MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 5 贱贱贱

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Hai'an was already packed when he was taken out of the auction house, so Hai'an couldn't see anything. He could only feel that Karl was leaving and left, and then he fell asleep.

Hai'an was awakened by the dialogue between Carl and another person.

"Hey, Carl."

"Hey, Jemming." Carl was greeting another person.

Where is this?

Hai'an was still vague, until he heard the next sentence, let him wake up in an instant.

"I bought fresh eggs, eat scrambled eggs today! We haven't eaten eggs for a long time." Carl's familiar voice sounded very ferocious at this time.

Wait, the egg that Carl bought today.

"Oh, no problem. Hey, this egg looks very big and fresh, hahaha."

"Ha ha ha, yeah yeah, I bought it at the free auction house."

Hai'an: ...He was originally just kidding.

Hai'an remembers the eggs that he saw at the auction house today. It is really big enough, the color is very bright, and the color is very good. In a certain way.

It is indeed very appetizing.

Hai'an silently mourned for those eggs.

He felt like he was high by Karl, but he found that he couldn't hear the footsteps when Karl walked. After a while, Carl seemed to stop. After a groaning sound, he heard Carl complain:

"I am going to change the lock. Isn't I worth trusting?"

As the harsh, twisting sounds, the door opens.

Hai'an has no doubt that Karl has crushed the doorknob.

Carl left Hai'an after he put it on the table.

Hai'an stayed alone in the house, quietly, Hai'an was a little panicked. He suddenly thought that the magic he had studied in Nord's mainland could still be used here.

Hai'an feels the surrounding elements, and the wood elements around his body are very active. After all, he is a grass... Then he can feel the earth elements from his lower body buried in the soil, because it is packed. It was previously watered, so there was a little bit of water in the entire box.

But these elements are few pitiful, Hai'an tried to mobilize the wood elements around him, so he found himself seems to have more hands? ? ? This is a small vine, and it grows out all of a sudden, but it can't be controlled at all, and I slammed it into the box. At this time, Hai'an heard the sound of the door opening. This vine has just made the vines all at once. Disappeared.

Auguste knew from the beginning of yesterday that Carl wanted to give himself a birthday present, but the birthday present did not make any sense to people like them. The last time Carl sent him an egg, the result The egg was stolen and eaten without being hatched. This time it is said to be a well-raised plant. Auguste couldn't help but frown, but I hope that Carl will not send teardrops.

The kind of eyes are all eyes, and the flowers that shed tears at one touch are simply mental pollution. If you get up in the house in the middle of the night, you can’t help but die.

Thinking about it, I saw Carl at the corner, and he had a plate of chopped green eggs on his hand.

"Hey, August. Your baby is on your desk, don't thank me hahaha." Carl grinned, and August saw the possibility of sticking to his teeth. It is a piece of onion flower left by eating green onion eggs.

Auguste decided to ignore the brain, so he went straight to the room.

Before he saw the gift, Auguste saw a new lock broken into pieces on the ground.


Looking into the room, there was a big gift box on the table in the middle of the house, wrapped in very gaudy red paper. There was a huge pink bow on the top of the box with a glittering "囍". A greeting card is hung at the end of the butterfly:

"Happy Birthday = 3 = ~"


Auguste felt that if one day Carl died, it must have been killed by him.

The picture of this festive box was almost as bright as August's eyes. He quickly tore the wrapping paper three or two times before, and Hai'an was so scared by the rough movement that he shook when he saw the light. Shake the seedlings on the body.

As soon as he looked up, he saw his expressionless owner.

After Auguste tore the wrapping paper, he saw the potted seedlings Hai'an, which was packed in a transparent square box.

It is said that this is called shaking grass?

When he saw the light, August did see it shake. Auguste took Haian out of the box and thought about it. He placed it on the bedside table on the right.

Since it has already been sent, it is good to raise it.

Augusta picked up the "Shaking Grass Feeding Handbook" that was pressed under the box and he decided to be a good owner.

- "Full Grass Feeding Manual"

August: ""

Is this the very well-fed plant that Karl mouth said?

But Auguste thought again, at least Carl would not send this pot of plants and stole it, so I thought it would be quite good.

August quickly thought of a name for Hai'an: Hey.

This name is very good at feeding.

After taking the name, Auguste took out a knife and approached Hai'an.

Hai'an was quietly pretending to be a potted plant after being placed in the bedside table by Auguste, and he admired the room of Auguste.

Surprisingly... the decoration of this room has a fascinating sensation. The whole room is decorated with red and green Christmas lights. There are many mini dragon dolls placed in the corner. Hai’an swears that he still sees a door. Huge brown bear doll.


But before it was too late to think about it, Hai'an saw his master come to him again, holding a knife in his hand.

Hai'an:! ! !

What do you do?

Auguste just picked up the flowerpot with Haian, and saw two seedlings outside the soil shaking wildly.

Is it difficult to be a potted grass?

The hand fell and the white flower pot fell on a row of small words:

[贱贱 (forbidden)]

Auguste looked at the flower pot and put him back in the bedside table. He turned and opened the door.

Carl was sitting at the conference table in the hall, chewing on the chopped green eggs, and seeing Auguste coming, he opened his mouth with the egg that had not swallowed and yelled at Auguste: "I Friends! Are you satisfied with what you have seen?"

"You can shut up." Even after so many years, August still can't look directly at Karl.

Carl smiled and leaned closer to August. "Is it very cute? You can poke it three times a day. It will definitely like the master's closeness."

Auguste decided to ignore Carl's swear words and picked up a spoonful of frozen gel in the spoon on the table: "My door is broken again."

"Amount..." Carl stunned.

He tried to struggle: "In fact, I have always had a question. Since you know that the door will be broken by me sooner or later, why do you have to change the lock?"

"I changed the lock to let you know that I don't welcome you into my room."

"Do you think that you can block me if you change the lock?" Carl glanced at Auguste. "Oh, pattern."


Jie Ming:

Jaime, who has been watching silently next to him, was shocked. Carl had always been shameless. He knew this, but he didn't expect Karl to be so arrogant.

Maybe Auguste will tear him away.

Read The Duke's Passion