fingers clasped, and his forehead reached.

"I love you too."

August's voice is very low, but there is deep love inside. Hai'an looks at August's eyes and looks straight into the eye. His eyes are deep dark red, like mysterious blood jade. The strong love revealed from it turned into an invisible big net, tightly bound him, and then blended into each other's flesh and blood one by one, and could no longer be separated.

That feeling comes from the depths of the soul, like the guidance of destiny, irresistible, and not willing to resist.

There are no two identical leaves in the world, and there are no two identical stars. They have their own growth trails and star orbits. The leaves withered in the four seasons, the stars followed the tidal gravitational pull of the universe, they shine in the bright sunshine, or shine in the dark universe, but can not find the same self, It is just as lonely.

Hai'an's eyes suddenly slipped out of tears. He never felt lonely in this world, because Auguste always accompanied him, just like an accidental overlap of the time cone, the leaves fell from the branches in advance, and the stars were misplaced. Change forever, but the big tree did not die, and the galaxies where the stars are located have not fallen apart.

The departure of the leaves is the call of the wind, the tree can not be retained, but you are the eternal composition of the universe of my universe, even if one day you first died, but I can still perceive your gravity, continue to follow your footsteps, forever Accompanied, never separated.

"How do you cry again?" Auguste raised his hand and gently wiped the tears from the eyes of Hai'an's eyes, whispering. "I haven't bullied you, how do you always cry?"

Hai'an turned his head and smothered the fog in his eyes. "The eyes have been smashed for too long, and some are embarrassing."

August did not dismantle Hai'an's little lies, but pulled up Hai'an's hand and walked to a higher hillside to sit down. The sun's side fillet had sunk into the horizon, the pale blue sky from the sun. The place where it fell was dyed orange by little.

They are surrounded by rose bushes, where the terrain is high, and almost all of the red and green roses underneath can be seen in the bottom. Large and large flower bones stick out from the green leaves, waiting for the sunset to bloom at dusk.

"Auguster..." Hai'an lowered his head and whispered the name of Auguste.

He decided to tell Auguste all his past, there is no reservation, he is such a love of August, I hope he can fully know everything about himself.

Auguste turned his head and saw Haian, who had a small head down, couldn't help but put on his head and took him to his arms.

"what happened?"

"I want to tell you something." Hai An took a deep breath and looked up and looked at August's eyes. "I am not actually a person in this world. I don't know how I came here... ”

Hai'an leaned on August's shoulder and said something about his past. He used his little friends to play in the forest when he was a child, until he left himself alone to sneak a peek at the plant goblin. He first came to the panic of the world, and then how he fell in love with the man in front of him at the moment, they all confessed.

"So, you have secretly secretly crushed me for a long time."

Hai'an: "..."

"It is obvious that you first glimpse me." When it comes to this Hai'an, he will not forget the things that Auguste did to him on the Philia and the bathroom. It is too sloppy, too shameless, too Don't face it.

Even if they are married, he can understand those things when they have no outsiders in the bathroom, but Auguste is on the Danglang, but he is so many faces in front of him, and no one knows.

"Well, I have to look at you first, I want to think all the time..." Auguste’s last words were deliberately light, and I didn’t intend to let Hai’an hear it clearly.

Hai'an was trying to ask him what the last words were, and Auguste opened his mouth.

"Then will you go back to that world?" Auguste worried about this.

Hai'an was silent for a while before he continued: "I don't know, Paladin said that let me follow you and find the answer."

Auguste was not satisfied with this answer from Hai'an. He grabbed Hai's hand and squatted tightly. "Oh... maybe I will be selfish, but I don't want to let go of you."

"Even if you find a way to go back, I won't let you go." Auguste stared at Haian's eyes, saying it seriously and firmly.

Hai'an snorted and asked in a relaxed tone: "So if I have to go?"

Hai'an is just a joke, he won't go, he wants to know the answer is just how he came to the world, and the elders and the queen, what happened to them in the end, and... think of the flower in the street, Paladin The pictures that I showed him, I am afraid that even if he is willing to go back, he will not find his home.

"I ate you." Auguste lowered his head and rubbed the face of Shanghai An, squinting and feeling the warm and smooth skin under his hands, but his eyes were full of possessiveness and being Repressed fierceness.

"First, bite your neck." The soft lips slammed into the throat of Hai'an, with a small bite of a small throat, and a hot, wheezing "starting from the left hand, eating you bit by bit." Then, **, the blue flame will melt us into a complete soul stone, and no one can separate us.

August's tone doesn't sound like a joke. His lips and teeth on his throat also give Hai'an the illusion that he will be bitten off the next moment.

Hai'an took August's head and saw that he had become a squint's eye, a long and slender line, like the most ferocious beast.

"The sun is setting." Auguste dumbly voiced, and the side of the head broke away from Haian's hand. After grinding for a while in his neck, like a cat seeking comfort, he took Hai'an into his arms. Then put the chin on Haian's shoulder and watch the sunset quietly.


"Hey, the flowers are going to open." Auguste stretched out his fingers and pressed it on Hai'an's lips, pressing back all his words.

Hai'an moved and wanted to look back at August's face, only to find that he was slammed by Auguste and couldn't move. At the moment, the sun finally appeared on the round side of the ground, and it was silent. Entering the horizon, leaving only the afterglow of orange.

Like the order, the rose bushes are tidy and tidy, and the bright petals are stacked on top of each other, like a burning fire that spreads to every corner of the green plexus.

The fragrant rose scented, plunged into the nose and gently swayed the soul.

I don't know why, Hai'an suddenly felt that he was all hot, just like that on the Philia today... the feeling of drinking the wrong wine.

"Oh..." Auguste hugged Hai'an and put Hai'an long silver hair to the front, then dropped a kiss behind the white neck. "The flower of the dusk rose is simple, but I don't love you... Yes"

"Oh, dry me, like the twilight time, the light is the last dying struggle before the darkness."

Hai'an eyes widened and looked incredulously at the bright and beautiful rose bushes, and August's hand had reached the front, one by one, his button, the hot kiss on the back. Down, kiss each of the raised vertebrae.

"This flower is known as the gentlest lover, because it has no thorns. If a person plants a twilight rose for his beloved, it means that he has the most affectionate feeling for his lover, and he is reluctant to have a pain. However, "Auguster's voice is more **** and more low than just now. Hai'an can even hear the strong sighs that are suppressed there.

"If someone, taking another person to see the blooming of the dusk rose, it means that he wants that person to dry and cry, this is the real flower of the twilight rose. Because it blooms, the fragrance will be emitted. Tick ​​out the deepest ** of a person."

"Hey... are you saying that?"

Haian only knew that he was finished, and he had picked up a beast.
