MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 6405 resolution

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However, he still showed a face-conscious expression, snorted coldly at the two guards, and walked into the hall.

Jian Wushuang stood outside the hall and waited.

There are many others like him.

These are the followers of those powerful true immortals and Taoist monarchs.

But the strength is not weak.

In order to be suspected, Jian Wushuang deliberately pretended to be an Immortal Immortal, but his realm was only around five steps of Immortal.

It is incomparable with those followers of seven-step or even eight-step true immortals next to him.

Those people all have their own small circles, each chatting about the outside world.

There was a sharp-eyed eight-step true immortal who just saw Jian Wushuang and Yunhai Guardian together, so he stepped forward and said, "This fellow Taoist, you are so strange!"

"It's also the first time for me to enter the sacred mountain with the guardian of Yunhai!" Jian Wushuang expressed neither humble nor overbearing.

It made people feel that the background was not simple at a glance, so several people took the initiative to come forward and chat.

It's nothing more than wanting to inquire about Yang Dingtian's siege of the Double-faced Mountain.

After all, it was their own side that was besieged, so they were a little panicked.

Worried that the big formation would not be able to stop Yang Dingtian.

This worry is right, because it is really unstoppable.

Yang Dingtian's burning immortal power can break through the formation outside the mountain, but there is another formation outside the temple on the top of the mountain, so it is difficult for this formation.

Up to now, Yang Dingtian has not attacked the formation, but has been mopping up the outside world to prevent the gathering of immortals and true immortals in the Double-faced Divine Palace.

"It seems that Yang Dingtian is playing for real this time, so prepare for it!" Jian Wushuang smiled from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't expect this guy to be so defensive.

For the sake of his younger brother, he actually came here to kill him, and he was going to destroy the entire Double-Faced Divine Mansion without doing anything.

He is a ruthless person.

Just as he was commenting on Yang Dingtian, the double-faced Buddha in the temple became ruthless.

inside the hall.

Gathered all Taoist monarchs and Jiubu Zhenxian.

There are hundreds of people.

Among them, there are more than 20 Taoist monarchs, and more than 70 nine-step true immortals.

This is fully twice as powerful as the double-faced Shenfu on the bright side.

In the outside world's perception of the Double-Faced Divine Palace, there are absolutely not ten Taoist monarchs.

There are more than 30 nine-step true immortals at most.

But at this moment, so many strong men have gathered.

The extra powerhouses stand on one side, and the old-school powerhouses stand on the other side.

The old school has been staring at the new group of strong men, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

The double-faced Buddha sitting first was very indifferent, but what he said just now was not indifferent.

This battle must be fought!

And it made it clear that it was a fight to the death.

Either drive Yang Dingtian away, or we all die together.

Just give them these two options.

Although the current Double-faced Divine Palace is very powerful, twice as powerful as before, there are fifty or sixty Taoist monarchs gathered outside.

Among them are several extremely powerful Taoist monarchs, such as Grandma Yinhua and the Lord of the Temple of Heaven.

Also, Yang Dingtian's mistresses are all top 20 masters.

It's a fight to the death, and they can't beat it.

It's not bad to be able to hold the top of the mountain by relying on the big formation.

The Double-faced Buddha has been facing everyone with a happy face, so he behaved very calmly, and said gently: "I know that everyone will be a little scared in their hearts, and think that we have no hope, so why don't we take everyone out together!"

After he finished speaking, no one dared to look up.

Don't look at the kindness on the face of the double-faced Buddha now, it's because it's the face of joy.

The reason why it is called the double-faced Buddha is because he has two faces.

He usually has a cheerful face to people, but when fighting, he will reveal his hideous face.

It was a face that made everyone terrified.

Known as the Killing Face.

The two sides of Buddhism and Taoism are joy and sorrow.

But the double-faced Buddha is not sad,

Nothing but joy is killing.

Or that killing made him happy.

The two faces are so complementary.

The killing made him happy, and the happy face was very useful for enlightenment.

The double-sided secret method has been improved a little, and a super strong man has been created.

Facing the happy side, no one dared to refute, let alone the killing side.

The Double-faced Buddha didn't even look at the faces of the people, and continued, "The reason why I advocate staying is of course not to ask you to die, but to have a countermeasure!"

Hearing that the Double-faced Buddha had a countermeasure, this time the veterans all showed excitement.

"I've known for a long time that the palace lord must have someone behind him, otherwise how could he have summoned so many immortals!" Protector Yunhai still didn't forget to go up to flatter him at this time.

After all, I have the identity of my brother-in-law.

But the Double-faced Buddha ignored him, took out a mustard seed and threw it to Guardian Qifeng.

"There are ten immeasurable five-immortal arrays inside, five nine-step true immortals, plus five hundred real immortals with seven-step or more that can be manipulated. The core has divine power for you to drive, and your own immortal power can burn to increase the size of the array. Even without burning the power of immortality, the internal divine power alone is enough to rival a Taoist monarch like the Temple of Heaven!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

They have never heard of such a large formation.

If it is really like what the double-faced Buddha said, the value is too great.

Five nine-step true immortals, five hundred seven-step true immortals, and eight-step true immortals are not enough. One eight-step true immortal is comparable to ten seven-step true immortals, and the conversion is based on this.

Fifty-five people can drive.

With the immeasurable Five Immortal Formation, it can be compared to the top 20 Taoist monarchs in the ancient domain of covering the sea.

Do not!

It's not about being comparable, it's about being able to match or even suppress!

After hearing about Jian Wushuang's Nianli hidden in the dark, UU reading www. is happy.

Now the opponent has completely stone hammered and obtained the treasure of the strong man from another world.

This can be regarded as a harvest!

After all, there were a lot of speculations before, and all I could see was that the strength of the Double-faced Buddha was still a bit illusory.

Now under close observation, the opponent is not only weak in strength, but also weak in life force.

"It's not right!" Jian Wushuang frowned slightly.

Just when he was having doubts, there was another uproar in the hall.

"There are still formations!"

I saw the double-faced Buddha took out another formation.

"Emperor Destroyer Formation!"

The double-faced Buddha took out the formation, and patiently explained: "This formation is even more magical, its appearance is for the Dao Lord to fight against the Emperor!"

All the Taoists all took a breath.

Those Taoist monarchs with unfamiliar faces all looked indifferent.

Or it is a little wooden.

Others can't see it, but Jian Wushuang can feel that the souls of these people are flawed.

A flawed soul either becomes demented or falls asleep.

And these people have strong auras, and they are probably controlled by others.

Simply put, it was enslaved.

And the only person in the temple who has the ability to enslave so many Taoist monarchs and nine-step true immortals is Double-faced Buddha.

At this time, the Double-faced Buddha said again: "Zhuyin, you will use this Emperor Mie Formation to deal with Yang Dingtian!"


Amongst the unfamiliar faces, a beautiful but somewhat feminine woman came out. Without any hesitation, she immediately refined the large formation, and the means of refining seemed to be very proficient.

In this formation, nine Taoist monarchs are needed to assist.


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