MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 55 Book book

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"Lidney?" Karl looked around for Lidney. The vision of Aaron was very good. The darkness of this was nothing to him.

"I am here," Lydney's voice came from deeper into the cabin.

When Carl heard it, even the flashlight that Alia handed him did not pick up. He ran directly to Lydney. "How did you fall there and there was no injury."

"No, but I seem to be stuck."

"You don't move! I will come right away."

"I seem to be moving."

Lydney struggled to get up there. I didn't know what was going on. The cabin was shaken violently. All the lights were gradually turned on, and every corner of the cabin was illuminated one by one. The glare of white thorns It hurts Lidney's eyes. He quickly reached out and blocked. The pupil of Carl's eyes narrowed down at once, but this was only the natural reaction of creatures to glare.

Hai'an was also stabbed by this light, and his eyes suddenly provoked some physical tears. Auguste saw Hai'an raised his hand to cover his eyes, and immediately blocked his hand in front of Hai'an and covered his face.

The lights on the console in the spacecraft are all lit up.

"Hello, welcome to the expedition ship No. 9." The spacecraft's intelligent system sent a thick bass greeting.

When Aria walked to the console and pressed a few buttons, the door of the subdivision where they were located was opened. "The information is in the main control room, we have to go to the main control room."

Along the way, only the white light on the top of the head was lit, the entire spacecraft was silent, the floor area of ​​the cabin was a layer of gray, and the wall lamps in some places were flashing constantly, braving the white smoke, and Jie Ming’s emphasis on the machine gun was carefully in front. Walking.

"Why are you so careful, there are no corpses here." Colin walked carelessly behind, and came along with it.

Corson felt that his brother’s mouth was too embarrassing. "How are you so embarrassed?"

"I am telling the truth, isn't the body not very good?"

August walked and suddenly collapsed, because there was a blood stain that had dried up at his feet. Carl also walked to him, looked around, and there was a door next to them. Carl pushed the door open. Later found this is a kitchen.

"It's the blood of the Aaron." Carl smacked with a knife on the cutting board.

Colin was shocked: "What? Did anyone eat Aaron?"

Carl didn't answer his words, just frowning tightly.

"The main control room is coming, let's go and see the boat record." Aria stood at the door and said to them.

Once each spacecraft is started, there will be a ship diary, following the spacecraft into the universe, recording everything in the spacecraft. Just find the boat diary and everything will be fine.

"Yeah." Auguste agreed, but did not move.

Hai'an looked up at Auguste. He was lowering his eyes and looking at the ground. He didn't know what he was thinking.

August is this... are you afraid?

Colin looked at August and Carl and sighed and took the lead.

But when they opened the door of the main control room, they were disgusted.

The front of the main control room is a transparent floor-to-ceiling window. The design is similar to that of the Wandering. You can clearly see everything from the inside, but now the transparent glass is covered with flesh-colored worms. They are dense and dense. The foot squirmed on top of it.

This visual effect is really beautiful.

The first Colin who stepped into the main control room couldn't do it. "Fuck, I have to vomit." He held the door frame and said, "This is disgusting."

Aria stepped forward and pressed the light barrier in front of the console, which covered the worms' outer legs, but she tried to search the ship's boat record and found them. A crew certificate is required to view the diary.

"We don't have a qualification certificate." Aria let go. "And this defense system I can't decipher."

But she then waved to Lidney, "Lidney, let's try it."

"Ah? Ok." Lidney was named, a little embarrassed, but agreed immediately. "I try."

Lydney's long fingers snapped on the keyboard, and the code kept on the screen and reflected on his pale brown eyes, printing a strip of light.

The waiting time was long, and Auguste walked with Hai'an.

"Auguste, where are you going?" Carl shouted at him.

"I went to the crew quarters to see." Auguste's low voice came from far away.

Colin stood up from the ground as soon as he heard it. He now has a shadow on this room. If you go to the crew quarters, you may find something. "I have to go."

"Then all go, I will stay with Lidney." Carl moved his chair and sat next to Lidney.

"Okay," Jemming also stood up and placed the heavy machine gun on the table in the main control room. "Let Carl and Lidney stay here. Let's go to the crew quarters."

"Yes." Aria also put down her backpack. There should be no danger on this ship. There is nothing wrong with Lidney's protection of Carl.

