MTL - Legend of the Great Saint-v14 Chapter 47 Wrestling

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Qingyang real person, as a new disciple of the Vientiane, is also standing in the crowd, but he still has some self-confidence, so the station is far away.

When he heard the words "Li Qingshan", he also jumped in his heart. He did not expect to see the real person so soon. He heard the words "Devil" already felt bad, but in addition to exerting two bodyguards. I didn't have time to do anything, and I didn't dare to escape. When other disciples were shot, they had to follow suit.

At this moment, he was so frightened that his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that the high-ranking disciple who was on the top was shot and killed on the spot, and vaguely saw the white lines criss-crossing in the air.

The white line crossed, like a sharp knife that passed through the wheat field, and the disciples in front of him fell.

He retraced backwards and withdrew several dozen feet in an instant, but the criss-crossing white line was already in front of him, covering everything and avoiding it!

"My life is resting!"

At this time, the white line gradually became twisted and thickened, and suddenly disappeared into the air, raising a scream of screaming.

It turns out that every white line is a wind blade, and each wind blade turns into a strong wind. Together, it is a real storm.

"砰", a muffled sound, two body protection spells broken, Qingyang real people clearly flew backwards, but it felt like it was hitting a wall, suddenly spurting a blood, blood flower just after the exit The wind blew on the face and the whole person vacated.

His face was full of blood and pain, but this moment only felt the joy of the rest of his life.

Rumble! A thunderous bang.

The storm was free from any restrictions, releasing its own energy completely, blasting dozens of buildings, bricks and wood chips flying all over the sky, and the sky suddenly darkened. Some pillars that can be held together by a few people, like straw, were sent to a hundred feet high.

The Qingyang real person is like a dead leaf in the wind, letting the wind blow him to the sky, far away from the Tianshulou, but seeing the Vientiane City below, centering on the **** mouth of the "monster", a large ruin Spread out in a fan-shaped spread, the heart is shocking:

"I am afraid that only the magical power of heaven and earth can be compared! The ‘monster’ is the husband of Miaozhenzi – Li Qingshan!”

Everything happened between the electric and the flint, and it was too late for the monks to react.

In the blink of an eye, a true disciple was degraded, and nearly half of the disciples were slaughtered. This fierce killing killed other true disciples.

At this time, they fully understood the statement of returning to the sea, Li Qingshan has become a demon. In recent years, there has only been one more star in the sky, which is the "Flaming Star".

Dai Mengfan recalled the night when the demon star was rising and the **** was falling.

"The world has been robbed, he is the demon star!"

However, as the master sister of Vientiane, she could not go with the wind like Qingyang real person. She licked her lips and crossed her heart and took a golden jade. This is her magic weapon. Once it is destroyed. The loss is great, but at this time, I can't take care of this. I will throw the jade into the air.

The jade swelled up in the wind, and in the twinkling of an eye, it was like a hill, and bowed to the "monster".

The strange thing is that after the "monster" made this horrible horror, it also seemed to be hit hard, and the body fell forward, barely supporting the body with both hands, and the ground collapsed and collapsed.

A loud bang, the jade was squatting on the head, and the head almost fell to the ground, but ignored the dream, but looked back to the Tianshulou, releasing a strong killing.

The bells under the corner of the Tianshulou were blown by the wind and turned into a harsh humming sound.

At this time, the dense fog was exhausted and the sunrise was in the east. A mysterious old man was standing on the terrace on the highest floor of the Tianshu Building. A pair of quiet and deep scorpions stared at Li Qingshan below, facing the pair of red scorpions, but still did not move. Sensual color.

Whether it was the destruction of Vientiane City or the slaughter of the disciples, they could not make him move. It was better to say that all this was in his expectation.

He opened his arms and wide-sleeved hunting in the wind; his hands were in a virtual cage, and a crystal ball hovered between the ten fingers of the varicose. It was the core of Vientiane's array.

The color of the crystal ball is as dark as the deep sea, but there is also a Li Qingshan, no matter what he looks like.

Spirit turtle Zhenhai!

This move is not unfamiliar to Li Qingshan, but only when he falls on himself, he really feels its power. As if sinking into the deep sea, every inch of skin is subject to thousands of tons of weight.

The ordinary practitioners will push the law to the extreme, and only play the power of the array itself. However, the return to the sea spirit is integrated with the Vientiane, and the lifelong cultivation is integrated into the formation.

The Vientiane Array had all the changes, and it was better than the 72-hour law of the Herb Garden. Guihai Lingzun is very clear-headed, and understands that these changes are superfluous and anti-incremental in front of an incarnation of a true god. Therefore, there is no sword and sword, no ice and fire, and only the suppression of absolute power.

Li Qingshan must inspire all the forces to be able to compete with it. The body of Shen Yushu did not undergo refining. In the wrestling of these two terrorist forces, even one breath supported it, and it instantly became a **** fog.

Although Li Qingshan smashed Wang Junxing and a true disciple, they reported a hatred for Tong Dagong. However, when they fully exerted their magical powers, they naturally could not resist the suppression of Vientiane. How strong is his power, and he has to bear the same degree of attack.

And if he ignores the fact that these true disciples concentrate on breaking the battle, they will inevitably be disturbed and become a straw that overwhelm the camel. In this contest of absolute power, there is no distraction. But in such a situation, if you want to kill these true disciples, you will inevitably have to squander your hands and feet.

Vientiane has sealed his connection with the outside world, and the consumption of the aura is not supplemented. However, the returning to the sea can be based on the beauty of the city of Vientiane. The aura is endless and endless. It is equal to the invincible land.

Therefore, the intention of returning to the sea spirits to call these true disciples is already very clear, and it is for you to kill.

Dai Mengfan succeeded in a stroke, and he was overjoyed. He took out the prestige of the master sister and shouted: "Can't stop, continue to attack! Whoever dares to escape ~ is a rebel!"

The true disciples have already retired, and at this time they are cheering up, and Li Qingshan is not invincible! For the first time, I was a little admired for this "master sister".

Leng Yuan is immediately shot, the whole body of the ice circle spins, attack and defense, and shoots thousands of cold. The frosty giant wolf under the seat, also a big mouth, spurting an ice flame, rushing to the door of Li Qingshan, like a tiger scream in response to his talent.

At this moment, one of the true disciples sneered: "You have to go to death, let me go one step!" Immediately turned into a dawn to fly outside the city.

"Pi Yangqiu!!"

Dai Mengfan was furious and mixed. Although she rarely participated in the battles in Heiyuncheng and did not know the battlefield command, she knew the people. In such a life-and-death battle, if the deserters could not be stopped in time, it would definitely lead to defeat.

Sure enough, in addition to Leng Yuan, other true disciples were shaken, hesitant to not shoot, and the morale that had just been inspired suddenly blew.

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Read The Duke's Passion