And Auguste, holding Hai'an, has entered a crew's bedroom.

There have been two people who have lived here.

The towels and toothbrushes in the bathroom are double, and there are two pillows on the bed. Hai'an also saw a photo frame on the bedside table. Auguste also saw it. He walked over with Haian and picked it up. Photo frame.

There are two very handsome men in the photo. A man who looks weaker is hanging on the neck of a very strong man, smiling very happily, and the strong man is holding his waist tightly with both hands. It seems that he is afraid that he will fall, and his face is also filled with a gentle smile.

Under the photo frame, a row of small characters is engraved, and Hai'an can't read it, but Auguste can understand it.

"Jerry & Bolink."

This is a couple.

Auguste put down the photo frame and picked up a book next to the photo frame, which seems to be the diary.

[Ephemeris 3499, June 22nd. I have been trapped on this planet for five months with Bolink. Everyone has sacrificed, and I don’t know if Karan has brought the seeds back to the main star. The food is almost finished, I don't know how long I can stay with Bolink. 】

[Ephemeris 3499, August 25th. I am pregnant, but I dare not tell Bolink, the rescue team did not come, we are going to die. 】

[Ephemeris 3499, October 8th. Bolink, he is cutting his own meat. This planet can't find other food. What should I do? 】


There are a few pages of paper written behind it, and Auguste doesn't quite know what the diary owner wrote. After turning a few more pages, only one page of paper was written clearly.

[Ephemeris 3500 years, January 1st. Today is the first day of the New Year. I killed Bolink last night. I don't want him to suffer this pain any more. Before the colonel went to tell us, we will win in the new year. If we want to win, we must bleed. War is the only way we can usher in peace, but I don't know when tomorrow will be there without smoke, because neither Bolink nor I will have tomorrow. I love you, Bolink, love you forever. 】

The diary ends here, and there is a blank behind.

This should be written by someone named Jerry.

In a small book, it is written with heavy words.

August holding the diary, there was no movement for a long while. This diary was written in the language of the Asian Judah. ​​Haian also could not understand anything, but at the moment, the air seemed to be filled with an indescribable heavy and sorrow.

"August, Lydney has deciphered the boat record." Carlsing rushed in from the outside, and saw August holding the book in a daze.

Carl smashed the meeting and walked up to win the diary and quickly looked up.

After a long silence, Carl took a deep breath and took the shoulder of Auguste's ear. "From the day you joined the army, you should know that sacrifice is essential. Don't be too pessimistic. He didn't write. Their children, if the child survived."

Hai'an never imagined that Carl, who has always been like a child, will one day conversely comfort Auguste. "Let's go and see the boat record."

"Karl." Auguste called Carl's name in the back, "Thank you."

Carl walked in front, didn't look back, and turned his back to the back, a gesture of "v".

"Can these records be translated into interstellar lingua franca? I don't understand it at all." Colin stared at the densely-written Yajuon script on the screen, and said with a look of pain.

"Let me try."

"Isn't it easy to translate directly to Karl or August?" Jieming stood silently and said.

"No," Colin first objected. "Augusta and Karl left the main star of Azure when they were not very young? What if they don't know how to read?"

Jie Ming: "..." He didn't even know how to refute.

"Yes!" Lidny folded his hands and gave a clear applause. "It has been converted into interstellar lingua franca. Fortunately, this spacecraft has a language pack of interstellar lingua franca, otherwise it would really be necessary for them to translate." ”

"I look at me!" Colin quickly stretched his neck and put his face in front of the screen. "Lidney, you are so powerful, I feel almost nothing you can't."

Lydney smiled a little, and did not answer.

Colin was very close to Lydney at this time. Carl, who had just come from August outside with the door, was unhappy when he saw the scene. He walked in and inserted 1 into the middle of the two people. Ni and Karl are separated.

"What are you doing with Colin and Lydney?" Carl's tone was very bad, and it almost made people smell the rich vinegar in the air.

Even Hai'an found a difference between Lydney and Carl.

Carl's possessiveness to Lydney is too strong.

It’s just like Auguste is like himself. When I think of it, Hai’an is a little blushing.

If you think about it, Karl is arguing with Lydney all day. Some people are close to Lydney. Carl is not happy. What is it like and what?

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